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The current study aims at evaluating the analgesic, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of methanolic extract of the stem, bark and leaves of Launaea sarmentosa and Aegialitis rotundifolia roxb.


The AELS and AEAR extract presented a significant (***p < 0.001) dose dependent increase in reaction time in writhing method and showed inhibition of 63.1% and 57.1% respectively at the doses of 400 mg/kg body weight while standard drug showed (P < 0.001) inhibition of 69.23%. In tail immersion method, AELS and AEAR showed maximum time of tail retention at 30 min in hot water i.e. 6.93 sec and 6.54 sec respectively at highest doses of 400 mg/kg body weight than lower dose while standard pentazocine showed reaction time of 7.62 sec. The AELS and AEAR extract also exhibited promising anti-inflammatory effect as demonstrated by statistically significant inhibition of paw volume by 32.48% and 26.75% respectively at the dose of 400 mg/kg body weight while the value at the dose of 200 mg/kg body weight were linear to higher dose at the 3rd hour of study. On the other hand, Standard indomethacin inhibited 40.13% of inflammation (***P < 0.001). In Cotton-pellet granuloma method, AELS and AEAR extract at the dose of 400 mg/kg body weight exhibited inhibition of inflammation of 34.7% and 29.1% respectively while standard drug showed (P < 0.001) inhibition of 63.22%. Intraperitoneal administration of AELS and AEAR showed dose dependent decrease in body temperature in brewer’s yeast induced hyperthermia in rats at both doses. However, AELS significantly decreased body temperature (***p < 0.001) at 400 mg/kg compared to control.


Present work propose that the methanolic extract of Launaea sarmentosa and Aegialitis rotundifolia roxb possesses dose dependent pharmacological action which supports its therapeutic use in folk medicine possibly mediated through the inhibition or blocking of release of prostaglandin and/or actions of vasoactive substances such as histamine, serotonin and kinins.  相似文献   
Prostaglandin D(2) (PGD(2)) is a cyclooxygenase (COX) product of arachidonic acid that activates D prostanoid receptors to modulate vascular, platelet, and leukocyte function in vitro. However, little is known about its enzymatic origin or its formation in vivo in cardiovascular or inflammatory disease. 11,15-dioxo-9alpha-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetranorprostan-1,20-dioic acid (tetranor PGDM) was identified by mass spectrometry as a metabolite of infused PGD(2) that is detectable in mouse and human urine. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, tetranor PGDM was much more abundant than the PGD(2) metabolites, 11beta-PGF(2alpha) and 2,3-dinor-11beta-PGF(2alpha), in human urine and was the only endogenous metabolite detectable in mouse urine. Infusion of PGD(2) dose dependently increased urinary tetranor PGDM > 2,3-dinor-11beta-PGF(2alpha) > 11beta-PGF(2alpha) in mice. Deletion of either lipocalin-type or hemopoietic PGD synthase enzymes decreased urinary tetranor PGDM. Deletion or knockdown of COX-1, but not deletion of COX-2, decreased urinary tetranor PGDM in mice. Correspondingly, both PGDM and 2,3-dinor-11beta-PGF(2alpha) were suppressed by inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2, but not by selective inhibition of COX-2 in humans. PGD(2) has been implicated in both the development and resolution of inflammation. Administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide coordinately elevated tetranor PGDM and 2,3-dinor-11beta-PGF(2alpha) in volunteers, coincident with a pyrexial and systemic inflammatory response, but both metabolites fell during the resolution phase. Niacin increased tetranor PGDM and 2,3-dinor-11beta-PGF(2alpha) in humans coincident with facial flushing. Tetranor PGDM is an abundant metabolite in urine that reflects modulated biosynthesis of PGD(2) in humans and mice.  相似文献   
Somatic hybridization offers the possibility of manipulating chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes and evaluating their role on cultivar qualities in citrus. Numerous associations between Willow-leaf mandarin (Citrus deliciosa Ten.), as embryogenic parent, and sweet orange cv. Valencia (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.), as mesophyll parent, and between Willow-leaf mandarin (embryogenic parent) and grapefruit cv. Duncan (Citrus paradisi Macf.) (mesophyll parent) were obtained by the fusion of protoplasts induced by polyethylene glycol. Regenerated plants were characterized by flow cytometry and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). All plants were diploid. Diploid plants with the nuclear RFLP patterns of mandarin or sweet orange were identified in the progeny between these two parents, while only grapefruit nuclear types were found in the mandarin + grapefruit progeny. The diploid plants with the nuclear profile of the mesophyll parent originated systematically from cells formed through spontaneous association of the nuclear genome of the mesophyll parent and the mitochondrial genome of the embryogenic parent. These plants are assumed to be alloplasmic hybrids or cybrids. They were viable and have been propagated for field testing.  相似文献   
Genetic engineering approaches offer an alternative method to the conventional breeding of Citrus sp. ‘W. Murcott’ mandarin (a hybrid of ‘Murcott’ and an unknown pollen parent) is one of the most commercially important cultivars grown in many regions around the world. Transformation of ‘W. Murcott’ mandarin was achieved by direct DNA uptake using a protoplast transformation system. DNA construct (pAO3), encoding Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and the cDNA of Xa21, a Xanthomonas resistance gene from rice, was used to transform protoplasts of ‘W. Murcott’ mandarin. Following citrus protoplast culture and regeneration, transformed micro calli were microscopically designated via GFP expression, physically isolated from non-transformed tissue, and cultured on somatic embryogenesis induction medium. More than 150 transgenic embryos were recovered and from them, ten transgenic lines were regenerated and cultured on rooting medium for shoot elongation. Transgenic shoots were micrografted and established in the greenhouse with 3–5 replicates per line. The insertion of Xa21 and GFP was confirmed by PCR and southern blot analysis. GFP expression was verified by fluorescence microscopy and western blot analysis revealed expression of Xa21 although it was variable among transgenic lines, as shown by RT-qPCR. Transgenic plants challenged with the citrus canker pathogen by syringe inoculation showed a reduction in lesion number and bacterial populations within lesions compared to non-transgenic control plants. Transgenic ‘W. Murcott’ mandarin lines with improved canker resistance via protoplast transformation from embryogenic callus with the Xa21 gene from rice are being evaluated under field conditions to validate the level of resistance.  相似文献   
The partitioning of limited resources commonly explains how different species can coexist within the same ecological community. In this 2010 study, the diets of three coexisting freshwater fishes (Cape galaxias Galaxias zebratus, n = 27; Cape kurper Sandelia capensis, n = 60; Breede River redfin Pseudobarbus burchelli, n = 77) were characterised and compared in three headwater streams in South Africa's Cape Fold Ecoregion using gut contents and stable isotope analyses. These data were analysed to ascertain whether the three species exploit distinct trophic niches. Both approaches provided evidence that these species occupy different trophic niches, though with some overlap. However, dietary differences among sites were not consistent and were probably influenced by site-specific factors like resource availability. Pseudobarbus burchelli had a broader niche breadth at Tierkloof Stream than the other two species, but not at Waaihoek or Tierstel Streams. Our results also suggest that P. burchelli consumed a more omnivorous diet than do the other two species, whereas S. capensis occupied a higher trophic position than the other two species and consumed vertebrates. Our findings suggest that these species occupy non-equivalent feeding niches in Cape Fold Ecoregion headwater streams, and that diet partitioning might facilitate their coexistence in these systems.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, daß sich die Farbstoffbildung der Penicillium-arten in recht erheblichem Ausmaß durch die Züchtungsbedingungen beeinflussen läßt. Bereits bei der vergleichenden Kultivierung der Pilze in der Oberflächen- und Submerskultur können auffallende Unterschiede beobachtet werden. Ferner konnte durch den Zusatz von Asparagin, Glutaminsäure und Zinksulfat besonders in der Submerskultur die Farbstoffbildung recht erheblich geändert werden. Dabei verhielten sich allerdings die einzelnen Pilze individuell außerordentlich verschieden, so daß keine allgemein gültigen Gesetzmäßigkeiten über die Beeinflußbarkeit des Prozesses abgeleitet werden können. Wohl aber können bestimmte Typen von Fällen aufgestellt werden, denen jeweils eine Reihe von Penicillien zuzuordnen ist.Aus dem vormaligen Institut für Biochemie u. Nahrungsmittelchemie der Deutschen Technischen Hochschule in Prag. — Vgl. auch Diplom-Arbeit H. Kundtner, Prag, März 1945.  相似文献   
Monitoring on the Lowveld reaches of the Olifants River, Limpopo River System, and its Steelpoort, Blyde, Klaserie and Selati tributaries was initiated in 2009. Analysis of the 2009–2015 data from four Olifants River sites showed deterioration in the river’s ecological condition between where it enters the Lowveld and where it enters the Kruger National Park, with a slight recovery within the Kruger National Park. Physico-chemical, aquatic macroinvertebrate and fish data collected in 2009–2015 at six sites on the Steelpoort, Blyde, Klaserie and Selati tributaries of the Olifants River corroborated the ecological condition of these tributaries. The Selati was the most polluted and was in a critically modified condition, whereas the Klaserie and Steelpoort were in fair condition and the Blyde was in good condition. The Selati appeared to have a significant negative impact on the water quality, macroinvertebrates and fish of the Olifants River within the Kruger National Park.  相似文献   
Muscle tissue from 63 Synodontis zambezensis collected bimonthly in 2013 at Flag Boshielo Dam were analysed for metals and metalloids in a desktop human health risk assessment. The Hazard Quotient, based on a weekly meal of 67 g of fish muscle, exceeded the maximum acceptable level of one for lead, cobalt, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and selenium. The concentrations of these elements were higher in 2013 than those recorded in 2009 and 2012 in other fish species from Flag Boshielo Dam and these may pose a long-term health risk if consumed regularly by impoverished rural communities reliant on fish as a source of protein.  相似文献   
JavaScope is a Web-based java applet that implements an "exploration/browser" tool for operating a Philips CM200 transmission electron microscope and viewing digital images remotely. The primary use of the application is as a collaborative tool for remote consultations.  相似文献   
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