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新型生物医用材料—止血纤维的制备与应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者以高分子生物医用材料,采用气体牵伸纺丝技术,制备了医用止血纤维。经止血机理及结构的研究,其在外伤止血、护创和手术局部止血方面疗效显著。  相似文献   
辽宁复州湾的PROFUSULINELLA动物群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
XeCl准分子激光辐照对溶菌酶结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用荧光光谱、SDS-PAGE和NMR方法,考察308 nm XeCl准分子激光辐照对溶菌酶结构与活性的影响。使用能量密度为0.3 mJ/mm2的激光辐照溶菌酶,脉冲数分别为25、50、100、200、600、1200、1800、3600和7200。结果表明,用低强度激光辐照(低于200个脉冲)时,溶菌酶的活性出现增高趋势。随着激光辐照脉冲数的进一步增大,溶菌酶的活性又开始逐步降低。激光辐照处理后,溶菌酶的荧光强度发生了与生物活性相对应的先增高再降低现象,说明溶菌酶的高级结构发生了显著变化。SDS-PAGE结果显示,经激光辐照后,溶菌酶出现了分子间的聚合。分析溶菌酶的1H-NMR谱发现,辐照后,溶菌酶色氨酸(Trp)111、Trp63和Trp62的化学位移发生了变化,此结果进一步说明,激光辐照使溶菌酶的高级结构发生了变化。该实验可为激光辐照诱导蛋白质去折叠的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphatases (5PTases) components of membrane trafficking system. Recently, we that hydrolyze the 5' position of the inositol ring are key reported that mutation in AtSPTase7 gene reduced produc- tion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased expression of stress-responsive genes, resulting in increased salt sensitivity. Here, we describe an even more salt-sensitive 5ptase mutant, At5ptase9, which also hydrolyzes the 5' phos- phate groups specifically from membrane-bound phosphatidylinositides. Interestingly, the mutants were more tolerant to osmotic stress. We analyzed the main cellular processes that may be affected by the mutation, such as production of ROS, influx of calcium, and induction of salt-response genes. The At5ptase9 mutants showed reduced ROS produc- tion and Ca2~ influx, as well as decreased fluid-phase endocytosis. Inhibition of endocytosis by phenylarsine oxide or Tyrphostin A23 in wild-type plants blocked these responses. Induction of salt-responsive genes in wild-type plants was also suppressed by the endocytosis inhibitors. Thus, inhibition of endocytosis in wild-type plants mimicked the salt stress responses, observed in the AtSptase9 mutants. In summary, our results show a key non-redundant role of At5PTase7 and 9 isozymes, and underscore the localization of membrane-bound Ptdlns in regulating plant salt tolerance by coordinating the endocytosis, ROS production, Ca2+ influx, and induction of stress-responsive genes.  相似文献   
热激蛋白HSP70是一类细胞必需的具有ATPase活性的分子伴侣。ADP的脱离是HSP70分子伴侣体系能够完成其功能循环的限速步骤,该反应步骤由核苷酸交换因子(NEFs)加速,因此,NEFs是HSP70分子伴侣体系中的一类关键辅助因子。本文总结了有关NEFs的研究成果以及植物NEFs的最新研究进展。  相似文献   


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with risk of congestive heart failure (CHF), cognitive dysfunction and depression. CHF itself is linked both to poor cognition and depression. The ventricular N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is a marker of CHF, suggesting potential as a marker for cognitive impairment and/or depression. This was tested in the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study (ET2DS).

Methodology and Principal Findings

Cross-sectional analysis of 1066 men and women aged 60–75 with type 2 diabetes. Results from seven neuropsychological tests were combined in a standardised general cognitive ability factor, ‘g’. A vocabulary-based test estimated pre-morbid cognitive ability. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) assessed possible depression. After adjustment for age and sex, raised plasma NT-proBNP was weakly associated with lower ‘g’ and higher depression scores (ß −0.09, 95% CI −0.13 to −0.03, p = 0.004 and ß 0.08, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.12, p<0.001, respectively). Comparing extreme quintiles of NT-proBNP, subjects in the highest quintile were more likely to have reduced cognitive ability (within the lowest tertile of ‘g’) and ‘possible’ depression (HADS depression ≥8) (OR 1.80; 95% CI: 1.20, 2.70; p = 0.005 and OR 2.18; 95% CI: 1.28, 3.71; p = 0.004, respectively). Associations persisted when pre-morbid ability was adjusted for, but as expected were no longer statistically significant following the adjustment for diabetes-related and vascular co-variates (β −0.02, 95% CI −0.07 to 0.03, p>0.05 for ‘g’; β 0.03, 95% CI −0.02 to 0.07, p>0.05 for depression scores).


Raised plasma NT-proBNP was weakly but statistically significantly associated with poorer cognitive function and depression. The prospective phases of the ET2DS will help determine whether or not NT-proBNP can be considered a risk marker for subsequent cognitive impairment and incident depression and whether it provides additional information over and above traditional risk factors for these conditions.  相似文献   
按照中国古生物学会2020年工作计划和十二届三次常务理事会议关于开展 “中国古生物学年度十大进展”评选活动的决定, 中国古生物学会于2020年1月开展了2019年度中国古生物学十大进展的推荐和评选工作。提名推荐阶段学会秘书处共收到理事和分支机构推荐的提名成果22项。其中, 科研成果21项, 教学成果1项。 经中国古生物学会第十二届理事会成员和荣誉理事(含院士)组成的评审委员会投票评选, 评委会主任和副主任审定, 学会功能型党委审核, 2019年度中国古生物学十大进展评选结果如下(按照得票高低排序):  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯高原地区昆虫物种多样性研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
鄂尔多斯高原有特殊生境类型,本文研究了该地区的昆虫物种多样性变化及影响因素,得到以下结果:(1)利用巴氏罐诱法得到昆虫标本约5159号,其他无脊椎动物标本291号,鞘翅目为优势昆虫类群,其数量占昆虫标本总数的45.8%,其中拟步甲和步甲个体数量较多,占所有甲虫总数92.8%;(2)根据甲虫的物种多样性和丰富度的特点将4个调查地点分为两组:一组为以荒漠灌丛为主的杭锦旗和植被类型多样化的石灰庙,物种多样性指数,丰富度和个体数量较高;另一组为以人工植被区为主的石龙庙和新街镇,物种均匀度指数较高;(3)主成分排序(PCA)可以将该地区的甲虫群落分为人工植被区和荒漠植被区2种类型,反映降水和植被类型是决定甲虫群落组成的关键因素;(4)降水梯度对甲虫物种多样性有很大影响,物种多样性指数,均匀度指数与降水梯度呈显著的正相关关系;个体数量与降水梯度呈显著的负相关关系;物种的丰富度与降水梯度没有相关关系。以上结果表明,在鄂尔多斯高原地区,只有减少人为干扰,加强保护脆弱的原有植被,才能保护特有的昆虫种类;只有大力开展固沙造林植草,才能改善环境,提高该地区的昆虫物种多样性。  相似文献   
基于集中参数模型的脑血管疾病数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脑血管疾病的血流动力研究一直是和脑血管疾病的预防和诊断密切相关的,由于脑部血流循环是一个四端输入的网络,其复杂性导致它的血液动力学规律和体循环有着本质的差别,讨论脑循环这模型和临床应用有着重要的意义,本文使用集中参数模型来模拟三种常见的脑血管疾病;脑动脉硬化,脑梗塞,锁骨下动脉盗血,考察其对相应脑血管的压力和流量的影响,结果显示脑部血液循环的代偿功能在发病情况下的重要作用,本文通过分析数值模拟结果,对不同疾病的血液动力学特征进行研究,给脑血管疾病的临床诊断提供血液动力学方面的参考。  相似文献   
标本采自湖南省永顺县万民乡志留系下部Llandovery统Telychian阶秀山组上部,几乎全部为Coronocephalus gaoluoensis Wu,其中有20多块头、胸、尾相连的完整标本。研究发现,Coronocephalus gaoluoensis Wu具有十分特殊的头部构造,其面线前支横切头鞍前叶中前部...  相似文献   
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