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We measured hydrolytic rates of four purified cellulases in small increments of temperature (10–50 °C) and substrate loads (0–100 g/liter) and analyzed the data by a steady state kinetic model that accounts for the processive mechanism. We used wild type cellobiohydrolases (Cel7A) from mesophilic Hypocrea jecorina and thermophilic Rasamsonia emersonii and two variants of these enzymes designed to elucidate the role of the carbohydrate binding module (CBM). We consistently found that the maximal rate increased strongly with temperature, whereas the affinity for the insoluble substrate decreased, and as a result, the effect of temperature depended strongly on the substrate load. Thus, temperature had little or no effect on the hydrolytic rate in dilute substrate suspensions, whereas strong temperature activation (Q10 values up to 2.6) was observed at saturating substrate loads. The CBM had a dual effect on the activity. On one hand, it diminished the tendency of heat-induced desorption, but on the other hand, it had a pronounced negative effect on the maximal rate, which was 2-fold larger in variants without CBM throughout the investigated temperature range. We conclude that although the CBM is beneficial for affinity it slows down the catalytic process. Cel7A from the thermophilic organism was moderately more activated by temperature than the mesophilic analog. This is in accord with general theories on enzyme temperature adaptation and possibly relevant information for the selection of technical cellulases.  相似文献   
Madeo J  Gunner MR 《Biochemistry》2005,44(33):10994-11004
Bacterial reaction centers (RCs) catalyze a series of electron-transfer reactions reducing a neutral quinone to a bound, anionic semiquinone. The dissociation constants and association rates of 13 tailless neutral and anionic benzo- and naphthoquinones for the Q(A) site were measured and compared. The K(d) values for these quinones range from 0.08 to 90 microM. For the eight neutral quinones, including duroquinone (DQ) and 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (UQ(0)), the quinone concentration and solvent viscosity dependence of the association rate indicate a second-order rate-determining step. The association rate constants (k(on)) range from 10(5) to 10(7) M(-)(1) s(-)(1). Association and dissociation rate constants were determined at pH values above the hydroxyl pK(a) for five hydroxyl naphthoquinones. These negatively charged compounds are competitive inhibitors for the Q(A) site. While the neutral quinones reach equilibrium in milliseconds, anionic hydroxyl quinones with similar K(d) values take minutes to bind or dissociate. These slow rates are independent of ionic strength, solvent viscosity, and quinone concentration, indicating a first-order rate-limiting step. The anionic semiquinone, formed by forward electron transfer at the Q(A) site, also dissociates slowly. It is not possible to measure the association rate of the unstable semiquinone. However, as the protein creates kinetic barriers for binding and releasing anionic hydroxyl quinones without greatly increasing the affinity relative to neutral quinones, it is suggested that the Q(A) site may do the same for anionic semiquinone. Thus, the slow semiquinone dissociation may not indicate significant thermodynamic stabilization of the reduced species in the Q(A) site.  相似文献   
Zhu Z  Gunner MR 《Biochemistry》2005,44(1):82-96
Proteins bind redox cofactors, modifying their electrochemistry and affinity by specific interactions of the binding site with each cofactor redox state. Photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides have three ubiquinone-binding sites, Q(A), and proximal and distal Q(B) sites. Ubiquinones, which can be doubly reduced and bind 2 protons, have 9 redox states. However, only Q and Q(-) are seen in the Q(A) site and Q, Q(-), and QH(2) in the proximal Q(B) site. The distal Q(B) function is uncertain. Multiple conformation continuum electrostatics (MCCE) was used to compare the ubiquinone electrochemical midpoints (E(m)) and pK(a) values at these three sites. At pH 7, the Q(A)/Q(A)(-) E(m) is -40 mV and proximal Q(B)/Q(B)(-) -10 mV in agreement with the experimental values (assuming a solution ubiquinone E(m) of -145 mV). Q(B) reduction requires changes in nearby residue protonation and SerL223 reorientation. The distal Q(B)/Q(B)(-) E(m) is a much more unfavorable -260 mV. Q(A) and proximal Q(B) sites generally stabilize species with a -1 charge, while the distal Q(B) site prefers binding neutral species. In each site, the dianion is destabilized because favorable interactions with the residues and backbone increase with charge (q), while the unfavorable loss of solvation energy increases with q(2). Therefore, proton binding before a second reduction, forming QH and then QH(-), is always preferred to forming the dianion (Q(-)(2)). The final product QH(2) is higher in energy at the proximal Q(B) site than in solution; therefore, it binds poorly, favoring release. In contrast, QH(2) binds more tightly than Q at the distal Q(B) site.  相似文献   
Synucleins and apolipoproteins have been implicated in a number of membrane and lipid trafficking events. Lipid interaction for both types of proteins is mediated by 11 amino acid repeats that form amphipathic helices. This similarity suggests that synucleins and apolipoproteins might have comparable effects on lipid membranes, but this has not been shown directly. Here, we find that α-synuclein, β-synuclein, and apolipoprotein A-1 have the conserved functional ability to induce membrane curvature and to convert large vesicles into highly curved membrane tubules and vesicles. The resulting structures are morphologically similar to those generated by amphiphysin, a curvature-inducing protein involved in endocytosis. Unlike amphiphysin, however, synucleins and apolipoproteins do not require any scaffolding domains and curvature induction is mediated by the membrane insertion and wedging of amphipathic helices alone. Moreover, we frequently observed that α-synuclein caused membrane structures that had the appearance of nascent budding vesicles. The ability to function as a minimal machinery for vesicle budding agrees well with recent findings that α-synuclein plays a role in vesicle trafficking and enhances endocytosis. Induction of membrane curvature must be under strict regulation in vivo; however, as we find it can also cause disruption of membrane integrity. Because the degree of membrane curvature induction depends on the concerted action of multiple proteins, controlling the local protein density of tubulating proteins may be important. How cellular safeguarding mechanisms prevent such potentially toxic events and whether they go awry in disease remains to be determined.  相似文献   
The kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis have long been described by an initial fast hydrolysis rate, tapering rapidly off, leading to a process that takes days rather than hours to complete. This behavior has been mainly attributed to the action of cellobiohydrolases and often linked to the processive mechanism of this exo-acting group of enzymes. The initial kinetics of endo-glucanases (EGs) is far less investigated, partly due to a limited availability of quantitative assay technologies. We have used isothermal calorimetry to monitor the early time course of the hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose by the three main EGs from Trichoderma reesei (Tr): TrCel7B (formerly EG I), TrCel5A (EG II), and TrCel12A (EG III). These endo-glucanases show a distinctive initial burst with a maximal rate that is about 5-fold higher than the rate after 5 min of hydrolysis. The burst is particularly conspicuous for TrCel7B, which reaches a maximal turnover of about 20 s(-1) at 30 °C and conducts about 1200 catalytic cycles per enzyme molecule in the initial fast phase. For TrCel5A and TrCel12A the extent of the burst is 2-300 cycles per enzyme molecule. The availability of continuous data on EG activity allows an analysis of the mechanisms underlying the initial kinetics, and it is suggested that the slowdown is linked to transient inactivation of enzyme on the cellulose surface. We propose, therefore, that the frequency of structures on the substrate surface that cause transient inactivation determine the extent of the burst phase.  相似文献   
Amygdalin is a cyanogenic diglucoside and constitutes the bitter component in bitter almond (Prunus dulcis). Amygdalin concentration increases in the course of fruit formation. The monoglucoside prunasin is the precursor of amygdalin. Prunasin may be degraded to hydrogen cyanide, glucose, and benzaldehyde by the action of the β-glucosidase prunasin hydrolase (PH) and mandelonitirile lyase or be glucosylated to form amygdalin. The tissue and cellular localization of PHs was determined during fruit development in two sweet and two bitter almond cultivars using a specific antibody toward PHs. Confocal studies on sections of tegument, nucellus, endosperm, and embryo showed that the localization of the PH proteins is dependent on the stage of fruit development, shifting between apoplast and symplast in opposite patterns in sweet and bitter cultivars. Two different PH genes, Ph691 and Ph692, have been identified in a sweet and a bitter almond cultivar. Both cDNAs are 86% identical on the nucleotide level, and their encoded proteins are 79% identical to each other. In addition, Ph691 and Ph692 display 92% and 86% nucleotide identity to Ph1 from black cherry (Prunus serotina). Both proteins were predicted to contain an amino-terminal signal peptide, with the size of 26 amino acid residues for PH691 and 22 residues for PH692. The PH activity and the localization of the respective proteins in vivo differ between cultivars. This implies that there might be different concentrations of prunasin available in the seed for amygdalin synthesis and that these differences may determine whether the mature almond develops into bitter or sweet.  相似文献   
Liz Gunner 《Ethnos》2018,83(2):291-295

The paper sums up and comments on the contributions of the Special Issue edited by Katrien Pype and Richard Vokes. The theme of the papers was the impact of new media and radio on life styles and life worlds in Africa with a focus on regions of postcolonial Africa: Congo DRC.  相似文献   
The configurations of (6′R)-β,ε-carotene, (3′R,6′R)-β,ε-caroten-3′-ol (α-cryptoxanthin), (3R,3′R,6′R)-β,ε-carotene-3,3′-diol (lutein), (3R)-β,β-caroten-3-ol (β-cryptoxanthin), (3R,3′R)-β,β-carotene-3,3′-diol (zeaxanthin) and all-trans (3S,5R,6S,3′R)-5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-β,β-carotene-3,3′-diol (antheraxanthin) were established by CD and 1H NMR studies. The red algal carotenoids consequently possessed chiralities at each chiral center (C-3, C-5, C-6, C-3′, C-6′), corresponding to the chiralities established for the same carotenoids in higher plants. Two post mortem artifacts from Erythrotrichia carnea were assigned the chiral structures (3S,5R,8R,3′R)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-β,β-carotene-3,3′-diol [(8R)-mutatoxanthin] and (3S,5R,8S,3′R)-5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-β,β-carotene-3,3′-diol [(8S)-mutatoxanthin]. This is the first well documented report of a naturally occurring β,ε-caroten-3′-ol (1H NMR, CD, chemical derivatization).  相似文献   
A new method is described for measuring environmental stress through the use of the duckweed (Lemna minor) rhizosphere.  相似文献   
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