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The adaptor protein complex AP-3 is involved in the sorting of lysosomal membrane proteins to late endosomes/lysosomes. It is unclear whether AP-3-containing vesicles form at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) or early endosomes. We have compared the trafficking routes of endolyn/CD164 and 'typical' lysosomal membrane glycoproteins (lgp120/lamp-1 and CD63/lamp-3) containing cytosolic YXXPhi-targeting motifs preceded by asparagine and glycine, respectively. Endolyn, which has a NYHTL-motif, is concentrated in lysosomes, but also occurs in endosomes and at the cell surface. We observed predominant interaction of the NYHTL-motif with the mu-subunits of AP-3 in the yeast two-hybrid system. Endolyn was mislocalized to the cell surface in AP-3-deficient pearl cells, confirming a major role of AP-3 in endolyn traffic. However, lysosomal delivery of endolyn (or a NYHTL-reporter), but not GYXXPhi-containing proteins, was practically abolished when AP-2-mediated endocytosis or traffic from early to late endosomes was inhibited in NRK and 3T3 cells. This indicates that endolyn is mostly transported along the indirect lysosomal pathway (via the cell surface), rather than directly from the TGN to late endosomes/lysosomes. Our results suggest that AP-3 mediates lysosomal sorting of some membrane proteins in early endosomes in addition to sorting of proteins with intrinsically strong AP-3-interacting lysosomal targeting motifs at the TGN.  相似文献   
Cortical actin patches are dynamic structures required for endocytosis in yeast. Recent studies have shown that components of cortical patches localize to the plasma membrane in a precisely orchestrated manner, and their movements at and away from the plasma membrane may define the endocytic membrane invagination and vesicle scission events, respectively. Here, through live-cell imaging, we analyze the dynamics of the highly conserved class I unconventional myosin, Myo5, which also localizes to cortical patches and is known to be involved in endocytosis and actin nucleation. Myo5 exhibits a pattern of dynamic localization different from all cortical patch components analyzed to date. Myo5 associates with cortical patches only transiently and remains stationary during its brief cortical lifespan. The peak of Myo5 association with cortical patches immediately precedes the fast movement of Arp2/3 complex-associated structures away from the plasma membrane, thus correlating precisely with the proposed vesicle scission event. To further test the role of Myo5, we generated a temperature-sensitive mutant myo5 allele. In the myo5 mutant cells, Myo5 exhibits a significantly extended cortical lifespan as a result of a general impairment of Myo5 function, and Arp2 patches exhibit an extended slow-movement phase prior to the fast movement toward the cell interior. The myo5 mutant cells are defective in fluid-phase endocytosis and exhibit an increased number of invaginations on the membrane. Based on these results, we hypothesize that the myosin I motor protein facilitates the membrane fusion/vesicle scission event of endocytosis.  相似文献   
The directionality of matrix deposition in vivo is governed by the ability of a cell to direct vesicularflow to a specific target site. Osteoblastic cells direct newly synthesized bone matrix proteins toward the bone surface. In this study, we dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying the polarized trafficking of matrix protein in osteoblasts. We demonstrate using TEM, immunocytochemistry, and cDNA analysis, the ability of osteoblastic cells in culture to form tight junction-like structures and report the expression of the tight junction associated proteins occludin and claudins 1-3 in these cells. We identify intercellular contact sites and the leading edge of migratory osteoblasts as major target sites of vesicular trafficking in osteoblasts. Proteins required for this process, rsec6, NSF, VAMP1, and syntaxin 4, as well as the bone matrix protein, osteopontin, localize to these sites. We demonstrate that osteoblasts in vivo possess VAMP1 and, furthermore, report the expression of two VAMP1 splice variants in these cells. In addition, osteoblasts express the NSF attachment protein alpha-SNAP and the t-SNARE SNAP23. Thus, cell-to-cell contact sites and the leading edge of migratory osteoblasts contain a unique complement of proteins required for SNARE mediated membrane fusion.  相似文献   
The type II restriction endonuclease SsoII shows sequence similarity with 10 other restriction endonucleases, among them the type IIE restriction endonuclease EcoRII, which requires binding to an effector site for efficient DNA cleavage, and the type IIF restriction endonuclease NgoMIV, which is active as a homotetramer and cleaves DNA with two recognition sites in a concerted reaction. We show here that SsoII is an orthodox type II enzyme, which is active as a homodimer and does not require activation by binding to an effector site. Nevertheless, it shares with EcoRII and NgoMIV a very similar DNA-binding site and catalytic center as shown here by a mutational analysis, indicative of an evolutionary relationship between these three enzymes. We suggest that a similar relationship exists between other orthodox type II, type IIE, and type IIF restriction endonucleases. This may explain why similarities may be more pronounced between members of different subtypes of restriction enzymes than among the members of a given subtype.  相似文献   
Plasma blasts formed during memory immune responses emigrate from the spleen to migrate into the bone marrow and into chronically inflamed tissues where they differentiate into long-lived plasma cells. In this study, we analyze the chemokine responsiveness of plasma blasts formed after secondary immunization with OVA. Starting from day 4 and within approximately 48 h, OVA-specific plasma blasts emigrate from spleen and appear in the bone marrow. Although these migratory cells have lost their responsiveness to many B cell attracting chemokines, e.g., CXC chemokine ligand (CXCL)13 (B lymphocyte chemoattractant), they migrate toward CXCL12 (stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha), and toward the inflammatory chemokines CXCL9 (monokine induced by IFN-gamma), CXCL10 (IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10), and CXCL11 (IFN-inducible T cell alpha chemoattractant). However, the responsiveness of plasma blasts to these chemokines is restricted to a few days after their emigration from the spleen, indicating a role for these molecules and their cognate receptors, i.e., CXCR3 and CXCR4, in the regulation of plasma blast migration into the bone marrow and/or inflamed tissues.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells migrate from the skin to the draining lymph nodes. They transport immunogenic MHC-peptide complexes, present them to Ag-specific T cells in the T areas, and thus generate immunity. Migrating dendritic cells encounter physical obstacles, such as basement membranes and collagen meshwork. Prior work has revealed that matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) contributes to mouse Langerhans cell migration. In this study, we use mouse and human skin explant culture models to further study the role of MMPs in the migration and maturation of skin dendritic cells. We found that MMP-2 and MMP-9 are expressed on the surface of dendritic cells from the skin, but not from other sources. They are also expressed in migrating Langerhans cells in situ. The migration of both Langerhans cells and dermal dendritic cells is inhibited by a broad spectrum inhibitor of MMPs (BB-3103), by Abs to MMP-9 and -2, and by the natural tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP), TIMP-1 and TIMP-2. Inhibition by anti-MMP-2 and TIMP-2 define a functional role for MMP-2 in addition to the previously described function of MMP-9. The importance of MMP-9 was emphasized using MMP-9-deficient mice in which Langerhans cell migration from skin explants was strikingly reduced. However, MMP-9 was only required for Langerhans cell migration and not maturation, since nonmigrating Langerhans cells isolated from the epidermis matured normally with regard to morphology, phenotype, and T cell stimulatory function. These data underscore the importance of MMPs, and they may be of relevance for therapeutically regulating dendritic cell migration in clinical vaccination approaches.  相似文献   
The known furostanol saponins methylprotodioscin and protodioscin and two new sulfated saponins, sodium salt of 26-O-beta-glucopyranosyl-22alpha-methoxy-(25R)-furost-5-ene-3beta,26-diol-3-O-alpha-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->2)-beta-4-O-sulfo-glucopyranoside (methylprototribestin) and sodium salt of 26-O-beta-glucopyranosyl-22alpha-hydroxy-(25R)-furost-5-ene-3beta,26-diol-3-O-alpha-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->2)-beta-4-O-sulfo-glucopyranoside (prototribestin) have been isolated from the aerial parts of Tribulus terrestris L. growing in Bulgaria. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated on the basis of 1D and 2D (DQF-COSY, TOCSY, HSQC-TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC, ROESY) NMR data, ESI mass spectra and chemical transformation.  相似文献   
The analysis of cell fate patterning during the vulval development of Caenorhabditis elegans has relied mostly on the direct observation of cell divisions and cell movements (cell lineage analysis). However, reconstruction of the developing vulva from EM serial sections has suggested seven different cell types (vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, vulD, vulE, and vulF), many of which cannot be distinguished based on such observations. Here we report the vulval expression of seven genes, egl-17, cdh-3, ceh-2, zmp-1, B0034.1, T04B2.6 and F47B8.6 based on gfp, cfp and yfp (green fluorescent protein and color variants) reporter fusions. Each gene expresses in a specific subset of vulval cells, and is therefore useful as a marker for vulval cell fates. Together, expressions of markers distinguish six cell types, and reveal a strict temporal control of gene expression in the developing vulva.  相似文献   
Mice have proved to be powerful models for understanding obesity in humans and farm animals. Single-gene mutants and genetically modified mice have been used successfully to discover genes and pathways that can regulate body weight. For polygenic obesity, the most common pattern of inheritance, many quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been mapped in crosses between selected and inbred mouse lines. Most QTL effects are additive, and diet, age and gender modify the genetic effects. Congenic, recombinant inbred, advanced intercross, and chromosome substitution strains are needed to map QTLs finely, to identify the genes underlying the traits, and to examine interactions between them.  相似文献   
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