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In a survey of inbred and wild mouse DNAs for genetic variation at the duplicate renin loci,Ren-1 andRen-2, a variantNot I hybridization pattern was observed in the wild mouseM. hortulanus. To determine the basis for this variation, the structure of theM. hortulanus renin loci has been examined in detail and compared to that of the inbred strain DBA/2. Overall, the gross features of structure in this chromosomal region are conserved in bothMus species. In particular, the sequence at the recombination site between the linkedRen-1 andRen-2 loci was found to be identical in both DBA/2 andM. hortulanus, indicating that the renin gene duplication occurred prior to the divergence of ancestors of these mice. Renin flanking sequences inM. hortulanus, however, were found to lack four DNA insertions totaling approximately 10.5 kb which reside near the DBA/2 loci. The postduplication evolution of the mouse renin genes in thus characterized by a number of insertion and/or deletion events within nearby flanking sequences. Analysis of renin expression showed little or no difference between these mice in steady state renin RNA levels in most tissues examined, suggesting that these insertions do not influence expression at those sites. A notable exception is the adrenal gland, in which DBA/2 andM. hortulanus mice exhibit different patterns of developmentally regulated renin expression.  相似文献   
ATP citrate-lyase is the primary enzyme responsible for the synthesis of cytosolic acetyl-CoA in many tissues. We have isolated a full-length cDNA copy of 4.3 kilobase pairs encoding the ATP-citrate lyase mRNA by screening rat liver cDNA library using oligonucleotide probes designed from peptide sequences obtained from the purified rat enzyme. Expression of this cDNA in bacteria, followed by immunoblotting with antibody directed against the ATP citrate-lyase, further demonstrated the identity of this clone. Nucleic acid sequence data indicate that the cDNA contains the complete coding region for the enzyme, which is 1100 amino acids in length with a calculated molecular weight of 121,293. RNA blot analysis indicated an mRNA species of about 4.3 kilobase pairs in livers of chow-fed rats. Rats maintained on low fat, high carbohydrate diets exhibited a striking increase (50-fold) in the level of liver ATP citrate-lyase mRNA as compared with the control animals maintained on a normal diet. The tissue distribution of this mRNA in chow-fed animals revealed a relatively high abundance of the message in liver and adrenal, moderate levels were found in lung, brain, and large intestine with only trace amounts of the message in small intestine, stomach, testis, spleen, pancreas, kidney, and heart. During rat development, the ATP citrate-lyase mRNA was relatively high in the liver at parturition, followed by a reduction in its level during suckling. Higher amounts of the mRNA were detected again in adult animals. The isolation and characterization of the mRNA for ATP citrate-lyase will allow further studies on the reaction mechanism and metabolic regulation of this key enzyme in lipogenesis and cholesterogenesis.  相似文献   
Twenty independent man-mouse (Cl1D,LA/TK-, HPRT-) and man-hamster (CH,HPRT-) hybrids using female human cells with balanced reciprocal translocation XX,t(X;5)(q21;q11) were analyzed for human genes localized on chromosome 5 (HEXB), on chromosome X (PGK, GALA, HPRT, G6PD) and for the different chromosomes in relation with the balanced reciprocal translocation (chr.5, chr.5q-, chr.Xq+, chr.X). The different results obtained indicate that the genes for human markers HEXB, PGK are on Xq+, and that the genes for human markers GALA, G6PD are on 5q-. These data implicate finally the following localizations: HEXB on 5q11 leads to 5qter; PGK on Xq21 leads to Xpter; GALA, HPRT, G6PD on Xq21 leads to Xqter.  相似文献   
A rapid and simple method of oligonucleotide cataloging for phylogenetic studies is presented. It involves in vitro 5'-32P-labelling of RNase T1 - resistant oligonucleotides of ribosomal 16S RNA and finger-printing by high voltage electrophoresis and gradient thinlayer chromatography. Oligonucleotide sequences are established by the mobility shift method, using controlled alkali cleavage, high voltage electrophoresis and homochromatography. These procedures facilitate in particular the analysis of long RNase T1 - resistant oligonucleotides. Oligonucleotide catalogs are established fo three Actinomycetes, namely Oerskovia turbata, Actinoplanes philippinensis and Ampullariella regularis. These catalogs are equivalent to those obtained by methods which were described by Sanger and Woese.  相似文献   
Renal ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was found to be more prevalent in the medulla of the normal rat kidney than in the cortex. When renal ODC activity was stimulated by ethanol, growth hormone, ACTH, or corticosterone, proportional increases were observed in both medulla and cortex. After hypophysectomy, ODC activities fell equally in both areas of the kidney. The administration of cycloheximide, which is known to cause a rebound increase after six hours in overall renal ODC activity, was followed by an increase of medullary ODC activity while cortical activity remained suppressed.  相似文献   
Previous reports from this laboratory (1–4) described the perbenzoylation of neutral glycosphingolipids (GSL)1 with benzoyl chloride in pyridine and analysis of the perbenzoylated derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). A disadvantage of this procedure is that N-benzoylation occurs as well as the desired O-benzoylation. This does not permit recovery of the parent GSL after mild alkaline hydrolysis due to formation of a mixture of N-acylated and N-benzoylated GSLs(1). It has also been demonstrated that the benzoylation with benzoic anhydride in pyridine does not lead to the formation of N-benzoylated products. However, the anhydride reaction is sluggish and the benzoyl chloride method has been the preferred procedure.Gupta et al. (5) used N,N-dimethyl-4 amino pyridine (DMAP) as a catalyst in the acylation of phospholipids by the anhydrides of fatty acids. F. B. Jungalwala (private communication) has shown that this catalyst greatly accelerates the reaction of benzoic anhydride with sulfatides.In this communication we report the preparation and hplc analysis of per-O-benzoyl derivatives of GSLs by reaction with benzoic acid anhydride in the presence of DMAP as a catalyst. Reaction with these reagents avoids amide acylation, forms single products with satisfactory chromatographic properties and parent GSLs can be regenerated by mild alkaline hydrolysis.  相似文献   
The lysine isoacceptor tRNAs differ in two aspects from the majority of the other mammalian tRNA species: they do not contain ribosylthymine (T) in loop IV, and a 'new' lysine tRNA, which is practically absent in non-dividing tissue, appears at elevated levels in proliferating cells. We have therefore purified the three major isoaccepting lysine tRNAs from rabbit liver and the 'new' lysine tRNA isolated from SV40-transformed mouse fibroblasts, and determined their nucleotide sequences. Our basic findings are as follows. a) The three major lysine tRNAs (species 1, 2 and 3) from rabbit liver contain 2'-O-methylribosylthymine (Tm) in place of T. tRNA1Lys and tRNA2Lys differ only by a single base pair in the middle of the anticodon stem; the anticodon sequence C-U-U is followed by N-threonyl-adenosine (t6A). TRNA3Lys has the anticodon S-U-U and contains two highly modified thionucleosides, S (shown to be 2-thio-5-carboxymethyl-uridine methyl ester) and a further modified derivative of t6 A (2-methyl-thio-N6-threonyl-adenosine) on the 3' side of the anticodon. tRNA3Lys differs in 14 and 16 positions, respectively, from the other two isoacceptors. b) Protein synthesis in vitro, using synthetic polynucleotides of defined sequence, showed that tRNA2Lys with anticodon C-U-U recognized A-A-G only, whereas tRNA3Lys, which contains thio-nucleotides in and next to the anticodon, decodes both lysine codons A-A-G and A-A-A, but with a preference for A-A-A. In a globin-mRNA-translating cell-free system from ascites cells, both lysine tRNAs donated lysine into globin. The rate and extent of lysine incorporation, however, was higher with tRNA2Lys than with tRNA3Lys, in agreement with the fact that alpha-globin and beta-globin mRNAs contain more A-A-G than A-A-A- codons for lysine. c) A comparison of the nucleotide sequences of lysine tRNA species 1, 2 and 3 from rabbit liver, with that of the 'new' tRNA4Lys from transformed and rapidly dividing cells showed that this tRNA is not the product of a new gene or group of genes, but is an undermodified tRNA derived exclusively from tRNA2Lys. Of the two dihydrouridines present in tRNA2Lys, one is found as U in tRNA4Lys; the purine next to the anticodon is as yet unidentified but is known not be t6 A. In addition we have found U, T and psi besides Tm as the first nucleoside in loop IV.  相似文献   
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