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We evaluated the effects of transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFbeta1), alone or in combination with FSH and estradiol, on DNA synthesis in primary cultures of immature rat granulosa cells. 3H-Thymidine incorporation was significantly stimulated by TGFbeta1 (5.6-fold). This effect was enhanced by FSH (20 ng/ml, 27.7-fold) or estradiol (100 ng/ml, 13.4-fold) or by a combination of both hormones (59.2-fold). Measurement of TGFbeta bioactivity showed the presence of significant amounts of TGFbeta in conditioned medium from granulosa cell cultures, and most of the activity was present in the latent form. FSH alone or in combination with estradiol produced a marked suppression of the production of latent and active TGFbeta. Activated conditioned medium from control cultures of granulosa cell elicited a 1.4-fold increase in thymidine incorporation. This effect was markedly amplified by FSH (3-fold) and estradiol (4.3-fold) and by a combination of both (8.7-fold). The peptide containing the cell-binding domain of fibronectin (RGDSPC) partially inhibited thymidine incorporation stimulated by TGFbeta1. Fibronectin did not synergize with FSH, and the interaction between TGFbeta1 and FSH was even observed in the presence of this protein. The conclusions reached were as follows: 1) TGFbeta1 is an autocrine stimulator of rat granulosa cell DNA synthesis, 2) FSH and estradiol produce a suppression of latent and active TGFbeta production but markedly amplify TGFbeta action, presumably at a postreceptor level, and 3) the stimulatory effects of TGFbeta1 may be only partly mediated by the increased fibronectin secretion.  相似文献   
In homodimeric triosephosphate isomerase from Trypanosoma brucei (TbTIM), cysteine 14 of each the two subunits forms part of the dimer interface. This residue is central for the catalysis and stability of TbTIM. Cys14 was changed to the other 19 amino acids to determine the characteristics that the residue must have to yield catalytically competent stable enzymes. C14A, C14S, C14P, C14T, and C14V TbTIMs were essentially wild type in activity and stability. Mutants with Asn, Arg, and Gly had low activities and stabilities. The other mutants had less than 1% of the activity of TbTIM. One of the latter enzymes (C14F) was purified to homogeneity. Size exclusion chromatography and equilibrium sedimentation studies showed that C14F TbTIM is a monomer, with a k(cat) approximately 1000 times lower and a K(m) approximately 6 times higher than those of TbTIM. In C14F TbTIM, the ratio of the elimination (methylglyoxal and phosphate formation) to isomerization reactions was higher than in TbTIM. Its secondary structure was very similar to that of TbTIM; however, the quantum yield of its aromatic residues was lower. The analysis of the data with the 19 mutants showed that to yield enzymes similar to the wild type, the residue must have low polarity and a van der Waals volume between 65 and 110 A(3). The results with C14F TbTIM illustrate that the secondary structure of TbTIM can be formed in the absence of intersubunit contacts, and that it has sufficient tertiary structure to support catalysis.  相似文献   
The process of angiogenesis has been well documented, but little is known about the biology of lymphatic endothelial cells and the molecular mechanisms controlling lymphangiogenesis. The homeobox gene Prox1 is expressed in a subpopulation of endothelial cells that, after budding from veins, gives rise to the mammalian lymphatic system. In Prox1(-)(/-) embryos, this budding becomes arrested at around embryonic day (E)11.5, resulting in embryos without lymphatic vasculature. Unlike the endothelial cells that bud off in E11.5 wild-type embryos, those of Prox1-null embryos did not co-express any lymphatic markers such as VEGFR-3, LYVE-1 or SLC. Instead, the mutant cells appeared to have a blood vascular phenotype, as determined by their expression of laminin and CD34. These results suggest that Prox1 activity is required for both maintenance of the budding of the venous endothelial cells and differentiation toward the lymphatic phenotype. On the basis of our findings, we propose that a blood vascular phenotype is the default fate of budding embryonic venous endothelial cells; upon expression of Prox1, these budding cells adopt a lymphatic vasculature phenotype.  相似文献   
Tacrolimus (FK506) is a hydrophobic immunosuppressive agent that rapidly penetrates the plasmatic membrane and inhibits the signal transduction cascade of T lymphocytes. The objective of this study was the characterization of liposomal FK506 with surfactant-like phospholipids to be administered intratracheally after lung transplantation or in inflammatory lung diseases. We evaluated the optimal incorporation of FK506 in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and DPPC/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG) monolayers and bilayers and the effects of FK506 on the physical properties of DPPC and DPPC/POPG (8:2 w/w) vesicles. In addition, we assessed the immunosuppressive effects of surfactant-like phospholipid vesicles containing different amounts of FK506 on T-cell proliferation and interleukin 2 production. From surface pressure measurements of FK506/DPPC and FK506/DPPC/POPG mixed monolayers, we determined that FK506 was embedded into these monolayers up to an FK506 concentration of about 0.4 mol %. Beyond this concentration, FK506 was not quantitatively incorporated into the monolayer, suggesting possible concentration-dependent aggregation of tacrolimus. The incorporation of FK506 into DPPC monolayers, at concentrations 相似文献   
Structural relationship between the antioxidant melatonin and the non-benzodiazepine hypnotic zolpidem (ZPD) suggests possible direct antioxidant and neuroprotective properties of this compound. In the present work, these effects were analyzed for zolpidem and four of its synthesis intermediates. In vitro assays include lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation studies in liver and brain homogenates. Intracellular antioxidant effects were analyzed by evaluation of free radical formation prevention in HT-22 hippocampal cells treated with glutamate 10mM and measured by flow cytometer DCF fluorescence. The neuroprotective effect of these compounds was evaluated as neuronal death prevention of HT-22 cells treated with the same concentration of glutamate. Zolpidem was found to prevent induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver and brain homogenates showing figures similar to melatonin, although it failed to prevent protein oxidation. ZPD-I was the most effective out of the several zolpidem intermediates studied as it prevented lipid peroxidation with an efficiency higher than melatonin or zolpidem and with an effectiveness similar to estradiol and trolox. ZPD-I prevents protein oxidation, which trolox is known to be unable to prevent. When cellular experiments were undertaken, ZPD-I prevented totally the increase of intracellular free radicals induced by glutamate 10mM in culture medium for 12h, while zolpidem and ZPD-III partially prevented this increase. Also the three compounds protected hippocampal neurons from glutamate-induced death in the same conditions, being their comparative efficacy, ZPD-III > ZPD-I = ZPD.  相似文献   
Twenty-six Candida dubliniensis and 27 Candida albicans oral strains isolated from patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were tested for germ tube production and 21 extracellular enzymatic activities. Assessment of the enzymatic profile was performed by using the API-ZYM commercial kit system (bioMerieux, France), which tests 19 different enzymes. Protease activity was expressed during the first days of incubation by 100% of the strains studied and resulted higher than phospholipase activity in the C. dubliniensis and C. albicans strains tested. The API-ZYM profile of the C. dubliniensis and C. albicans strains differs with respect to the number and percentage of the enzymes considered, as well as with the intensity of the substrate metabolized by the strains, in particular for the enzymes n 8 (cystine-arylamidase), n 12 (naphtol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase) and n 16 (alpha-glucosidase). These enzymes may be useful to differentiate C. dubliniensis and C. albicans together with other phenotypic characteristics proposed in the literature. No relationship among protease, phospholipase and other extracellular enzymatic activities was observed in C. dubliniensis. The average percentage of strains filamentation after 4 h was between 32 and 42%.  相似文献   
The effects of N6-2′-O-dibutyryl cyclic AMP on glucose metabolism and lipolysis in fragments of rat epididymal adipose tissue were studied. Measurements were made of glucose uptake, conversion of glucose carbon to CO2 and tissue fatty acids and glyceride-glycerol, lactate production, and glycerol release. Low concentrations of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (0.1–0.5 mM) increased all parameters of glucose metabolism and inhibited glycerol release in tissue from both normally fed and fasted rats. Higher concentrations of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (3–5 mM) diminished glucose utilization and greatly accelerated lipolysis. Insulin, 50 μunits/ml, accelerated glucose metabolism in the presence of either low or high concentrations of dibutyryl cyclic AMP though the effect of insulin was greatly reduced by 3 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Tissue exposed to concentrations of dibutyryl cyclic AMP which inhibited glucose metabolism (5 mM), then rinsed and reincubated without dibutyryl cyclic AMP, displayed increased glucose utilization. The results of these experiments emphasize the need for caution in interpretation of the effects of dibutyryl cyclic AMP on adipose tissue metabolism and the need for further research to elucidate the role of cyclic AMP in the regulation of glucose metabolism.  相似文献   
Viguiera eriophora yielded the sesquiterpene lactones erioflorin, acetylerioflorin and 17,18-dehydroviguiepinin, which was correlated with tetrahyd  相似文献   


To assess the effect of one-step temperature increase, from 35 to 55 °C, on the methane production of a mesophilic granular sludge (MGS) treating wine vinasses and the effluent of a hydrogenogenic upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor.


One-step temperature increase from mesophilic to thermophilic conditions improved methane production regardless of the substrate tested. The biomethane potentials obtained under thermophilic conditions were 1.8–2.9 times higher than those obtained under mesophilic conditions. The MGS also performed better than an acclimated thermophilic digestate, producing 2.2–2.5 times more methane than the digestate under thermophilic conditions. Increasing the temperature from 35 to 55 °C also improved the methane production rate of the MGS (up to 9.4 times faster) and reduced the lag time (up to 1.9 times). Although the temperature increase mediated a decrease in the size of the sludge granules, no negative effects on the performance of the MGS was observed under thermophilic conditions.


More methane is obtained from real agroindustrial effluents at thermophilic conditions than under mesophilic conditions. One-step temperature increase (instead of progressive sequential increases) can be used to implement the thermophilic anaerobic digestion processes with MGS.
Some symbiotic taxa may have evolved to track changes in the level and quality of food resources provided by the host to increase reproduction and dispersal. As a consequence, some ectosymbionts synchronize their reproduction and activity with particular stages of their host's living cycle. In this article we examined temporal patterns of variation in prevalence and abundance of feather mites living on pre‐migratory barn swallows Hirundo rustica. Feather mites in the lineages Pterolichoidea and Analgoidea are the most common arthropod ectosymbionts living at the expenses of feather oil. We investigated whether the seasonal variations in levels of several measures of physiological condition associated with host migration were related to changes in prevalence and abundance of mites. The results suggest that the variation in prevalence of feather mites, and thus probably the mode of acquisition and dispersal of these symbionts, is linked to an increase in host sociality before migration. Physiological dynamics of hosts after the breeding season point at two clearly identifiable periods: a post‐breeding period when physiological condition remains stationary or decreases, and a pre‐migratory period characterized by a rapid increase in several measures of physiological condition. Mite population dynamics were synchronized with migratory disposition during the period of highest host gregariousness. These synchronized processes occurred in both study years, although dynamics of migratory disposition and mite prevalence and abundance differ somewhat between years for adult and juvenile hosts. Mite population increase before host migration may be a response to a higher quantity of food provided by the host, namely oil from the urpoygial gland which is stimulated by hormones. Therefore, mites might have evolved to adjust their reproduction to the time when they have more chance of dispersal through horizontal transmission. In addition, body mass of juvenile and adult hosts were positively related with mite abundance in both years after allowing for several influencing factors. Body mass variation may reflect adequately fitness of host or their current physiological state, for instance, differences in the secretion of lipids on feathers or a more adequate microclimate to these symbionts.  相似文献   
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