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Summary The bristle pattern along the first longitudinal vein of the wing ofD. hydei differs from that ofD. melanogaster. Instead of a triple row,D. hydei and some allied species show a pattern of five parallel bristle rows of which the medial row (MR) is comparable to the medial triple row (MTR) ofD. melanogaster. Cells of the MR can be made homozygousyellow (y) by induction of mitotic recombination in heterozygousy/y + females. Until 70 h after egg laying (AEL), the MR clones inD. hydei overlap with one or more of the accompanying dorsal and ventral bristle rows. Between 70 and 120 h AEL the MR clones only overlap with dorsal bristle rows. Some time later they also become separated from both dorsal rows. The resulting MR clone pattern fits with the overall longitudinal clone pattern in the wing blade ofD. melanogaster described by Bryant (1970) and others. The MR clones inD. hydei, however, often show a fragmented appearance with many indentations of the surroundingy + tissue even when induced after fixation of the DV compartment boundary. This result contrasts with the commonly held notion, derived from work withD. melanogaster, that compartment boundaries are smooth lines.  相似文献   
The N-acyl-homoserine lactones (N-AHLs) play an important role in bacterial cell-cell signaling. Up to date, however, only a few different experimentally proven classes of N-AHL ring-cleaving enzymes are known. Here we report on the isolation and biochemical characterization of a novel hydrolase derived from the soil metagenome and acting on N-AHLs. The identified protein designated BpiB05 is weakly similar to hypothetical proteins from Bacteroides fragilis, the draft genomes of two Burkholderia species as well as a marine metagenomic ORF but is otherwise not similar to any known protein. BpiB05 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli as a 10× His-tagged fusion protein. The recombinant protein revealed a molecular weight of about 70 kDa and was tested for its quorum quenching (QQ) activities using a lacZ-bioassay. Additional HPLC-MS analyses confirmed the lactonolytic activity of the purified protein in the presence of Ca2+. Further tests suggested that BpiB05 strongly reduces motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pyocyanin synthesis and biofilm formation in this microbe. Because BpiB05 is not distantly related to any of the currently known hydrolases it forms probably a novel group within the growing number of proteins acting on N-AHLs.  相似文献   
The occurrence of a macroalgal bloom at eelgrass (Zostera capensis) sampling sites in the summer of 2014/2015 provided an opportunity to use underwater video cameras to monitor the possible effects of environmental change on fish diversity and abundance in the lower reaches of the Knysna Estuary. A General Linear Model (GLM) showed that there was a significant difference in the abundance of fish before and after an invasion of the sampling sites by the macroalga Ulva lactuca. The eelgrass bed fish abundance was more affected by the macroalgal bloom than the bare substratum fish abundance, with the Ulva impacting negatively on the relative abundance of Mugilidae in the former habitat. The hypothesis that macroalgal invasions have a negative effect on fish diversity and abundance is therefore supported by this preliminary study.  相似文献   
The anabolism and catabolism of myocardial triacylglycerol (TAG) stores are important processes for normal cardiac function. TAG synthesis detoxifies and stockpiles fatty acids to prevent lipotoxicity, whereas TAG hydrolysis (lipolysis) remobilizes fatty acids from endogenous storage pools as energy substrates, signaling molecules, or precursors for complex lipids. This study focused on the role of G0/G1 switch 2 (G0S2) protein, which was previously shown to inhibit the principal TAG hydrolase adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), in the regulation of cardiac lipolysis. Using wild-type and mutant mice, we show the following: (i) G0S2 is expressed in the heart and regulated by the nutritional status with highest expression levels after re-feeding. (ii) Cardiac-specific overexpression of G0S2 inhibits cardiac lipolysis by direct protein-protein interaction with ATGL. This leads to severe cardiac steatosis. The steatotic hearts caused by G0S2 overexpression are less prone to fibrotic remodeling or cardiac dysfunction than hearts with a lipolytic defect due to ATGL deficiency. (iii) Conversely to the phenotype of transgenic mice, G0S2 deficiency results in a de-repression of cardiac lipolysis and decreased cardiac TAG content. We conclude that G0S2 acts as a potent ATGL inhibitor in the heart modulating cardiac substrate utilization by regulating cardiac lipolysis.  相似文献   


Diets rich in whole grain are associated with several health benefits. Little is known however, about whole grain consumption patterns in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to assess whole grain intakes and dietary source in Malaysian children and adolescents.


This analysis is from the MyBreakfast study, a national cross sectional study investigating eating habits among primary and secondary school children throughout Malaysia, conducted in 2013. Children (n = 5,165) and adolescents (n = 2,947) who completed two days of dietary assessment using a food record or recall respectively were included. The whole grain content of foods was estimated mainly through the use of quantitative ingredient declarations on food labels. All wholegrain foods were considered irrespective of the amount of whole grain they contained.


Overall, only 25% of children and 19% of adolescents were wholegrain consumers. Mean daily intakes in the total sample were 2.3g/d (SD 5.8g/d) in children and 1.7g/d (SD 4.7g/d) in adolescents and in the consumer’s only sample, mean intakes reached 9.1g/d (SD 8.6) and 9.2g/d (SD 7.1g/d) respectively. Wheat was the main grain source of whole grain while ready to eat breakfast cereals and hot cereals were the main food contributors. Less than 3% of the children and adolescents reached the US quantitative whole grain recommendation of 48g/day.


Whole grain is consumed by only a minority of Malaysian children and adolescents and even among consumers, intakes are well below recommendations. Efforts are needed to firstly understand the barriers to whole grain consumption among Malaysian children in order to design effective health promotion initiatives to promote an increase in whole grain consumption.  相似文献   
Granulomatous inflammation is a specific type of chronic inflammation in which macrophages and T-cell-mediated immunity to the inciting agent play a pivotal role. In the present study, granulomatous hepatitis was induced in rats by the administration of a single intravenous dose of porcine intestinal alkaline phosphatase. The cellular composition of the hepatic granulomas was analyzed in-situ with a number of recently developed mouse anti-rat monoclonal antibodies to cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage and lymphocyte subsets. Well-developed granulomas consisted of aggregates of macrophages with central modification into epithelioid cells, a peripheral rim of T- and B-lymphoid cells, including considerable numbers of immunoblasts and plasma cells. In addition, the periphery of the granulomas contained many fat storing cells, a sinusoidal cell type thought to play a central role in hepatic fibrosis. Moreover, intense immunostaining for the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin and collagen type III was observed at the periphery of the lesions. The granulomas persisted for long periods without eliciting liver cirrhosis. Alkaline phosphatase induced hepatic granulomas in the rat may help to elucidate the contribution of cells of the B-lineage to chronic granulomatous inflammation.  相似文献   
Summary The bristle pattern along the anterior margin ofNotch (N1-22.3) wings ofDrosophila hydei and the occurrence ofyellow (y 1–38.8) marked clones induced by X-ray irradiation during various larval stages are described. UnirradiatedN/N + wings show gaps (notches) in the longitudinal bristle rows along the 1st longitudinal vein, with tufts of bristles particularly near gaps. X-ray irradiation increases the number and total length of the gaps. The patterning of bristles along the margin depends on theN (+) genotype of the induced clones. RecombinantN +/N + clones from irradiated wings show excessive growth with an autonomous wildtype bristle pattern. Characteristically, these clones do not respect the dorso-ventral compartment boundary along the wing margin, do not follow an exponential (2n) growth pattern, tend to fill the gaps with bristles and theiryellow medial row bristles are less often interspersed withy + bristles than described forN +/N + wings. HomozygousN appears to be a cell lethal condition inD. hydei as it is inD. melanogaster. When y clones were kept phenotypicallyNotch (viz.,N/N/N +) as the background cells, we found a lower number ofy bristles, a lower percentage of mosaic wings but also a reltive deficiency ofy + interspersions. The latter is discussed in relation to a possible clonal originof the notches.  相似文献   
Evolutionary relationships of human populations on a global scale   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
Using gene frequency data for 29 polymorphic loci (121 alleles), we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of 26 representative populations from around the world by using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method. We also conducted a separate analysis of 15 populations by using data for 33 polymorphic loci. These analyses have shown that the first major split of the phylogenetic tree separates Africans from non-Africans and that this split occurs with a 100% bootstrap probability. The second split separates Caucasian populations from all other non-African populations, and this split is also supported by bootstrap tests. The third major split occurs between Native American populations and the Greater Asians that include East Asians (mongoloids), Pacific Islanders, and Australopapuans (native Australians and Papua New Guineans), but Australopapuans are genetically quite different from the rest of the Greater Asians. The second and third levels of population splitting are quite different from those of the phylogenetic tree obtained by Cavalli- Sforza et al. (1988), where Caucasians, Northeast Asians, and Ameridians from the Northeurasian supercluster and the rest of non- Africans form the Southeast Asian supercluster. One of the major factors that caused the difference between the two trees is that Cavalli-Sforza et al. used unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) in phylogenetic inference, whereas we used the NJ method in which evolutionary rate is allowed to vary among different populations. Bootstrap tests have shown that the UPGMA tree receives poor statistical support whereas the NJ tree is well supported. Implications that the phylogenetic tree obtained has on the current controversy over the out-of-Africa and the multiregional theories of human origins are discussed.   相似文献   
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