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The angled, lamellar structure of the annulus fibrosus is integral to its load-bearing function. Reorientation of this fiber structure with applied load may contribute to nonlinear mechanical behavior and to large increases in tensile modulus. Fiber reorientation has not yet been quantified for loaded non-degenerated and degenerated annulus fibrosus tissue. The objective of this study was to measure fiber reorientation and mechanical properties (toe- and linear-region modulus, transition strain, and Poisson's ratio) of loaded outer annulus fibrosus tissue using a new application of FFT image processing techniques. This method was validated for quantification of annulus fiber reorientation during loading in this study. We hypothesized that annulus fibrosus fibers would reorient under circumferential tensile load, and that fiber reorientation would be affine. Additionally, we hypothesized that degeneration would affect fiber reorientation, toe-region modulus and Poisson's ratio. Annulus fibrosus fibers were found to reorient toward the loading direction, and degeneration significantly decreased fiber reorientation (the fiber reorientation parameter, m(FFT)=-1.70 degrees /% strain for non-degenerated and -0.95 degrees /% strain for degenerated tissue). Toe-region modulus was significantly correlated with age (r=0.6). Paired t-tests showed no significant difference in the fiber reorientation parameter calculated experimentally with that calculated using an affine prediction. Thus, an affine prediction is a good approximation of fiber reorientation. The findings of this study add to the understanding of overall disc mechanical behavior and degeneration.  相似文献   
Phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannosides (PIMs) are key glycolipids of the mycobacterial cell envelope. They are considered not only essential structural components of the cell but also important molecules implicated in host-pathogen interactions. Although their chemical structures are well established, knowledge of the enzymes and sequential events leading to their biosynthesis is still incomplete. Here we show for the first time that although both mannosyltransferases PimA and PimB′ (MSMEG_4253) recognize phosphatidyl-myo-inositol (PI) as a lipid acceptor, PimA specifically catalyzes the transfer of a Manp residue to the 2-position of the myo-inositol ring of PI, whereas PimB′ exclusively transfers to the 6-position. Moreover, whereas PimB′ can catalyze the transfer of a Manp residue onto the PI-monomannoside (PIM1) product of PimA, PimA is unable in vitro to transfer Manp onto the PIM1 product of PimB′. Further assays using membranes from Mycobacterium smegmatis and purified PimA and PimB′ indicated that the acylation of the Manp residue transferred by PimA preferentially occurs after the second Manp residue has been added by PimB′. Importantly, genetic evidence is provided that pimB′ is an essential gene of M. smegmatis. Altogether, our results support a model wherein Ac1PIM2, a major form of PIMs produced by mycobacteria, arises from the consecutive action of PimA, followed by PimB′, and finally the acyltransferase MSMEG_2934. The essentiality of these three enzymes emphasizes the interest of novel anti-tuberculosis drugs targeting the initial steps of PIM biosynthesis.PIMs3 are unique mannolipids found in abundant quantities in the inner and outer membranes of the cell envelope of Mycobacterium spp. and a few other actinomycetes.4 They are based on a phosphatidyl-myo-inositol (PI) lipid anchor carrying one to six Manp residues and up to four acyl chains (for review see Refs. 1, 2). Based on a conserved mannosyl-PI anchor, they are also thought to be the precursors of the two major mycobacterial lipoglycans, lipomannan (LM) and lipoarabinomannan (LAM) (1, 2). PIMs, LM, and LAM are considered not only essential structural components of the mycobacterial cell envelope (36), but also important molecules implicated in host-pathogen interactions in the course of tuberculosis and leprosy (1).Although the chemical structure of PIMs is now well established, knowledge of the enzymes and sequential events leading to their biosynthesis is still fragmentary. According to the currently accepted model, the biosynthetic pathway is initiated by the transfer of two Manp residues and a fatty acyl chain to PI in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Based on genetic and biochemical evidence, Korduláková et al. (5) identified PimA (MSMEG_2935 in Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155) as the enzyme that catalyzes the first mannosylation step of the pathway transferring a Manp residue most likely to the 2-position of the myo-inositol (myo-Ins) ring of PI. In contrast, the identity of PimB′, the enzyme responsible for the transfer of the second Manp to the 6-position of the myo-Ins ring of PIM1, still remains controversial. The Rv0557 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (PimB; MSMEG_1113 in M. smegmatis mc2155) was originally characterized as PimB′ (7). However, the lack of an Rv0557 ortholog in the genome of Mycobacterium leprae and the fact that the disruption of this gene in M. tuberculosis Erdman did not significantly affect the biosynthesis of PIMs suggest that compensatory activities exist in the bacterium or that Rv0557 serves another primary function (8, 9). Somewhat supporting the latter hypothesis, the ortholog of Rv0557 in Corynebacterium glutamicum (NCgl0452, renamed mgtA) was implicated in the mannosylation of a novel glycolipid (1,2-di-O-C16/C18:1-(α-d-mannosyl)-(1→4)-(α-d-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-(1→3)-glycerol), and Rv0557 from M. tuberculosis was reported to functionally complement for this enzyme in a C. glutamicum knock-out mutant (10). However, to our knowledge this mannosylated glycolipid has never been reported in mycobacteria, and it remains unclear whether PimB serves a similar physiological function in Mycobacterium spp.More recently, Lea-Smith et al. (11) have shown that the biosynthesis of Ac1PIM2 from Ac1PIM1 in C. glutamicum is catalyzed by NCgl2106 (Cg-PimB′). Disruption of the NCgl2106 gene totally abolished Ac1PIM2 production in the mutant, arguing against the existence of a compensatory activity associated with the corynebacterial PimB enzyme. Although Ac1PIM2 production in Cg-pimB′ and Cg-pimB′/Cg-pimB knock-out mutants was restored upon complementation with the M. tuberculosis Rv2188c gene (11, 12), direct evidence that Rv2188c carried out the same physiological function in mycobacteria has been lacking. Moreover, in light of the recent work by Torrelles et al. (9) showing an involvement of pimB (Rv0557) in the synthesis of LM and LAM in M. tuberculosis Erdman and of the demonstrated relaxed substrate specificity of the M. tuberculosis PimB (Rv0557) and PimB′ (Rv2188c) enzymes expressed in C. glutamicum (12), whether or not pimB and pimB′ could compensate for one another in mycobacteria remained open to speculation.Both PIM1 and PIM2 can be acylated with palmitate at position 6 of the Manp residue transferred by PimA by the acyltransferase MSMEG_2934 (orthologous to Rv2611c from M. tb) to form Ac1PIM1 and Ac1PIM2, respectively (13). Ac1PIM2 can further be acylated at position 3 of the myo-Ins ring by an as yet unidentified acyltransferase to yield Ac2PIM2. Importantly, Ac1PIM2 and Ac2PIM2 are among the most abundant forms of PIMs found in mycobacteria and are considered both metabolic end products and intermediates in the biosynthesis of more polar forms of PIMs (PIM5 and PIM6), LM, and LAM.In this work, clear evidence is provided that PimB′ (MSMEG_4253 in M. smegmatis mc2155) is the α-ManT responsible for the biosynthesis of PIM2 from PIM1 in mycobacteria and that no other ManT can compensate for a deficiency in this enzyme in M. smegmatis. Like PimA (5), PimB′ is essential to the growth of M. smegmatis. Cell-free assays using purified PimA and PimB′ and M. smegmatis membrane preparations provide new insights into the sequential events leading to the synthesis of the early forms of PIMs in mycobacteria.  相似文献   
1.  Conservation of freshwater animal populations requires their access to, as well as sufficient availability of, critical habitats, such as those for reproduction. Abundant small-scale barriers may cause extensive fragmentation of freshwater habitat but, by comparison to larger structures their effects are rarely considered by catchment managers. The relationship between the distribution of, and access to, spawning habitat in a regulated river, characterized by abundant small barriers, was examined for river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis , a threatened migratory fish.
2.  Telemetry of adult lamprey in the River Derwent, North East England was used to quantify upriver migration and access to spawning habitat, together with surveys of spawning habitat availability and spawning activity between 2002 and 2007.
3.  Access in to the Derwent appeared severely restricted by a tidal barrage, beyond which lamprey migrated rapidly in unobstructed reaches. Of all lamprey tagged in the lower 4 km of river, or ascending the barrage, 64% and 17% passed the first and second weirs respectively, with high flows crucial for this. Although over 98% of lamprey spawning habitat occurred more than 51 km upstream, on average just 1.8% of river lamprey spawners were recorded there.
4.  In order to protect or rehabilitate species or species assemblages, greater attention needs to be paid to the relative spatial distribution of low-head barriers and the resultant availability of key habitats within individual catchments. This is particularly important given the renewed emphasis internationally on low-head hydropower solutions as a source of renewable energy, and the rapid growth in numbers of low-head barriers in many catchments.  相似文献   


The fish oil-derived ω-3 fatty acids, like docosahexanoic (DHA), claim a plethora of health benefits. We currently evaluated the antitumor effects of DHA, alone or in combination with cisplatin (CP) in the EAC solid tumor mice model, and monitored concomitant changes in serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), lipid peroxidation (measured as malondialdehyde; MDA) and leukocytic count (LC). Further, we verified the capacity of DHA to ameliorate the lethal, CP-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and the molecular mechanisms involved therein.


EAC-bearing mice exhibited markedly elevated LC (2-fold), CRP (11-fold) and MDA levels (2.7-fold). DHA (125, 250 mg/kg) elicited significant, dose-dependent reductions in tumor size (38%, 79%; respectively), as well as in LC, CRP and MDA levels. These effects for CP were appreciably lower than those of DHA (250 mg/kg). Interestingly, DHA (125 mg/kg) markedly enhanced the chemopreventive effects of CP and boosted its ability to reduce serum CRP and MDA levels. Correlation studies revealed a high degree of positive association between tumor growth and each of CRP (r = 0.85) and leukocytosis (r = 0.89), thus attesting to a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP. On the other hand, a single CP dose (10 mg/kg) induced nephrotoxicity in rats that was evidenced by proteinuria, deterioration of glomerular filtration rate (GFR, -4-fold), a rise in serum creatinine/urea levels (2–5-fold) after 4 days, and globally-induced animal fatalities after 7 days. Kidney-homogenates from CP-treated rats displayed significantly elevated MDA- and TNF-α-, but reduced GSH-, levels. Rats treated with DHA (250 mg/kg, but not 125 mg/kg) survived the lethal effects of CP, and showed a significant recovery of GFR; while their homogenates had markedly-reduced MDA- and TNF-α-, but -increased GSH-levels. Significant association was detected between creatinine level and those of MDA (r = 0.81), TNF-α ) r = 0.92) and GSH (r = -0.82); implying causal relationships.


DHA elicited prominent chemopreventive effects on its own, and appreciably augmented those of CP as well. The extent of tumor progression in various mouse groups was highly reflected by CRP levels (thus implying a diagnostic/prognostic role for CRP). Further, this study is the first to reveal that DHA can obliterate the lethal CP-induced nephrotoxicity and renal tissue injury. At the molecular level, DHA appears to act by reducing leukocytosis, systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress.  相似文献   
We have established a reverse genetics approach for the routine generation of medaka (Oryzias latipes) gene knockouts. A cryopreserved library of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenized fish was screened by high-throughput resequencing for induced point mutations. Nonsense and splice site mutations were retrieved for the Blm, Sirt1, Parkin and p53 genes and functional characterization of p53 mutants indicated a complete knockout of p53 function. The current cryopreserved resource is expected to contain knockouts for most medaka genes.  相似文献   
There is a need for efficient modeling strategies which quickly lead to reliable mathematical models that can be applied for design and optimization of (bio)-chemical processes. The serial gray box modeling strategy is potentially very efficient because no detailed knowledge is needed to construct the white box part of the model and because covenient black box modeling techniques like neural networks can be used for the black box part of the model. This paper shows for a typical biochemical conversion how the serial gray box modeling strategy can be applied efficiently to obtain a model with good frequency extrapolation properties. Models with good frequency extrapolation properties can be applied under dynamic conditions that were not present during the identification experiments. For a given application domain of a model, this property can be used to considerably reduce the number of identification experiments. The serial gray box modeling strategy is demonstrated to be successful for the modeling of the enzymatic conversion of penicillin G In the concentration range of 10-100 mM and temperature range of 298-335 K. Frequency extrapolation is shown by using only constant temperatures in the (batch) identification experiments, while the model can be used reliable with varying temperatures during the (batch) validation experiments. No reliable frequency extrapolation properties could be obtained for a black box model, and for a more knowledge-driven white box model reliable frequency extrapolation properties could only be obtained by incorporating more knowledge in the model. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We have cloned and characterized novel oxygenolytic ortho-dehalogenation (ohb) genes from 2-chlorobenzoate (2-CBA)- and 2,4-dichlorobenzoate (2,4-dCBA)-degrading Pseudomonas aeruginosa 142. Among 3,700 Escherichia coli recombinants, two clones, DH5alphaF'(pOD22) and DH5alphaF'(pOD33), converted 2-CBA to catechol and 2,4-dCBA and 2,5-dCBA to 4-chlorocatechol. A subclone of pOD33, plasmid pE43, containing the 3,687-bp minimized ohb DNA region conferred to P. putida PB2440 the ability to grow on 2-CBA as a sole carbon source. Strain PB2440(pE43) also oxidized but did not grow on 2,4-dCBA, 2,5-dCBA, or 2,6-dCBA. Terminal oxidoreductase ISPOHB structural genes ohbA and ohbB, which encode polypeptides with molecular masses of 20,253 Da (beta-ISP) and 48,243 Da (alpha-ISP), respectively, were identified; these proteins are in accord with the 22- and 48-kDa (as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) polypeptides synthesized in E. coli and P. aeruginosa parental strain 142. The ortho-halobenzoate 1,2-dioxygenase activity was manifested in the absence of ferredoxin and reductase genes, suggesting that the ISPOHB utilized electron transfer components provided by the heterologous hosts. ISPOHB formed a new phylogenetic cluster that includes aromatic oxygenases featuring atypical structural-functional organization and is distant from the other members of the family of primary aromatic oxygenases. A putative IclR-type regulatory gene (ohbR) was located upstream of the ohbAB genes. An open reading frame (ohbC) of unknown function that overlaps lengthwise with ohbB but is transcribed in the opposite direction was found. The ohbC gene codes for a 48,969-Da polypeptide, in accord with the 49-kDa protein detected in E. coli. The ohb genes are flanked by an IS1396-like sequence containing a putative gene for a 39,715-Da transposase A (tnpA) at positions 4731 to 5747 and a putative gene for a 45,247-Da DNA topoisomerase I/III (top) at positions 346 to 1563. The ohb DNA region is bordered by 14-bp imperfect inverted repeats at positions 56 to 69 and 5984 to 5997.  相似文献   
RacE is a small GTPase required for cytokinesis in Dictyostelium discoideum. To investigate RacE's potential binding and signaling interfaces that allow its function in cytokinesis, 10 different chimeras were created between RacE and the closely related small GTPase, RacC. RacE/RacC chimeras, containing various combinations of four RacE regions, E I-IV: E-I (aa 1-67), E-II (aa 68-124), E-III (aa 125-184), and E-IV (aa 185-223), were tested for their ability to rescue the multinucleated, cytokinesis-defective phenotype of RacE null cells grown in suspension. Regions E-II and E-IV were essential but not sufficient for the rescue of RacE null cells. These two regions, in combination with either region E-1 or E-III, resulted in rescue. Results presented here suggest that region E-II contains a crucial, yet incomplete, binding site. Regions E-I or E-III separately provide additional, necessary elements for RacE's function. The extended E tail of RacE (E-IV) may act as a 'sensor' of the bound nucleotide state of RacE and facilitate GDP to GTP exchange (possibly through interactions with a GEF molecule), thereby resulting in activation of RacE. This study provides new evidence for small GTPases engaging several distinct protein interfaces to mediate signaling in various cellular processes.  相似文献   
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