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The histidine residue essential for the catalytic activity of pancreatic cholesterol esterase (carboxylester lipase) has been identified in this study using sequence comparison and site-specific mutagenesis techniques. In the first approach, comparison of the primary structure of rat pancreatic cholesterol esterase with that of acetylcholinesterase and cholinesterase revealed two conserved histidine residues located at positions 420 and 435. The sequence in the region around histidine 420 is quite different between the three enzymes. However, histidine 435 is located in a 22-amino acid domain that is 47% homologous with other serine esterases. Based on this sequence homology, it was hypothesized that histidine 435 is the histidine residue essential for catalytic activity of cholesterol esterase. The role of His435 in the catalytic activity of pancreatic cholesterol esterase was then studied by the site-specific mutagenesis technique. Substitution of the histidine in position 435 with glutamine, arginine, alanine, serine, or aspartic acid abolished the ability of cholesterol esterase to hydrolyze p-nitrophenyl butyrate and cholesterol [14C]oleate. In contrast, mutagenesis of the histidine residue at position 420 to glutamine had no effect on cholesterol esterase enzyme activity. The results of this study strongly suggested that histidine 435 may be a component of the catalytic triad of pancreatic cholesterol esterase.  相似文献   
Charge movements were measured in frog intact fibers with the three-microelectrode technique and in cut fibers with the double Vaseline gap technique. At 13-14 degrees C, the ON segments of charge movement records from both preparations showed an early I beta component and a late I gamma hump component. When an intact fiber was cooled to 4-7 degrees C, the time-to-peak of I gamma (tp,gamma) was prolonged, but I gamma still appeared as a hump. Q-V plots from intact fibers at 4-7 degrees C were fitted with a sum of two Boltzmann distribution functions (method 1). The more steeply voltage-dependent component, identified with Q gamma, accounted for 32.1% (SEM 2.2%) of the total charge. This fraction was larger than the 22.6% (SEM 1.5%) obtained by separating the ON currents with a sum of two kinetic functions (method 2). The total charge in cut fibers stretched to a sarcomere length of 3.5 microns at 13-14 degrees C was separated into Q beta and Q gamma by methods 1 and 2. The fraction of Q gamma in the total charge was 51.3% (SEM 1.7%) and 53.7% (SEM 1.8%), respectively, suggesting that cut fibers have a larger proportion of Q gamma:Q beta than intact fibers. When cut fibers were stretched to a sarcomere length of 4 microns, the proportion of Q gamma:Q beta was unchanged. Between 4 and 13 degrees C, the Q10 of l/tp,gamma in intact fibers was 2.33 (SEM 0.33) and that of 1/tau beta was less than 1.44 (SEM 0.04), implying that the kinetics of I gamma has a steeper temperature dependence than the kinetics of I beta. When cut fibers were cooled from 14 to 6 degrees C, I gamma in the ON segment generally became too broad to be manifested as a hump. In a cut fiber in which I gamma was manifested as a hump, the Q10 of l/tp,gamma was 2.08 and that of l/tau beta was less than 1.47. Separating the Q-V plots from cut fibers at different temperatures by method 1 showed that the proportion of Q gamma:Q beta was unaffected by temperature change. The appearance of I gamma humps at low temperatures in intact fibers but generally not in cut fibers suggests an intrinsic difference between the two fiber preparations.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that changes in endogenous glutamatergic stimulation of secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) induced by photoperiod play a role in regulating seasonal cycles of reproductive activity. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the glutamatergic control of the secretion of LH in the male Syrian hamster is sensitive to photoperiod, by determining whether the glutamate agonist N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) could stimulate LH secretion in this species and, if so, to determine whether the response varied among animals exposed to different daylengths. In the first experiment, adult male hamsters were housed in either short day (8 h light: 16 h dark) for 6 weeks to induce testicular regression, or long days (16 h light: 8 h dark) to maintain testicular function, and the effects of systemic administration of NMDA on serum LH concentrations were determined. In the short-day hamsters, all s.c. doses of NMDA (25-75 mg kg-1 body weight) produced a robust rise in serum LH concentrations within 15 min. In the long-day hamsters, basal LH concentrations were higher than in short-day hamsters, but only the highest dose of NMDA produced a significant increase in LH concentrations, and the magnitude of this increment was less than those observed in short days. In hamsters in long days, the low doses of NMDA that did not significantly alter LH concentrations nevertheless significantly suppressed serum prolactin concentrations, demonstrating the efficacy of the drug. In hamsters in short days, serum prolactin concentrations were at the limit of detection of the assay, so no inhibitory effect of NMDA on prolactin secretion could be determined on this photoperiod. In the second experiment, the effects of a fixed dose of NMDA (50 mg kg-1 body weight) was tested at intervals in hamsters exposed to short days for a prolonged period such that their testes initially regressed, but then became scotorefractory and testicular recrudescence occurred. After 6 and 12 weeks in short days, NMDA stimulated LH secretion. However, after 24 weeks in short days when testicular recrudescence was complete, the response to NMDA was lost. A third experiment determined whether the reduced response to NMDA in hamsters on long days relative to those in short days might result from higher concentrations of circulating testosterone. Hamsters in long days were castrated to remove the influence of gonadal feedback, and the response to NMDA tested 3 weeks later when endogenous LH concentrations had risen to levels characteristic of the chronically castrated condition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Increasing methylation of the headgroup in DPPE results in an increase of minimum area per molecule in highly compressed monolayers at the air-water interface. The shape of solid domains, as observed by epifluorescence microscopy, also exhibits marked changes upon increasing headgroup methylation. Branching domains are observed in DPPE and DP(Me)PE, whereas U-shaped or round domains are observed in DP(Me)2PE and DPPC under our experimental conditions. The domain shape is determined more by the headgroup methylatin than by the corresponding shift in critical temperatures, as shown by the study of PCs of different acyl chain moieties. In mixed lipid monolayers, PC (phosphatidylcholine) and PE (phosphatidylethanolamine) do not mix ideally, as indicated by the non-linear variation of the average area per molecule with composition, and by distinct domain shapes in LE/LC (liquid expanded/liquid condensed) coexisting phases representing PE-enriched or PC-enriched domains in those mixed monolayers.  相似文献   
Charge movement was measured in frog cut twitch fibers with the double Vaseline-gap technique. 25 microM tetracaine had very little effect on the maximum amounts of Q beta and Q gamma but slowed the kinetics of the I gamma humps in the ON segments of TEST-minus-CONTROL current traces, giving rise to biphasic transients in the difference traces. This concentration of tetracaine also shifted V gamma 3.7 (SEM 0.7) mV in the depolarizing direction, resulting in a difference Q-V plot that was bell-shaped with a peak at approximately -50 mV. 0.5-1.0 mM tetracaine suppressed the total amount of charge. The suppressed component had a sigmoidal voltage distribution with V = -56.6 (SEM 1.1) mV, k = 2.5 (SEM 0.5) mV, and qmax/cm = 9.2 (SEM 1.5) nC/microF, suggesting that the tetracaine-sensitive charge had a steep voltage dependence, a characteristic of the Q gamma component. An intermediate concentration (0.1-0.5 mM) of tetracaine shifted V gamma and partially suppressed the tetracaine-sensitive charge, resulting in a difference Q-V plot that rose to a peak and then decayed to a plateau level. Following a TEST pulse to greater than -60 mV, the slow inward current component during a post-pulse to approximately -60 mV was also tetracaine sensitive. The voltage distribution of the charge separated by tetracaine (method 1) was compared with those separated by three other existing methods: (a) the charge associated with the hump component separated by a sum of two kinetic functions from the ON segment of a TEST-minus-CONTROL current trace (method 2), (b) the steeply voltage-dependent component separated from a Q-V plot of the total charge by fitting with a sum of two Boltzmann distribution functions (method 3), and (c) the sigmoidal component separated from the Q-V plot of the final OFF charge obtained with a two-pulse protocol (method 4). The steeply voltage-dependent components separated by all four methods are consistent with each other, and are therefore concluded to be equivalent to the same Q gamma component. The shortcomings of each separation method are critically discussed. Since each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is recommended that, as much as possible, Q gamma should be separated by more than one method to obtain more reliable results.  相似文献   
The major merozoite surface Ag (gp195) of Plasmodium falciparum has been shown to protect monkeys against parasite infection, and gp195-based synthetic peptides and recombinant polypeptides have been evaluated as potential malaria vaccines. A major problem in developing a gp195-based recombinant vaccine has been the difficulty in obtaining a recombinant polypeptide that is immunologically equivalent to the native protein. In this study, the carboxyl-terminal processing fragment (p42) of gp195 was produced in yeast and in a baculovirus recombinant system. Immunologic analyses indicated that the secreted baculovirus p42 (BVp42) expressed native, disulfide-dependent conformational epitopes, whereas these epitopes were poorly represented in the intracellular yeast p42. BVp42, but not yeast p42, was also recognized by the majority of gp195-specific antibodies of animals immunized with purified native gp195, indicating that the anti-gp195 response of these animals was focused on conformational determinants of the p42 processing fragment. Sera against native gp195 of congenic mice of diverse H-2 haplotypes recognized the BVp42 polypeptide, demonstrating that a genetically heterogeneous population is capable of responding to p42 epitopes. BVp42 was highly immunogenic and induced high titers of antibodies that were cross-reactive with purified native gp195 in an ELISA and also reacted with schizonts and merozoites by immunofluorescence. Anti-BVp42 antibodies completely inhibited the in vitro growth of the malaria parasite, whereas anti-yeast p42 antibodies had no effect. These results indicate that native, conformational epitopes of p42 are critical for the induction of gp195-specific, parasite growth-inhibitory antibodies and that the BVp42 polypeptide efficiently induces antibodies specific for these native determinants.  相似文献   
Previous studies of the genetic and biologic characteristics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have by necessity used tissue culture-derived virus. We recently reported the molecular cloning of four full-length HIV-1 genomes directly from uncultured human brain tissue (Y. Li, J. C. Kappes, J. A. Conway, R. W. Price, G. M. Shaw, and B. H. Hahn, J. Virol. 65:3973-3985, 1991). In this report, we describe the biologic properties of these four clones and the complete nucleotide sequences and genome organization of two of them. Clones HIV-1YU-2 and HIV-1YU-10 were 9,174 and 9,176 nucleotides in length, differed by 0.26% in nucleotide sequence, and except for a frameshift mutation in the pol gene in HIV-1YU-10, contained open reading frames corresponding to 5'-gag-pol-vif-vpr-tat-rev-vpu-env-nef-3' flanked by long terminal repeats. HIV-1YU-2 was fully replication competent, while HIV-1YU-10 and two other clones, HIV-1YU-21 and HIV-1YU-32, were defective. All three defective clones, however, when transfected into Cos-1 cells in any pairwise combination, yielded virions that were replication competent and transmissible by cell-free passage. The cellular host range of HIV-1YU-2 was strictly limited to primary T lymphocytes and monocyte-macrophages, a property conferred by its external envelope glycoprotein. Phylogenetic analyses of HIV-1YU-2 gene sequences revealed this virus to be a member of the North American/European HIV-1 subgroup, with specific similarity to other monocyte-tropic viruses in its V3 envelope amino acid sequence. These results indicate that HIV-1 infection of brain is characterized by the persistence of mixtures of fully competent, minimally defective, and more substantially altered viral forms and that complementation among them is readily attainable. In addition, the limited degree of genotypic heterogeneity observed among HIV-1YU and other brain-derived viruses and their preferential tropism for monocyte-macrophages suggest that viral replication within the central nervous system may differ from that within the peripheral lymphoid compartment in significant and clinically important ways. The availability of genetically and biologically well characterized HIV-1 clones from uncultured human tissue should facilitate future studies of virus-cell interactions relevant to viral pathogenesis and drug and vaccine development.  相似文献   
We report here for the first time that Zn2+ is an effective inhibitor of renin and the protease from HIV-1, two aspartyl proteinases of considerable physiological importance. Inhibition of renin is noncompetitive and is accompanied by binding of 1 mol of Zn2+/mol of enzyme. Depending on the substrate, inhibition of the HIV protease by Zn2+ can be either competitive or noncompetitive, but in neither case is loss of activity due to disruption of the protease dimer. Inhibition of both enzymes is first order with respect to Zn2+ and is rapidly reversed by addition of EDTA. Ki values are strongly pH dependent and optimal in the range of 20 microM at or above pH 7. All of the data in hand suggest that the inhibitory effect of Zn2+ is a consequence of its binding at, or near, the active-site carboxyl groups of these aspartyl proteinases. This inhibition of the viral enzyme may help to explain some of the beneficial effects seen in AIDS patients who have received Zn2+ therapy.  相似文献   
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