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p120-catenin is a multidomain intracellular protein, which mediates a number of cellular functions, including stabilization of cell-cell transmembrane cadherin complexes as well as regulation of actin dynamics associated with barrier function, lamellipodia formation, and cell migration via modulation of the activities of small GTPAses. One mechanism involves p120 catenin interaction with Rho GTPase activating protein (p190RhoGAP), leading to p190RhoGAP recruitment to cell periphery and local inhibition of Rho activity. In this study, we have identified a stretch of 23 amino acids within the C-terminal domain of p120 catenin as the minimal sequence responsible for the recruitment of p190RhoGAP (herein referred to as CRAD; catenin-RhoGAP association domain). Expression of the p120-catenin truncated mutant lacking the CRAD in endothelial cells attenuated effects of barrier protective oxidized phospholipid, OxPAPC. This effect was accompanied by inhibition of membrane translocation of p190RhoGAP, increased Rho signaling, as well as suppressed activation of Rac1 and its cytoskeletal effectors PAK1 (p21-activated kinase 1) and cortactin. Expression of p120 catenin-truncated mutant lacking CRAD also delayed the recovery process after thrombin-induced endothelial barrier disruption. Concomitantly, RhoA activation and downstream signaling were sustained for a longer period of time, whereas Rac signaling was inhibited. These data demonstrate a critical role for p120-catenin (amino acids 820–843) domain in the p120-catenin·p190RhoGAP signaling complex assembly, membrane targeting, and stimulation of p190RhoGAP activity toward inhibition of the Rho pathway and reciprocal up-regulation of Rac signaling critical for endothelial barrier regulation.  相似文献   
Zielonka  Tomasz  Piątek  Grzegorz 《Plant Ecology》2004,172(1):63-72
This is a study of the colonization pattern of herbs and dwarf shrubs on rotten logs in subalpine spruce forests (Plagiothecio Piceetum) in the Tatra Mountains. On four study plots (total area 1.43 ha.) all dead logs were measured and the decomposition stage was estimated using the 8-degree scale. For each log the cover of all vascular species, bryophytes and lichens was determined according to the methods of classical phytosociology. Constancy and an index of coverage were calculated for all vascular species growing on logs. The total volume of logs was relatively high (93 m3 ha–1) and constituted 22% of the volume of living trees. Logs and stumps covered 411 m2 ha–1. These values are similar to those known from natural spruce forest from Carpathians and Scandinavia. The 8 stages of decomposition were equally represented, which indicates a constant supply of dead wood to the forest floor over time. The colonization of dead wood starts with lichens, followed by bryophytes and finally herbs and tree saplings. The first vascular plant colonists of dead logs appear at decay stage nr. 3 at least 20 years after tree death. The most suitable condition for most of the herb species corresponds to decay stage nr. 6 ca. 50 years after tree death. The herb cover is distinctively dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus. Simultaneously with herb species, tree seedlings colonize the logs. Constancy and abundance of Norway spruce saplings increases with advanced decomposition. It seems that the herb cover of logs does not hinder the regeneration of spruce.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to test for diel patterns in the diet and habitat use in a feral, pond-dwelling, non-native fathead minnow Pimephales promelas population in England. Fish were collected in June 2009 using traps set in four habitat types (open waters, rushes??Juncus effusus, weeds??Potamogeton natans and mixed vegetation), then sexed and measured for total length and eviscerated weight in the laboratory. Data were analysed at 6-h intervals, with Fulton??s condition index and three dietary parameters (frequency of occurrence, number and weight) calculated. Minor diurnal differences in habitat use were observed in males, females and immatures, and these may be due to predator avoidance. Body condition varied greatly in rushes during daytime, probably due to shifts in habitat suitability (e.g. food, refuge). Detritus dominates the diet of native fathead minnow; however, planktonic crustaceans were the most important food resource for this population, with a clear ontogenetic shift, irrespective of habitat, towards greater proportion of ingested detritus in larger individuals. Overall, the results demonstrate that feral fathead minnows display substantial trophic plasticity and a wide range of habitat use, which is normally associated with invasive species. However, established fathead minnow populations in Europe are rare despite its wide-spread ornamental and scientific use.  相似文献   
MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) is a neurotoxin, which can damage dopaminergic neurons. It causes symptoms resembling those observed in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, and hence this toxin is widely used in studies on animal models of this disorder. Mutagenicity of MPTP was also reported by some authors, but results obtained by others suggested that this compound is not mutagenic. Interestingly, those contrasting results were based on the same assay (the Ames test). Therefore, we aimed to test MPTP mutagenicity by employing a recently developed Vibrio harveyi assay, which was demonstrated previously to be more sensitive than the Ames test, at least for some mutagens. We found that MPTP showed a significant mutagenic activity. Moreover, MPTP mutagenicity was attenuated by methylxanthines, compounds that are known to form complexes with aromatic mutagens.  相似文献   
The white-rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium employs extracellular enzymes to completely degrade the major polymers of wood: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Analysis of a total of 10,048 v2.1 gene models predicts 769 secreted proteins, a substantial increase over the 268 models identified in the earlier database (v1.0). Within the v2.1 'computational secretome,' 43% showed no significant similarity to known proteins, but were structurally related to other hypothetical protein sequences. In contrast, 53% showed significant similarity to known protein sequences including 87 models assigned to 33 glycoside hydrolase families and 52 sequences distributed among 13 peptidase families. When grown under standard ligninolytic conditions, peptides corresponding to 11 peptidase genes were identified in culture filtrates by mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS). Five peptidases were members of a large family of aspartyl proteases, many of which were localized to gene clusters. Consistent with a role in dephosphorylation of lignin peroxidase, a mannose-6-phosphatase (M6Pase) was also identified in carbon-starved cultures. Beyond proteases and M6Pase, 28 specific gene products were identified including several representatives of gene families. These included 4 lignin peroxidases, 3 lipases, 2 carboxylesterases, and 8 glycosyl hydrolases. The results underscore the rich genetic diversity and complexity of P. chrysosporium's extracellular enzyme systems.  相似文献   
Thiosemicarbazides and their analogs have shown potential medical applications as antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer drugs. We designed, synthesized and evaluated in vitro anticancer activity against ovarian (A2780), cervix (HeLa), colon (LoVo), breast (MCF-7) and brain (MO59J) human cancer cell lines of seven novel compounds –S-glycosylated thiosemicarbazones. We assessed the cyto- and genotoxic properties of all novel compounds using a variety of methods including comet assay, XTT assay, various fluorescent assays and toxicology PathwayFinder expression array. We tried to evaluate their possible mechanism of action with particular attention to induction of DNA damage and repair, apoptosis, oxidative stress analysis and cellular response in terms of changes in gene expression. The most sensitive cell line was human ovarian cancer. The results revealed that the major activity against A2780 cancer cell line displayed by our compounds is induction of DNA damage. This effect is not associated with apoptosis or oxidative stress induction and the resulting damage will not lead to cell cycle arrest. We also observed up-expression of heat shock related genes and NQO1 gene in response to our compounds. The second effect seems to be specific to glycosylated S-bond compounds as we observed it earlier. Upregulation of heat shock protein encoding genes suggest that our compounds induce stressful conditions. The nature of this phenomena (heat shock, pH shift or hypoxia) needs further study.  相似文献   
The subcellular localization of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) is critical for optimal coupling of extracellular stimulation to nitric oxide production. Because eNOS is activated by Akt-dependent phosphorylation to produce nitric oxide (NO), we determined the subcellular distribution of eNOS phosphorylated on serine 1179 using a variety of methodologies. Based on sucrose gradient fractionation, phosphorylated-eNOS (P-eNOS) was found in both caveolin-1-enriched membranes and intracellular domains. Co-transfection of eNOS with Akt and stimulation of endothelial cells with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) increased the ratio of P-eNOS to total eNOS but did not change the relative intracellular distribution between these domains. The proper localization of eNOS to intracellular membranes was required for agonist-dependent phosphorylation on serine 1179, since VEGF did not increase eNOS phosphorylation in cells transfected with a non-acylated, mistargeted form of eNOS. Confocal imaging of P-eNOS and total eNOS pools demonstrated co-localization in the Golgi region and plasmalemma of transfected cells and native endothelial cells. Finally, VEGF stimulated a large increase in NO localized in both the perinuclear region and the plasma membrane of endothelial cells. Thus, activated, phosphorylated eNOS resides in two cellular compartments and both pools are VEGF-regulated to produce NO.  相似文献   
We used static and dynamic light scattering for comparing the mass (MW) and hydrodynamic radius (R(h)) of several hemoglobin systems, namely human hemoglobin, bovine hemoglobin, human hemoglobin cross-linked with a sebacyl residue, and bovine hemoglobin cross-linked with an adipoyl residue. We measured the MW and R(h) of these systems in 0.1M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 in the absence and in the presence of either betaine or glycerol up to 1.7 molal concentrations. The 90 degrees scattering was measured with a photon counting machine equipped with a diode laser at 783 nm. The Rayleigh ratio [R(theta)] of the instrument was estimated using R(theta) = 7.19E-6 cm(-1) for toluene at 783 nm. The refractive index increment of hemoglobin solutions was measured using a laser beam at 750 nm. We estimated a value dn/dc = 0.210 cm3/g in the absence and dn/dc = 0.170 in the presence of 1.7 molal osmolites. For all systems both in liganded and unliganded form, the static light scattering data showed a 16% mass increase with increasing concentration of osmolites. The hydrodynamic radii of all investigated systems in the presence and absence of osmolites were close to 3.17 nm. Assuming a partial specific volume nu = 0.739 for hemoglobin, and using spherical geometry, the estimated average hydration volume of hemoglobin was 32.6 L/mole in the absence of osmolites. It decreased to 23.5 L/mole in the presence of 1.7 molal osmolites. Assuming that the density of water in the hydration volume is D = 1.0 g/cm3, the hydration of Hb was 0.51 gH2O/gHb, with a surface density of 0.20 molH2O/A2. The hydration decreased to 0.33 gH2O/gHb and 0.14 molH2O/A2 in the presence of 1.7 molal osmolites. The decreased hydration was compensated by the increased mass (i.e., decreased surface area per unit volume) so that the thickness of the water shell around these proteins remained close to a single layer of water molecules. These findings indicate that the combination of static and dynamic light scattering offer unique means for investigating the relevance of water activity on the structure and function of biological macromolecules. In the case of hemoglobin, the data suggest that the decreased oxygen affinity in the presence of osmolites reported by Colombo et al. (M. F. Colombo, D. C. Rau, and V. A. Parsegian Science, 1992, Vol. 256, pp. 655-659), as due to ligand linked water binding on hemoglobin surface, is part of a complex phenomenon involving the hydration shell of hemoglobin and the formation of low affinity supertetrameric molecules.  相似文献   
Wang Z  Jin L  Yuan Z  Wegrzyn G  Wegrzyn A 《Plasmid》2009,61(1):47-51
Although plasmid DNA vectors have been extensively applied in biotechnology, there is still a lack of standard plasmid vector classification. Here, we propose a classification method for commonly used plasmid vectors. Plasmid vectors were classified into different classes based on their replication origin, selection marker and promoter information. The replication origins of plasmid vectors were classified as: prokaryotic replication origin, eukaryotic replication origin and viral replication origin. Selection markers of plasmid vectors were mainly classified as ampicillin, kanamycin, neomycin, chloramphenicol, gentamycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, streptomycin, vancomycin and spectinomycin resistance gene markers. Promoter sequences were also classified as prokaryotic, eukaryotic and viral promoters. Finally, the nomenclature of common plasmid vectors has three determinants. We believe that the classification of plasmid vectors can provide useful information for researchers employing molecular cloning procedures. A web service of the plasmid classification was established and it is available from http://www.computationalmedicalbiology.org/plasclas.aspx.  相似文献   
Background: Genetic predispositions to disease have focused on highly penetrant causative changes in tumor suppressor genes or genes associated with DNA mismatch repair. New investigations are revealing new genetic associations with disease that are more subtle in their association with disease and require characterization. Methods: In this report we have examined the tumor characteristics in a group of patients who have been shown to harbor two polymorphisms in two genes that are associated with the immune system NOD2 and TNFα. Results: Colorectal cancers from patients with NOD2 3020insC and TNFα-1031T/T constitutional changes are mostly right-sided disease (OR = 2.21, p = 0.03) with a tendency to higher stages (OR = 2.41, p = 0.06), increased number of associated polyps (OR = 1.77, p = 0.16) and later age of average age of disease onset (p = 0.039). Conclusion: The results reveal that there appear to be specific characteristics associated with the tumors that may aid in determining management strategies to reduce the risk of disease.  相似文献   
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