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Cerebellum is involved in the motion coordination and working memory, to which the programming of sequential spikes at Purkinje cells is essential. It is not clear about the intrinsic mechanisms underlying spike capacity and timing precision as well as their postnatal maturation. We investigated the programming and intrinsic property of sequential spikes at Purkinje neurons during postnatal development by whole-cell recording in cerebellar slices. Cerebellar Purkinje neurons demonstrate the increasing of spike capacity and timing precision, as well as the lowering of refractory periods and threshold potentials during the postnatal maturation. In addition, the correlation between spike parameters and intrinsic properties converts to be more linear. This postnatal plasticity of neuronal intrinsic properties improves the timing precision and capacity of spike programming at cerebellar Purkinje neurons.  相似文献   
影响类弹性蛋白多肽(ELPs)自组装成微球的因素较多,目前尚缺乏系统研究。以类弹性蛋白多肽[KV8F]n为对象,利用动态光散射仪测定了不同条件下其自组装成微球的粒径。结果表明:随着分子量的增加ELPs形成的微球粒径也随之增大,粒径的均一度减小;当盐浓度低于0.4 mol/L时,盐浓度的增加,微球粒径相应增加,而盐浓度高于0.4 mol/L则呈减少的趋势,但粒径均大于1.1μm;而当ELPs末端融合木聚糖酶和1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶后,其自组装形成的微球粒径急剧减小,约为游离ELPs的1/10,分别为151.0 nm和174.2 nm。导致这种现象的原因可能是酶分子和ELPs通过静电引力相互作用后,酶分子的空间位阻妨碍了ELPs分子的聚集。  相似文献   
用苗期症状观察和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)两种方法检查了大豆种子内的大豆花叶病毒(sMV)的传毒率及带毒率,并对两种方法所得的结果进行了比较。带毒大豆种子产生的病苗,其症状主要有花叶、卷叶、叶脉束状、叶脉坏死、凸斑和单叶扭曲等类型。苗期症状观察得到的种子传毒率,与用ELISA法检查去种皮大豆种子的带毒率高度吻合,相关系数r=0.92(n=31),说明此两种方法检查种子传(带)毒率具有相同的生物学和病理学意义。 本文提出了种子“群体病毒浓度”的概念。“群体病毒浓度”=群体内病毒总量/群体内种子总数。38个处理组合和3,591粒种子逐粒用ELISA法检查表明,“群体病毒浓度”与该群体的种子传毒率呈正相关,r=0.93(n=38)。将种子群体作为一个整体用ELISA法检查的结果也证明,“群体病毒浓度”与种子传毒率呈直线相关。因此认为可以用ELISA法对种子群体直接进行测定来估计种子的传毒率。  相似文献   
Despite the long availability of a traditional prophylactic vaccine containing the HBV surface antigen(HBsA g) and aluminum adjuvant, nearly 10% of the population remains unable to generate an effective immune response. Previous studies have indicated that hepatitis B virus(HBV) PreS 2-S is abundant in T/B cell epitopes, which induces a stronger immune response than HBsA g, particularly in terms of cytotoxic T lymphocyte(CTL) reaction. In the current study, the HBV PreS 2-S gene encoding an extra26 amino acids(PreS 2 C-terminus) located at the N-terminus of HBsA g was cloned into the pV CH1300 expression vector. Pre S2-S expressed in the methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha, was produced at a yield of up to 250 mg/L. Subsequent purification steps involved hydrophobic adsorption to colloidal silica, ion-exchange chromatography and density ultracentrifugation. The final product was obtained with a total yield of ~15% and purity of ~99%. In keeping with previous studies, ~22 nm viruslike particles were detected using electron microscopy. The generated PreS 2-S antigen will be further studied for efficacy and safty in animals.  相似文献   
KGLP-1, a 31-amino acid glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue, has a great therapeutic potential for anti-diabetes. In this work, a strategy for expression and purification of functional KGLP-1 peptide has been established. KGLP-1 cDNA was fused with glutathione S-transferase (GST), with an enterokinase cleavage site in the fusion junction. The recombinant fusion protein GST–KGLP-1 was affinity purified via the GST-tag, and then digested with enterokinase. The resulting GST part as well as the enzymes were eliminated by ultra-filtration followed by size exclusion chromatograph. The yield of purified KGLP-1 was approximately 12.1 mg/L, with purity of 96.18 %. The recombinant KGLP-1 was shown to have similar bioactivity as native GLP-1 when evaluated in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line expressing a GLP-1 receptor-egfp reporter gene.  相似文献   
目的:从异常核型人胚胎干细胞系中分离两种不同X染色体失活(XCI)状态的细胞,建立亚系,并进行对其XCI状态特征和多能性标记进行鉴定。方法:G显带鉴定人胚胎干细胞系ch HESC-3早晚期代数细胞的核型,H3K27me3免疫荧光染色鉴定早晚期ch HESC-3表观遗传差异,RT-PCR检测早晚期ch HESC-3中XIST基因的表达。利用单细胞克隆的培养分选亚系,H3K27me3、RNA polymeraseⅡ以及DAPI三种标记的共染后每种表观标记各选两株进行RT-PCR,检测两种亚系中XIST基因的表达。并对这四株细胞进行干细胞标记鉴定。结果:G显带结果证明早期ch HESC-3为正常核型,晚期代数核型为异常核型,牵涉到8条染色体的复杂结构变异。H3K27me3免疫荧光染色证明异常核型ch HESC-3中有部分细胞出现了H3K27me3凝集点,而正常核型细胞中未发现。正常核型细胞(ch HESC-3N)没有XIST基因表达,异常核型细胞(ch HESC-3C)中有表达。在RNA polymeraseⅡ着色缺口中发现H3K27me3凝集点的细胞亚株XIST基因表达阳性,polymeraseⅡ着色缺口中未发现H3K27me3凝集点的细胞亚株XIST基因表达阴性,XIST阳性和阴性细胞各选两株进行多能性标记免疫荧光染色均为阳性。结论:成功从异常核型人胚胎干细胞系中分离两种不同XCI状态的细胞并建立亚系,两种表观类型的亚系均保持多能性标记并能在长期培养中保持各自特性。  相似文献   
East Lake (Lake Donghu), located in Wuhan, China, is a typical city freshwater lake that has been experiencing eutrophic conditions and algal blooming during recent years. Marine and fresh water are considered to contain a large number of viruses. However, little is known about their genetic diversity because of the limited techniques for culturing viruses. In this study, we conducted a viral metagenomic analysis using a high-throughput sequencing technique with samples collected from East Lake in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The libraries from four samples each generated 234,669, 71,837, 12,820, and 34,236 contigs (> 90 bp each), respectively. The genetic structure of the viral community revealed a high genetic diversity covering 23 viral families, with the majority of contigs homologous to DNA viruses, including members of Myoviridae, Podoviridae, Siphoviridae, Phycodnaviridae, and Microviridae, which infect bacteria or algae, and members of Circoviridae, which infect invertebrates and vertebrates. The highest viral genetic diversity occurred in samples collected in August, then December and June, and the least diversity in March. Most contigs have low-sequence identities with known viruses. PCR detection targeting the conserved sequences of genes (g20, psbA, psbD, and DNApol) of cyanophages further confirmed that there are novel cyanophages in the East Lake. Our viral metagenomic data provide the first preliminary understanding of the virome in one freshwater lake in China and would be helpful for novel virus discovery and the control of algal blooming in the future.  相似文献   
自絮凝酵母高浓度重复批次乙醇发酵   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用发酵性能优良的自絮凝酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeflo,研究开发了重复批次高浓度乙醇发酵系统,以节省下游加工过程的能耗。在终点乙醇浓度达到120g/L左右的条件下,发酵系统的乙醇生产强度达到8.2g/(L·h)。然而实验中发现,随着发酵批次的增多,自絮凝酵母沉降性能逐渐下降,从发酵液中沉降分离所需时间相应延长,导致发酵液中高浓度乙醇对酵母的毒害作用加剧,影响其发酵活性和发酵系统运行的稳定性,发酵装置运行11个批次后无法继续运行。实验结果表明,絮凝能力下降导致的酵母絮凝颗粒尺度减小是其沉降性能下降的主要原因。进一步研究发现,酵母的絮凝能力通过再培养可以恢复。在此基础上对发酵系统操作进行改进,每批发酵结束后可控采出一定比例菌体,调节系统的酵母细胞密度和乙醇生产强度以刺激酵母增殖,保持其絮凝能力。在达到相同发酵终点乙醇浓度条件下,虽然发酵系统的乙醇生产强度降低到4.0g/(L·h),但运行10d后絮凝颗粒酵母尺度趋于稳定,继续运行14d,未发现絮凝颗粒酵母尺度继续下降的现象,系统可以稳定运行。  相似文献   
【目的】探讨反义RNA技术介导的大肠杆菌非必需基因rpsF基因沉默导致菌体生长受抑制的原因。【方法】将rpsF基因5'端41-230 bp的片段反向插入带有末端配对结构的反义表达载体pHN678,获得重组质粒,导入大肠杆菌宿主获得反义RNA菌株Escherichia.coli/pHNF,并用诱导剂IPTG诱导反义RNA表达,通过与对照菌E.coli/pHN678的液体生长状态差异判断菌体生长表型;采用Real time RT-PCR方法跟踪分析转录水平。【结果】构建了针对rpsF的反义RNA菌株,且其生长受抑制程度与IPTG浓度呈正相关。IPTG浓度为100μmol/L时,菌体生长未受抑制,但靶基因rpsF的mRNA量降低了36%,而rpsR是位于同一操纵子下游的必需基因,其转录水平却未受影响;IPTG浓度为200μmol/L时,菌体生长明显受抑制,经分析发现rpsR转录水平降低了12%。【结论】反义RNA菌株E.coli/pHNF生长受抑制的原因是由于此反义RNA引起了同一操纵子下另一必需基因rpsR的转录水平降低。  相似文献   
地上部植食者褐飞虱对不同水稻品种土壤线虫群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地上和地下部生物群落的交互作用对于调控陆地生态过程具有重要作用。在盆栽条件下利用2×2析因设计研究了褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens)取食不同水稻品种后对土壤线虫群落的影响。结果表明, 褐飞虱侵害水稻9 d后, 感虫品种(广四和汕优63)的土壤线虫总数、属数及自生线虫(食细菌线虫、食真菌线虫和捕食性线虫)数量增加, 并且一般达到显著水平(P<0.05); 而上述指标在抗虫品种(汕优559和IR36)土壤中则呈现相反的趋势。植食性线虫数量在强感虫品种广四上显著增加(P<0.05), 而在强抗虫品种IR36上显著减少(P<0.05)。褐飞虱和水稻品种对土壤线虫的生态指数(线虫通道指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、成熟度指数、富集指数和结构指数)没有明显影响, 可能与供试土壤线虫群落组成单一及褐飞虱作用时间较短有关。总之, 褐飞虱强烈影响土壤线虫数量、群落组成和营养结构, 并且作用的方向(促进或抑制)和程度依赖于水稻的品种特性, 揭示出地上部植食者的短期侵害将对稻田土壤生态系统的结构和功能产生深远影响。  相似文献   
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