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We have examined the effect of low molecular weight components of the transport mixture generally used for the import of rat liver pre-ornithine carbamoyltransferase by isolated rat liver mitochondria. These studies revealed that spermidine and spermine, at physiological concentrations, stimulate the transport of the precursor of ornithine carbamoyltransferase into mitochondria. This stimulatory effect of spermidine and spermine is concentration-dependent and is completely inhibited at higher than physiological concentrations (20 mM for spermidine and 4 mM for spermine). Magnesium ions, which also have a stimulatory effect, inhibit the stimulatory effect of spermidine.  相似文献   
We have cloned the AMO gene, encoding the microbody matrix enzyme amine oxidase (EC from the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. The gene was isolated by differential screening of a cDNA library, immunoselection, and subsequent screening of a H. polymorpha genomic library. The nucleotide sequence of a 3.6 kilobase stretch of DNA containing the amine oxidase (AMO) gene was determined. The AMO gene contains an open reading frame of 692 amino acids, with a relative molecular mass of 77,435. The 5' and 3' ends of the gene were mapped and show that the transcribed region measures 2134 nucleotides. The derived amino-acid sequence was confirmed by sequencing an internal proteolytic fragment of the purified protein. Amine oxidase contains the tripeptide sequence Ser-Arg-Leu, located 9 residues from the carboxy terminus, which may represent the topogenic signal for protein import into microbodies.  相似文献   
Recombination experiments using radioactive mitochondria and mitoplasts, and nonradioactive lysosomes or digitonin-soluble fraction of mitochondria, show equal rates of proteolysis and of inactivation of carbamyl phosphate synthetase; the amount of lysosomal protein was equal in both cases on the basis of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase activity. Therefore, lysosomes seem to be responsible for all the proteolytic activity exhibited by the digitonin soluble fraction of mitochondrial preparations. Since this fraction contains ca. 90% of the proteolytic activity present in mitochondrial preparations, most of the proteolysis can be attributed to lysosomal contamination. These findings and stability characteristics "in vitro" and "in vivo" of some matrix enzymes are presented and discussed in relation to protein turnover.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates, by pulse-chase techniques, the binding to rat liver mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase of the ATP molecule (ATPB) which transfers its gamma-phosphoryl group to carbamoyl phosphate. This bound APTB can react with NH3, HCO-3 and ATP (see below) to produce carbamoyl phosphate before it exchanges with free ATP. Mg2+ and N-acetylglutamate, but not NH3 or HCO-3, are required for this binding; the amount bound depends on the concentration of ATP (Kapp = 10--30 microns ATP) and the amount of enzyme. At saturation at least one ATPB molecule binds per enzyme dimer. Binding of ATPB follows a slow exponential time course (t1/2 8--16 s, 22 degrees C), independent of ATP concentration and little affected by NH3, NCO-3 or by incubation of the enzyme with unlabelled ATP prior to the pulse of [gamma-32P]ATP. Formation of carbamoyl phosphate from traces of NH3 and HCO-3 when the enzyme is incubated with ATP follows the kinetics expected if it were generated from the bound ATPB, indicating that the latter is a precursor of carbamoyl phosphate ('Cbm-P precursor') in the normal enzyme reaction. This indicates that the site for ATPB is usually inaccessible to ATP in solution but becomes accessible when the enzyme undergoes a periodical conformational change. Bound ATP becomes Cbm-P precursor when the enzyme reverts to the inaccessible conformation. Pulse-chase experiments in the absence of NH3 and HCO-3 (less than 0.2 mM) also demonstrate binding of ATPA (the molecule which yields Pi in the normal enzyme reaction), as shown by a 'burst' in 32Pi production. Therefore, (in accordance with our previous findings) both ATPA and ATPB can bind simultaneously to the enzyme and react with NH3 and HCO-3 in the chase solution before they can exchange with free ATP. However, at low ATP concentration (18 micron) in the pulse incubation, only ATPB binds since ATP is required in the chase (see above). Despite the presence of two ATP binding sites, the bifunctional inhibitor adenosine(5')pentaphospho(5')adenosine(Ap5A) fails to inhibit the enzyme significantly. A more detailed modification of the scheme previously published [Rubio, V. & Grisolia, S. (1977) Biochemistry, 16, 321--329] is proposed; it is suggested that ATPB gains access to the active centre when the products leave the enzyme and the active centre is in an accessible configuration. The transformation from accessible to inaccessible configuration appears to be part of the normal enzyme reaction and may represent to conformational change postulated by others from steady-state kinetics. The properties of the intermediates also indicate that hydrolysis of ATPA must be largely responsible for the HCO-3-dependent ATPase activity of the enzyme. The lack of inhibition of the enzyme by Ap5A indicates substantial differences between the Escherichia coli and the rat liver synthetase.  相似文献   
The azoles are the class of medications most commonly used to fight infections caused by Candida sp. Typically, resistance can be attributed to mutations in ERG11 gene (CYP51) which encodes the cytochrome P450 14α-demethylase, the primary target for the activity of azoles. The objective of this study was to identify mutations in the coding region of theERG11 gene in clinical isolates of Candidaspecies known to be resistant to azoles. We identified three new synonymous mutations in the ERG11 gene in the isolates of Candida glabrata (C108G, C423T and A1581G) and two new nonsynonymous mutations in the isolates of Candida krusei - A497C (Y166S) and G1570A (G524R). The functional consequence of these nonsynonymous mutations was predicted using evolutionary conservation scores. The G524R mutation did not have effect on 14α-demethylase functionality, while the Y166S mutation was found to affect the enzyme. This observation suggests a possible link between the mutation and dose-dependent sensitivity to voriconazole in the clinical isolate of C. krusei. Although the presence of the Y166S in phenotype of reduced azole sensitivity observed in isolate C. kruseidemands investigation, it might contribute to the search of new therapeutic agents against resistant Candida isolates.  相似文献   
Many functional, morphological and biochemical differences among hepatocytes from different acinar zones have been described. Therefore, it will facilitate studies on liver metabolism rapid, non-destructive procedures to isolate hepatocytes from these zones. Flow cytometry is a new powerful tool which, however, has not been used thus far to accomplish the separation of hepatocytes from different acinar zones. We describe here various cytometric parameters which characterize hepatocyte populations, separated by isopycnic centrifugation in Percoll gradients. The intraacinar origin of the different hepatocytes was assessed by enzymatic and morphological measurements.  相似文献   
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