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The intrinsically thermostable Y-family DNA polymerases of Sulfolobus spp. have revealed detailed three-dimensional structure and catalytic mechanisms of trans-lesion DNA polymerases, yet their functions in maintaining their native genomes remain largely unexplored. To identify functions of the Y-family DNA polymerase Dbh in replicating the Sulfolobus genome under extreme conditions, we disrupted the dbh gene in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and characterized the resulting mutant strains phenotypically. Disruption of dbh did not cause any obvious growth defect, sensitivity to any of several DNA-damaging agents, or change in overall rate of spontaneous mutation at a well-characterized target gene. Loss of dbh did, however, cause significant changes in the spectrum of spontaneous forward mutation in each of two orthologous target genes of different sequence. Relative to wild-type strains, dbh(-) constructs exhibited fewer frame-shift and other small insertion-deletion mutations, but exhibited more base-pair substitutions that converted G:C base pairs to T:A base pairs. These changes, which were confirmed to be statistically significant, indicate two distinct activities of the Dbh polymerase in Sulfolobus cells growing under nearly optimal culture conditions (78-80°C and pH 3). The first activity promotes slipped-strand events within simple repetitive motifs, such as mononucleotide runs or triplet repeats, and the second promotes insertion of C opposite a potentially miscoding form of G, thereby avoiding G:C to T:A transversions.  相似文献   
In this study, a time-course comparison of human articular chondrocytes (HAC) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) immunophenotype was performed in order to determine similarities/differences between both cell types during monolayer culture, and to identify HAC surface markers indicative of dedifferentiation. Our results show that dedifferentiated HAC can be distinguished from MSC by combining CD14, CD90, and CD105 expression, with dedifferentiated HAC being CD14+/CD90bright/CD105dim and MSC being CD14-/CD90dim/CD105bright. Surface markers on MSC showed little variation during the culture, whereas HAC showed upregulation of CD90, CD166, CD49c, CD44, CD10, CD26, CD49e, CD151, CD51/61, and CD81, and downregulation of CD49a, CD54, and CD14. Thus, dedifferentiated HAC appear as a bona fide cell population rather than a small population of MSC amplified during monolayer culture. While most of the HAC surface markers showed major changes at the beginning of the culture period (Passage 1-2), CD26 was upregulated and CD49a downregulated at later stages of the culture (Passage 3-4). To correlate changes in HAC surface markers with changes in extracellular matrix gene expression during monolayer culture, CD14 and CD90 mRNA levels were combined into a new differentiation index and compared with the established differentiation indices based on the ratios of mRNA levels of collagen type II to I (COL2/COL1) and of aggrecan to versican (AGG/VER). A correlation of CD14/CD90 ratio at the mRNA and protein level with the AGG/VER ratio during HAC dedifferentiation in monolayer culture validated CD14/CD90 as a new membrane and mRNA based HAC differentiation index.  相似文献   
Many Arctic regions are currently experiencing substantial summer and winter climate changes. Litter decomposition is a fundamental component of ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycles, with fungi being among the primary decomposers. To assess the impacts of seasonal climatic changes on litter fungal communities and their functioning, Betula glandulosa leaf litter was surface‐incubated in two adjacent low Arctic sites with contrasting soil moisture regimes: dry shrub heath and wet sedge tundra at Disko Island, Greenland. At both sites, we investigated the impacts of factorial combinations of enhanced summer warming (using open‐top chambers; OTCs) and deepened snow (using snow fences) on surface litter mass loss, chemistry and fungal decomposer communities after approximately 1 year. Enhanced summer warming significantly restricted litter mass loss by 32% in the dry and 17% in the wet site. Litter moisture content was significantly reduced by summer warming in the dry, but not in the wet site. Likewise, fungal total abundance and diversity were reduced by OTC warming at the dry site, while comparatively modest warming effects were observed in the wet site. These results suggest that increased evapotranspiration in the OTC plots lowered litter moisture content to the point where fungal decomposition activities became inhibited. In contrast, snow addition enhanced fungal abundance in both sites but did not significantly affect litter mass loss rates. Across sites, control plots only shared 15% of their fungal phylotypes, suggesting strong local controls on fungal decomposer community composition. Nevertheless, fungal community functioning (litter decomposition) was negatively affected by warming in both sites. We conclude that although buried soil organic matter decomposition is widely expected to increase with future summer warming, surface litter decay and nutrient turnover rates in both xeric and relatively moist tundra are likely to be significantly restricted by the evaporative drying associated with warmer air temperatures.  相似文献   
Transgenic mice were created in which a sheep keratin promoter directed the expression of IL-2 into the dermis. These KIL-2 transgenic mice were used to investigate the effects of localized IL-2 dysregulation on immune responses. Peripheral tolerance to skin antigens was not broken by in situ IL-2 expression because syngeneic KIL-2 skin grafts were not rejected. However, MHC Class I-disparate skin grafts from KIL-2 donors were rejected faster (median survival time (MST) 12 days) than grafts of non-transgenic littermate skin (MST 18 days). In contrast, the kinetics of KIL-2 H-Y-disparate skin graft rejection (MST 14 days) did not differ significantly from controls (MST 16 days), suggesting that upregulation of IL-2 at the effector site could affect CD4+ T cell- independent, but not CD4+ T cell-dependent, responses. No effect on rejection kinetics was observed when wild type allogeneic skin was grafted onto transgenic mice that expressed bcl2 constitutively in their lymphocytes (MST of 14 days, both sets), indicating that this was not simply due to increased longevity of T cells within the IL-2 expressing graft. We therefore suggest that aberrant expression of IL-2 can accelerate helper-independent CD8+ T cell responses by increasing proliferation and/or differentiation of cytolytic T cells at the effector site.  相似文献   
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is so far the only hyperthermophilic archaeon in which genetic recombination can be assayed by conjugation and simple selections. Crosses among spontaneous pyr mutants were able to resolve closely spaced chromosomal mutations, identify deletions and rearrangements, and map mutations to a given deletion interval. Frameshift mutations in pyrE exerted polar effects that depressed orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase activity (encoded by pyrF), whereas base pair substitutions and an 18-bp deletion had no effect.  相似文献   
Th cells are categorized into subsets based on the cytokine production of in vitro-differentiated Th populations. For in vivo-differentiated Th subsets, little is known about the heterogeneity of cytokine production in single cells. We recently described a molecule, T1/ST2, that is preferentially expressed on the surface of Th2 cells. Here we combined high-gradient magnetic cell separation with four-color single-cell cytometry to analyze simultaneously three intracellular cytokines and T1/ST2 surface expression on CD4+ cells from lungs containing granulomas induced by Schistosoma mansoni eggs. T1/ST2 was highly up-regulated on CD4+ T cells from hepatic granulomas and granulomatous lungs. T1/ST2+ cells from granulomatous lungs preferentially produced type 2 cytokines ex vivo. In the total CD4+ population, coexpression of type 1 and type 2 cytokines occurred frequently. However, such coproduction was drastically reduced in T1/ST2+ cells compared with T1/ST2- cells. Coexpression of type 1 and type 2 cytokines was also rare in cells simultaneously producing two cytokines of one type. These findings indicate that individual CD4+ T cells in vivo have different levels of commitment to a certain Th phenotype. Coexpression of two type 2 cytokines or production of one type 2 cytokine together with surface expression of T1/ST2 indicate advanced commitment to the Th2 phenotype.  相似文献   
Prokaryotic genomes acquire and eliminate blocks of DNA sequence by lateral gene transfer and spontaneous deletion, respectively. The basic parameters of spontaneous deletion, which are expected to influence the course of genome evolution, have not been determined for any hyperthermophilic archaeon. We therefore screened a number of independent pyrimidine auxotrophs of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius for deletions and sequenced those detected. Deletions accounted for only 0.4% of spontaneous pyrE mutations, corresponding to a frequency of about 10(-8) per cell. Nucleotide sequence analysis of five independent deletions showed no significant association of the endpoints with short direct repeats, despite the fact that several such repeats occur within the pyrE gene and that duplication mutations in pyrE reverted at high frequencies. Endpoints of the spontaneous deletions did not coincide with short inverted repeats or potential stem-loop structures. No consensus sequence common to all the deletions could be identified, although two deletions showed the potential of being stabilized by octanucleotide sequences elsewhere in pyrE, and another pair of deletions shared an octanucleotide at their 3' ends. The unusually low frequency and low sequence dependence of spontaneous deletions in the S. acidocaldarius pyrE gene compared to other genetic systems could not be explained in terms of possible constraints imposed by the 5-fluoroorotate selection.  相似文献   
A degenerate set of PCR primers were used to clone a gene encoding a cytochrome P450 (the P450RhF gene) from Rhodococcus sp. strain NCIMB 9784 which is of unique primary structural organization. Surprisingly, analysis of the translation product revealed that the P450 is fused to a reductase domain at the C terminus which displays sequence conservation for dioxygenase reductase proteins. The reductase partner comprises flavin mononucleotide- and NADH-binding motifs and a [2Fe2S] ferredoxin-like center. The gene was engineered for heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, and conditions were found in which the enzyme was produced in a soluble form. A recombinant strain of E. coli was able to mediate the O dealkylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin in good yield, despite the absence of any recombinant redox proteins. This unprecedented finding leads us to propose that P450RhF represents the first example of a new class of cytochromes P450 in which the reducing equivalents are supplied by a novel reductase in a fused arrangement.  相似文献   
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