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The effect of a number of compounds structurally related to glutamic acid and other nitrogenous compounds on the composition of three forms of glutamine synthetase (GS) inRhizobium phaseoli has been examined in detail. Amino acids like glutamic acid, glutamine, and a fixed source of nitrogen like ammonium chloride did not alter the relative glutamine synthetase composition.l-Methioninedl-sulfoximine (MSX), a glutamate analogue, significantly repressed the synthesis of GSIII to a greater extent.,N-oxalyl,-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), another glutamate analogue, selectively stimulated the synthesis of GSII, and the effect of ODAP on GSII synthesis was greatly enhanced in the presence of ethylenediamine or ammonium chloride. Ethylenediamine itself caused a predominant synthesis of GSIII.-Cyanoalanine-grownR. phaseoli did not synthesize GSI. The synthesis of the three different glutamine synthetases can thus be differentially modulated.  相似文献   
A method to obtain plants from embryogenic callus of Brassica nigra and protoplasts of hypocotyl expiants is described. Callus was initiated on Murashige and Skoog medium containing kinetin (kn) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). Lowering of auxin induced embryo formation. Supplementation with gibberellic acid (GA3) enhanced embryogenic response tenfold. Passage through liquid medium devoid of growth regulators was essential for the growth of embryos. Secondary embryos were produced on transfer to solid basal medium. Embryogenic callus retained its morphogenic ability even after 12 subcultures. Both primary and secondary embryos produced fertile plants. Hypocotyl-derived protoplasts were also regenerated to plants following the same protocol. The survival of plants on transfer to soil was about 80%. The seeds from plants derived from callus and protoplasts were viable.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - IAA indole acetic acid - kn kinetin - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   
The effect of the distribution of charged residues on stability of alpha helices in isolated peptides and in globular proteins exemplified by myoglobins from 62 different species is discussed. A highly simplified set of rules is used to account for the interaction of charged groups with the dipole of an alpha helix. Only the position and sign of a charge with respect to the center of the helix and its ability to participate in intrahelical salt bridges determine its effect. These rules lead to a linear correlation between the helicity in variant C-peptide helices from RNAse and the extent to which the charge distribution opposes the helix dipole. Of the sample of 496 helices in the myoglobins studied, 456 exhibit arrangements of charges which oppose the effective dipole moment of the helix according to this calculation. A number of variants occur which leave the backbone moment of helices A-D unchanged, or even add to it. However no such variants exist in the sequences of helices E-H. We suggest that the E, F, G and H helices in myoglobins which show the strongest reversal of the helix dipole participate in the structures of early intermediates in folding of the chain. Stable helix structures should be more likely to occur in these isolated sequences also, and introduction of charge alterations in helices E to H should affect the initial refolding rate of mutant myoglobins.  相似文献   
We report Potential of Mean Force studies to describe the relative thermodynamic stabilities of d(GCCGCAGC) in a mismatched duplex and a hairpin monomer conformation in NaCl solution. The PMF calculations are combined with previous molecular mechanics and normal mode analysis in order to estimate the role of different components of the free energy in determining the relative stability of the duplex and hairpin structures. The high entropy associated with the loop region and the lack of minor groove phosphate-phosphate interactions in the hairpin compete against the gain in enthalpic contribution to the free energy due to base pairing in the mismatched duplex. The combined free energy calculations show that the hairpin is the most stable conformation at low salt and that a hairpin to duplex transition takes place at approximately 0.47 M NaCl. In addition, we studied the hairpin to partially stacked single helical conformation equilibrium at low salt. We found a small variation in transition temperature in salt concentration, delta Tm/delta log10(cs) approximately 2-3 degrees K/decade, in contrast to the duplex to hairpin or duplex to partially stacked single helix transition where the transition temperature exhibited marked dependence on salt concentration. This is in qualitative agreement with experimental data. Based on the Potential of Mean Force free energy calculation, the order of relative stability of the three-conformations studied varies with salt concentration. We observed the following orders of stability: stacked single helix greater than hairpin greater than duplex for cs less than 0.77 M NaCl; single helix greater than duplex greater than hairpin for 0.77 less than Cs less than 2.1 M; and duplex greater than hairpin greater than single strand for cs greater than 2.1 M. From the calculated PMF free energy curves in the NaCl concentration range, 0.012 less than cs less than 5.0 M, we can assign upper and lower bounds for the non-ionic differences in free energy between the duplex, hairpin, and stacked single helical states (at standard conditions: cs = 1.0 M, T = 25 degrees C, and 1 M oligomer concentration). We found that for delta G duplex single helix = G duplex - 2 x G single helix less than -7.38 Kcal/mol, the single helix is the least stable state. For the duplex-to-hairpin free energy difference in the range, -1.87 less than delta G duplex-hairpin less than 0.03 Kcal/mol, there will always be a salt-induced hairpin-to-duplex transition for 0.01 less than cs less than 1.6 M NaCl. If delta G duplex-hairpin less than -1.87, the duplex is always more stable than the hairpin; and for delta G duplex-hairpin greater than Kcal/mol, the hairpin state is always more stable than the duplex, for all salt concentrations.  相似文献   
Rhodotorula glutinis degraded variously14C-labelled synthetic lignins in the presence of 0.1% glucose as co-substrate. Side chain-labelled DHP was degraded the most. While this yeastutilized vanillate and forulate for growth, sinapate/syringate were poorly or not degraded. Gallate, protocatechuate and acetate also supported growth. [carboxy-14C]Syringate was rapidly converted to14CO2 by the yeast only in presence of glucose while [carboxy-14C]vanillate did not require any additional cosubstrate for mineralization. Ring-labelled vanillyl alcohol was also dagraded proving that the yeast could rapidly metabolize guaiacyl structures while syringyl structures required the presence of additional energy sources.
Résumé Rhodotorula glutinis dégrade des lignines synthétiques marquées au14C de manière variée, en présence de 0.1% de glucose comme co-substrat. La DHP marquée sur la chaîne latérale est dégradée le plus. Alors que cette levure utilise le vanillate et le férulate pour sa croissance, le sinapate et le syringate sont peu ou prou dégradables. Le gallate, le protocatéchuate et l'acétate supportent également la croissance. Le syringate marqué au14C dans sa fonctioncarboxyle estrapidement convert en14CO2 par le levure mais exclusivement en présence de glucose, tandis que le vanillate marqué au14C dans sa fonction carboxyle ne requiert aucun co-substrat additionel pour sa minéralisation. L'alcool vanillique marqué dans son cycle, est également dégradé démonstrant ainsi que la levure peut métaboliser rapidement des structures guaiacyliques tandis que les structures syringiques requièrent la présence de sources auxiliaires d'énergie.
Natural killer (NK) cells were eliminated with rabbit anti-Asialo GM1 (anti-ASGM1) serum to test the kinetics and location of bone marrow cell (BMC) rejection. Anti-ASGM1 serum was injected intravenously in mice at various times before or after irradiation (8.6 Gy) and transfer of parental-strain or allogeneic BMC. Growth of BMC was determined by measuring splenic 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine-125I incorporation 5 days after cell transfer. Anti-ASGM1 serum weakened hybrid resistance even if injected intravenously as late as 24 h post-BMC transfer and even in recipients injected with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid so as to boost NK activity. If regenerating spleen cells (higher rate of cell cycling) were used as donor cells instead of BMC, the length of time required for rejection was unaffected. Anti-ASGM1 serum injected intravenously rapidly inhibited splenic NK activity and lung clearance of YAC-1 tumor cells, but when injected intratracheally, it only inhibited lung NK activity. Thus, BMC rejection occurs in the hematopoietic tissue and requires at least 24 h.  相似文献   
The hydrated volumes, Vh, of collagens extracted from various fish species were calculated by using the Simha-Einstein equation, and it was found that the hydration of warm-water fish collagen is greater than that of cold-water fish collagen (halibut). Although the intrinsic viscosities of warm-water fish (bigeye-tuna, carp and catfish) collagens are almost the same, the hydrated volume of bigeye-tuna collagen is approx. 1.5 and 3 times those of carp and catfish collagens respectively. The extent of hydration at 20 degrees C is in the following order: bigeye tuna greater than carp greater than catfish greater than halibut. The various thermodynamic activation parameters (delta G*, delta H* and delta S*) were calculated and it was found that they are useful for determining the exact denaturation temperature. It was calculated that the denaturation temperatures of halibut, bigeye-tuna, carp and catfish collagens are 17, 31, 32 and 26-30 degrees C respectively. The variations of hydration, intrinsic viscosity, denaturation temperature and the thermodynamic parameters with the variation of concentration of catfish collagen were also thoroughly examined. The change of thermodynamic parameters from coiled-coil to random-coil conformation upon denaturation of collagen were calculated from the amount of proline and hydroxyproline residues and compared with viscometric results.  相似文献   
Summary Canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum is phosphorylated by adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent and by calcium · calmodulin-dependent protein kinases on a 27 000 proteolipid, called phospholamban. Both types of phosphorylation are associated with an increase in the initial rates of Ca2+ transport by SR vesicles which reflects an increased turnover of elementary steps of the calcium ATPase reaction sequence. The stimulatory effects of the protein kinases on the calcium pump may be reversed by an endogenous protein phosphatase, which can dephosphorylate both the CAMP-dependent and the calcium · calmodulin-dependent sites on phospholamban. Thus, the calcium pump in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum appears to be under reversible regulation mediated by protein kinases and protein phosphatases.  相似文献   
l-Methionine-dl-sulfoximine (MSX) stimulated nitrate uptake but inhibited14CO2 fixation and O2 evolution inAnabaena doliolum. Nitrate uptake was inhibited by ammonium (NH 4 + ) in the absence of MSX, but not in the presence of MSX. Glutamine or a derivative of it appears to be the actual negative effector of nitrate utilization. In presence of nitrate, MSX-treated cells ofA. doliolum evolve more O2 than do untreated cells. Our results suggest a close relation between photoassimilation of carbon and utilization of nitrogen.  相似文献   
This paper presents a dynamical analysis of quadrupedal locomotion, with specific reference to an adult Nubian goat. Measurements of ground reaction forces and limb motion are used to assess variations in intersegmental forces, joint moments, and instantaneous power for three discernible gaits: walking, running, and jumping. In each case, inertial effects of the torso are shown to dominate to the extent that lower-extremity contributions may be considered negligible. Footforces generated by the forelimbs exceed those exerted by the hindlimbs; and, in general, ground reactions increase with speed. The shoulder and hip dominate mechanical energy production during walking, while the knee plays a more significant role in running. In both cases, however, the elbow absorbs energy, and by so doing functions primarily as a damping (control) element. As opposed to either walking or running, jumping requires total horizontal retardation of the body's center of mass. In this instance, generating the necessary vertical thrust amounts to energy absorption at all joints of the lower extremities.  相似文献   
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