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doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00560.x
Indicators for root caries in Danish persons with recently diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease Objective: To identify indicators of root caries among persons with newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Background: Few studies have investigated dental caries in older adults with AD. Previously we found that persons with AD had significantly more root caries compared to persons with dementia other than AD. Methods: Participants were recruited from two university hospital clinics in Copenhagen, Denmark. A team of neurologists/geriatricians carried out the diagnostic screening. The study included an interview, oral examination and medical records. Results: We evaluated potential indicators of root decay across subjects with 3+ decayed surfaces vs. <3 decayed surfaces. Variables associated with increased odds of root caries were age over 80 years, 2+ decayed coronal surfaces and 5+ filled root surfaces. Among the social variables, living with someone was associated with a nearly 70% reduction in the odds of having 3+ surfaces of untreated caries. Discussion: Root caries is highly prevalent among individuals with new AD and there is still a strong need for active assessment of and attention to oral problems in persons with AD. Our findings document that recently diagnosed AD cases with multiple coronal caries lesions are at elevated risk of having more root caries. Also persons 81+ years and those with multiple root fillings are more likely to have numerous untreated root lesions.  相似文献   
Epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are critically important in the regulation of ion and fluid balance in both renal and respiratory epithelia. ENaC functional polymorphisms may contribute to alterations in blood pressure in the general population. We previously reported that the A663T polymorphism in the C terminus of the α-subunit altered ENaC functional and surface expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes (Samaha FF, Rubenstein RC, Yan W, Ramkumar M, Levy DI, Ahn YJ, Sheng S, Kleyman TR. J Biol Chem 279: 23900-23907, 2004). We examined whether sites in the vicinity of 663 influenced channel activity by performing scanning Ala mutagenesis. Interestingly, only αT663/G667Aβγ channels exhibited increased currents compared with αT663βγ. This increase in channel activity reflected an increase in channel open probability and not an increase in channel surface expression. In contrast, decreases in channel activity were observed with both αT663/C664Aβγ and αT663/C664Mβγ channels. The decrease in functional expression of αT663/C664Mβγ channels correlated with decreased surface expression, suggesting that the αC664M mutation altered the intracellular trafficking of the channel. While cytoplasmic Cys residues may be modified by the addition of palmitate, we did not observe palmitoylation of αC664. Our results suggest that multiple residues in the distal part of the cytoplasmic C terminus have roles in modulating channel activity.  相似文献   
The S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) radical enzyme oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase HemN catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of coproporphyrinogen III to protoporphyrinogen IX during bacterial heme biosynthesis. The recently solved crystal structure of Escherichia coli HemN revealed the presence of an unusually coordinated iron-sulfur cluster and two molecules of AdoMet. EPR spectroscopy of the reduced iron-sulfur center in anaerobically purified HemN in the absence of AdoMet has revealed a [4Fe-4S](1+) cluster in two slightly different conformations. M?ssbauer spectroscopy of anaerobically purified HemN has identified a predominantly [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster in which only three iron atoms were coordinated by cysteine residues (isomer shift of delta = 0.43 (1) mm/s). The fourth non-cysteine-ligated iron exhibited a delta = 0.57 (3) mm/s, which shifted to a delta = 0.68 (3) mm/s upon addition of AdoMet. Substrate binding by HemN did not alter AdoMet coordination to the cluster. Multiple rounds of AdoMet cleavage with the formation of the reaction product methionine indicated AdoMet consumption during catalysis and identified AdoMet as a co-substrate for HemN catalysis. AdoMet cleavage was found to be dependent on the presence of the substrate coproporphyrinogen III. Two molecules of AdoMet were cleaved during one catalytic cycle for the formation of one molecule of protoporphyrinogen IX. Finally, the binding site for the unusual second, non iron-sulfur cluster coordinating AdoMet molecule (AdoMet2) was targeted using site-directed mutagenesis. All AdoMet2 binding site mutants still contained an iron-sulfur cluster and most still exhibited AdoMet cleavage, albeit reduced compared with the wild-type enzyme. However, all mutants lost their overall catalytic ability indicating a functional role for AdoMet2 in HemN catalysis. The reported significant correlation of structural and functional biophysical and biochemical data identifies HemN as a useful model system for the elucidation of general AdoMet radical enzyme features.  相似文献   
Summary Parasarcophaga argyrostoma larvae continuously secrete a single, tube-like peritrophic membrane (PM), which has an electron-dense layer on the lumen side and a thicker chitin-containing electron-lucent part on the epithelium side. In the adult fleshfly, the secretion of PMs starts immediately after emergence. The initial part of the PMs is twisted and tight. The formation zone is folded with two separate secretory pads in which two tube-like PMs are formed continuously. The PMs are different, morphologically and with respect to their peripheral carbohydrate residues. The latter could be demonstrated with lectin gold conjugates. PM 1 consists of an electron-dense, chitin-free layer on the lumen side and a thicker part which contains chitin microfibrils in the matrix. PM 2 appears fluffy and has chitin microfibrils in its matrix, too. Chitin could be localized with WGA gold. Incubation of isolated PM 1 with lectin gold resulted in a peculiar pattern of bound lectins and gaps on the electron dense layer which otherwise appeared to be homogenous. Degradation of peritrophic membranes takes place in the hindgut. The cuticle of the anterior hindgut is studded with small teeth, which seem to be responsible for mechanical degradation of the peritrophic membranes into frayed pieces. This may be completed by the teeth on the rectal pads. From the appearance of the remnants of the peritrophic membranes it can be inferred that chemical degradation takes place in the hindgut.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
There are over 100 modified bases and their derivatives found in RNA and DNA. For some of them, data concerning their properties, synthesis and roles in cellular metabolism are available, but for others the knowledge of their functions and biosynthetic pathways is rather limited. We have analysed the chemical structure of modified nucleosides of DNA and RNA considering mainly their putative synthetic routes. On this basis we suggest, that in addition to enzymatic biosynthetic pathways well established for some odd bases, many rare nucleosides can be recognised as products of random chemical reactions. We identify them as primary or secondary products of the reaction of nucleic acids with hydroxyl radicals, the most active oxidising agent in the cell.  相似文献   
Helper-dependent adenovirus (HD-Ad) vectors with all adenoviral genes deleted mediate very long-term expression of therapeutic transgenes in a variety of animal models of disease. These vectors are associated with reduced toxicity and improved safety relative to traditional early region 1 deletion first-generation Ad (FG-Ad) vectors. Many studies have clearly demonstrated that FG-Ad vectors induce innate and adaptive immune responses in vivo; however, a comprehensive analysis of host immune responses to HD-Ad vectors has not yet been performed. In DBA/2 mice, intravenous injection of HD-Ad vectors encoding LacZ (HD-AdLacZ) or a murine secreted alkaline phosphatase (HD-AdSEAP) induced an early expression of inflammatory cytokine and chemokine genes in the liver, including interferon-inducible protein 10, macrophage inflammatory protein 2, and tumor necrosis factor alpha, and were expressed in a pattern similar to that induced by FG-Ad vectors encoding AdSEAP. Like AdSEAP, and consistent with the pattern of cellular gene expression, HD-AdLacZ and HD-AdSEAP induced the recruitment of CD11b-positive leukocytes to the transduced liver within hours of administration. AdSEAP also induced a second phase of liver inflammation, consisting of inflammatory gene expression and CD3-positive lymphocytic infiltrates 7 days posttransduction. In contrast, beyond 24 h no infiltrates or expression of inflammatory genes was detected in the livers of mice receiving HD-AdSEAP. Despite the lack of liver inflammation at 7 days, Ad-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes could be detected in mice receiving HD-AdSEAP. This lack of liver inflammation was not due to reduced transduction since levels of transgene expression and the amounts of vector DNA in the liver were equivalent in mice receiving HD-AdSEAP and AdSEAP. These results demonstrate that HD-Ad vectors induce intact innate but attenuated adaptive immune responses in vivo.  相似文献   
Epigenetic modifications and DNA methylation in particular, have been recognized as important mechanisms to alter gene expression in malignant cells. Here, we identified candidate genes which were upregulated after an epigenetic treatment of B-cell lymphoma cell lines (Burkitt''s lymphoma, BL; Follicular lymphoma, FL; Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, DLBCL activated B-cell like, ABC; and germinal center like, GCB) and simultaneously expressed at low levels in samples from lymphoma patients. Qualitative methylation analysis of 24 candidate genes in cell lines revealed five methylated genes (BMP7, BMPER, CDH1, DUSP4 and LRP12), which were further subjected to quantitative methylation analysis in clinical samples from 59 lymphoma patients (BL, FL, DLBCL ABC and GCB; and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma, PMBL). The genes LRP12 and CDH1 showed the highest methylation frequencies (94% and 92%, respectively). BMPER (58%), DUSP4 (32%) and BMP7 (22%), were also frequently methylated in patient samples. Importantly, all gene promoters were unmethylated in various control samples (CD19+ peripheral blood B cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and tonsils) as well as in follicular hyperplasia samples, underscoring a high specificity. The combination of LRP12 and CDH1 methylation could successfully discriminate between the vast majority of the lymphoma and control samples, emphasized by receiver operating characteristic analysis with a c-statistic of 0.999. These two genes represent promising epigenetic markers which may be suitable for monitoring of B-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   
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