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本研究于2021年3~9月,采用目标观察和全事件记录法,对广西防城港市钦州湾八路水湿地黑翅长脚鹬(Himantopus himantopus)的繁殖习性进行全过程观察记录。黑翅长脚鹬的栖息生境主要在盐田、虾塘和鱼塘,而巢主要分布在盐田生境。共发现39巢,雌雄共同营巢,按照主要巢材将其巢分为干草巢、碎石巢、泥皮巢和牛毛毡草巢4种;巢材包括禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物以及碎石、贝壳等;巢外径为(23.3±10.7)cm,巢内径为(11.2±1.9)cm,巢深为(1.6±0.5)cm,巢高为(6.5±4.3)cm(n=39);筑巢需(3±2)d(n=6)。窝卵数2~4枚,1~2 d产1枚卵,7 d内产完满窝卵(n=6)。雌雄均参与孵卵,雄性孵卵时间比雌性长,但二者差异不显著(P> 0.05),雄性(8 550±245.9)min,雌性(7 530±263.3)min,孵卵期为(25±2)d(n=6)。育雏期(26±3)d(n=6),雌雄轮流育雏,育雏前、中期(雏鸟1~20d日龄),雌性育雏时间比雄性长,是雄性的2倍,育雏后期(雏鸟大于20 d日龄),...  相似文献   
It is well known that nitric oxide (NO) enhances salt tolerance of glycophytes. However, the effect of NO on modulating ionic balance in halophytes is not very clear. This study focuses on the role of NO in mediating K+/Na+ balance in a mangrove species, Kandelia obovata Sheue, Liu and Yong. We first analyzed the effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), an NO donor, on ion content and ion flux in the roots of K. obovata under high salinity. The results showed that 100 μM SNP significantly increased K+ content and Na+ efflux, but decreased Na+ content and K+ efflux. These effects of NO were reversed by specific NO synthesis inhibitor and scavenger, which confirmed the role of NO in retaining K+ and reducing Na+ in K. obovata roots. Using western-blot analysis, we found that NO increased the protein expression of plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase and vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter, which were crucial proteins for ionic balance. To further clarify the molecular mechanism of NO-modulated K+/Na+ balance, partial cDNA fragments of inward-rectifying K+ channel, PM Na+/H+ antiporter, PM H+-ATPase, vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter and vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit c were isolated. Results of quantitative real-time PCR showed that NO increased the relative expression levels of these genes, while this increase was blocked by NO synthesis inhibitors and scavenger. Above results indicate that NO greatly contribute to K+/Na+ balance in high salinity-treated K. obovata roots, by activating AKT1-type K+ channel and Na+/H+ antiporter, which are the critical components in K+/Na+ transport system.  相似文献   


We assessed HIV/AIDS expenditures in Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, one of the highest prevalence regions in China, and describe funding sources and spending for different categories of HIV-related interventions and at-risk populations.


2010 HIV/AIDS expenditures in Dehong Prefecture were evaluated based on UNAIDS’ National AIDS Spending Assessment methodology.


Nearly 93% of total expenditures for HIV/AIDS was contributed by public sources. Of total expenditures, 52.7% was allocated to treatment and care, 24.5% to program management and administration and 19.8% to prevention. Spending on treatment and care was primarily allocated to the treatment of opportunistic infections. Most (40.4%) prevention spending was concentrated on most-at-risk populations, injection drug users (IDUs), sex workers, and men who have sex with men (MSM), with 5.5% allocated to voluntary counseling and testing. Prevention funding allocated for MSM, partners of people living with HIV and prisoners and other confined populations was low compared to the disproportionate burden of HIV/AIDS in these populations. Overall, people living with HIV accounted for 57.57% of total expenditures, while most-at-risk populations accounted for only 7.99%.


Our study demonstrated the applicability of NASA for tracking and assessing HIV expenditure in the context of China, it proved to be a useful tool in understanding national HIV/AIDS response from financial aspect, and to assess the extent to which HIV expenditure matches epidemic patterns. Limited funding for primary prevention and prevention for MSM, prisoners and partners of people living with HIV, signal that resource allocation to these key areas must be strengthened. Comprehensive analyses of regional and national funding strategies are needed to inform more equitable, effective and cost-effective HIV/AIDS resource allocation.  相似文献   
产电微生物是微生物燃料电池、电解池和电合成等微生物电化学技术(Microbial electrochemical technologies,METs)的研究基础.产电微生物与电极界面间的胞外电子传递(Extracellular electron transfer,EET)效率低以及生物被膜形成能力弱限制了METs在有机...  相似文献   
As part of our wider efforts to exploit novel mode of action antibacterials, we have discovered a series of cyclohexyl-amide compounds that has good Gram positive and Gram negative potency. The mechanism of action is via inhibition of bacterial topoisomerases II and IV. We have investigated various subunits in this series and report advanced studies on compound 7 which demonstrates good PK and in vivo efficacy properties.  相似文献   
Acyltransferase (AT)-less type I polyketide synthases (PKSs) produce complex natural products due to the presence of many unique tailoring enzymes. The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A synthases (HCSs) are responsible for β-alkylation of the growing polyketide intermediates in AT-less type I PKSs. In this study, we discovered a large group of HCSs, closely associated with the characterized and orphan AT-less type I PKSs through in silico genome mining, sequence and genome neighbourhood network analyses. Using HCS-based probes, the survey of 1207 in-house strains and 18 soil samples from different geographic locations revealed the vast diversity of HCS-containing AT-less type I PKSs. The presence of HCSs in many AT-less type I PKSs suggests their co-evolutionary relationship. This study provides a new probe to study the abundance and diversity of AT-less type I PKSs in the environment and microbial strain collections. Our study should inspire future efforts to discover new polyketide natural products from AT-less type I PKSs.  相似文献   
植入体的骨整合使植入体与骨组织间形成牢固的接合, 可承受功能性生理载荷. 加载时间是决定植入体骨整合进程的关键因素. 然而, 关于初期载荷是否影响骨整合的进程, 或者, 无载荷愈合期是否可以缩短等问题现在还不清楚. 本文通过动物实验, 研究在骨愈合初期, 外部载荷如何影响骨整合的进程. 将钛植入体侧向植入山羊胫骨, 从术后4周开始, 对植入体加不同大小轴向载荷. 加载两周时, 取下连带植入体的胫骨; 设计专门的“拔出”力测试实验, 以检测不同分组(包括加载组和无载荷组)植入体的拔出力、骨-植入体界面的剪切强度. 并采用组织学染色、能量色散谱(energy dispersive spectroscopy, EDS)和扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope, SEM)分析骨-植入体界面特征, 以评价骨整合状态. 结果表明, 术后4周时, 骨-植入体界面没有良好的骨整合, 在无载荷组样本的骨-植入体界面处可发现成纤维样组织, 而轴向10 N加载组样本的骨-植入体界面则发生良好的骨整合. 这表明, 植入手术后一定的载荷可以有利于骨整合的发生. 本研究提示, 术后初期的载荷会影响植入体骨整合的进程, 而适宜的载荷可缩短术后骨整合发生的时间.  相似文献   
为了研究AtNHX5基因在植物耐盐中的作用,构建了植物过量表达载体pROKⅡ-AtNHX5,并转化拟南芥。结果显示:(1)RT-PCR检测表明,转基因拟南芥中AtNHX5基因的表达大幅提高。(2)对转基因纯合株系进行耐盐性分析显示,AtNHX5过量表达提高了植株在种子萌发和苗期的耐盐性。(3)转基因植株在盐处理下的干重、鲜重以及地上部分Na+、K+含量均高于野生型对照。在200mmol/L NaCl处理下,以转基因株系a1-4为例,其地上部分单株鲜重、单株干重、K+含量分别是野生型的1.27、1.54、1.16倍,较野生型显著升高。研究表明,过量表达AtNHX5基因促进了盐胁迫下转基因植株对K+的吸收,转基因拟南芥的耐盐性明显提高。  相似文献   
目的:可降解锌合金材料有适中的降解速率,良好的机械性能。目前对于锌合金的体内生物安全性研究多集中于生物体内植入适量的锌合金材料。对于体内植入大量的可降解锌合金材料是否有不良影响,还未见文献报道。本实验从局部和全身反应来研究埋植过量可降解锌合金的早期生物安全性。方法:选取18只新西兰大白兔分为三组,于皮下植入锌合金内固定板及钉各4、6、8块,于术后3月、6月行大体观察,血常规、血生化、血液微量元素检查,内脏和材料周围组织的组织学检查和ICP-OES定量检测内脏锌含量观察锌的脏器蓄积情况,材料称重计算每日释放锌含量。结果:可吸收锌合金材料表面附着的白色粉末状物质随时间增加而增多,去掉表面白色物质后,材料表面愈加粗糙,术后3月、6月的白细胞计数(WBC),红细胞计数(RBC),谷丙转氨酶(ALT),谷草转氨酶(AST),总蛋白(TP),白蛋白(ALB),尿素氮(BUN),肌酐(Cr),血锌,血镁,血钙、血铜与术前相比无统计学差异。术后6月实验动物材料周围组织,心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、性腺未检出异常。术后3月、6月肝脏、肾脏、脾脏的锌离子含量与术前相比无统计学差异。综合计算得到术后3月可降解锌合金内固定板的降解率为9.77±1.64%,术后6月为11.82±1.91%,螺钉的降解率术后3月为0.79±0.66%,术后6月为2.09±1.00%。结论:大量可降解锌合金植入体内的早期生物相容性良好。  相似文献   
Variations in GC content between genomes have been extensively documented. Genomes with comparable GC contents can, however, still differ in the apportionment of the G and C nucleotides between the two DNA strands. This asymmetric strand bias is known as GC skew. Here, we have investigated the impact of differences in nucleotide skew on the amino acid composition of the encoded proteins. We compared orthologous genes between animal mitochondrial genomes that show large differences in GC and AT skews. Specifically, we compared the mitochondrial genomes of mammals, which are characterized by a negative GC skew and a positive AT skew, to those of flatworms, which show the opposite skews for both GC and AT base pairs. We found that the mammalian proteins are highly enriched in amino acids encoded by CA-rich codons (as predicted by their negative GC and positive AT skews), whereas their flatworm orthologs were enriched in amino acids encoded by GT-rich codons (also as predicted from their skews). We found that these differences in mitochondrial strand asymmetry (measured as GC and AT skews) can have very large, predictable effects on the composition of the encoded proteins.  相似文献   
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