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In mesophilic prokaryotes, the DNA-binding protein HU participates in nucleoid organization as well as in regulation of DNA-dependent processes. Little is known about nucleoid organization in thermophilic eubacteria. We show here that HU from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima HU bends DNA and constrains negative DNA supercoils in the presence of topoisomerase I. However, while binding to a single site occludes approximately 35 bp, association of T. maritima HU with DNA of sufficient length to accommodate multiple protomers results in an apparent shorter occluded site size. Such complexes consist of ordered arrays of protomers, as revealed by the periodicity of DNase I cleavage. Association of TmHU with plasmid DNA yields a complex that is remarkably resistant to DNase I-mediated degradation. TmHU is the only member of this protein family capable of occluding a 35 bp nonspecific site in duplex DNA; we propose that this property allows TmHU to form exceedingly stable associations in which DNA flanking the kinks is sandwiched between adjacent proteins. We suggest that T. maritima HU serves an architectural function when associating with a single 35 bp site, but generates a very stable and compact aggregate at higher protein concentrations that organizes and protects the genomic DNA.  相似文献   
Previous indications using radiolabelled larvae that Strongyloides ratti free-living infective larvae lose a surface coat during penetration of the skin were further investigated by transmission electron microscopy of the cuticle of S. ratti infective larvae in the free-living stage, after penetration of mouse skin, and after migration to the lungs. These studies demonstrated the presence of a faint electron-dense surface coat external to the epicuticle on free-living worms which was absent from larvae recovered from the skin and lungs. When free-living infective larvae were incubated in 10% CO2 at 37 C and then examined with phase-contrast microscopy, worms were observed in the process of losing this coat. These observations confirm the hypothesis that S. ratti infective larvae lose a surface coat during penetration of the skin.  相似文献   
Gypsy moth larvae become increasingly resistant to lethal infection by the Lymantria dispar M nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) as they age within the fourth instar. Newly molted larvae are most sensitive to infection, mid-instars are least sensitive, and late-instars display intermediate sensitivity. This resistance occurs whether the virus is delivered orally or intrahemocoelically. The present study reveals a nearly identical pattern of resistance in third instar larvae. An LD48 dose of polyhedra for newly molted third instars produced 18%, 10%, 8%, 25%, and 24% mortalities in larvae to which virus was orally administered at 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours post-molt (hpm), respectively, which is a 6-fold reduction in mortality between newly molted larvae and mid-instars. An LD44 dose of budded virus for newly molted third instars produced 33%, 23%, 17%, 31%, and 31% mortalities when injected into larvae that were 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hpm, respectively, which is a 2.6-fold reduction in mortality between newly molted larvae and mid-instars, indicating that approximately half of this resistance is midgut-based and half is systemically based. Doubling the viral dose did not overcome developmental resistance whether the virus was delivered orally or intrahemocoelically. In addition, time to death was significantly affected by the time post-molt at which the insect was inoculated with the virus. We suggest that intrastadial developmental resistance may affect both the ecology and management of the gypsy moth.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that two groups ofEscherichia coli genes, theccm genes located in the 47-min region and thenrfEFG genes in the 92-min region of the chromosome, are involved in cytochromec biosynthesis during anaerobic growth. The involvement of the products of these genes in cytochromec synthesis, assembly and secretion has now been investigated. Despite their similarity to other bacterial cytochromec assembly proteins, NrfE, F and G were found not to be required for the biosynthesis of any of thec-type cytochromes inE. coli. Furthermore, these proteins were not required for the secretion of the periplasmic cytochromes, cytochromec 550 and cytochromec 552, or for the correct targeting of the NapC and NrfB cytochromes to the cytoplasmic membrane. NrfE and NrfG are required for formate-dependent nitrite reduction (the Nrf pathway), which involves at least twoc-type cytochromes, cytochromec 552 and NrfB, but NrfF is not essential for this pathway. Genes similar tonrfE, nrfF andnrfG are present in theE. coli nap-ccm locus at minute 47. CcmF is similar to NrfE, the N-terminal region of CcmH is similar to NrfF and the C-terminal portion of CcmH is similar to NrfG. In contrast to NrfF, the N-terminal, NrfF-like portion of CcmH is essential for the synthesis of allc-type cytochromes. Conversely, the NrfG-like C-terminal region of CcmH is not essential for cytochromec biosynthesis. The data are consistent with proposals from this and other laboratories that CcmF and CcmH form part of a haem lyase complex required to attach haemc to C-X-X-C-H haem-binding domains. In contrast, NrfE and NrfG are proposed to fulfill a more specialised role in the assembly of the formate-dependent nitrite reductase.  相似文献   
As part of the DNA Sequencing Research Group of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities, we have tested the reproducibility of the Roche/454 GS-FLX Titanium System at five core facilities. Experience with the Roche/454 system ranged from <10 to >340 sequencing runs performed. All participating sites were supplied with an aliquot of a common DNA preparation and were requested to conduct sequencing at a common loading condition. The evaluation of sequencing yield and accuracy metrics was assessed at a single site. The study was conducted using a laboratory strain of the Dutch elm disease fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi strain H327, an ascomycete, vegetatively haploid fungus with an estimated genome size of 30–50 Mb. We show that the Titanium System is reproducible, with some variation detected in loading conditions, sequencing yield, and homopolymer length accuracy. We demonstrate that reads shorter than the theoretical minimum length are of lower overall quality and not simply truncated reads. The O. novo-ulmi H327 genome assembly is 31.8 Mb and is comprised of eight chromosome-length linear scaffolds, a circular mitochondrial conti of 66.4 kb, and a putative 4.2-kb linear plasmid. We estimate that the nuclear genome encodes 8613 protein coding genes, and the mitochondrion encodes 15 genes and 26 tRNAs.  相似文献   
To identify sequence-specific motifs associated with the formation of an ionic pore, we systematically evaluated the channel-forming activity of synthetic peptides with sequence of predicted transmembrane segments of the voltage-gated calcium channel. The amino acid sequence of voltage-gated, dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive calcium channels suggests the presence in each of four homologous repeats (I-IV) of six segments (S1-S6) predicted to form membrane-spanning, alpha-helical structures. Only peptides representing amphipathic segments S2 or S3 form channels in lipid bilayers. To generate a functional calcium channel based on a four-helix bundle motif, four-helix bundle proteins representing IVS2 (T4CaIVS2) or IVS3 (T4CaIVS3) were synthesized. Both proteins form cation-selective channels, but with distinct characteristics: the single-channel conductance in 50 mM BaCl2 is 3 pS and 10 pS. For T4CaIVS3, the conductance saturates with increasing concentration of divalent cation. The dissociation constants for Ba2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+ are 13.6 mM, 17.7 mM, and 15.0 mM, respectively. The conductance of T4CaIVS2 does not saturate up to 150 mM salt. Whereas T4CaIVS3 is blocked by microM Ca2+ and Cd2+, T4CaIVS2 is not blocked by divalent cations. Only T4CaIVS3 is modulated by enantiomers of the DHP derivative BayK 8644, demonstrating sequence requirement for specific drug action. Thus, only T4CaIVS3 exhibits pore properties characteristic also of authentic calcium channels. The designed functional calcium channel may provide insights into fundamental mechanisms of ionic permeation and drug action, information that may in turn further our understanding of molecular determinants underlying authentic pore structures.  相似文献   
Glutathione (GSH) is essential for many aspects of plant biology and is associated with jasmonate signaling in stress responses. We characterized an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) jasmonate-hypersensitive mutant (jah2) with seedling root growth 100-fold more sensitive to inhibition by the hormone jasmonyl-isoleucine than the wild type. Genetic mapping and genome sequencing determined that the mutation is in intron 6 of GLUTATHIONE SYNTHETASE2, encoding the enzyme that converts γ-glutamylcysteine (γ-EC) to GSH. The level of GSH in jah2 was 71% of the wild type, while the phytoalexin-deficient2-1 (pad2-1) mutant, defective in GSH1 and having only 27% of wild-type GSH level, was not jasmonate hypersensitive. Growth defects for jah2, but not pad2, were also seen in plants grown to maturity. Surprisingly, all phenotypes in the jah2 pad2-1 double mutant were weaker than in jah2. Quantification of γ-EC indicated these defects result from hyperaccumulation of this GSH precursor by 294- and 65-fold in jah2 and the double mutant, respectively. γ-EC reportedly partially substitutes for loss of GSH, but growth inhibition seen here was likely not due to an excess of total glutathione plus γ-EC because their sum in jah2 pad2-1 was only 16% greater than in the wild type. Further, the jah2 phenotypes were lost in a jasmonic acid biosynthesis mutant background, indicating the effect of γ-EC is mediated through jasmonate signaling and not as a direct result of perturbed redox status.Glutathione (GSH) is an essential thiol of most higher organisms, including plants. Primarily found in the reduced form, its roles in maintaining a reduced intracellular state are numerous and well characterized (Foyer and Noctor, 2011; Noctor et al., 2011). Additionally, GSH is involved in detoxifying reactive oxygen species, heavy metal detoxification through phytochelatins, elimination of xenobiotics, and signaling of plant development and stress responses (Rouhier et al., 2008).GSH is synthesized in two steps. The first links Cys to the γ-carboxyl group of Glu through an amide bond catalyzed by γ-glutamylcysteine (γ-EC) synthetase, encoded by the single gene GSH1 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Gly is then added by GSH synthetase (GSH-S), also encoded by a single gene (GSH2). GSH is typically present at millimolar levels in plants, and although γ-EC is normally present at only a few percent of this amount, there is evidence that γ-EC has redox activities in Arabidopsis (Pasternak et al., 2008).Insertional knockouts of GSH1 are embryo lethal, and rootmeristemless1, with only 5% of wild-type GSH level, lacks a root apical meristem due to cell cycle arrest (Vernoux et al., 2000; Cairns et al., 2006). Other mutants producing 25% to 50% of wild-type GSH levels grow normally but exhibit defects under various stress conditions. For example, phytoalexin-deficient2-1 (pad2-1) and cadmium sensitive2 mutants are susceptible to pathogens and hypersensitive to Cd, respectively, while regulator of axillary meristems1 causes elevated expression of ASCORBATE PEROXIDASE2 under non-photooxidative-stress conditions (Glazebrook and Ausubel, 1994; Cobbett et al., 1998; Ball et al., 2004).GSH2 null alleles (gsh2-1 and gsh2-2) are also lethal, although plants survive to the early seedling stage (Pasternak et al., 2008). Survival past the embryo stage was attributed to partial complementation of GSH activity by γ-EC, which accumulates to excessive levels in gsh2-1, and the mutant is partially rescued by GSH supplementation. Missense and nonsense GSH2 alleles of membrane trafficking mutants (gsh2-3gsh2-5) disrupt endoplasmic reticulum (ER) organization and also arrest growth in early seedling development, while a weaker allele (gsh2-6) reached maturity but was smaller than the wild type (Au et al., 2012). A screen for reduced response to Cd also yielded a viable missense mutant of GSH2 (nonresponse or reduced response to Cd2) with approximately 75% of the wild-type GSH level (Jobe et al., 2012).Plant oxidative stress responses involve both redox signaling through GSH and jasmonate hormonal signaling, and gene expression studies have clearly linked these two signaling systems. GSH biosynthesis and metabolism genes are induced by jasmonate, while manipulating GSH level or redox status in various mutants alters expression of genes for jasmonate biosynthesis and signaling (Xiang and Oliver, 1998; Mhamdi et al., 2010; Han et al., 2013). GSH and jasmonate are also associated with protective glucosinolate production in response to insect feeding (Noctor et al., 2011). For example, pad2-1 is deficient in glucosinolates and more susceptible to insects, while several studies have shown jasmonate induces glucosinolates (Brader et al., 2001; Mikkelsen et al., 2003; Sasaki-Sekimoto et al., 2005; Schlaeppi et al., 2008). Liu et al. (2010) isolated jasmonic acid hypersensitive1 (jah1), an Arabidopsis mutant with greater inhibition of root growth than the wild type in the presence of jasmonic acid (JA). The affected gene encodes a cytochrome P450 (CYP82C3) involved in indole glucosinolate production, and this mutant was more susceptible to Botrytis cinerea.The basic mechanism of jasmonate signal transduction and some of the downstream responses emanating from it are now well understood (Browse, 2009; Wasternack and Hause, 2013). However, the mechanisms by which jasmonate and GSH coordinate their activities to mediate oxidative stress and other responses are not known. This study characterized, to our knowledge, a new jasmonate-hypersensitive mutant that accumulates excess γ-EC due to a defect in GSH2, but GSH is only modestly reduced. Results show that elevated γ-EC is deleterious to plant growth through a jasmonate-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   


Exercise training has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy to counteract physical dysfunction in adult systemic lupus erythematosus. However, no longitudinal studies have evaluated the effects of an exercise training program in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (C-SLE) patients. The objective was to evaluate the safety and the efficacy of a supervised aerobic training program in improving the cardiorespiratory capacity in C-SLE patients.


Nineteen physically inactive C-SLE patients were randomly assigned into two groups: trained (TR, n = 10, supervised moderate-intensity aerobic exercise program) and non-trained (NT, n = 9). Gender-, body mass index (BMI)- and age-matched healthy children were recruited as controls (C, n = 10) for baseline (PRE) measurements only. C-SLE patients were assessed at PRE and after 12 weeks of training (POST). Main measurements included exercise tolerance and cardiorespiratory measurements in response to a maximal exercise (that is, peak VO2, chronotropic reserve (CR), and the heart rate recovery (ΔHRR) (that is, the difference between HR at peak exercise and at both the first (ΔHRR1) and second (ΔHRR2) minutes of recovery after exercise).


The C-SLE NT patients did not present changes in any of the cardiorespiratory parameters at POST (P > 0.05). In contrast, the exercise training program was effective in promoting significant increases in time-to-exhaustion (P = 0.01; ES = 1.07), peak speed (P = 0.01; ES = 1.08), peak VO2 (P = 0.04; ES = 0.86), CR (P = 0.06; ES = 0.83), and in ΔHRR1 and ΔHRR2 (P = 0.003; ES = 1.29 and P = 0.0008; ES = 1.36, respectively) in the C-SLE TR when compared with the NT group. Moreover, cardiorespiratory parameters were comparable between C-SLE TR patients and C subjects after the exercise training intervention, as evidenced by the ANOVA analysis (P > 0.05, TR vs. C). SLEDAI-2K scores remained stable throughout the study.


A 3-month aerobic exercise training was safe and capable of ameliorating the cardiorespiratory capacity and the autonomic function in C-SLE patients.

Trial registration

NCT01515163.  相似文献   
The ability of two strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, CRL 640 and CRL 800, to survive and retain their biological activities under frozen storage was determined. Freezing and thawing, as well as frozen storage, damaged the cell membrane, rendering the microorganisms sensitive to sodium chloride and bile salts. Both lactic acid production and proteolytic activity were depressed after 21 days at -20 degreesC, whereas beta-galactosidase activity per cell unit was increased. Cell injury was partially overcome after repair in a salt-rich medium. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
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