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The unorthodox two-component sensor protein BvgS ofBordetella pertussis contains several interesting sequence motifs of unknown functional relevance, such as a histidine motif in its output domain, which is conserved among several unorthodox sensor proteins, a putative nucleotide binding site [Walker box type A] in its linker region, and a region in its periplasmic domain with significant homology to the TonB protein ofEscherichia coli. We investigated potential functions of these sequences by constructingB. pertussis strains that express mutant BvgS derivatives. The His1172 residue in the output domain was exchanged for Gln, and the Walker motif was mutated either by the replacement of Lys625 by Arg, or of Gly624 by Val and Lys625 by Leu. To analyse the TonB motif, the periplasmic domain of BvgS was replaced with the corresponding domain of EvgS, anE. coli sensor that is highly homologous to BvgS but lacks the similarity with TonB. All mutations except the conservative Lys/Arg exchange in the Walker box caused the inactivation of BvgS, indicating the functional importance of the conserved motifs. The activity of the mutant proteins could be restored by complementation in trans with various separately expressed, truncated parts of BvgS. Mutations in the BvgS receiver domain could be complemented not only by a construct expressing the wild-type receiver and output domains, but also by the derivative containing the His-Gln exchange. Therefore, the histidine motif, although important for BvgS function, is not essential for complementation of BvgS mutants. The mutations in the Walker box and in the periplasmic domain could be complemented by a truncated BvgS derivative lacking the receiver and output domains. The characterization of a spontaneous revertant of the strain expressing the originally inactive EvgS/BvgS hybrid protein revealed the presence of a mutation in the BvgS linker region, conferring constitutive activity on the protein. As TonB energizes transport processes across the outer membrane ofE. coli, the strain expressing the constitutive EvgS/BvgS hybrid protein lacking the TonB motif was used in preliminary investigations of a possible direct involvement of BvgS in transport processes.  相似文献   
An unresolved key issue in the mechanism of protein folding assisted by the molecular chaperone GroEL is the nature of the substrate protein bound to the chaperonin at different stages of its reaction cycle. Here we describe the conformational properties of human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) bound to GroEL at different stages of its ATP-driven folding reaction, determined by hydrogen exchange labeling and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Considerable protection involving about 20 hydrogens is observed in DHFR bound to GroEL in the absence of ATP. Analysis of the line width of peaks in the mass spectra, together with fluorescence quenching and ANS binding studies, suggest that the bound DHFR is partially folded, but contains stable structure in a small region of the polypeptide chain. DHFR rebound to GroEL 3 min after initiating its folding by the addition of MgATP was also examined by hydrogen exchange, fluorescence quenching, and ANS binding. The results indicate that the extent of protection of the substrate protein rebound to GroEL is indistinguishable from that of the initial bound state. Despite this, small differences in the quenching coefficient and ANS binding properties are observed in the rebound state. On the basis of these results, we suggest that GroEL-assisted folding of DHFR occurs by minor structural adjustments to the partially folded substrate protein during iterative cycling, rather than by complete unfolding of this protein substrate on the chaperonin surface.  相似文献   
Small molecular weight GTP binding proteins of the ras family have been implicated in signal transduction from the T cell antigen receptor (TCR). To test the importance of p21ras in the control of thymocyte development, we generated mice expressing a dominant-negative p21ras protein (H-rasN17) in T lineage cells under the control of the lck proximal promoter. Proliferation of thymocytes from lck-H-rasN17 mice in response to TCR stimulation was nearly completely blocked, confirming the importance of p21ras in mediating TCR-derived signals in mature CD4+8- or CD8+4- thymocytes. In contrast, some TCR-derived signals proceeded unimpaired in the CD4+8+ thymocytes of mice expressing dominant-negative p21ras. Analysis of thymocyte development in mice made doubly transgenic for the H-Y-specific TCR and lck-H-rasN17 demonstrated that antigen-specific negative selection occurs normally in the presence of p21H-rasN17. Superantigen-induced negative selection in vivo also proceeded unhindered in H-rasN17 thymocytes. In contrast, positive selection of thymocytes in the H-Y mice was severely compromised by the presence of p21H-rasN17. These observations demonstrate that positive and negative selection, two conceptually antithetical consequences of TCR stimulation, are biochemically distinguishable.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study attempts to determine if projections ascending from the guinea pig cochlear nucleus (CN) could be glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. Multiple radio frequency lesions were made to ablate the right CN. The ablation was verified histologically. To identify the principal targets of CN efferents, silver impregnation methods were used to localize the preterminal degeneration of fibers in transverse sections of the brainstem 5 and 7 days after CN ablation. CN efferents projected heavily to the lateral superior olive (LSO) ipsilaterally, the medial superior olive (MSO) bilaterally, and contralaterally to the medial (MNTB) and ventral (VNTB) nuclei of the trapezoid body, the ventral (VNLL) and intermediate nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc). There were smaller projections to the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body ipsilaterally, the dorsal and dorsomedial periolivary nuclei bilaterally, and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus contralaterally. There were sparse projections to the VNLL and ICc ipsilaterally and the CN contralaterally, and a very sparse projection to the contralateral LSO. To determine if CN efferents were glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic, the fresh brainstem was sectioned transversely and samples of the LSO, MSO, MNTB, VNLL, and ICc were taken to measure the electrically evoked release and the uptake of d -[3H]Asp and [14C]Gly or [14C]GABA 3–5 days after the CN ablation. The release studies suggest that only certain of the histologically identified projections ascending from the CN may be glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. CN ablation depressed d -[3H]Asp release in the MSO bilaterally and in the contralateral MNTB and VNLL, suggesting that the CN efferents to these nuclei may use glutamate or aspartate as a transmitter. It was unclear whether a marginal depression of d -[3H]Asp release in the ipsilateral LSO reflected the presence of glutamatergic CN projections to this nucleus. d -[3H]Asp release in the ICc was unaffected, suggesting that CN efferents to this nucleus may not be glutamatergic. There were no deficits in d -[3H]Asp uptake. [14C]Gly release from the LSO and MSO was unchanged. [14C]Gly uptake was unchanged in the MSO and depressed only in the contralateral LSO, possibly reflecting subnormal uptake activity in endings contributed by contralateral MNTB cells that had lost their CN efferents. [14C]GABA uptake in the MNTB, VNLL, and ICc was unchanged. [14C]GABA release was unchanged in the VNLL and ICc. [14C]GABA release was depressed only in the contralateral MNTB, possibly reflecting the loss of a small complement of GABAergic CN efferents and the reaction of GABAergic projections from the contralateral VNTB to their loss of CN efferents.  相似文献   
Grabo  T.  Kreibich  T.  Gross  E.K.U. 《Molecular Engineering》1997,7(1-2):27-50
We describe the optimized effective potential method of density functional theory and the semi-analytical approximation due to Krieger, Li and Iafrate. Results for atomic and molecular systems including correlation contributions are presented and compared with conventional Kohn–Sham methods. The combination of the exact exchange energy functional with the correlation energy functional of Colle and Salvetti works extremely well for atomic systems, while further improvement is required for molecular systems.  相似文献   
Poly(A) polymerase is responsible for the addition of the adenylate tail to the 3′ ends of mRNA. Using the two-hybrid system, we have identified two proteins which interact specifically with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae poly(A) polymerase, Pap1. Uba2 is a homolog of ubiquitin-activating (E1) enzymes and Ufd1 is a protein whose function is probably also linked to the ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation pathway. These two proteins interact with Pap1 and with each other, but not with eight other target proteins which were tested in the two-hybrid system. The last 115 amino acids of Uba2, which contains an 82-amino acid region not present in previously characterized E1 enzymes, is sufficient for the interaction with Pap1. Both Uba2 and Ufd1 can be co-immunoprecipitated from extracts with Pap1, confirming in vitro the interaction identified by two-hybrid analysis. Depletion of Uba2 from cells produces extracts which polyadenylate precursor RNA with increased efficiency compared to extracts from nondepleted cells, while depletion of Ufd1 yields extracts which are defective in processing. These two proteins are not components of polyadenylation factors, and instead may have a role in regulating poly(A) polymerase activity. Received: 6 January 1997 / Accepted: 27 February 1997  相似文献   
Seven chemicals, three buffers, and a salt solution known to affect bacterial attachment were tested to quantify their abilities to enhance the penetration of Alcaligenes paradoxus in porous media. Chemical treatments included Tween 20 (a nonionic surfactant that affects hydrophobic interactions), sodium dodecyl sulfate (an anionic surfactant), EDTA (a cell membrane permeabilizer that removes outer membrane lipopolysaccharides), sodium PPi (a surface charge modifier), sodium periodate (an oxidizer that cleaves surface polysaccharides), lysozyme (an enzyme that cleaves cell wall components), and proteinase K (a nonspecific protease that cleaves peptide bonds). Buffers included MOPS [3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid], Tris, phosphate, and an unbuffered solution containing only NaCl. Transport characteristics in the porous media were compared by using a sticking coefficient, alpha, defined as the rate at which particles stick to a grain of medium divided by the rate at which they strike the grain. Tween 20 reduced alpha by 2.5 orders of magnitude, to alpha = 0.0016, and was the most effective chemical treatment for decreasing bacterial attachment to glass beads in buffered solutions. Similar reductions in alpha were achieved in unbuffered solutions by reducing the solution ionic strength to 0.01 mM. EDTA, protease, and other treatments designed to alter cell structures did not reduce alpha by more than an order of magnitude. The number of bacteria retained by the porous media was decreased by treatments that made A. paradoxus more hydrophobic and less electrostatically charged, although alpha was poorly correlated with electrophoretic mobility and hydrophobicity index measurements at lower alpha values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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