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Intraguild predation (IGP) betweenthe pentatomid Podisus maculiventris(Say) and the coccinellid Harmoniaaxyridis (Pallas) in the absence or presenceof the extraguild prey Spodopteralittoralis (Boisduval) and Myzuspersicae (Sulzer) was studied in thelaboratory. Interactions were asymmetric infavor of the pentatomid. Podisusmaculiventris readily fed upon eggs and larvaeof H. axyridis, but adult beetles wererarely attacked. Success of attacks by P.maculiventris was stage dependent, fourthinstars and adults being more successful inkilling ladybeetle larvae than second instars.Attacks by H. axyridis on the pentatomidwere rare and none of them were successful. Theeffect of introducing extraguild prey on thelevel of IGP was tested both in petri dishesand on caged sweet pepper plants. Whensufficient numbers of S. littoralislarvae were present to satiate the pentatomid,predation on H. axyridis larvae decreasedsignificantly, indicating that the coccinellidis a less preferred or less vulnerable prey.When the aphid M. persicae was presentedas extraguild prey, levels of IGP were notaltered. Nymphs of P. maculiventrissuccessfully completed development whenexclusively fed on larvae of H. axyridis,but developmental time was longer than onlepidopteran prey. No pentatomid nymphs reachedadulthood on aphids alone. IGP by P.maculiventris on H. axyridis may be ofsome importance in greenhouse crops, where bothpredators are being used increasingly inaugmentative biological control programs.Nonetheless, it is expected that in practicelarger larvae and adults of H. axyridiswill escape most attacks by the pentatomid.  相似文献   
When cells are starved of their substrate, many nutrient transporters are induced. These undergo rapid endocytosis and redirection of their intracellular trafficking when their substrate becomes available again. The discovery that some of these transporters also act as receptors, or transceptors, suggests that at least part of the sophisticated controls governing the trafficking of these proteins has to do with their signaling function rather than with control of transport. In yeast, the general amino acid permease Gap1 mediates signaling to the protein kinase A pathway. Its endocytic internalization and intracellular trafficking are subject to amino acid control. Other nutrient transceptors controlling this signal transduction pathway appear to be subject to similar trafficking regulation. Transporters with complex regulatory control have also been suggested to function as transceptors in other organisms. Hence, precise regulation of intracellular trafficking in nutrient transporters may be related to the need for tight control of nutrient-induced signaling.  相似文献   
Hemodialysis aims at removing uremic toxins thus decreasing their concentrations. The present study investigated whether Kt/Vurea, used as marker of dialysis adequacy, is correlated with these concentrations. Predialysis blood samples were taken before a midweek session in 71 chronic HD patients. Samples were analyzed by colorimetry, HPLC, or ELISA for a broad range of uremic solutes. Solute concentrations were divided into four groups according to quartiles of Kt/Vurea, and also of different other parameters with potential impact, such as age, body weight (BW), Protein equivalent of Nitrogen Appearance (PNA), Residual Renal Function (RRF), and dialysis vintage. Dichotomic concentration comparisons were performed for gender and Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Analysis of Variance in quartiles of Kt/Vurea did not show significant differences for any of the solute concentrations. For PNA, however, concentrations showed significant differences for urea (P<0.001), uric acid (UA), p-cresylsulfate (PCS), and free PCS (all P<0.01), and for creatinine (Crea) and hippuric acid (HA) (both P<0.05). For RRF, concentrations varied for β2-microglobulin (P<0.001), HA, free HA, free indoxyl sulfate, and free indole acetic acid (all P<0.01), and for p-cresylglucuronide (PCG), 3-carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropionic acid (CMPF), free PCS, and free PCG (all P<0.05). Gender and body weight only showed differences for Crea and UA, while age, vintage, and diabetes mellitus only showed differences for one solute concentration (UA, UA, and free PCS, respectively). Multifactor analyses indicated a predominant association of concentration with protein intake and residual renal function. In conclusion, predialysis concentrations of uremic toxins seem to be dependent on protein equivalent of nitrogen appearance and residual renal function, and not on dialysis adequacy as assessed by Kt/Vurea. Efforts to control intestinal load of uremic toxin precursors by dietary or other interventions, and preserving RRF seem important approaches to decrease uremic solute concentration and by extension their toxicity.  相似文献   
After incubating isolated rat hepatocytes with [1-14C]palmitic acid, CoA and ATP (+MgCl2), a significant amount of [1-14C]palmitoyl-CoA was found in the incubation medium. There was no correlation between its rate of synthesis and the degree of intactness of the cells. The results indicate that there is a long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase active on the external surface of the hepatocyte plasma membrane. The activity of this enzyme was negligible in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes, suggesting that the exofacial long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase is an artifact of the collagenase perfusion technique used to prepare the hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Nine known indole alkaloids were isolated from the stem and root barks of Hunteria elliotii: aspidofractinine, eburnamenine, eburnamine, isoeburnamine, eburnamonine, kopsinine, pleiocarpamine, quebrachamine and vincadifformine, along with o-ethyleburnamine.  相似文献   
Successful vaccine development against HIV will likely require the induction of strong, long-lasting humoral and cellular immune responses in both the systemic and mucosal compartments. Based on the known immunological linkage between the upper-respiratory and urogenital tracts, we explored the potential of nasal adjuvants to boost immunization for the induction of vaginal and systemic immune responses to gp140. Mice were immunized intranasally with HIV gp140 together with micellar and emulsion formulations of a synthetic TLR4 agonist, Glucopyranosyl Lipid Adjuvant (GLA) and responses were compared to R848, a TLR7/8 agonist, or chitosan, a non TLR adjuvant. GLA and chitosan but not R848 greatly enhanced serum immunoglobulin levels when compared to antigen alone. Both GLA and chitosan induced high IgG and IgA titers in nasal and vaginal lavage and feces. The high IgA and IgG titers in vaginal lavage were associated with high numbers of gp140-specific antibody secreting cells in the genital tract. Whilst both GLA and chitosan induced T cell responses to immunization, GLA induced a stronger Th17 response and chitosan induced a more Th2 skewed response. Our results show that GLA is a highly potent intranasal adjuvant greatly enhancing humoral and cellular immune responses, both systemically and mucosally.  相似文献   
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