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Cardiovascular diseases are characterized by insulin resistance and elevated endothelin (ET)-1 levels. Furthermore, ET-1 induces insulin resistance. To elucidate this mechanism, six healthy subjects were studied during a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp during infusion of (the ET-1 precursor) big ET-1 alone or after ET(A)- or ET(B)-receptor blockade. Insulin levels rose after big ET-1 with or without the ET(B) antagonist BQ-788 (P < 0.05) but were unchanged after the ET(A) antagonist BQ-123 + big ET-1. Infused glucose divided by insulin fell after big ET-1 with or without BQ-788 (P < 0.05). Insulin and infused glucose divided by insulin values were normalized by ET(A) blockade. Mean arterial blood pressure rose during big ET-1 with or without BQ-788 (P < 0.001) but was unchanged after BQ-123. Skeletal muscle, splanchnic, and renal blood flow responses to big ET-1 were abolished by BQ-123. ET-1 levels rose after big ET-1 (P < 0.01) in a similar way after BQ-123 or BQ-788, despite higher elimination capacity after ET(A) blockade. In conclusion, ET-1-induced reduction in insulin sensitivity and clearance as well as splanchnic and renal vasoconstriction are ET(A) mediated. ET(A)-receptor stimulation seems to inhibit the conversion of big ET-1 to ET-1.  相似文献   
Abstract The midgut of most insects is lined with a semipermeable acellular tube, the peritrophic matrix (PM), composed of chitin and proteins. Although various genes encoding PM proteins have been characterized, our understanding of their roles in PM structure and function is very limited. One promising approach for obtaining functional information is RNA interference, which has been used to reduce the levels of specific mRNAs using double‐stranded RNAs administered to larvae by either injection or feeding. Although this method is well documented in dipterans and coleopterans, reports of its success in lepidopterans are varied. In the current study, the silencing midgut genes encoding PM proteins (insect intestinal mucin 1, insect intestinal mucin 4, PM protein 1) and the chitin biosynthetic or modifying enzymes (chitin synthase‐B and chitin deacetylase 1) in a noctuid lepidopteran, Mamestra configurata, was examined in vitro and in vivo. In vitro studies in primary midgut epithelial cell preparations revealed an acute and rapid silencing (by 24 h) for the gene encoding chitin deacetylase 1 and a slower rate of silencing (by 72 h) for the gene encoding PM protein 1. Genes encoding insect intestinal mucins were slightly silenced by 72 h, whereas no silencing was detected for the gene encoding chitin synthase‐B. In vivo experiments focused on chitin deacetylase 1, as the gene was silenced to the greatest extent in vitro. Continuous feeding of neonates and fourth instar larvae with double‐stranded RNA resulted in silencing of chitin deacetylase 1 by 24 and 36 h, respectively. Feeding a single dose to neonates also resulted in silencing by 24 h. The current study demonstrates that genes encoding PM proteins can be silenced and outlines conditions for RNA interference by per os feeding in lepidopterans.  相似文献   
The channel formed by the SecY complex must maintain the membrane barrier for ions and other small molecules during the translocation of membrane or secretory proteins. We have tested the permeability of the channel by using planar bilayers containing reconstituted purified E. coli SecY complex. Wild-type SecY complex did not show any conductance for ions or water. Deletion of the "plug," a short helix normally located in the center of the SecY complex, or modification of a cysteine introduced into the plug resulted in transient channel openings; a similar effect was seen with a mutation in the pore ring, a constriction in the center of the channel. Permanent channel opening occurred when the plug was moved out of the way by disulfide-bridge formation. These data show that the resting channel on its own forms a barrier for small molecules, with both the pore ring and the plug required for the seal; channel opening requires movement of the plug.  相似文献   
In humans, the brain accounts for about 20% of the body's free cholesterol, most of which is synthesized de novo in brain. To maintain cholesterol balance throughout life, cholesterol becomes metabolized to 24S-hydroxycholesterol, principally in neurons. In mouse, rat, and probably human, metabolism to 24S-hydroxycholesterol accounts for about 50% of cholesterol turnover; however, the route by which the remainder is turned over has yet to be elucidated. Here, we describe a novel liquid chromatography (LC) multi-stage fragmentation mass spectrometry (MS(n)) methodology for the identification, with high sensitivity (low pg), of cholesterol metabolites in rat brain. The methodology includes derivatization to enhance ionization, exact mass analysis at high resolution to identify potential metabolites, and LC-MS(n) (n=3) to allow their characterization. 24S-hydroxycholesterol was confirmed as a major oxysterol in rat brain, and other oxysterols identified for the first time in brain included 24,25-, 24,27-, 25,27-, 6,24,- 7alpha,25-, and 7alpha,27-dihydroxycholesterols. In addition, 3beta-hydroxy-5-oxo-5,6-secocholestan-6-al and its aldol, two molecules linked to amyloidogenesis of proteins, were characterized in rat brain.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Behandelt man Zebrafinken- nach dem Schlupf mit Östrogen und stimuliert sie im Erwachsenenalter mit Testosteron, so produzieren sie einen Gesang. Dieser Gesang unterscheidet sich zwar teilweise in der Energieverteilung tiefer und hoher Frequenzen und in der Länge der Gesangsuntereinheiten (Motive) von dem der , ist aber vom Gesamtaufbau und Rhythmus direkt vergleichbar. Auch kopieren — ebenso wie — die meisten Elemente aus dem Gesang des Vaters.
Male type song in female Zebra Finches
Summary Female Zebra Finches having been treated with estrogene after hatch and stimulated with testosterone when adult, will produce a song. This song differs partly from male song with respect to energy distribution within low and high frequencies and length of the subunits (motifs) of the song. But the song is well comparable to male song with respect to general structure and rhythm. Furthermore as do males, singing females copy most elements from their fathers song.

Aus dem Lehrstuhl Verhaltensphysiologie, Fakultät für Biologie, Universität Bielefeld. Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Wellensittich- sind sexuell frühreif. Während der ersten 30 Lebenstage, in denen das Körperwachstum abgeschlossen wird, wachsen die Hoden langsam. Das Wachstum ist zwischen dem 30. und 40. Lebenstag unterbrochen. Anschließend wachsen die Hoden exponentiell. Die können im Alter von 105 Tagen fortpflanzungsfähig sein. In diesem Alter sind viele Wellensittiche bereits verpaart.Der Entwicklungsverlauf wird diskutiert und mit der Ontogenese des sympatrischen Zebrafinken verglichen.
Sexual ontogeny of male Budgerigars,Melopsittacus undulatus
Summary Male Budgerigars are sexual mature early in life. Body growth is finished within the first 30 days of life. During this time the gonads grow slowly. Between day 30 and day 40 of life gonadal growth is interrupted; after that the gonads start growing exponentially. Male Budgerigars can be sexual mature at the age of 105 days. Within this time most pair bonds are formed.The ontogeny is discussed and compared with the ontogeny of the sympatric Zebra finch.
The activities of glutamine synthetase (EC and glutamate dehydrogenase (EC appear to be inversely related in their distribution among the different tissues of 40-day-old tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Hellfrucht Frühstamm), glutamine synthetase activity being highest in the leaves and glutamate dehydrogenase activity in the root. Leaf glutamine synthetase activity decreases with plant growth and shows diurnal variation with a maximum in the light and a minimum in the dark. In vitro, the activity of purified glutamine synthetase increases with the energy charge of the assay medium and decreases with increasing concentrations of p -chloromercuribenzoic acid. Glutamine synthetase activity in the plant may be regulated by physiological changes occurring during the light-dark transition periods.  相似文献   
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