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Plants in the genus Cucumis (cucumber and melon) have the largest mitochondrial genomes known among all plants, due in part to the accumulation of repetitive DNAs of varying complexities. Recombination among these repetitive DNAs should produce highly rearranged mitochondrial genomes relative to the smaller mitochondrial genomes of related plants. We cloned and sequenced mitochondrial genomic regions near the rRNA, atp9 and cob genes from cucumber, melon, squash and watermelon (all members of the Cucurbitaceae family), and compared to the previously sequenced mitochondrial genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and sugar beet to study the distribution and arrangement of coding and repetitive DNAs. Cucumber and melon had regions of concentrated repetitive DNAs spread throughout the sequenced regions; few repetitive DNAs were revealed in the mitochondrial genomes of A. thaliana, sugar beet, squash and watermelon. Recombination among these repetitive DNAs most likely produced unique arrangements of the rrn18 and rrn5 genes in the genus Cucumis. Cucumber mitochondrial DNA had more pockets of dispersed direct and inverted repeats than melon and the other plants, and we did not reveal repetitive sequences significantly contributing to mitochondrial genome expansion in both cucumber and melon.Disclaimer. Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   
Glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu) and gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) are essential amino acids for brain metabolism and function. Astrocytic-derived glutamine is the precursor of the two most important neurotransmitters: glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, and GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. In addition to their roles in neurotransmission these neurotransmitters act as alternative metabolic substrates that enable metabolic coupling between astrocytes and neurons. The relationships between Gln, Glu and GABA were studied under lead (Pb) toxicity conditions using synaptosomal fractions obtained from adult rat brains to investigate the cause of Pb neurotoxicity-induced seizures. We have found that diminished transport of [(14)C]GABA occurs after Pb treatment. Both uptake and depolarization-evoked release decrease by 40% and 30%, respectively, relative to controls. Lower expression of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the GABA synthesizing enzyme, is also observed. In contrast to impaired synaptosomal GABA function, the GABA transporter GAT-1 protein is overexpressed (possibly as a compensative mechanism). Furthermore, similar decreases in synaptosomal uptake of radioactive glutamine and glutamate are observed. However, the K(+)-evoked release of Glu increases by 20% over control values and the quantity of neuronal EAAC1 transporter for glutamate reaches remarkably higher levels after Pb treatment. In addition, Pb induces decreased activity of phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG), which plays a role in glutamate metabolism. Most noteworthy is that the overexpression and reversed action of the EAAC1 transporter may be the cause of the elevated extracellular glutamate levels. In addition to the impairment of synaptosomal processes of glutamatergic and GABAergic transport, the results indicate perturbed relationships between Gln, Glu and GABA that may be the cause of altered neuronal-astrocytic interactions under conditions of Pb neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
In previous clinical studies, dilation of afferent lymphatics and enlargement of inguinal lymph nodes (LN) were observed in lymphoscintigrams from patients with persistent posttraumatic edema of lower extremities after fractures and trauma of soft tissues. In this study, changes in rat popliteal and iliac lymph nodes draining lymph from the site of tibial fracture and adjacent soft tissue injury were investigated. The observed parameters were lymph node weight, cell number, phenotype frequency, cell cytokine expression, and reactivity to mitogens. The key observations included: a) increase in the weight and total cell number of the lymph nodes; b) increased autotransformation rate and responsiveness of lymph node cells to mitogen; c) decreased frequency of ED1 macrophages and activated OX8 cytotoxic cells in flow cytometry analysis; d) high expression of OX6 class II-positive, OX7 (stem cells), OX62 (migrating dendritic cells), ED1 (macrophages), and OX12 (B cells) on immunohistochemical sections of LNs with some few HIS48 (granulocytes); e) high expression of NOS3 and TGF beta by lymph node lymphocytes and endothelial cells. In summary, local lymph nodes reacted to internal wounds, such as bone fracture and injury to adjacent tissues, through mobilization of cells from the blood circulation, along with activation of cellular subsets. The molecular mechanism that provides the signal for this reaction remains unknown. The absence of major changes in the frequency of lymph node cell subpopulations indicates that lymph nodes are constitutively prepared for influx of antigens from damaged tissues and react only with increase in cell number and cell activation. The nature of the reaction, including lack of immunization against autoantigens, remains unclear. Further elucidation will require studies on the mechanism of cross-tolerance to self-antigens during wound healing.  相似文献   
Methods for determination of genistein and its four new analogues in culture media have been developed to support studies on their potential anticancer activities. The investigated compounds were extracted from the media using liquid-liquid extraction with appropriate solvent. After evaporation of organic solvents each of the dry extracts was reconstituted in appropriate mobile phase. Reversed-phase HPLC was applied to quantitative determining of tested compounds. The methods are specific, sensitive and technically simple. They were used to evaluate concentration level of investigated compounds in experiments with human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60 cell line).  相似文献   
Staphostatins, a novel family of cysteine protease inhibitors with a unique mechanism of action and distinct protein fold has recently been discovered. In this report we describe the properties of Staphylococcus epidermidis staphostatin A (EcpB), a new member of the family. As for other staphostatins, the recombinant S. epidermidis staphostatin A exerted very narrow inhibitory specificity, limited to cysteine protease from the same species. The closely related proteases from S. aureus cleaved the inhibitor at the reactive site peptide bond and inactivated it. The EcpB homologue, S. aureus staphostatin A (ScpB), was also susceptible to proteolytic cleavage at the same site by non-target cysteine proteases. Conversely, S. aureus staphostatin B (SspC) was resistant to such proteolysis. The difference in the susceptibility of individual inhibitors to proteolytic cleavage at the reactive site suggests subtle variations in the mechanism of interaction with cysteine proteases.  相似文献   
The kinetics of disulfide-coupled folding and unfolding of four circularly permuted forms of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) were studied and compared with previously published results for both wild-type BPTI and a cyclized form. Each of the permuted proteins was found to be less stable than either the wild-type or circular proteins, by 3-8 kcal/mole. These stability differences were used to estimate effective concentrations of the chain termini in the native proteins, which were 1 mM for the wild-type protein and 2.5 to 4000 M for the permuted forms. The circular permutations increased the rates of unfolding and caused a variety of effects on the kinetics of refolding. For two of the proteins, the rates of a direct disulfide-formation pathway were dramatically increased, making this process as fast or faster than the competing disulfide rearrangement mechanism that predominates in the folding of the wild-type protein. These two permutations break the covalent connectivity among the beta-strands of the native protein, and removal of these constraints appears to facilitate direct formation and reduction of nearby disulfides that are buried in the folded structure. The effects on folding kinetics and mechanism do not appear to be correlated with relative contact order, a measure of overall topological complexity. These observations are consistent with the results of other recent experimental and computational studies suggesting that circular permutation may generally influence folding mechanisms by favoring or disfavoring specific interactions that promote alternative pathways, rather than through effects on the overall topology of the native protein.  相似文献   
Recently, an Escherichia coli CM2555 strain was described as sensitive to chloramphenicol when expressing the chloramphenicol resistance gene (cat) from a multicopy plasmid. This sensitivity was linked to dysfunction of the acrA gene, which encodes a component of the AcrAB-TolC multidrug efflux pump. Preliminary data indicate that the sensitivity phenotype might be due to a decline in intracellular acetyl coenzyme A concentration accompanying the reaction catalyzed by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, the cat-encoded resistance protein. Here, we demonstrate that the acrA dysfunction is the factor impairing the intracellular acetyl coenzyme A levels in the cat-expressing CM2555 strain. This effect might be alleviated by the interplay of proteins constituting two homologous efflux systems: AcrAB-TolC and AcrEF-TolC. However, our results show also that this is a genetic background-specific phenomenon, as the decrease in acetyl coenzyme A level is not evident in a cat-bearing acrAB derivative of the commonly used strain C600.  相似文献   
We employed human red blood cells as a model system to check the affinity of MRP1 (Multidrug Resistance-associated Protein 1) towards fluorescein and a set of its carboxyl derivatives: 5/6-carboxyfluorescein (CF), 2,7-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5/6-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) and calcein (CAL). We found significant differences in the characteristics of transport of the dyes tested across the erythrocyte membrane. Fluorescein is transported mainly in a passive way, while active efflux systems at least partially contribute to the transport of the other compounds. Inside-out vesicle studies revealed that active transport of calcein is masked by another, ATP-independent, transport activity. Inhibitor profiles of CF and BCECF transport are typical for substrates of organic anion transporters. BCECF is transported mainly via MRP1, as proven by the use of QCRL3, a monoclonal antibody known to specifically inhibit MRP1-mediated transport. Lack of effect of QCRL3 on CF uptake excludes the possibility of MRP1 being a transporter of this dye. No inhibition of CF accumulation by cGMP, thioguanine and 6-mercaptopurine suggests also that this fluorescent marker is not a substrate for MRP5, another ABC transporter identified in the human erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen causing a wide range of diseases. Most staphylococcal infections, unlike those caused by other bacteria are not toxigenic and very little is known about their pathogenesis. It has been proposed that a core of secreted proteins common to many infectious strains is responsible for colonization and infection. Among those proteins several proteases are present and over the years many different functions in the infection process have been attributed to them. However, little direct, in vivo data has been presented. Two cysteine proteases, staphopain A (ScpA) and staphopain B (SspB) are important members of this group of enzymes. Recently, two cysteine protease inhibitors, staphostatin A and staphostatin B (ScpB and SspC, respectively) were described in S. aureus shedding new light on the complexity of the processes involving the two proteases. The scope of this review is to summarize current knowledge on the network of staphylococcal cysteine proteases and their inhibitors in view of their possible role as virulence factors.  相似文献   
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