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Databases are needed for the ozone (O(3)) risk assessment on adult forest trees under stand conditions, as mostly juvenile trees have been studied in chamber experiments. A synopsis is presented here from an integrated case study which was conducted on adult FAGUS SYLVATICA trees at a Central-European forest site. Employed was a novel free-air canopy O(3) fumigation methodology which ensured a whole-plant assessment of O(3) sensitivity of the about 30 m tall and 60 years old trees, comparing responses to an experimental 2 x ambient O(3) regime (2 x O(3), max. 150 nl O(3) l (-1)) with those to the unchanged 1 x ambient O(3) regime (1 x O(3)=control) prevailing at the site. Additional experimentation on individual branches and juvenile beech trees exposed within the forest canopy allowed for evaluating the representativeness of young-tree and branch-bag approaches relative to the O(3) sensitivity of the adult trees. The 2 x O(3) regime did not substantially weaken the carbon sink strength of the adult beech trees, given the absence of a statistically significant decline in annual stem growth; a 3 % reduction across five years was demonstrated, however, through modelling upon parameterization with the elaborated database. 2 x O(3) did induce a number of statistically significant tree responses at the cell and leaf level, although the O(3) responsiveness varied between years. Shade leaves displayed an O(3) sensitivity similar to that of sun leaves, while indirect belowground O(3) effects, apparently mediated through hormonal relationships, were reflected by stimulated fine-root and ectomycorrhizal development. Juvenile trees were not reliable surrogates of adult ones in view of O(3) risk assessment. Branch sections enclosed in (climatized) cuvettes, however, turned out to represent the O(3) sensitivity of entire tree crowns. Drought-induced stomatal closure decoupled O(3) intake from O(3) exposure, as in addition, also the "physiologically effective O(3) dose" was subject to change. No evidence emerged for a need to lower the "Critical Level for Ozone" in risk assessment of forest trees, although sensitive tree parameters did not necessarily reflect a linear relationship to O(3) stress. Exposure-based concepts tended to overestimate O(3) risk under drought, which is in support of current efforts to establish flux-related concepts of O(3) intake in risk assessment.  相似文献   
Syndecans function as co-receptors for integrins on different matrixes. Recently, syndecan-1 has been shown to be important for α2β1 integrin-mediated adhesion to collagen in tumor cells by regulating cell adhesion and migration on two-dimensional collagen. However, the function of syndecans in supporting α2β1 integrin interactions with three-dimensional (3D) collagen is less well studied. Using loss-of-function and overexpression experiments we show that in 3D collagen syndecan-4 supports α2β1-mediated collagen matrix contraction. Cell invasion through type I collagen containing 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) is driven by α2β1 integrin and membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP). Here we show that mutational activation of K-ras correlates with increased expression of α2β1 integrin, MT1-MMP, syndecan-1, and syndecan-4. While K-ras-induced α2β1 integrin and MT1-MMP are positive regulators of invasion, silencing and overexpression of syndecans demonstrate that these proteins inhibit cell invasion into collagen. Taken together, these data demonstrate the existence of a complex interplay between integrin α2β1, MT1-MMP, and syndecans in the invasion of K-ras mutant cells in 3D collagen that may represent a mechanism by which tumor cells become more invasive and metastatic.  相似文献   


Recent research supports that aggregation of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) leads to cell death and this makes islet amyloid a plausible cause for the reduction of beta cell mass, demonstrated in patients with type 2 diabetes. IAPP is produced by the beta cells as a prohormone, and proIAPP is processed into IAPP by the prohormone convertases PC1/3 and PC2 in the secretory granules. Little is known about the pathogenesis for islet amyloid and which intracellular mechanisms are involved in amyloidogenesis and induction of cell death.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have established expression of human proIAPP (hproIAPP), human IAPP (hIAPP) and the non-amyloidogenic mouse IAPP (mIAPP) in Drosophila melanogaster, and compared survival of flies with the expression driven to different cell populations. Only flies expressing hproIAPP in neurons driven by the Gal4 driver elavC155,Gal4 showed a reduction in lifespan whereas neither expression of hIAPP or mIAPP influenced survival. Both hIAPP and hproIAPP expression caused formation of aggregates in CNS and fat body region, and these aggregates were both stained by the dyes Congo red and pFTAA, both known to detect amyloid. Also, the morphology of the highly organized protein granules that developed in the fat body of the head in hIAPP and hproIAPP expressing flies was characterized, and determined to consist of 15.8 nm thick pentagonal rod-like structures.


These findings point to a potential for Drosophila melanogaster to serve as a model system for studies of hproIAPP and hIAPP expression with subsequent aggregation and developed pathology.  相似文献   
It has long been understood that amyloids can be lethal in systemic diseases. More recently, it has been accepted that local cerebral aggregation of the small peptide Aβ is involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Protein aggregation, with the generation of small amyloid deposits in specific organs, also occurs outside the central nervous system and often is associated with increased cell death. In this review, we discuss two lesser known but common localized amyloid fibril-forming proteins: the polypeptide hormone islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) and the lactadherin-derived peptide medin. IAPP aggregates and induces the depletion of islet β-cells in type 2 diabetes and in islets transplanted into type 1 diabetic subjects. Initial amyloid deposition occurs intracellularly and parts of this amyloid consist of proIAPP. Medin derived from lactadherin expressed by smooth muscle cells aggregates into amyloid in certain arteries, particularly the thoracic aortic media layer, and may have a role in the generation of the potentially lethal conditions of thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection.  相似文献   
The ability to elicit broadly neutralizing antibody responses against HIV-1 is a crucial goal for a prophylactic HIV-1 vaccine. Here, we discuss the difficulties of achieving broad HIV-1 neutralization in the context of both the effective annual human influenza virus vaccine and the need to develop a pandemic influenza vaccine. Immunogen-design strategies are underway to target functionally conserved regions of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, and similar strategies might be applicable to pandemic influenza virus vaccine development. Efforts to develop broadly neutralizing vaccines against either HIV-1 or influenza virus might establish a paradigm for future vaccines against highly variable pathogens.  相似文献   
In vivo passage of a poorly replicating, nonpathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV-HXBc2) generated an efficiently replicating virus, KU-1, that caused rapid CD4+ T-lymphocyte depletion and AIDS-like illness in monkeys (S. V. Joag, Z. Li, L. Foresman, E. B. Stephens, L.-J. Zhao, I. Adany, D. M. Pinson, H. M. McClure, and O. Narayan, J. Virol. 70:3189–3197, 1996). The env gene of the KU-1 virus was used to create a molecularly cloned virus, SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2, that differed from a nonpathogenic SHIV-HXBc2 virus in only 12 envelope glycoprotein residues. SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 replicated efficiently and caused rapid and persistent CD4+ T-lymphocyte depletion in inoculated rhesus macaques. Compared with the envelope glycoproteins of the parental SHIV-HXBc2, the SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 envelope glycoproteins supported more efficient infection of rhesus monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Both the parental SHIV-HXBc2 and the pathogenic SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 used CXCR4 but none of the other seven transmembrane segment receptors tested as a second receptor. Compared with the parental virus, viruses with the SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 envelope glycoproteins were more resistant to neutralization by soluble CD4 and antibodies. Thus, changes in the envelope glycoproteins account for the ability of the passaged virus to deplete CD4+ T lymphocytes rapidly and specify increased replicative capacity and resistance to neutralization.  相似文献   
Peptides secreted by adipose tissue (adipokines) may enter blood via capillaries or lymph. The relative importance of these pathways for a given adipokine might influence its biological effects. Because this has not been studied in any species, we measured the concentrations of seven adipokines and eight nonsecreted proteins in afferent peripheral lymph and venous plasma from 12 healthy men. Data for nonsecreted proteins were used to derive indices of microvascular permeability, which in conjunction with the molecular radii of the adipokines were used to estimate the amounts leaving the tissue via capillaries. Transport rates via lymph were estimated from the lymph adipokine concentrations and lymph flow rates and total transport (secretion) as the sum of this and capillary transport. Concentrations of nonsecreted proteins were always lower in lymph than in plasma. With the exception of adiponectin, adipokine concentrations were always higher in lymph (P < 0.01). Leptin and MCP-1 were secreted at the highest rates (means: 43 μg/h or 2.7 nmol/h and 32 μg/h or 2.4 nmol/h, respectively). IL-6 and MCP-1 secretion rates varied greatly between subjects. The proportion of an adipokine transported via lymph was directly related to its molecular radius (r(s) = +0.94, P = 0.025, n = 6), increasing from 14 to 100% as the radius increased from 1.18 (IL-8) to 3.24 nm (TNFα). We conclude that the lymph/capillary partitioning of adipokines is a function of molecular size, which may affect both their regional and systemic effects in vivo. This finding may have implications for the physiology of peptides secreted by other tissues.  相似文献   
The current lack of envelope glycoprotein immunogens that elicit broadly neutralizing antibody responses remains a major challenge for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine development. However, the recent design and construction of stable soluble gp140 trimers have shown that some neutralization breadth can be achieved by using immunogens that better mimic the functional viral spike complex. The use of genetic delivery systems to drive the in vivo expression of such immunogens for the stimulation of neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 may offer advantages by maintaining the quaternary structure of the trimeric envelope glycoproteins. Here, we describe the biochemical and immunogenic properties of soluble HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimers expressed by recombinant Semliki Forest virus (rSFV). The results presented here demonstrate that rSFV supports the expression of stable soluble gp140 trimers that retain recognition by conformationally sensitive antibodies. Further, we show that rSFV particle immunizations efficiently primed immune responses as measured after a single boost with purified trimeric gp140 protein, resulting in a Th1-biased antibody response. This differed from the Th2-biased antibody response obtained after repeated immunizations with purified gp140 protein trimers. Despite this difference, both regimens stimulated neutralizing antibody responses of similar potency. This suggests that rSFV may be a useful component of a viral vector prime-protein boost regimen aimed at stimulating both cell-mediated immune responses and neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1.  相似文献   
Angus J. Bateman's classic study of sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster has had a major influence on the development of sexual selection theory. In some ways, Bateman's study has served a catalytic role by stimulating debate on sex roles, sexual conflict and other topics in sexual selection. However, there is still considerable disagreement regarding whether or not "Bateman's principles" are helpful in the study of sexual selection. Here, we test the idea that Bateman's principles provide the basis for a useful method to quantify and compare mating systems. In this study, we focus on the sex-role-reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle as a model system to study the measurement of sexual selection. We set up artificial breeding assemblages of pipefish in the laboratory and used microsatellite markers to resolve parentage. Three different sex-ratio treatments (female-biased, even and male-biased) were used to manipulate the expected intensity of sexual selection. Measures of the mating system based on Bateman's principles were calculated and compared to the expected changes in the intensity of sexual selection. We also compare the results of this study to the results of a similar study of Bateman's principles in the rough-skinned newt, a species with conventional sex roles. The results of this experiment show that measures of the mating system based on Bateman's principles do accurately capture the relative intensities of sexual selection in the different treatments and species. Thus, widespread use of Bateman's principles to quantify mating systems in nature would facilitate comparative studies of sexual selection and mating system evolution.  相似文献   
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