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Summary Two intracellular microelectrodes were used to study electrotonic interaction between cultured embryonic (16- to 20-day-old) chick myocardial cells reaggregated into small spheresin vitro. Under different culture conditions, reaggregates with two types of functional membrane properties were produced: (i) highly differentiated reaggregates, and (ii) reverted reaggregates. In the highly differentiated state, the cells had high stable resting potentials and produced rapidly-rising tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive action potentials in response to electric field stimulation. In the reverted state, the cells exhibited slowrising spontaneous action potentials having prominent pacemaker potentials and TTX-insensitive upstrokes. These states resemble electrophysiological properties of the highly differentiated (18 daysin ovo) and less fully differentiated (3 daysin ovo) intact embryonic chick heart, respectively. Both types of reaggregates had similar ultrastructural appearance, with many elongated cells and intercalated disc-like structures; gap-like junctions were not seen. The highly differentiated cells had input resistances of about 5 M, and exhibited only little electrotonic interaction in response to intracellular current injection either when the cells were at rest or during the action potential plateau. Intracellular stimulation produced propagating action potentials which triggered contraction of the entire reaggregate. Large hyperpolarizing current pulses applied during the action potential plateau caused premature repolarization which also propagated to the other impaled cell. In the reverted reaggregates, electrotonic interaction was weak or absent in about 52% of the impaled cell pairs, moderate in 30%, and strong in 18% (encountered only at interelectrode distances of less than 100 m). The difference in degree of electrotonic interaction may be due to the state of differentiation with respect to the membrane electrical properties.  相似文献   
The glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar), vectors the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa that induces Pierce's disease of grape. This study determined the effect of temperature on the feeding activity of H. vitripennis adults and the resulting production of excreta. The Logan type I model described a nonlinear pattern that showed excreta production increased up to an optimal temperature (33.1°C), followed by an abrupt decline near an estimated upper threshold (36.4°C). A temperature threshold for feeding, at or below which adults cease feeding, was estimated to be 10°C using a linear regression model based on the percentage of adults producing excreta over a range of constant temperatures. A simulated winter-temperature experiment using fluctuating thermal cycles confirmed that a time period above the temperature threshold for feeding was a critical factor in determining adult survival. Using data from the simulated temperature study, a predictive model was constructed by quantifying the relationship between cumulative mortality and cooling degree-hours. In field validation experiments, the model accurately predicted the temporal pattern of overwintering mortality of H. vitripennis adults held under winter temperatures simulating conditions in Bakersfield and Riverside, California, in 2006-2007. Model prediction using winter temperature data from a Riverside weather station indicated that H. vitripennis adults would experience an average of 92% overwintering mortality before reproduction in the spring, but levels of mortality varied depending on winter temperatures. The potential for temperature-based indices to predict temporal and spatial dynamics of H. vitripennis overwintering is discussed.  相似文献   
The past few decades have seen the field of genetic engineering evolve at a rapid pace, with neuroscientists now equipped with a wide range of tools for the manipulation of an animal's genome in order to study brain function. However, the number of species to which these technologies have been applied, namely the fruit fly, C. elegans, zebrafish and mouse, remains relatively few. This review will discuss the variety of approaches to genetic modification that have been developed in such traditional 'genetic systems', and highlight the progress that has been made to translate these technologies to alternative species such as rats, monkeys and birds, where certain neurobiological questions may be better studied.  相似文献   
κ-Casein as purified from bovine milk exhibits a rather unique disulfide bonding pattern as revealed by SDS–PAGE. The disulfide-bonded caseins present range from dimer to octamer and above and preparations contain about 10% monomer. All of these heterogeneous polymers, however, self-associate into nearly spherical particles with an average diameter of 13 nm at pH 8.0, as revealed by negatively stained transmission electron micrographs and dynamic light scattering. The weight-average molecular weight of the aggregates at pH 8.0, as judged by analytical ultracentrifugation, is 648,000. Trypsin digestion at pH 8.0 was used to probe the surface groups of the κ-casein A polymers. The reaction with trypsin was rapid and the peptides liberated were identified by separation with reverse-phase HPLC, amino acid analysis, and protein sequencing. The most rapidly released peptides (t 1/2 < 30 sec) were from cleavage at Arg 97 and Lys residues 111 and 112. These results suggest a surface orientation for these residues, and the data are in accord with earlier proposed 3D predictive models for κ-casein. It is speculated that Arg 97, together with adjacent His residues (98 and 100) and Lys residues 111 and 112, form two positively charged clusters on the surface of the otherwise negatively charged casein. These clusters bracket the neutral chymosin cleavage site (whose hydrolysis triggers a well-known digestive process) and so these clusters may facilitate docking of the substrate caseins with chymosin.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Peroxynitrite is a reactive oxidant species produced from nitric oxide and superoxide, which has been indirectly implicated in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory conditions including arthritis and colitis. Here, using a novel peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst, FP15, we directly investigate the role of peroxynitrite in the pathogenesis of arthritis and colitis in rodent models. METHODS: Arthritis was induced in mice by intradermal collagen injection; incidence and severity of arthritis was monitored using a macroscopic scoring system. At the end of the experiment paws were taken for determination of neutrophil infiltration (myeloperoxidase [MPO] activity), oxidative stress (malondialdehyde [MDA] level), and cytokine/chemokine levels. Colitis was induced in mice by 5% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) in their drinking water. Colitis symptoms were assessed 10 days later, the parameters determined included body weight, rectal bleeding, colon length, colonic MPO and MDA levels, and colon histologic damage. RESULTS: Treatment with FP15 significantly reduced the inflammation and oxidative stress in arthritis and colitis. FP15 reduced both the incidence and severity of arthritis in mice and this was associated with reduced paw MPO and MDA levels. Similarly, in colitis, FP15 reduced colon damage, and this was associated with reduced colon neutrophil infiltration and oxidative stress. CONCLUSIONS:The protective effect of FP15 suggests that peroxynitrite plays a significant pathogenetic role in arthritis and colitis in the currently employed rodent models. Further work is needed to determine whether neutralization of peroxynitrite also represents a promising strategy to treat human inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and colitis.  相似文献   
Phytophagous insects can encounter Salmonella enterica on contaminated plant surfaces and transmit externally adhered and internalized bacteria on and among leaves. Excretion of ingested S. enterica by the leafhopper Macrosteles quadrilineatus has been previously reported; however, the sites of persistence of ingested bacteria remain undetermined. Fluorescence microscopy revealed the presence and persistence of S. enterica in various organs of M. quadrilineatus fed an inoculated diet for 12 h and then moved to two consecutive noninoculated diets for a total of 48 h. Ingested S. enterica was predominantly observed in the filter chamber, midgut, and Malpighian tubules of M. quadrilineatus dissected immediately after acquisition and at 24- and 48-h post-acquisition access periods (post-AAPs). Additionally, we examined the potential roles of the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI-1) and SPI-2 type III secretion systems (T3SSs) in the persistence and excretion of ingested S. enterica. In competition assays, a prgH mutant lacking a functional SPI-1 T3SS was recovered at significantly lower levels than the WT in insect homogenates at 24 h post-AAP, and complementation with prgH restored S. enterica persistence in M. quadrilineatus. Moreover, expression of prgH inside M. quadrilineatus was observed up to 48 post-AAP. No differences were observed between the WT and an ssaK mutant lacking a functional SPI-2 T3SS in insect homogenates or between the WT and either mutant in insect excretions. This study provides novel insight into the presence and persistence of S. enterica inside M. quadrilineatus and demonstrates that the SPI-1 T3SS influences the persistence of the pathogen in the gut of a potential vector.  相似文献   
Historically, the limited availability of primary endothelial cells from patients with vascular disorders has hindered the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction in these individuals. However, the recent identification of blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOECs), generated from circulating endothelial progenitors in adult peripheral blood, may circumvent this limitation by offering an endothelial-like, primary cell surrogate for patient-derived endothelial cells. Beyond their value to understanding endothelial biology and disease modeling, BOECs have potential uses in endothelial cell transplantation therapies. They are also a suitable cellular substrate for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) via nuclear reprogramming, offering a number of advantages over other cell types. We describe a method for the reliable generation, culture and characterization of BOECs from adult peripheral blood for use in these and other applications. This approach (i) allows for the generation of patient-specific endothelial cells from a relatively small volume of adult peripheral blood and (ii) produces cells that are highly similar to primary endothelial cells in morphology, cell signaling and gene expression.  相似文献   
Taxonomy has a well-defined role, which is much more than simply stamp-collecting and pigeon-holing. Species are the units of classification, biogeography and conservation; as such they must be defined as objectively as possible. The biological species concept, still widely used in biology, though predominantly by non-taxonomists and all too often misunderstood, is a process-based concept, which offers no criterion for the classification of allopatric populations beyond inference and hypothesis. The phylogenetic species concept—a pattern-based concept—is as nearly objective as we are likely to get. Amount of difference is not a criterion for recognizing species. It is not possible to insist on monophyly at the specific level, but it is mandatory for the higher categories (genus, family, etc.). The rank we assign to a given supraspecific category should be determined by its time depth.  相似文献   
Kinship and sociality in coastal river otters: are they related?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of coastal river otters (Lontra canadensis)in Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA, documented atypical socialorganization for mammals. Social groups were composed largelyof males, but some males remained solitary year-round and mostfemales were asocial. Because, in carnivores, groups are usuallycomposed of highly related individuals but group living alsoprovides advantages unrelated to kinship, we concurrently evaluatedthe role of relatedness and ecological benefits in socialityamong coastal river otters. By using DNA microsatellite analysisand radiotelemetry, we were able to reject the hypothesis thatsocial groups of otters were kin based. In addition, we foundno indication of kin avoidance, as would be expected from lowdispersal and high local competition. Sociality conferred noreproductive benefits or costs to otters; number of offspringand number of relatives in the population did not differ betweensocial and solitary animals. Solitary males were not older orlarger than were social males, and there was no relation betweenmale size and number of offspring, indicating that sexual selectiondid not mask a potential relation between sociality and reproductivesuccess. Among coastal river otters in this region, socialitycould be explained by the benefits obtained from cooperativeforaging on high-quality schooling pelagic fishes. Such benefitsdid not require association with kin, resulting in no selectionpressure for kin-based groups. The prediction that the degreeof sociality in the population will fluctuate relative to theabundance of schooling pelagic fishes merits further investigation.  相似文献   
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