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Abstract:  The hitherto poorly known, monotypic trilobite genus Fenestraspis from the Lower Devonian of Bolivia is revised and its original assignment to the Synphoriinae supported. The thoracic morphology of the genus remains very poorly known. Fenestraspis is morphologically unusual because of the development of extensive fenestrae in the pleural region of the pygidium and apparently of the thorax; the presence of upwardly directed spines on the cephalon, thorax and pygidium; and the exceptionally large and highly elevated eyes with the palpebral rim projecting outwards above the visual surface. The function of the fenestrae remains uncertain. If they formed openings in the body of the trilobite in life they may have allowed circulation of oxygenated water to the limb exites so that respiration could have been maintained while the trilobite was enrolled. If they were covered with a flexible membrane, they may have been secondary respiratory structures or had a sensory function. The Synphoriinae is regarded as a subfamily of the Dalmanitidae rather than as an independent family of the Dalmanitoidea as proposed by some authors. The type species of the poorly known monotypic genus Dalmanitoides from the Lower Devonian of Argentina is illustrated photographically for the first time and compared with Fenestraspis .  相似文献   
The species related to Vriesea paraibica (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) have controversial taxonomic limits. For several decades, this group has been identified in herbarium collections as V. × morreniana, an artificial hybrid that does not grow in natural habitats. The aim of this study was to assess the morphological variation in the V. paraibica complex through morphometric analyses of natural populations. Two sets of analyses were performed: the first involved six natural populations (G1) and the second was carried out on taxa that emerged from the first analysis, but using material from herbarium collections (G2). Univariate ANOVA was used, as well as discriminant analysis of 16 morphometric variables in G1 and 18 in G2. The results of the analyses of the two groups were similar and led to the selection of diagnostic traits of four species. Lengths of the lower and median floral bracts were significant for the separation of red and yellow floral bracts. Vriesea paraibica and V. interrogatoria have red bracts; these two species are differentiated by the widths of the lower and median portions of the inflorescence and by scape length. These structures are larger in the former and smaller in the latter. Of the species with yellow floral bracts, V. eltoniana is distinguished by longer leaf blades and scapes and V. flava is characterized by its shorter sepal lengths. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 163–181.  相似文献   
入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花与乡土植物芦苇的相互化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以加拿大一枝黄花和芦苇的共优群落和各自单优群落的种子为化感受体,分析其分别在加拿大一枝黄花和芦苇5个浓度梯度(12.5、25、50、100和200mg·mL-1)浸提液处理下的发芽率和芽长差异,研究2种植物的相互化感作用规律.结果表明:2种植物在共优群落中的千粒重和蒸馏水培养下的发芽率均比单优群落大.加拿大一枝黄花的浸提液对自身种子发芽率在单优和共优群落中均具有在低浓度下(12.5、25 mg·mL-1)轻微促进、中高浓度下(50、100和200mg·mL-1)强烈抑制的作用,其中对共优群落种子的抑制作用尤为显著;而芦苇浸提液对加拿大一枝黄花种子的影响无明显规律.加拿大一枝黄花的种子芽长在单优和共优群落中均随自身浸提液浓度的升高趋于减小,随芦苇浸提液浓度的升高呈波动减小趋势.在芦苇和加拿大一枝黄花浸提液处理下,芦苇种子发芽率在单优群落中均显著大于共优群落(P<0.05),但2种浸提液处理间无显著差异.  相似文献   
结核病是一种棘手的重大传染病.虽然存在一些有一定疗效的治疗药物,亦有预防性疫苗--卡介苗(BCG);但结核病仍在世界范围流行,且发病率和病死率居高不下.结核病的免疫病理机制及疫苗研究近年来取得了一定的进展.结核分枝杆菌通过Toll样受体(TLR)等模式识别受体,激活巨噬细胞的天然免疫反应,清除细菌和调节获得性免疫反应....  相似文献   
天童米槠-木荷群落主要树种的结构及空间格局   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杨永川  达良俊  陈波 《生态学报》2006,26(9):2927-2938
种群的结构和空间格局是植物群落的重要特征.以浙江天童米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)-木荷(Schima superba)群落为对象,应用永久样方法和每木调查法调查了群落种类组成和结构,并对10个主要常绿阔叶树种的种群结构和空间格局进行了分析,种群结构分析包括胸径级结构和垂直层次结构,空间格局分析包括各种不同垂直层次个体的空间分布格局和空间关联,并考虑了空间关联的尺度依赖.所选10个种总体RBA值达到81.9﹪,包含了群落的全部5个优势种,SDI指数除黑山山矾(Symplocos heishanensis)为正值外,其余9种皆为负值,各个种在垂直空间上占据了不同的位置.不同种之间以及同种不同层次之间表现出复杂多样的分布格局,体现出多级复合分布特征,但多数种整体上表现为集群分布或基本分布成分为个体群.空间关联在不同种之间、同种不同层次之间以及不同空间尺度上发生了分化,随尺度的增加,正关联增加而负关联减少.各个物种通过占据不同的水平和垂直空间,并采取不同的生活史对策,在群落中得以共存,从而导致了群落高的生物多样性的形成和维持.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO), a vital cell‐signalling molecule, has been reported to regulate toxic metal responses in plants. This work investigated the effects of NO and the relationship between NO and mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) programmed cell death (PCD) induced by cadmium (Cd2+) exposure. With fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis, caspase‐3‐like protease activation was detected after Cd2+ treatment. This was further confirmed with a caspase‐3 substrate assay. Cd2+‐induced caspase‐3‐like activity was inhibited in the presence of the NO‐specific scavenger 2‐(4‐carboxyphenyl)‐4,4,5,5‐tetramethylimidazoline‐1‐oxyl‐3‐oxide (cPTIO), suggesting that NO mediated caspase‐3‐like protease activation under Cd2+ stress conditions. Pretreatment with cPTIO effectively inhibited Cd2+‐induced MAPK activation, indicating that NO also affected the MAPK pathway. Interestingly, Cd2+‐induced caspase‐3‐like activity was significantly suppressed in the mpk6 mutant, suggesting that MPK6 was required for caspase‐3‐like protease activation. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that NO promotes Cd2+‐induced Arabidopsis PCD by promoting MPK6‐mediated caspase‐3‐like activation.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that the patterns of resource allocation in animals are associated with different strategies, selected in the course of evolution. In the present study, the life history of Leptinaria unilamellata was characterized under laboratory conditions. We determined the growth, reproduction, and longevity patterns of this species and elucidated the strategy related to the development of embryos, through direct observations and examination of the morphology of the gravid uterus. Furthermore, we attempted to analyze the glycogen and galactogen contents of the albumen gland, digestive gland and cephalopedal mass in order to understand energy allocation to life history traits, for three life stages. Leptinaria unilamellata's life history is characterized by great longevity, a short juvenile phase, early sexual maturity, and repeated reproductive events, with little reproductive effort at each event and some mortality shortly after the first reproduction. In the terraria, we found juveniles but no eggs. However, the results of the anatomical study showed no morphological connection between the embryos and the parental organism. Thus, this species should be described as ovoviviparous rather than viviparous. Egg retention in the parent organism is the primary cause of the release of juveniles, instead of eggs, enabling the offspring to withstand environmental stress. The higher quantity of galactogen found in the adults' albumen gland, as compared to juveniles and senescent individuals, as well as the ratio of glycogen to galactogen, reveal the allocation of energy to reproduction rather than to growth. The remaining energy is directed to the maintenance of omeostasis. Such pattern was confirmed by the low levels of glycogen and galactogen observed in the senescent stage, compared to the juvenile and adult stages. In the life strategy of L. unilamellata, the distribution of the reproductive effort among many events associated with ovoviviparity indicates a long-term investment in reproductive success.  相似文献   
目的:基于钙黄绿素-铜(Ⅱ)荧光体系测定乙酰半胱氨酸。方法:在pH=8.0的Na2HPO.412H2O-KH2PO4缓冲液中,以492 nm为激发波长,520 nm为发射波长测定乙酰半胱氨酸溶液的荧光强度。结果:在pH=8.0的Na2HPO.412H2O-KH2PO4缓冲液中,二价铜离子与钙黄绿素配位引起荧光猝灭。由于乙酰半胱氨酸中巯基上的硫离子与Cu2+的亲和力很强,可从钙黄绿素-铜(Ⅱ)的络合物中夺取铜离子而使钙黄绿素游离出来,从而使体系的荧光得以恢复,并且荧光恢复的程度与加入乙酰半胱氨酸的量在一定范围内成线性。结论:建立了一种测定乙酰半胱氨酸的荧光分析新方法,该方法的线性范围为6.0 10-6~1.4 10-5 mol/L,检出限为4.010-6 mol/L。  相似文献   
Mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX), the unique respiratory terminal oxidase in plants, catalyzes the energy wasteful cyanide (CN)‐resistant respiration and plays a role in optimizing photosynthesis. Although it has been demonstrated that leaf AOX is upregulated after illumination, the in vivo mechanism of AOX upregulation by light and its physiological significance are still unknown. In this report, red light and blue light‐induced AOX (especially AOX1a) expressions were characterized. Phytochromes, phototropins and cryptochromes, all these photoreceptors mediate the light‐response of AOX1a gene. When aox1a mutant seedlings were grown under a high‐light (HL) condition, photobleaching was more evident in the mutant than the wild‐type plants. More reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and inefficient dissipation of chloroplast reducing‐equivalents in aox1a mutant may account for its worse adaptation to HL stress. When etiolated seedlings were exposed to illumination for 4 h, chlorophyll accumulation was largely delayed in aox1a plants. We first suggest that more reduction of the photosynthetic electron transport chain and more accumulation of reducing‐equivalents in the mutant during de‐etiolation might be the main reasons.  相似文献   
 以浙江天童国家森林公园常绿阔叶林为对象,应用永久样方法和每木调查法调查了群落种类组成和结构,并对主要组成种的种群结构进行了分析。依据胸径级频率分布的形状,将各树种的种群结构归纳为5种类型,并结合生物学、生态学特征,分别讨论了其更新类型,同时对调查群落所处的演替阶段进行了诊断。结果表明:1)群落为6种共优势群落,出现木本植物69种。2)种群结构为单峰型的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、枫香(Liquidambar formosana)和檫木(Sassafras tzumu)等为阳性高大乔木,无正常更新能力,更新类型是先锋群落优势种或是顶极性先锋种;间歇型的木荷(Schima superba)、黑山山矾(Symplocos heishanensis)和红楠(Machilus thunbergii)等为具有耐荫性的常绿阔叶树种,更新具有波动性和机会性,是演替系列或顶极群落优势种;逆-J字型的米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)和长叶石栎(Lithocarpus harlandii)等为强耐荫性的常绿阔叶树种,通过幼苗库和根萌生枝进行更新,是顶极群落的优势种;浙江新木姜子(Neolitsea aurata var. chekiangensis)、厚皮香(Ternstroemia gymnanthera)等为L字型;连蕊茶(Camellia fraternna)、老鼠矢(Symplocos stellaris)等为单柱型,此二型是群落亚乔木层和灌木层的主要组成种。3)调查群落已进入演替的顶极阶段,但仍处于其前期,将进一步向以米槠、栲树为主要优势种的方向发展。  相似文献   
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