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The mammalian TLRs (Toll-like receptors) mediate the rapid initial immune response to pathogens through recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns. The pathogen pattern to which TLR8 responds is ssRNA (single-stranded RNA) commonly associated with ssRNA viruses. TLR8 also responds to small, purine-like molecules including the imidazoquinoline IRMs (immune-response modifiers). The IRMs include molecules that selectively activate TLR7, selectively activate TLR8 or non-selectively activate both TLR7 and TLR8. Using HEK-293 cells (human embryonic kidney cells) stably expressing an NF-kappaB (nuclear factor kappaB)/luciferase promoter-reporter system as a model system, we have examined the regulation of TLR8 using the non-selective TLR7/8 agonist, 3M-003. Using conservative tyrosine to phenylalanine site-directed mutation, we show that of the 13 tyrosine residues resident in the cytosolic domain of TLR8, only three appear to be critical to TLR8 signalling. Two of these, Tyr898 and Tyr904, reside in the Box 1 motif and the third, Tyr1048, lies in a YXXM putative p85-binding motif. TLR8 is tyrosine-phosphorylated following 3M-003 treatment and TLR8 signalling is inhibited by tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Treatment with 3M-003 results in the association of the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) with TLR8 and this association is inhibited by tyrosine to phenylalanine mutation of either the YXXM or Box 1 motifs. As a further consequence of activation by 3M-003, TLR8 is modified to yield both higher and lower molecular mass species. These species include a monoubiquitinated form as deduced from ubiquitin peptide sequencing by HPLC/MS/MS (tandem MS).  相似文献   
Variceal bleeding due to abnormal platelet function is a well-known complication of cirrhosis. Nitric oxide-related stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis.In the present investigation,we evaluated the level of platelet aggregation and concomitant changes in the level of platelet cytosolic calcium (Ca2+), nitric oxide (NO) and NO synthase (NOS) activity in liver cirrhosis.The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the production of NO by NOS and level of cytosolic Ca2+ influence the aggregation of platelets in patients with cirrhosis of the liver.Agonist-induced aggregation and the simultaneous changes in the level of cytosolic Ca2+, NO and NOS were monitored in platelets of patients with cirrhosis.Platelet aggregation was also measured in the presence of the eNOS inhibitor,diphenylene iodinium chloride (DIC).The level of agonist-induced platelet aggregation was significantly low in the platelets of patients with cirrhosis compared with that in platelets from normal subjects.During the course of platelet aggregation,concomitant elevation in the level of cytosolic Ca2+ was observed in normal samples,whereas the elevation was not significant in platelets of patients with cirrhosis.A parallel increase was observed in the levels of NO and NOS activity.In the presence of the eNOS inhibitor,platelet aggregation was enhanced and accompanied by an elevated calcium level.The inhibition of platelet aggregation in liver cirrhosis might be partly due to greater NO formation by eNOS.Defective Ca2+ release from the internal stores to the cytosol may account for inhibition of aggregation of platelets in cirrhosis.The NO-related defective aggregation of platelets in patients with cirrhosis found in our study is of clinical importance,and the underlying mechanism of such changes suggests a possible therapeutic strategy with cell-specific NO blockers.  相似文献   

Crassostrea madrasensis is an important fouling oyster in tropical industrial cooling water systems. C. madrasensis individuals attach to surfaces by cementing one of their two valves to the substratum. Therefore, oyster fouling creates more problems than mussel fouling in the cooling conduits of power stations, because unlike the latter, the shell of the former remains attached to the substratum even after the death of the animal. However, there are no published reports on the tolerance of this species to chlorination and heat treatment. The mortality pattern and physiological behaviour (oxygen consumption and filtration rate) of three size groups (13 mm, 44 mm and 64 mm mean shell length) of C. madrasensis were studied at different residual chlorine concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3 to 5 mg lm 1) and temperatures (30°C to 45°C). The effect of shell size (=age) on C. madrasensis mortality in the presence of chlorine and taking into account temperature was significant, with the largest size group oysters showing highest resistance. At 1 mg lm 1 residual chlorine, the 13 mm and 64 mm size group oysters took 504 h (21 d) and 744 h (31 d), respectively to reach 100% mortality. At 39°C, the 13 mm size group oysters took 218 min to reach 100% mortality, whereas the 64 mm size group oysters took 325 min. The oxygen consumption and filtration rate of C. madrasensis showed progressive reduction with increasing residual chlorine concentrations. However, the filtration rate and oxygen consumption responses of C. madrasensis were not significantly different between 30°C (control) and 37.5°C. There was a sharp decrease in the filtration rate and oxygen consumption at 38.5°C. A comparison of the present mortality data with previous reports on other bivalves suggests that the chlorine tolerance of C. madrasensis lies in between that of Perna viridis and Perna perna, while its temperature tolerance is significantly higher than that of the other two bivalve species. However, in power station heat exchangers, where simultaneous chlorine and thermal stresses are existent, C. madrasensis may have an edge over other common foulants, because of its high temperature tolerance.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism spectra of three different purified carboxy terminal fragments 93–236, 112–236 and 132–236 of the bacteriophage γ cI repressor have been measured and compared with those of the intact repressor and the amino terminal fragment 1–92. All three carboxy terminal fragments contain mostly β-strands and loops, a minor helix content increasing with the size of the fragment, showing that the 93–131 region previously called a hinge is structured. Fourier transformed infrared spectra also showed that fragment 93–236 contains α-helices, β-sheets and turns but fragment 132–236 contains no detectable α-helix, only β-sheets and turns. Papain is known to cleave the γ repressor, but it is shown here that it cannot cleave the operator-bound repressor dimer. For the 132–236 fragment, both the wt and the SN228 mutant previously shown to be dimerization defective in the intact, gave similar dimerization properties as investigated by HPLC at 2 to 100 µM protein concentration, with a KD of 13.2 µM and 19.1 µM respectively. The papain cleavage for wt and SN228 proceed at equal rates for the first cleavage at 92–93; however, the subsequent cleavages are faster for SN228. The three Cys residues in the 132–236 fragment were found to be unreactive upon incubation with DTNB, indicating the thiol sulfur atoms are buried in the repressor carboxy terminal domain. Denaturation of the 132–236 fragment studied by tryptophan fluorescence shows two transitions centered at 1.5 M and 4.5 M of urea.  相似文献   


Endocytosis is a key regulator of growth factor signaling pathways. Recent studies showed that the localization to endosomes of intracellular mediators of growth factor signaling may be required for their function. Although there is substantial evidence linking endocytosis and growth factor signaling in cultured cells, there has been little study of the endosomal localization of signaling components in intact tissues or organs.  相似文献   
Bengal Basin is known for severe arsenic contamination. In the present study, we have isolated six bacteria from the arsenic contaminated surface water of Bengal Basin. 16S rDNA sequence analysis identified them as Microbacterium oleivorans, Acinetobacter soli, Acinetobacter venetianus, Acinetobacter junii, Acinetobacter baumannii, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. All the isolates possess arsenic accumulation potential and high molecular weight plasmid (>10 kb). PCR amplification indicated the presence of arsenic-resistance genes (arsB and aoxB) either in the genome or plasmid or in both in the isolated bacteria (except in Acinetobacter venetianus). Exposure to arsenic affected bacterial growth and induced alteration in cytoplasmic membrane integrity.  相似文献   
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