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The influence of source and sink temperature on leaf net C exchange rate (NCER), export, and partitioning in the C3 monocotyledon Alstroemeria sp. cv. Jacqueline were examined. Leaf (i.e. source) temperature was varied between 12 and 35°C while source leaves were exposed to photorespiratory and nonphotorespiratory conditions during a 2-h steady-state 14CO2 labelling period. Between 12 and 20°C, at ambient CO2 and O2, leaf NCER and export were similar with maximum rates of 9.71 ± 0.51 and 3.06 ± 0.36 μmol C m-2 s-1, respectively. Both NCER and export decreased above 20°C. At 35°C NCER was 30% of the rate at 20°C, but export was totally inhibited. Between 12 and 35°C, at the end of the 2-h feeding period, 14C was partitioned in the leaf as ethanol insolubles (3–10%), H2O solubles (88–92%), and chloroform solubles (2–8%). However, above 25°C, less 14C was recovered in the starch fraction and more in the sugar fractions. At all temperatures, 86 to 94% of the labelled sugars was 14C-sucrose. In nonphotorespiratory conditions (i.e. 1 800 μI I-1 CO2 and 2% O2). NCER and export were higher than the rates obtained at ambient CO2 and O2 at each temperature. Carbon dioxide enrichment sustained high NCER and export rates even at 35°C, Although CO2 enrichment increased partitioning of 14C into starch, starch synthesis at 35°C was markedly reduced. Cooling the root-zone mass (i.e. a dominant sink) to 10°C, which simulated the commercial practice used to induce flowering, had no significant effect on source leaf NCER and export rates either during a 2-h steady-state labelling period or subsequently during a 21-h light-dark chase period. Furthermore, partitioning of 14C among leaf products at the end of the feed-chase period was not affected. Additional pulse and chase experiments using 11CO2 fed to source leaves of control and root-cooled plants showed that there was no difference in the direction of movement of 11C-assimilates towards the flower or the root zone as a consequence of root cooling. Together, the data indicate that changing source strength, by manipulating photosynthesis and photorespiration, by varying the leaf temperature had a more profound effect on leaf export than manipulating sink activity.  相似文献   
Alterations of DNA methylation patterns of wheat two varieties--Odessa' albatross and Donetsk 48 have been studied. Seeds were irradiated for 4 months with low dose rate (3 x 10(-7) Gy/s). Six restriction endonucleases were used in the experiments. Primary distinction in DNA methylation patterns of the studied varieties has been demonstrated. The chronic irradiation resulted in the increase of methylation level on the sites of recognition for Glul and Sou3Al and in the decline of this index for the sites of recognition of GlaI and HpaII. The meaningful increase of chromosome aberration levels was demonstrated at the same accumulated dose of chronic irradiation. The role of changes of DNA methylation patterns in development of radiation damage and organism protective reactions is discussed.  相似文献   
When leaf discs of Xanthium strumarium L. and Salvia splendens L. are incubated in sealed flasks in the light, more C2H4 gas is released in the presence of added CO2 (30-200 millimolar NaHCO3) than without CO2. In Salvia, the maximum rate of C2H4 release occurs when sufficient CO2 (above 125 millimolar NaHCO3) is added to saturate photosynthesis confirming previous studies. The maximum rate of C2H4 release from illuminated discs is similar to the rate in the dark with or without CO2 in both species. Glycolate enhances a CO2-dependent C2H4 evolution from illuminated leaf discs. However, the maximum rate of C2H4 release with glycolate is the same as that observed with saturating CO2. When photosynthesis is inhibited by darkness or by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, glycolate has no effect.

Studies with [2,3-14C]-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) show that the pattern of C2H4 release and the specific activity of the 14C2H4 in the presence and absence of glycolate is similar to that described above, indicating that glycolate does not alter uptake of the exogenously supplied precursor (ACC) or stimulate C2H4 release from an endogenous source at appreciable rates. Glycolate oxidase in vitro generates H2O2 which stimulates a slow breakdown of ACC to C2H4, but since exogenous glycolate is oxidized to CO2 in both the light and the dark it is argued that the glycolate-dependent increase in C2H4 release from illuminated leaf discs is not mediated directly by the action of enzymes of glycolate catabolism. The effects of glycolate and CO2 are not easily explained by changes in stomatal resistance. The data support the view that glycolate decarboxylation at subsaturating levels of CO2 in the light stimulates C2H4 release by raising the CO2 level in the tissue.

Partitioning and transport of recently fixed photosynthate was examined following 14CO2 pulse-labeling of intact, attached leaves of Salvia splendens L. maintained in an atmosphere of 300 microliters per liter CO2 and 20, 210, or 500 milliliters per liter O2. Under conditions of increasing O2 (210, 500 milliliters per liter), a smaller percentage of the recently fixed 14C in the leaf was allocated to starch, whereas a greater percentage of the fixed 14C appeared in amino acids, particularly serine. The increase in 14C in amino acids was reflected in material exported from source leaves. A higher percentage of 14C in serine, glycine, and glutamate was recovered in petiole extracts when source leaves were maintained under elevated O2 levels. Although pool sizes of these amino acids were increased in both the leaves and petioles with increasing photorespiratory activity, no significant changes in either 14C distribution or concentration of transport sugars (i.e. stachyose, sucrose, verbascose) were observed. The data indicate that, in addition to being recycled intracellularly into Calvin cycle intermediates, amino acids produced during photorespiration may also serve as transport metabolites, allowing the mobilization of both carbon and nitrogen from the leaf under conditions of limited photosynthesis.  相似文献   
The dose dependencies of growth and cytogenetical values have been built to determine the critical level of root apical meristem damage induced by cute irradiation in the range from 2 to 20 Gr. We have analyzed the frequencies of aberrant anaphases and the aberration distribution per cell, on the one hand, and the growth of biomass, the survival and regeneration of the root meristem, on the other hand. The critical level of damage to the stem apical meristem and root of seedlings was defined as 44-48% of aberrant anaphase. Exceeding of this level leads to the launch of suicidal program through induction of multiaberrant damages and interphase cell death. It appears that competition of clones of non-aberrant cells, the cells bearing 1 and 2 damages and multiaberrant cells plays the primary role in the mechanisms of recovery. The regeneration provides full or partial restoration of the main root apical meristem. However these local processes are insufficient to restore morphogenesis and survival of seedlings in excess of the critical level damage.  相似文献   
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