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旨在探讨人参总皂苷对K562细胞STAT5表达的影响.MTT法显示TSPG对K562细胞增殖抑制程度呈剂量与时间依赖性增加,且呈正相关关系.流式细胞术表明TSPG能阻止K562细胞从G0/G1期向S、G2/M期移行.激光共聚焦显微镜观察可见,TSPG 200 mg/L作用K562细胞24 h,胞浆中的STAT5荧光强度增加,而胞核内STAT5荧光强度减弱.Western blotting结果显示,TSPG作用K562细胞6 、24 、48 h,胞核中STAT5表达较对照组减少,TSPG作用72 h胞核蛋白中STAT5表达增加;TSPG作用K562细胞6 、12、24、48、72 h,胞浆内STAT5表达增加.TSPG能减少K562胞核中STAT5的表达,这可能是TSPG抑制K562细胞增殖的作用机制之一.  相似文献   
药用植物北五味子的组织培养   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈雅君  杨永富 《植物研究》1999,19(3):318-322
取北五味子带腋物嫩茎作为植体,培养于附加同种类和浓度激素的MS培养基上,在附国加6-BA2.0+ZT0.1mg/L时,诱导芽的效果最佳;在附加6~BA2.0+NAA0.2+ZT0.1mg/L时,芽的增殖率最好,在附加NAA0.2mg/L时,生根效果最佳,当苗高2.0~2.5cm根数达3-5条时,开瓶锻炼2天,移栽于消过毒的土壤中,10天后,成活率达100%。  相似文献   
天然雌核发育贵州普安鲫(A型)染色体组型的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
普安鲫(Carassius auratus)原产于贵州省普安县青山镇一带的天然水体中,它有3个不同类型(A、B和C型)的种群。目前除了A型在野外未见雄性个体外,B和C型都是两性型种群,它们同地共栖,且行天然雌核发育。    相似文献   
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged as a new disease in Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China in late 2002. Within weeks it had spread to Hong Kong and thence globally to affect over 25 countries across five continents. The disease had the propensity to cause clusters of pneumonia, particularly in healthcare workers or close family contacts. A global effort coordinated by the World Health Organization successfully defined the aetiology, epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the disease, and the implementation of case identification, isolation and infection control measures led to the interruption of the global outbreak by July 2003. The pattern of disease emergence and strategies for control of SARS provides lessons for coping with future emerging infectious disease threats.  相似文献   
长期施肥对黑土大豆根瘤菌群体结构和多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示长期施肥对黑土大豆根瘤菌群体结构和多样性的影响,采用BOX-PCR、IGS-PCR-RFLP和16S r DNA基因序列分析法,对分离自黑龙江省7种长期不同施肥处理的254株大豆根瘤菌进行了遗传多样性和系统发育分析,结合土壤理化性质分析了大豆根瘤菌群体结构和多样性与土壤因子间的关系。7种处理分别为不施肥(CK)、有机肥(OM)、单施氮肥(N1)、单施2倍氮肥(N2)、氮肥+有机肥(N1+OM)、氮肥磷肥混施(N1P1)和2倍氮肥磷肥混施(N2P2)。系统发育分析结果表明,所有供试菌株均为慢生根瘤菌属(Bradyrhizobium),其中大部分菌株与日本慢生大豆根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium japonicum)相似性最高,少部分菌株与辽宁慢生大豆根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium liaoningense)相似性最高。BOX-PCR聚类分析结果表明,供试菌株在70%相似性水平上分为15个群,在与施肥处理相关性分析中分为3个群体,分别对应于不施化肥处理(CK和OM)、化学氮肥处理(N1、N2、N1+OM)、氮肥磷肥处理(N1P1和N2P2)。典范对应分析结果表明,土壤p H、速效氮和速效磷与根瘤菌群体结构相关性极显著(P=0.002,0.004,0.002)。不同施肥措施下大豆根瘤菌的多样性有明显差异:N2P2处理的丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener指数显著高于其他处理;OM处理的Simpson指数最高;N1和N2处理的3种多样性指数都显著低于其他处理。通径分析结果表明,p H、速效磷对多样性指数有较高的直接正效应;速效氮通过p H的间接负效应影响多样性指数。本研究表明,长期施用化肥改变了根瘤菌群体结构,单施氮肥减少大豆根瘤菌多样性,而氮肥磷肥混施则有助于提高大豆根瘤菌多样性。  相似文献   
Zheng J  Ji Y  Guan MX 《Mitochondrion》2012,12(3):406-413
Mitochondrial tRNA mutations are one of the important causes of both syndromic and non-syndromic deafness. Of those, syndromic deafness-associated tRNA mutations such as tRNA(Leu(UUR)) 3243A>G are often present in heteroplasmy, while non-syndromic deafness-associated tRNA mutations including tRNA(Ser(UCN)) 7445A>G often occur in homplasmy or in high levels of heteroplasmy. These tRNA mutations are the primary mutations leading to hearing loss. However, other tRNA mutations such as tRNA(Thr) 15927G>A and tRNA(Ser(UCN)) 7444G>A may act in synergy with the primary mitochondrial DNA mutations, modulating the phenotypic manifestation of the primary mitochondrial DNA mutations. Theses tRNA mutations cause structural and functional alteration. A failure in tRNA metabolism caused by these tRNA mutations impaired mitochondrial translation and respiration, thereby causing mitochondrial dysfunctions responsible for deafness. These data offer valuable information for the early diagnosis, management and treatment of maternally inherited deafness.  相似文献   
We report here the biochemical characterization of the deafness-associated mitochondrial tRNASer(UCN) T7511C mutation, in conjunction with homoplasmic ND1 T3308C and tRNAAla T5655C mutations using cybrids constructed by transferring mitochondria from lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from an African family into human mtDNA-less (ρ°) cells. Three cybrids derived from an affected matrilineal relative carrying the homoplasmic T7511C mutation, exhibited ~75% decrease in the tRNASer(UCN) level, compared with three control cybrids. This amount of reduction in the tRNASer(UCN) level is below a proposed threshold to support a normal rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis in lymphoblastoid cell lines. This defect is likely a primary contributor to ~52% reduction in the rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis and marked defects in respiration and growth properties in galactose-containing medium. Interestingly, the T5655C mutation produces ~50% reduction in the tRNAAla level in mutant cells. Strikingly, the T3308C mutation causes a significant decrease both in the amount of ND1 mRNA and co-transcribed tRNALeu(UUR) in mutant cells. Thus, mitochondrial dysfunctions caused by the T5655C and T3308C mutations may modulate the phenotypic manifestation of the T7511C mutation. These observations imply that a combination of the T7511C mutation with two mtDNA mutations accounts for the high penetrance of deafness in this family.  相似文献   
To determine whether avian H5N1 influenza viruses associated with human infections in Vietnam had transmitted to pigs, we investigated serologic evidence of exposure to H5N1 influenza virus in Vietnamese pigs in 2004. Of the 3,175 pig sera tested, 8 (0.25%) were positive for avian H5N1 influenza viruses isolated in 2004 by virus neutralization assay and Western blot analysis. Experimental studies of replication and transmissibility of the 2004 Asian H5N1 viruses in pigs revealed that all viruses tested replicated in the swine respiratory tract but none were transmitted to contact pigs. Virus titers from nasal swabs peaked on day 2, and low titers were detected in the liver of two of the four pigs tested. Our findings indicate that pigs can be infected with highly lethal Asian H5N1 viruses but that these viruses are not readily transmitted between pigs under experimental conditions.  相似文献   
The growth of marine bacteria under iron-limited conditions was investigated. Neither siderophore production nor bacterial growth was detected for Pelagiobacter sp. strain V0110 when Fe(III) was present in the culture medium at a concentration of <1.0 microM. However, the growth of V0110 was strongly stimulated by the presence of trace amounts of exogenous siderophore from an alpha proteobacterium, V0902, and 1 nM N-acyl-octanoylhomoserine lactone (C(8)-HSL), which is known as a quorum-sensing chemical signal. Even though the iron-binding functionality of a hydroxamate siderophore was undetected in the supernatant of V0902, a hydroxamate siderophore was detected in the supernatant of V0110 under the above conditions. These results indicated that hydroxamate siderophore biosynthesis by V0110 began in response to the exogenous siderophore from V0902 when in the presence of C(8)-HSL; however, C(8)-HSL production by V0110 and V0902 was not detected. Direct interaction between V0902 and V0110 through siderophore from V0902 was observed in the dialyzing culture. Similar stimulated growth by exogenous siderophore and HSL was also observed in other non-siderophore-producing bacteria isolated from marine sponges and seawater. The requirement of an exogenous siderophore and an HSL for heterologous siderophore production indicated the possibility that cell-cell communication between different species was occurring.  相似文献   
两种测试方法对DPPH分光光度法测试结果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:比较固定反应时间法和动力学监测法的准确性。方法:用固定反应时间法和动力学监测法分别测定维生素C(Vc)、二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)对二苯代苦味酰自由基(DPPH)的清除作用,通过F检验和t检验来揭示两种方法的差异。结果:通过动力学监测法得到的测试结果更能准确的反映测试样品对DPPH自由基的清除能力。结论:建议在用DPPH分光光度法过程中使用动力学监测法。  相似文献   
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