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BackgroundSulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is recommended in Africa in several antimalarial preventive regimens including Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnant women (IPTp), Intermittent Preventive Treatment in infants (IPTi) and Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC). The effectiveness of SP-based preventive treatments are threatened in areas where Plasmodium falciparum resistance to SP is high. The prevalence of mutations in the dihydropteroate synthase gene (pfdhps) can be used to monitor SP effectiveness. IPTi-SP is recommended only in areas where the prevalence of the pfdhps540E mutation is below 50%. It has also been suggested that IPTp-SP does not have a protective effect in areas where the pfdhps581G mutation, exceeds 10%. However, pfdhps mutation prevalence data in Africa are extremely heterogenous and scattered, with data completely missing from many areas.Methods and findingsThe WWARN SP Molecular Surveyor database was designed to summarize dihydrofolate reductase (pfdhfr) and pfdhps gene mutation prevalence data. In this paper, pfdhps mutation prevalence data was used to generate continuous spatiotemporal surface maps of the estimated prevalence of the SP resistance markers pfdhps437G, pfdhps540E, and pfdhps581G in Africa from 1990 to 2020 using a geostatistical model, with a Bayesian inference framework to estimate uncertainty. The maps of estimated prevalence show an expansion of the pfdhps437G mutations across the entire continent over the last three decades. The pfdhps540E mutation emerged from limited foci in East Africa to currently exceeding 50% estimated prevalence in most of East and South East Africa. pfdhps540E distribution is expanding at low or moderate prevalence in central Africa and a predicted focus in West Africa. Although the pfdhps581G mutation spread from one focus in East Africa in 2000, to exceeding 10% estimated prevalence in several foci in 2010, the predicted distribution of the marker did not expand in 2020, however our analysis indicated high uncertainty in areas where pfdhps581G is present. Uncertainty was higher in spatial regions where the prevalence of a marker is intermediate or where prevalence is changing over time.ConclusionsThe WWARN SP Molecular Surveyor database and a set of continuous spatiotemporal surface maps were built to provide users with standardized, current information on resistance marker distribution and prevalence estimates. According to the maps, the high prevalence of pfdhps540E mutation was to date restricted to East and South East Africa, which is reassuring for continued use of IPTi and SMC in West Africa, but continuous monitoring is needed as the pfdhps540E distribution is expanding. Several foci where pfdhps581G prevalence exceeded 10% were identified. More data on the pfdhps581G distribution in these areas needs to be collected to guide IPTp-SP recommendations. Prevalence and uncertainty maps can be utilized together to strategically identify sites where increased surveillance can be most informative. This study combines a molecular marker database and predictive modelling to highlight areas of concern, which can be used to support decisions in public health, highlight knowledge gaps in certain regions, and guide future research.  相似文献   
Postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL) exert proatherogenic effects at the arterial wall, including lipid deposition. Following consumption of a mixed meal (1200 kcal), plasma-mediated cellular free cholesterol (FC) efflux, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activities were determined in subjects (n = 12) displaying type IIB hyperlipidemia and compared with those in a normolipidemic control group (n = 14). The relative capacity of plasma to induce FC efflux from Fu5AH cells via the SR-BI receptor was significantly increased 4 h postprandially (+23%; P < 0.005) in the type IIB group, whereas it remained unchanged for postprandial plasma from normolipidemic subjects. LCAT activity was significantly elevated 2 h postprandially in both the IIB and control groups, (+46% and +36%, respectively; P < 0.005 vs. respective baseline value). In type IIB subjects, total cholesteryl ester (CE) mass transfer from HDL to total TRL [chylomicrons (CMs) + VLDL-1 + VLDL-2 + IDL] increased progressively from 15 +/- 2 micro g CE/h/ml at baseline to 28 +/- 2 micro g CE transferred/h/ml (+87%; P = 0.0004) at 4 h postprandially. CE transfer to CMs and VLDL-1 was preferentially stimulated (2.6-fold and 2.3-fold respectively) at 4 h in IIB subjects and occurred concomitantly with elevation in mass and particle number of both CMs (2.3-fold) and VLDL-1 (1.3-fold). Furthermore, in type IIB subjects, CETP-mediated total CE flux over the 8 h postprandial period from HDL to potentially atherogenic TRL was significantly enhanced, and notably to VLDL-1 (32-fold elevation; P < 0.005), relative to control subjects. Such CE transfer flux was reflected in a significant postprandial increase in CE-TG ratio in both CMs and VLDL-1 in type IIB plasmas. In conclusion, HDL-CE is preferentially targeted to VLDL-1 via the action of CETP during alimentary lipemia, thereby favoring formation and accumulation of atherogenic CE-rich remnant particles.  相似文献   
With ancient DNA technology, DNA sequences have been added to the list of characters available to infer the phyletic position of extinct species in evolutionary trees. We have sequenced the entire 12S rRNA and partial cytochrome b (cyt b) genes of one 60-70,000-year-old sample, and partial 12S rRNA and cyt b sequences of two 40-45,000-year-old samples of the extinct woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis). Based on these two mitochondrial markers, phylogenetic analyses show that C. antiquitatis is most closely related to one of the three extant Asian rhinoceros species, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. Calculations based on a molecular clock suggest that the lineage leading to C. antiquitatis and D. sumatrensis diverged in the Oligocene, 21-26 MYA. Both results agree with morphological models deduced from palaeontological data. Nuclear inserts of mitochondrial DNA were identified in the ancient specimens. These data should encourage the use of nuclear DNA in future ancient DNA studies. It also further establishes that the degraded nature of ancient DNA does not completely protect ancient DNA studies based on mitochondrial data from the problems associated with nuclear inserts.  相似文献   
Ticks are ectoparasites of vertebrates and utilize a variety ofinfochemicals for host finding and acceptance as well as for intraspecificaggregation and mating responses. Individual male and female Ixodesricinus, the vector of Lyme disease in Europe, readily arrest onfilter paper strips contaminated with their own faeces. I.ricinus also responds, but to a lesser degree, tofaeces-contaminatedpapers enclosed in metal mesh envelopes, i.e. without directly contacting thefaeces, suggesting a role for volatiles in the arrestment response. The faecalconstituents guanine, xanthine, uric acid and 8-azaguanine (a bacterialbreakdown product of guanine) also caused arrestment of individual I.ricinus males and females. However, mixtures of these productsinduced arrestment of I. ricinus at doses one hundred foldlower than the lowest active dose of any of them tested singly. Saline extractsof faeces activated receptor cells in terminal pore sensilla on the first legtarsi of I. ricinus. One cell in these sensilla respondedin a similar dose dependent manner to guanine and 8-azaguanine, whereas asecondcell was more sensitive to lower doses of 8-azaguanine. The response thresholdapproached 100 fM for both cells. These findings suggest thatfaeces and faecal breakdown products are implicated in aggregation responses ofI. ricinus. This may account for the clumped distributionof this ectoparasite on the ground and contribute to the high proportion ofmated individuals recorded prior to host colonization.  相似文献   
Multicellular electrophysiological responses from the dorsal organ on the cephalic lobes of third instar Drosophila melanogaster larvae (wild-type Canton S) stimulated with a cold-trapped banana volatile extract showed that this structure has an olfactory function in the fruit fly. Responses of the dorsal organ were also recorded to constituents of the banana volatile extract as they eluted from a gas chromatographic column (GC-coupled dorsal organ electrophysiology). The active chemostimulants were identified as 2-heptanone, isoamyl alcohol, hexyl acetate, hexanol and hexyl butyrate by gas chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry. Applying the same recording system to the terminal organ sensilla, no responses were obtained to either the banana volatile bouquet or its constituents. By contrast, high frequency multicellular responses were recorded in response to touching the terminal organ with the gustatory stimuli KCl and grapefruit juice; responses were absent on similar stimulation of the dorsal organ with either NaCl or KCl. This suggests a role for olfaction by the dorsal organ and for gustation by the terminal organ in Drosophila larvae.In a 7-mm high wind tunnel with a thin 1.2% agar floor, the Drosophila larvae showed odour-conditioned upwind responses in an air stream of 0.1 m/s bearing banana volatiles. Drosophila larvae responded best to the odour of cut bananas. A 1:1 mixture of the banana odour constituents 2-heptanone and hexanol (at either 50 or 100 &mgr;g source dose each) proved as attractive as the known larval attractants propionic acid and isoamyl acetate on their own at 100 &mgr;g, whereas hexanol and 2-heptanone on their own at a 100 &mgr;g source dose were less attractive. The stronger behavioural response to the banana volatile bouquet and to the binary mixture serves to underline the multireceptor nature of the dorsal organ response to food odour in Drosophila.  相似文献   
The artificial insemination (AI) industry has developed over the last 50 years to the extent that it is used in almost every country in the world. One of the main factors contributing to its success is the confidence of the farmers that germplasm is not associated with pathogens, so that AI can be performed without risks. This has been achieved as a result of a considerable amount of research based on sound scientific data that has identified the major risk pathogens. A summary of these studies, given in this section, shows that despite the large number of agents that could be transmitted via the semen, there are cost-effective means to prevent such hazards. One of the basic rules is that the males should be housed in strictly protected semen collection centres (SCCs). Such centres should be approved by the veterinary authorities based upon specific criteria, which include special housing and operating specifications. This also includes specific means of monitoring the health of individual males through regular clinical examinations, assessment of semen and testings for various diseases. Two new challenges can now be identified, one relevant to so-called emerging diseases the impact of which on the status of the semen donors should always be assessed, and the second, relates to endangered genetic resources which may become extinct without active conservation programmes. The experience gained by the AI industry over the last 50 years should help to solve those problems. Currently, the use of semen derived from approved SCCs warrants their disease-free status.  相似文献   
Transects that traverse substantial climate gradients are important tools for climate change research and allow questions on the extent to which phenotypic variation associates with climate, the link between climate and species distributions, and variation in sensitivity to climate change among biomes to be addressed. However, the potential limitations of individual transect studies have recently been highlighted. Here, we argue that replicating and networking transects, along with the introduction of experimental treatments, addresses these concerns. Transect networks provide cost‐effective and robust insights into ecological and evolutionary adaptation and improve forecasting of ecosystem change. We draw on the experience and research facilitated by the Australian Transect Network to demonstrate our case, with examples, to clarify how population‐ and community‐level studies can be integrated with observations from multiple transects, manipulative experiments, genomics, and ecological modeling to gain novel insights into how species and systems respond to climate change. This integration can provide a spatiotemporal understanding of past and future climate‐induced changes, which will inform effective management actions for promoting biodiversity resilience.  相似文献   
Down-modulation of major histocompatibility class I (MHC-I) molecules is a viral strategy for survival in the host. Myxoma virus, a member of the Poxviridae family responsible for rabbit myxomatosis, can down-modulate the expression of MHC-I molecules, but the viral factor(s) has not been described. We cloned and characterized a gene coding for an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident protein containing an atypical zinc finger and two transmembrane domains, which we called myxoma virus leukemia-associated protein (MV-LAP). MV-LAP down-regulated surface MHC-I and Fas-CD95 molecules upon transfection; the mechanism probably involves an exacerbation of endocytosis and was lost when the ER retention signal was removed. In addition, the lytic activity of MHC-I-restricted antigen-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) against myxoma virus-infected antigen-presenting target cells was significantly reduced, revealing a strong correlation between MHC-I down-regulation by MV-LAP and CTL killing in vitro. In vivo experiments with a knockout virus showed that MV-LAP is a virulence factor, potentially involved in the immunosuppression characteristic of myxomatosis. Data bank analysis revealed that MV-LAP has homologs in herpesviruses and other poxviruses. We propose the name "scrapins" to define a new group of ER-resident surface cellular receptor abductor proteins. The down-regulation of cell surface molecules by scrapins probably helps protect infected cells during viral infections.  相似文献   
The purification and the amino acid sequence of a proteolipid translated on ribosomes in yeast mitochondria is reported. This protein, which is a subunit of the ATP synthase, was purified by extraction with chloroform/methanol (2/1) and subsequent chromatography on phosphocellulose and reverse phase h.p.l.c. A mol. wt. of 5500 was estimated by chromatography on Bio-Gel P-30 in 80% formic acid. The complete amino acid sequence of this protein was determined by automated solid phase Edman degradation of the whole protein and of fragments obtained after cleavage with cyanogen bromide. The sequence analysis indicates a length of 48 amino acid residues. The calculated mol. wt. of 5870 corresponds to the value found by gel chromatography. This polypeptide contains three basic residues and no negatively charged side chain. The three basic residues are clustered at the C terminus. The primary structure of this protein is in full agreement with the predicted amino acid sequence of the putative polypeptide encoded by the mitochondrial aap1 gene recently discovered in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Moreover, this protein shows 50% homology with the amino acid sequence of a putative polypeptide encoded by an unidentified reading frame also discovered near the mitochondrial ATPase subunit 6 gene in Aspergillus nidulans.  相似文献   
Field experiments investigated the resistance of some carrot cultivars to Psila rosae. In addition, headspace vapour and steam distillate from the roots of resistant and susceptible varieties were compared by gas-liquid chromatography. The field data confirmed that resistance may operate by decreasing the numbers of eggs laid indicating a nonpreference by the female Psila. Root resistance to the larva was also confirmed but the mechanism was unclear. A new finding was that root resistance is independent of the effect of egg laying, some cultivars evincing one or the other effect and some such as Regulus Imperial displaying both. It was clear that root resistance to the larva is the crucial prerequisite in breeding resistant varieties.One consistent difference was detected by the chemical comparisons: intact roots of resistant varieties released substantially less volatiles. Specifically, Regulus released almost five times less of the volatiles already shown to positively influence host-finding behaviour by the larva.
Résumé La résistance à P. rosae de quelques cultivars de carotte a été étudiée en plein champ. Parallèlement, les substances volatiles diffusées et celles extraites par la vapeur des racines de variétés résistantes et sensibles, ont été comparées en chromatographie gaz-liquide (GLC). Les résultats en champ ont confirmé que la résistance peut être due à une diminution du nombre d'oeufs pondus, révélant une absence d'attractivité pour les femelles de P. rosae. La résistance des racines aux larves a été aussi confirmée, mais les raisons n'en étaient pas claires. Un aspect nouveau est que la résistance des racines est indépendante de l'effet de la ponte, quelques cultivars présentant l'un ou l'autreeffet et certains, comme Regulus Imperial, manifestant les deux. Il est net que la résistance racinaire aux larves est la condition essentielle pour la sélection de variétés résistantes. Une différence importante a été mise en évidence par les comparaisons chimiques: les racines intactes de variétés résistantes libèrent nettement moins de substances volatiles. Précisément, Regulus a libéré 5 fois moins de substances volatiles déjà connues comme influençant positivement le comportement de découverte de l'hôte par la larve.
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