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We report a time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy characterization of photosystem I (PSI) particles prepared from Arabidopsis lines with knock-out mutations against the peripheral antenna proteins of Lhca1 or Lhca4. The first mutant retains Lhca2 and Lhca3 while the second retains one other light-harvesting protein of photosystem I (Lhca) protein, probably Lhca5. The results indicate that Lhca2/3 and Lhca1/4 each provides about equally effective energy transfer routes to the PSI core complex, and that Lhca5 provides a less effective energy transfer route. We suggest that the specific location of each Lhca protein within the PSI-LHCI supercomplex is more important than the presence of so-called red chlorophylls in the Lhca proteins.  相似文献   
We propose an exciton model for the Photosystem II reaction center (RC) based on a quantitative simultaneous fit of the absorption, linear dichroism, circular dichroism, steady-state fluorescence, triplet-minus-singlet, and Stark spectra together with the spectra of pheophytin-modified RCs, and so-called RC5 complexes that lack one of the peripheral chlorophylls. In this model, the excited state manifold includes a primary charge-transfer (CT) state that is supposed to be strongly mixed with the pure exciton states. We generalize the exciton theory of Stark spectra by 1), taking into account the coupling to a CT state (whose static dipole cannot be treated as a small parameter in contrast to usual excited states); and 2), expressing the line shape functions in terms of the modified Redfield approach (the same as used for modeling of the linear responses). This allows a consistent modeling of the whole set of experimental data using a unified physical picture. We show that the fluorescence and Stark spectra are extremely sensitive to the assignment of the primary CT state, its energy, and coupling to the excited states. The best fit of the data is obtained supposing that the initial charge separation occurs within the special-pair PD1PD2. Additionally, the scheme with primary electron transfer from the accessory chlorophyll to pheophytin gave a reasonable quantitative fit. We show that the effectiveness of these two pathways is strongly dependent on the realization of the energetic disorder. Supposing a mixed scheme of primary charge separation with a disorder-controlled competition of the two channels, we can explain the coexistence of fast sub-ps and slow ps components of the Phe-anion formation as revealed by different ultrafast spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   
BLUF domains constitute a recently discovered class of photoreceptor proteins found in bacteria and eukaryotic algae. BLUF domains are blue-light sensitive through a FAD cofactor that is involved in an extensive hydrogen-bond network with nearby amino acid side chains, including a highly conserved tyrosine and glutamine. The participation of particular amino acid side chains in the ultrafast hydrogen-bond switching reaction with FAD that underlies photoactivation of BLUF domains is assessed by means of ultrafast infrared spectroscopy. Blue-light absorption by FAD results in formation of FAD•− and a bleach of the tyrosine ring vibrational mode on a picosecond timescale, showing that electron transfer from tyrosine to FAD constitutes the primary photochemistry. This interpretation is supported by the absence of a kinetic isotope effect on the fluorescence decay on H/D exchange. Subsequent protonation of FAD•− to result in FADH on a picosecond timescale is evidenced by the appearance of a N-H bending mode at the FAD N5 protonation site and of a FADH C=N stretch marker mode, with tyrosine as the likely proton donor. FADH is reoxidized in 67 ps (180 ps in D2O) to result in a long-lived hydrogen-bond switched network around FAD. This hydrogen-bond switch shows infrared signatures from the C-OH stretch of tyrosine and the FAD C4=O and C=N stretches, which indicate increased hydrogen-bond strength at all these sites. The results support a previously hypothesized rotation of glutamine by ∼180° through a light-driven radical-pair mechanism as the determinant of the hydrogen-bond switch.  相似文献   
The flavoprotein AppA from Rhodobacter sphaeroides contains an N-terminal, FAD-binding BLUF photoreceptor domain. Upon illumination, the AppA BLUF domain forms a signaling state that is characterized by red-shifted absorbance by 10 nm, a state known as AppARED. We have applied ultrafast spectroscopy on the photoaccumulated AppARED state to investigate the photoreversible properties of the AppA BLUF domain. On light absorption by AppARED, the FAD singlet excited state decays monoexponentially in 7 ps to form the neutral semiquinone radical FADH, which subsequently decays to the original AppARED molecular ground state in 60 ps. Thus, is deactivated rapidly via electron and proton transfer, probably from the conserved tyrosine Tyr-21 to FAD, followed by radical-pair recombination. We conclude that, in contrast to many other photoreceptors, the AppA BLUF domain is not photoreversible and does not enter alternative reaction pathways upon absorption of a second photon. To explain these properties, we propose that a molecular configuration is formed upon excitation of AppARED that corresponds to a forward reaction intermediate previously identified for the dark-state BLUF photoreaction. Upon excitation of AppARED, the BLUF domain therefore enters its forward reaction coordinate, readily re-forming the AppARED ground state and suppressing reverse or side reactions. The monoexponential decay of FAD* indicates that the FAD-binding pocket in AppARED is significantly more rigid than in dark-state AppA. Steady-state fluorescence experiments on wild-type, W104F, and W64F mutant BLUF domains show tryptophan fluorescence maxima that correspond with a buried conformation of Trp-104 in dark and light states. We conclude that Trp-104 does not become exposed to solvent during the BLUF photocycle.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic light harvesting is a unique life process that occurs with amazing efficiency. Since the discovery of the structure of the bacterial peripheral light-harvesting complex (LH2), this process has been studied using a variety of advanced laser spectroscopic methods. We are now in a position to discuss the physical origins of excitation energy transfer and trapping in the LH2 and LH1 antennae of photosynthetic purple bacteria. We demonstrate that the time evolution of the state created by the light is determined by the combined action of excitonic pigment-pitment interactions, energetic disorder, and coupling to nuclear motion in a pigment-protein complex. A quantitative fit of experimental data using Redfield theory allowed us to determine the pathways and time scales of exciton and vibrational relaxation and analyze separately different contributions to the measured transient absorption dynamics. Furthermore, these dynamics were observed to be strongly dependent on the excitation wavelength. A numerical fit of this dependence turns out to be extremely critical to a variation of the structure and disorder parameters and, therefore, can be used as a test for different antenna models (disordered ring, elliptical deformations, correlated disorder, etc.). The calculated equilibration dynamics in the exciton basis allow a visualization of the exciton motion using a density matrix picture in real space.  相似文献   
Two-photon excitation, time-resolved fluorescence microscopy was used to investigate the fluorescence quenching mechanisms in aggregates of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b pigment protein complexes of photosystem II from green plants (LHCII). Time-gated microscopy images show the presence of large heterogeneity in fluorescence lifetimes not only for different LHCII aggregates, but also within a single aggregate. Thus, the fluorescence decay traces obtained from macroscopic measurements reflect an average over a large distribution of local fluorescence kinetics. This opens the possibility to resolve spatially different structural/functional units in chloroplasts and other heterogeneous photosynthetic systems in vivo, and gives the opportunity to investigate individually the excited states dynamics of each unit. We show that the lifetime distribution is sensitive to the concentration of quenchers contained in the system. Triplets, which are generated at high pulse repetition rates of excitation (>1 MHz), preferentially quench domains with initially shorter fluorescence lifetimes. This proves our previous prediction from singlet-singlet annihilation investigations (Barzda, V., V. Gulbinas, R. Kananavicius, V. Cervinskas, H. van Amerongen, R. van Grondelle, and L. Valkunas. 2001. Biophys. J. 80:2409-2421) that shorter fluorescence lifetimes originate from larger domains in LHCII aggregates. We found that singlet-singlet annihilation has a strong effect in time-resolved fluorescence microscopy of connective systems and has to be taken into consideration. Despite that, clear differences in fluorescence decays can be detected that can also qualitatively be understood.  相似文献   
Photoactive yellow protein is the protein responsible for initiating the "blue-light vision" of Halorhodospira halophila. The dynamical processes responsible for triggering the photoactive yellow protein photocycle have been disentangled with the use of a novel application of dispersed ultrafast pump-dump-probe spectroscopy, where the photocycle can be started and interrupted with appropriately tuned and timed laser pulses. This "incoherent" manipulation of the photocycle allows for the detailed spectroscopic investigation of the underlying photocycle dynamics and the construction of a fully self-consistent dynamical model. This model requires three kinetically distinct excited-state intermediates, two (ground-state) photocycle intermediates, I(0) and pR, and a ground-state intermediate through which the protein, after unsuccessful attempts at initiating the photocycle, returns to the equilibrium ground state. Also observed is a previously unknown two-photon ionization channel that generates a radical and an ejected electron into the protein environment. This second excitation pathway evolves simultaneously with the pathway containing the one-photon photocycle intermediates.  相似文献   
A preparation consisting of isolated dimeric peripheral antenna complexes from green plant photosystem I (light-harvesting complex I or LHCI) has been characterized by means of (polarized) steady-state absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy at low temperatures. We show that this preparation can be described reasonably well by a mixture of two types of dimers. In the first dimer about 10% of all Q(y)() absorption of the chlorophylls arises from two chlorophylls with absorption and emission maxima at about 711 and 733 nm, respectively, whereas in the second about 10% of the absorption arises from two chlorophylls with absorption and emission maxima at about 693 and 702 nm, respectively. The remaining chlorophylls show spectroscopic properties comparable to those of the related peripheral antenna complexes of photosystem II. We attribute the first dimer to a heterodimer of the Lhca1 and Lhca4 proteins and the second to a hetero- or homodimer of the Lhca2 and/or Lhca3 proteins. We suggest that the chlorophylls responsible for the 733 nm emission (F-730) and 702 nm emission (F-702) are excitonically coupled dimers and that F-730 originates from one of the strongest coupled pair of chlorophylls observed in nature.  相似文献   
Decay of the bacteriochlorophyll excited state was measured in membranes of the purple bacteria Rhodospirillum (R.) rubrum, Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides wild type and Rb. sphaeroides mutant M21 using low intensity picosecond absorption spectroscopy. The excitation and probing pulses were chosen in the far red wing of the long wavelength absorption band, such that predominantly the minor antenna species B896 was excited. The decay of B896 was studied between 77 and 177K under conditions that the traps were active. In all species the B896 excited state decay is almost temperature independent between 100 and 177K, and probably between 100 and 300 K. In this temperature range the decay rates for the various species are very similar and close to 40 ps. Below 100 K this rate remains temperature independent in Rb. sphaeroides w. t. and M21, while in R. rubrum a steep decrease sets in. An analysis of this data with the theory of nuclear tunneling indicates an activation energy for the final transfer step from B896 to the special pair of 70cm-1 for R. rubrum and 30cm-1 or less for Rb. sphaeroides.Abbreviations B880 and B896 the main and long wavelength bacteriochlorophyll's of the LH-1 antenna - RC reaction centre - P special pair in the RC  相似文献   
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