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Lymphatic vasculature development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the process of blood vasculature formation has been well documented, little is known about lymphatic vasculature development, despite its importance in normal and pathological conditions. The lack of specific lymphatic markers has hampered progress in this field. However, the recent identification of genes that participate in the formation of the lymphatic vasculature denotes the beginning of a new era in which better diagnoses and therapeutic treatment(s) of lymphatic disorders could become a reachable goal.  相似文献   
Structural relationship between the antioxidant melatonin and the non-benzodiazepine hypnotic zolpidem (ZPD) suggests possible direct antioxidant and neuroprotective properties of this compound. In the present work, these effects were analyzed for zolpidem and four of its synthesis intermediates. In vitro assays include lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation studies in liver and brain homogenates. Intracellular antioxidant effects were analyzed by evaluation of free radical formation prevention in HT-22 hippocampal cells treated with glutamate 10mM and measured by flow cytometer DCF fluorescence. The neuroprotective effect of these compounds was evaluated as neuronal death prevention of HT-22 cells treated with the same concentration of glutamate. Zolpidem was found to prevent induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver and brain homogenates showing figures similar to melatonin, although it failed to prevent protein oxidation. ZPD-I was the most effective out of the several zolpidem intermediates studied as it prevented lipid peroxidation with an efficiency higher than melatonin or zolpidem and with an effectiveness similar to estradiol and trolox. ZPD-I prevents protein oxidation, which trolox is known to be unable to prevent. When cellular experiments were undertaken, ZPD-I prevented totally the increase of intracellular free radicals induced by glutamate 10mM in culture medium for 12h, while zolpidem and ZPD-III partially prevented this increase. Also the three compounds protected hippocampal neurons from glutamate-induced death in the same conditions, being their comparative efficacy, ZPD-III > ZPD-I = ZPD.  相似文献   
Common features in the time-course of expansion of leaves which considerably differed in final area, due to phytomer position, growing conditions and genotype, were identified. Leaf development consisted of two phases of exponential growth, followed by a third phase of continuous decrease of the relative expansion rate. The rate and the duration of the first exponential phase were common to all phytomers, growing conditions and genotypes. Leaves differed in the rate and the duration of the second exponential phase. The decrease of the relative expansion rate during the third phase depended on neither genotype nor growing conditions. It was phytomer-dependent and was deduced from the rate of the second phase via a parameter common to all cases studied. Differences in final leaf area among growing conditions were linked to different expansion rates during the second exponential phase. The duration of the phases at any given phytomer position was the same for the two hybrids in different growing conditions. The dates of developmental events (initiation, end of the two exponential phases, full expansion), and the rate of the second exponential phase, were related to phytomer position, defining a strict pattern of leaf development at the whole plant level. Using this framework simplified the analysis of the response of leaf expansion to genotype and environment.  相似文献   
In immune complex (IC) diseases, FcR are essential molecules facilitating polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) recruitment and effector functions at the IC site. Although FcR-dependent initial tethering and FcR/integrin-dependent PMN accumulation were postulated, their underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We here addressed potential mechanisms involved in PMN recruitment in acute IC glomerulonephritis (nephrotoxic nephritis). Since some renal cells may be recruited from bone marrow (BM) lineages, reconstitution studies with BM chimeras and PMN transfer between wild-type (WT) and FcR-deficient mice (gamma(-/-)) were performed. Severe glomerular damage was induced in WT and W gamma chimeras (BM from WT to irradiated gamma(-/-)), while it was absent in gamma(-/-) and gamma W chimeras (gamma(-/-) BM to WT). Moreover, WT PMN transfer, but not gamma(-/-) PMN, reconstituted the disease in gamma(-/-), indicating that FcR on resident cells is not a prerequisite for PMN recruitment in this disease. Surprisingly, transferred WT PMN were recruited coincidentally with NF-kappa B activation and TNF-alpha overexpression even in glomeruli with preformed IC (nephrotoxic Ab administered 3 days previously), suggesting that PMN can initially be recruited via its own FcR without previous chemoattractant release. Furthermore, H(2)O(2) inhibition by catalase attenuated the acute WT PMN recruitment and the induction of NF-kappa B and TNF-alpha much more than integrin (CD18) blockade, indicating a role for the respiratory burst before integrin-dependent accumulation. In coculture experiments with IC-stimulated PMN and glomeruli, PMN caused acute glomerular TNF-alpha expression predominantly via FcR-mediated H(2)O(2) production. In conclusion, glomerular IC, even preformed, can cause PMN recruitment and injury through PMN FcR-mediated respiratory burst during initial PMN tethering to IC.  相似文献   
A new species of parasitic nematode, Cystoopsis atractostei (Trichinelloidea: Cystoopsidae), is described based on female specimens recovered from the subcutaneous tissue of the tropical gar, Atractosteus tropicus Gill (Lepisosteiformes: Lepisosteidae), from 2 localities (Canal Nueva Esperanza and Canal Tabasquillo) of the Pantanos de Centla Biological Reserve, State of Tabasco, southeastern Mexico, collected in April 2001. The total prevalence was 13%, and the mean intensity of infection was 1 nematode per fish. The new species differs from females of the only other adequately described congeneric species, C. acipenseris Wagner, 1867, mainly in possessing a bulbous inflation at the anterior end of the muscular esophagus, the vulva situated well posterior to the nerve ring, smooth cuticle, and in the shape of the posterior vesicular portion of the body (markedly transversely oval) in the largest specimens. Both species also differ in their host types (Lepisosteiformes vs. Acipenseriformes) and in geographical distribution (tropical southern Mexico vs. temperate zones of the Holarctic).  相似文献   
The most common cause of infant mortality is diarrhea; the most common cause of bacterial diarrhea is Campylobacter jejuni, which is also the primary cause of motor neuron paralysis. The first step in campylobacter pathogenesis is adherence to intestinal mucosa. We found that such binding was inhibited in vitro by human milk and, with high avidity, by alpha1,2-fucosylated carbohydrate moieties containing the H(O) blood group epitope (Fuc alpha 1,2Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc em leader ). In studies on the mechanism of adherence, campylobacter, which normally does not bind to Chinese hamster ovary cells, bound avidly when the cells were transfected with a human alpha1,2-fucosyltransferase gene that caused overexpression of H-2 antigen; binding was specifically inhibited by H-2 ligands (lectins Ulex europaeus and Lotus tetragonolobus and H-2 monoclonal antibody), H-2 mimetics, and human milk oligosaccharides. Human milk oligosaccharides inhibited campylobacter colonization of mice in vivo and human intestinal mucosa ex vivo. Campylobacter colonization of nursing mouse pups was inhibited if their dams had been transfected with a human alpha1,2-fucosyltransferase gene that caused expression of H(O) antigen in milk. We conclude that campylobacter binding to intestinal H-2 antigen is essential for infection. Milk fucosyloligosaccharides and specific fucosyl alpha1,2-linked molecules inhibit this binding and may represent a novel class of antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   
The karyotypes of 10 species and one variety of South American Lathyrus were determined and compared with those obtained of five entities from the Northern Hemisphere. Although all the species have a chromosome number of 2n = 14, they could be differentiated by their karyotype formula and quantitative parameters of the karyotypes. Phenetic distance and principal component analysis showed that in spite of the differences observed among entities, they can be grouped in clusters that coincide with the taxonomic sections established by F. K. Kupicha and with the life cycle of the species. South American species form a homogeneous group and can be distinguished by the presence of a subtelocentric pair, which has a macrosatellite in the long arm, and the lack of a short metacentric pair characteristic of most species of the Northern Hemisphere. From an evolutionary point of view, variation in total chromosome length without major changes in the karyotype formula suggests that changes in the amounts of genomic DNA are proportional to the relative length of each chromosome arm and that species of Notolathyrus evolved in a concerted fashion. Variation in genome size, however, is congruent with morphological variation of some reproductive organs as well as with the life cycle and minimum generation time, as predicted by the nucleotype hypothesis.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, the uptake and phosphorylation of glucose is carried out mainly by the phosphotransferase system (PTS). Despite the efficiency of glucose transport by PTS, the required consumption of 1 mol of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) for each mol of internalized glucose represents a drawback for some biotechnological applications where PEP is a precursor of the desired product. For this reason, there is considerable interest in the generation of strains that can transport glucose efficiently by a non-PTS mechanism. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of different gene expression levels, of galactose permease (GalP) and glucokinase (Glk), on glucose internalization and phosphorylation in a E. coli PTS(-) strain. The W3110 PTS(-), designated VH32, showed limited growth on glucose with a specific growth rate (mu) of 0.03 h(-1). A low copy plasmid family was constructed containing E. coli galP and glk genes, individually or combined, under the control of a trc-derived promoter set. This plasmid family was used to transform the VH32 strain, each plasmid having different levels of expression of galP and glk. Experiments in minimal medium with glucose showed that expression of only galP under the control of a wild-type trc promoter resulted in a mu of 0.55 h(-1), corresponding to 89% of the mu measured for W3110 (0.62 h(-1)). In contrast, no increase in specific growth rate (mu) was observed in VH32 with a plasmid expressing only glk from the same promoter. Strains transformed with part of the plasmid family, containing both galP and glk genes, showed a mu value similar to that of W3110. Fermentor experiments with the VH32 strain harboring plasmids pv1Glk1GalP, pv4Glk5GalP, and pv5Glk5GalP showed that specific acetate productivity was twofold higher than in W3110. Introduction of plasmid pLOI1594, coding for pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase from Zymomonas mobilis, to strain VH32 carrying one of the plasmids with galP and glk caused a twofold increase in ethanol productivity over strain W3110, also containing pLOI1594.  相似文献   
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