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A new chromatographic method based on affinity supermacroporous monolithic cryogels is developed for binding and analyzing inclusion bodies during fermentation. The work demonstrated that it is possible to bind specific IgG and IgY antibodies to the 15 and 17 amino acids at the terminus ends of a 33 kDa target protein aggregated as inclusion bodies. The antibody treated inclusion bodies from lysed fermentation broth can be specifically retained in protein A and pseudo-biospecific ligand sulfamethazine modified supermacroporous cryogels. The degree of binding of IgG and IgY treated inclusion bodies to the Protein A and sulfamethazine gels are investigated, as well as the influence of pH on the sulfamethazine ligand. Optimum binding of 78 and 72% was observed on both protein A and sulfamethazine modified cryogel columns, respectively, using IgG labeling of the inclusion bodies. The antibody treated inclusion bodies pass through unretained in the sulfamethazine supermacroporous gel at pH that does not favour the binding between the ligand on the gel and the antibodies on the surface of inclusion bodies. Also the unlabeled inclusion bodies went through the gel unretained, showing no non-specific binding or trapping within the gel. These findings may very well be the foundation for the building of a powerful analytical tool during fermentation of inclusion bodies as well as a convenient way to purify them from fermentation broth. These results also support our earlier findings [Kumar, A., Plieva, F.M., Galaev, I.Yu., Mattiasson, B., 2003. Affinity fractionation of lymphocytes using a monolithic cyogel. J. Immunol. Methods 283, 185-194] with mammalian cells that were surface labeled with specific antibodies and recognized on protein A supermacroporous gels. A general binding and separation system can be established on antibody binding cryogel affinity matrices.  相似文献   
Wallander  Håkan  Wickman  Tonie  Jacks  Gunnar 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):123-131
The objectives of the study are firstly to test the ability of ectomycorrhizal pine seedlings to use apatite as a P source in comparison with non-mycorrhizal pine seedlings and secondly, to determine if there is a relation between exudation of organic acids and the ability to use apatite as a P source. Non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris (L.) seedlings and seedlings ectomycorrhizal with 4 different isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi were grown for 220 days in sand/peat filled pots with apatite (Ca5(F,OH)(PO4)3) as the sole P source. In an additional experiment, non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris (L.) seedlings and seedlings ectomycorrhizal with 2 different isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi were grown without any P source for 250 days. All other nutrients were supplied in a balanced nutrient solution.Ectomycorrhizal seedlings grew less than non-mycorrhizal seedlings but ectomycorrhizal seedlings produced a large external mycelium not included in the biomass estimates. All seedlings in the present study had low shoot:root ratios compared to seedlings growing under optimal conditions. All seedlings grown with apatite as P source had higher foliar P concentrations (0.71–2.11 mg/g) than seedlings growing without any P source (0.57–0.75 mg/g) indicating a significant ability to use apatite as a P source. Seedlings colonized by Suillus variegatus and Paxillus involutus had higher concentrations and total contents of P in shoots compared with non-mycorrhizal seedlings, indicating significant improvement of P uptake by these fungi in comparison with non-mycorrhizal seedlings or seedlings colonized Piloderma croceum.No clear relationship between exudation of organic acids and uptake of P was found. Seedlings colonized by S. variegatus reduced the pH of the soil more than seedlings colonized by P. involutus or non-mycorrhizal seedlings. It is suggested that S. variegatus colonization improves the P uptake by reducing the pH of the soil while P. involutus improves P uptake by having a greater ability to absorb dissolved phosphate than non-mycorrhizal roots or roots colonized by the other fungi used in the study.  相似文献   
The conformational distribution of the N-terminal domain of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCIIb) has been characterized by electron-electron double resonance yielding distances between spin labels placed in various domains of the protein. Distance distributions involving residue 3 near the N terminus turned out to be bimodal, revealing that this domain, which is involved in regulatory functions such as balancing the energy flow through photosystems (PS) I and II, exists in at least two conformational states. Models of the conformational sub-ensembles were generated on the basis of experimental distance restraints from measurements on LHCIIb monomers and then checked for consistency with the experimental distance distribution between residues 3 in trimers. Only models where residue 3 is located above the core of the protein and extends into the aqueous phase on the stromal side fit the trimer data. In the other state, which consequently is populated only in monomers, the N-terminal domain extends sideways from the protein core. The two conformational states may correspond to two functional states of LHCIIb, namely trimeric LHCIIb associated with PSII in stacked thylakoid membranes and presumably monomeric LHCIIb associated with PSI in nonstacked thylakoids. The switch between these two is known to be triggered by phosphorylation of Thr-6. A similar phosphorylation-induced conformational change of the N-terminal domain has been observed by others in bovine annexin IV which, due to the conformational switch, also loses its membrane-aggregating property.  相似文献   
Changes in phytoplankton community composition potentially affect the entire marine food web. Because of seasonal cycles and inter-annual variations in species composition, long-term monitoring, covering many sequential years, is required to establish a baseline study and to reveal long-term trends. The current study describes the phytoplankton biomass variations and species composition in relation to hydrographic and meteorological conditions in the Raunefjord, western Norway, over a 6-year period from 2001 to 2006. The extent of inflow or upwelling in the fjord varied from year to year and resulted in pronounced differences in water column stability. The annual phytoplankton community succession showed some repeated seasonal patterns, but also high variability between years. Two to four diatom blooms were observed per year, and the spring blooms occurring before water column stratification in March were dominated by Skeletonema marinoi and Chaetoceros socialis, and other Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira spp. Blooms of the haptophytes Phaeocystis pouchetii and Emiliania huxleyi were irregular and in some years totally absent. Although E. huxleyi was present all year round it appeared in bloom concentrations only in 2003, when the summer was warm and the water column characterized by high surface temperatures and pronounced stratification. The annual average abundance of both diatoms and flagellates increased during the six years. Despite the high variation from year to year, our investigation provides valuable knowledge about annual phytoplankton community patterns in the region, and can be used as a reference to detect possible future changes.  相似文献   
Summary In the posterior part of the mid-gut epithelium in the lancelet, Branchiostoma lanceolatum, fine-grained cells occur. The appearance of the these cells is conspicuous with a basal and an apical swelling with small secretory granules. At the end of the secretion cycle the granular content is released into the gut lumen. The secretion product seems to consist of proteins and probably has an enzyme function. The restricted localization, the fine granulation, and the characteristic shape are features, that make these cells distinguishable from other secretory cells in the lancelet intestinal epithelium. A possible endocrine capacity of the cells is discussed.This work was supported by grant 2124-23 from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council and by grants from the Faculty of Science, University of Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) is the most widely used drug against influenza infections and is extensively stockpiled worldwide as part of pandemic preparedness plans. However, resistance is a growing problem and in 2008–2009, seasonal human influenza A/H1N1 virus strains in most parts of the world carried the mutation H274Y in the neuraminidase gene which causes resistance to the drug. The active metabolite of oseltamivir, oseltamivir carboxylate (OC), is poorly degraded in sewage treatment plants and surface water and has been detected in aquatic environments where the natural influenza reservoir, dabbling ducks, can be exposed to the substance. To assess if resistance can develop under these circumstances, we infected mallards with influenza A/H1N1 virus and exposed the birds to 80 ng/L, 1 µg/L and 80 µg/L of OC through their sole water source. By sequencing the neuraminidase gene from fecal samples, we found that H274Y occurred at 1 µg/L of OC and rapidly dominated the viral population at 80 µg/L. IC50 for OC was increased from 2–4 nM in wild-type viruses to 400–700 nM in H274Y mutants as measured by a neuraminidase inhibition assay. This is consistent with the decrease in sensitivity to OC that has been noted among human clinical isolates carrying H274Y. Environmental OC levels have been measured to 58–293 ng/L during seasonal outbreaks and are expected to reach µg/L-levels during pandemics. Thus, resistance could be induced in influenza viruses circulating among wild ducks. As influenza viruses can cross species barriers, oseltamivir resistance could spread to human-adapted strains with pandemic potential disabling oseltamivir, a cornerstone in pandemic preparedness planning. We propose surveillance in wild birds as a measure to understand the resistance situation in nature and to monitor it over time. Strategies to lower environmental levels of OC include improved sewage treatment and, more importantly, a prudent use of antivirals.  相似文献   
Macrocyclization is a commonly used strategy to preorganize HCV NS3 protease inhibitors in their bioactive conformation. Moreover, macrocyclization generally leads to greater stability and improved pharmacokinetic properties. In HCV NS3 protease inhibitors, it has been shown to be beneficial to include a vinylated phenylglycine in the P2 position in combination with alkenylic P1' substituents. A series of 14-, 15- and 16-membered macrocyclic HCV NS3 protease inhibitors with the linker connecting the P2 phenylglycine and the alkenylic P1' were synthesized by ring-closing metathesis, using both microwave and conventional heating. Besides formation of the expected macrocycles in cis and trans configuration as major products, both ring-contracted and double-bond migrated isomers were obtained, in particular during formation of the smaller rings (14- and 15-membered rings). All inhibitors had K(i)-values in the nanomolar range, but only one inhibitor type was improved by rigidification. The loss in inhibitory effect can be attributed to a disruption of the beneficial π-π interaction between the P2 fragment and H57, which proved to be especially deleterious for the d-phenylglycine epimers.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and malignant form of glioma with high mortality and no cure. Many human cancers maintain a complex inflammatory program triggering rapid recruitment of inflammatory cells, including mast cells (MCs), to the tumor site. However, the potential contribution of MCs in glioma has not been addressed previously. Here we report for the first time that MCs infiltrate KRas+Akt-induced gliomas, using the RCAS/TV-a system, where KRas and Akt are transduced by RCAS into the brains of neonatal Gtv-a- or Ntv-a transgenic mice lacking Ink4a or Arf. The most abundant MC infiltration was observed in high-grade gliomas of Arf-/- mice. MC accumulation could be localized to the vicinity of glioma-associated vessels but also within the tumor mass. Importantly, proliferating MCs were detected, suggesting that the MC accumulation was caused by local expansion of the MC population. In line with these findings, strong expression of stem cell factor (SCF), i.e. the main MC growth factor, was detected, in particular around tumor blood vessels. Further, glioma cells expressed the MC chemotaxin CXCL12 and MCs expressed the corresponding receptor, i.e. CXCR4, suggesting that MCs could be attracted to the tumor through the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis. Supporting a role for MCs in glioma, strong MC infiltration was detected in human glioma, where GBMs contained significantly higher MC numbers than grade II tumors did. Moreover, human GBMs were positive for CXCL12 and the infiltrating MCs were positive for CXCR4. In conclusion, we provide the first evidence for a role for MCs in glioma.  相似文献   
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