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Three satellite DNA families were identified in three species of burying beetles, Nicrophorus orbicollis, N. marginatus, and N. americanus. Southern hybridization and nucleotide sequence analysis of individual randomly cloned repeats shows that these satellite DNA families are highly abundant in the genome, are composed of unique repeats, and are species-specific. The repeats do not have identifiable core elements or substructures that are similar in all three families, and most interspecific sequence similarity is confined to homopolymeric runs of A and T. Satellite DNA from N. marginatus and N. americanus show single-base-pair indels among repeats, but single-nucleotide substitutions characterize most of the repeat variability. Although the repeat units are of similar lengths (342, 350, and 354 bp) and A + T composition (65%, 71%, and 71%, respectively), the average nucleotide divergence among sequenced repeats is very low (0.18%, 1.22%, and 0.71%, respectively). Transition/transversion ratios from the consensus sequence are 0.20, 0.69, and 0.70, respectively.   相似文献   


Milk contains too little arginine for normal growth, but its precursors proline and glutamine are abundant; the small intestine of rodents and piglets produces arginine from proline during the suckling period; and parenterally fed premature human neonates frequently suffer from hypoargininemia. These findings raise the question whether the neonatal human small intestine also expresses the enzymes that enable the synthesis of arginine from proline and/or glutamine. Carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS), ornithine aminotransferase (OAT), argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS), arginase-1 (ARG1), arginase-2 (ARG2), and nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) were visualized by semiquantitative immunohistochemistry in 89 small-intestinal specimens.  相似文献   
A parsimony analysis was performed on restriction sites at the Hba-ps4 pseudogene locus within one of four inversions associated with mouse t haplotypes. The results suggest that all t haplotypes form a monophyletic group and that the in (17)4 inversion originated before the radiation of the Mus musculus species complex but after the divergence of the lineages leading to M. spretus, M. abbotti, and M. hortulanus. A time frame based on the evolutionary rate of mouse pseudogenes places the origin of this t haplotype inversion at 1.5 Mya, or approximately 1.5 Myr after the origin of the more proximal t complex inversion, in (17)2. The accumulated evidence indicates that complete t haplotypes have been assembled in a stepwise manner, with each of these inversions occurring on separate chromosomal lineages and at different evolutionary times. In addition, the evolutionary relationships of pseudogene sequences resulting from genetic exchange between wild-type and t haplotype alleles were examined. Analysis of sequences from the 5' and 3' sides of a putative site of recombination resulted in cladograms with different topologies. The implications for hypotheses concerning the evolutionary forces acting on t haplotypes and their rapid propagation throughout worldwide populations of mice are discussed.   相似文献   
In this paper we attempted to investigate the existence of daily fluctuations on plasma sexual steroids (17beta-estradiol, E(2) and testosterone, T) in Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis) females. We described the monthly day/night concentrations and seasonal daily rhythms in animals reared under natural photo- and thermo-period. In addition, the influence of the natural annual fluctuation of the water temperature on the plasma concentration of these steroids was investigated, using one group of Senegal sole under a natural photoperiod, but with an attenuated thermal cycle (around 17-20 degrees C) for one year. Although no significant day/night differences were detected in monthly samplings, the existence of an annual rhythm of E(2) and T (p<0.01) with an acrophase in February was revealed by COSINOR analysis. Maximum values were reached in March for both steroids (6.1+/-1.7 ng mL(-1) at mid-dark, MD and 4.0+/-0.6 ng mL(-1) at mid-light, ML for E2 and 1.4+/-0.4 ng mL(-1) at MD and 0.8+/-0.1 ng mL(-1) at ML for T) in anticipation of the spawning season (May-June). As regards seasonal daily rhythms, the presence of daily oscillations was revealed. At the spring solstice (21st March) a daily rhythm was observed for both steroids (COSINOR, p<0.01), with an acrophase at 20:00 h (E(2)) and at 21:08 h (T). In summer, autumn and winter no daily rhythms were observed due to the low steroid levels at those seasons. When Senegal sole females were submitted to an attenuated annual thermal cycle, the steroid rhythm disappeared (there was no surge in spring, as in the control group) and these fish did not spawn, despite being subjected to natural photoperiod conditions. This result underlined the importance of the natural annual fluctuation of water temperature and photoperiod on the synchronization of the spawning season and on the onset of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   
The location of the 3a movement protein (MP) of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was studied by quantitative immunogold labeling of the wild-type 3a MP in leaves of Nicotiana clevelandii infected by CMV as well as by using a 3a-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion expressed from a potato virus X (PVX) vector. Whether expressed from CMV or PVX, the 3a MP targeted plasmodesmata and accumulated in the central cavity of the pore. Within minor veins, the most extensively labeled plasmodesmata were those connecting sieve elements and companion cells. In addition to targeting plasmodesmata, the 3a MP accumulated in the parietal layer of mature sieve elements. Confocal imaging of cells expressing the 3a-GFP fusion protein showed that the 3a MP assembled into elaborate fibrillar formations in the sieve element parietal layer. The ability of 3a-GFP, expressed from PVX rather than CMV, to enter sieve elements demonstrates that neither the CMV RNA nor the CMV coat protein is required for trafficking of the 3a MP into sieve elements. CMV virions were not detected in plasmodesmata from CMV-infected tissue, although large CMV aggregates were often found in the parietal layer of sieve elements and were usually surrounded by 3a MP. These data suggest that CMV traffics into minor vein sieve elements as a ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the viral RNA, coat protein, and 3a MP, with subsequent viral assembly occurring in the sieve element parietal layer.  相似文献   
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease particularly prevalent in Mexico. Althoughits etiology is unknown, genetic factors strongly influence its presenceas well as triggering factors, such as viral infections, including Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. Here,the study presents the appearance of de novoSLE (patients who did not present SLE before de virus infection, corroborated by serological analysis and negative for antinuclear antibodies) cases in Mexicans who live near the southern border of Mexico, who presented clinical symptoms of arthritic, hematological, mucocutaneous and renal SLE, after Zika and/ or Chikungunya virus infection. Low resolution class Ⅱ HLA typing was performed, which found a significantly increased frequency of HLA DRB1*02 (15 and 16)when compared to a group of 99 healthy individuals (P =0.001, OR=4.5, IC95% 1.8~11.0). All the patients were diagnosed with SLE 1 to 3 years after being confirmed with the Zika, and/or Chikungunya infection. At the point of acute viral infection, none of the patients presented clinical signs or symptoms of autoimmunity or were negative for antinuclear antibodies. In genetically susceptible individuals, Zika and Chikungunya viral infection can trigger SLE.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous DNA methylation leads to difficulties in accurate detection and quantification of methylation. Methylation-sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM) is unique among regularly used methods for DNA methylation analysis in that heterogeneous methylation can be readily identified, although not quantified, by inspection of the melting curves. Bisulfite pyrosequencing has been used to estimate the level of heterogeneous methylation by quantifying methylation levels present at individual CpG dinucleotides. Sequentially combining the two methodologies using MS-HRM to screen the amplification products prior to bisulfite pyrosequencing would be advantageous. This would not only replace the quality control step using agarose gel analysis prior to the pyrosequencing step but would also provide important qualitative information in its own right. We chose to analyze DAPK1 as it is an important tumor suppressor gene frequently heterogeneously methylated in a number of malignancies, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). A region of the DAPK1 promoter was analyzed in ten CLL samples by MS-HRM. By using a biotinylated primer, bisulfite pyrosequencing could be used to directly analyze the samples. MS-HRM revealed the presence of various extents of heterogeneous DAPK1 methylation in all CLL samples. Further analysis of the biotinylated MS-HRM products by bisulfite pyrosequencing provided quantitative information for each CpG dinucleotide analyzed, and confirmed the presence of heterogeneous DNA methylation. Whereas each method could be used individually, MS-HRM and bisulfite pyrosequencing provided complementary information for the assessment of heterogeneous methylation.Key words: MS-HRM, pyrosequencing, digital PCR, heterogeneous DNA methylation, DAPK1, chronic lymphocytic leukemia  相似文献   
The tumour suppressor p53 activates Puma-dependent apoptosis and p21-dependent cell-cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. Deletion of p21 improved stem-cell function and organ maintenance in progeroid mice with dysfunctional telomeres, but the function of Puma has not been investigated in this context. Here we show that deletion of Puma improves stem- and progenitor-cell function, organ maintenance and lifespan of telomere-dysfunctional mice. Puma deletion impairs the clearance of stem and progenitor cells that have accumulated DNA damage as a consequence of critically short telomeres. However, further accumulation of DNA damage in these rescued progenitor cells leads to increasing activation of p21. RNA interference experiments show that upregulation of p21 limits proliferation and evolution of chromosomal imbalances of Puma-deficient stem and progenitor cells with dysfunctional telomeres. These results provide experimental evidence that p53-dependent apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest act in cooperating checkpoints limiting tissue maintenance and evolution of chromosomal instability at stem- and progenitor-cell levels in response to telomere dysfunction. Selective inhibition of Puma-dependent apoptosis can result in temporary improvements in maintenance of telomere-dysfunctional organs.  相似文献   
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