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Intraguild predation (IGP) betweenthe pentatomid Podisus maculiventris(Say) and the coccinellid Harmoniaaxyridis (Pallas) in the absence or presenceof the extraguild prey Spodopteralittoralis (Boisduval) and Myzuspersicae (Sulzer) was studied in thelaboratory. Interactions were asymmetric infavor of the pentatomid. Podisusmaculiventris readily fed upon eggs and larvaeof H. axyridis, but adult beetles wererarely attacked. Success of attacks by P.maculiventris was stage dependent, fourthinstars and adults being more successful inkilling ladybeetle larvae than second instars.Attacks by H. axyridis on the pentatomidwere rare and none of them were successful. Theeffect of introducing extraguild prey on thelevel of IGP was tested both in petri dishesand on caged sweet pepper plants. Whensufficient numbers of S. littoralislarvae were present to satiate the pentatomid,predation on H. axyridis larvae decreasedsignificantly, indicating that the coccinellidis a less preferred or less vulnerable prey.When the aphid M. persicae was presentedas extraguild prey, levels of IGP were notaltered. Nymphs of P. maculiventrissuccessfully completed development whenexclusively fed on larvae of H. axyridis,but developmental time was longer than onlepidopteran prey. No pentatomid nymphs reachedadulthood on aphids alone. IGP by P.maculiventris on H. axyridis may be ofsome importance in greenhouse crops, where bothpredators are being used increasingly inaugmentative biological control programs.Nonetheless, it is expected that in practicelarger larvae and adults of H. axyridiswill escape most attacks by the pentatomid.  相似文献   
VDAC - a mitochondrial channel involved in the control of aerobic metabolism and apoptosis - interacts in vitro and in vivo with a wide repertoire of proteins including cytoskeletal elements. A functional interaction between actin and Neurospora crassa VDAC was reported, excluding other VDAC isoforms. From a recent genome-wide screen of the VDAC interactome, we found that human actin is a putative ligand of yeast VDAC. Since such interaction may have broader implications for various mitochondrial processes, we probed it with Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology using purified yeast VDAC (YVDAC) and rabbit muscle G-actin (RGA). We show that RGA binds to immobilized YVDAC in a reversible and dose-dependent manner with saturating kinetics and an apparent KD of 50 μg/ml (1.2 μM actin). BSA does not bind VDAC regardless of the concentrations. Alternatively, VDAC binds similarly to immobilized RGA but without saturating kinetics. VDAC being known to interact with itself, this latter interaction was directly measured to interpret the RGA signals. VDAC could bind to VDAC without saturating kinetics as expected if higher order binding occurred, and could account for maximally 66% of the non-saturating behavior of VDAC binding onto RGA. Hence, actin-VDAC interactions are not a species-specific oddity and may be a more general phenomenon, the role of which ought to be further investigated.  相似文献   
Yeast telomeres are anchored at the nuclear envelope (NE) through redundant pathways that require the telomere-binding factors yKu and Sir4. Significant variation is observed in the efficiency with which different telomeres are anchored, however, suggesting that other forces influence this interaction. Here, we show that subtelomeric elements and the insulator factors that bind them antagonize the association of telomeres with the NE. This is detectable when the redundancy in anchoring pathways is compromised. Remarkably, these same conditions lead to a reduction in steady-state telomere length in the absence of the ATM-kinase homologue Tel1. Both the delocalization of telomeres and reduction in telomere length can be induced by targeting of Tbf1 or Reb1, or the viral transactivator VP16, to a site 23 kb away from the TG repeat. This correlation suggests that telomere anchoring and a Tel1-independent pathway of telomere length regulation are linked, lending a functional significance to the association of yeast telomeres with the NE.  相似文献   
Upon transfer of Xenopus laevis from a white to a black background, the melanotrope cells in the pituitary pars intermedia secrete α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone, which stimulates dispersion of melanin pigment in skin melanophores. This adaptive behavior is under the control of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides of hypothalamic origin. The α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone‐producing cells and their hypothalamic control system provide an interesting model to study proteins required for biosynthetic and secretory processes involved in peptide hormone production and for brain–pituitary signaling. We present a 2‐D PAGE‐based proteome map of melanotrope cells from black‐adapted animals, identifying 204 different proteins by MS analysis.  相似文献   
DNA methylation is a key epigenetic modification which, in mammals, occurs mainly at CpG dinucleotides. Most of the CpG methylation in the genome is found in repetitive regions, rich in dormant transposons and endogenous retroviruses. Global DNA hypomethylation, which is a common feature of several conditions such as ageing and cancer, can cause the undesirable activation of dormant repeat elements and lead to altered expression of associated genes. DNA hypomethylation can cause genomic instability and may contribute to mutations and chromosomal recombinations. Various approaches for quantification of global DNA methylation are widely used. Several of these approaches measure a surrogate for total genomic methyl cytosine and there is uncertainty about the comparability of these methods. Here we have applied 3 different approaches (luminometric methylation assay, pyrosequencing of the methylation status of the Alu repeat element and of the LINE1 repeat element) for estimating global DNA methylation in the same human cell and tissue samples and have compared these estimates with the “gold standard” of methyl cytosine quantification by HPLC. Next to HPLC, the LINE1 approach shows the smallest variation between samples, followed by Alu. Pearson correlations and Bland-Altman analyses confirmed that global DNA methylation estimates obtained via the LINE1 approach corresponded best with HPLC-based measurements. Although, we did not find compelling evidence that the gold standard measurement by HPLC could be substituted with confidence by any of the surrogate assays for detecting global DNA methylation investigated here, the LINE1 assay seems likely to be an acceptable surrogate in many cases.  相似文献   


Uremic solute concentration increases as Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) declines. Weak associations were demonstrated between estimated GFR (eGFR) and the concentrations of several small water-soluble and protein-bound uremic solutes (MW<500Da). Since also middle molecular weight proteins have been associated with mortality and cardiovascular damage in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), we investigated the association between several eGFR formulae and the concentration of Low Molecular Weight Proteins (LMWP) (MW>500Da).

Materials and Methods

In 95 CKD-patients (CKD-stage 2–5 not on dialysis), associations between different eGFR-formulae (creatinine, CystatinC-based or both) and the natural logarithm of the concentration of several LMWP’s were analyzed: i.e. parathyroid hormone (PTH), Cystatin C (CystC), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), leptin, retinol binding protein (RbP), immunoglobin light chains kappa and lambda (Ig-κ and Ig-λ), beta-2-microglobulin (β2M), myoglobin and fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23)).


The regression coefficients (R2) between eGFR, based on the CKD-EPI-Crea-CystC-formula as reference, and the examined LMWP’s could be divided into three groups. Most of the LMWP’s associated weakly (R2 <0.2) (FGF-23, leptin, IL-6, TNF-α, Ig-κ, Ig-λ) or intermediately (R2 0.2–0.7) (RbP, myoglobin, PTH). Only β2M and CystC showed a strong association (R2 >0.7). Almost identical R2-values were found per LMWP for all eGFR-formulae, with exception of CystC and β2M which showed weaker associations with creatinine-based than with CystC-based eGFR.


The association between eGFR and the concentration of several LMWP’s is inconsistent, with in general low R2-values. Thus, the use of eGFR to evaluate kidney function does not reflect the concentration of several LMWP’s with proven toxic impact in CKD.  相似文献   
Protein ubiquitination is a posttranslational regulatory process essential for plant growth and interaction with the environment. E3 ligases, to which the seven in absentia (SINA) proteins belong, determine the specificity by selecting the target proteins for ubiquitination. SINA proteins are found in animals as well as in plants, and a small gene family with highly related members has been identified in the genome of rice (Oryza sativa), Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), Medicago truncatula, and poplar (Populus trichocarpa). To acquire insight into the function of SINA proteins in nodulation, a dominant negative form of the Arabidopsis SINAT5 was ectopically expressed in the model legume M. truncatula. After rhizobial inoculation of the 35S:SINAT5DN transgenic plants, fewer nodules were formed than in control plants, and most nodules remained small and white, a sign of impaired symbiosis. Defects in rhizobial infection and symbiosome formation were observed by extensive microscopic analysis. Besides the nodulation phenotype, transgenic plants were affected in shoot growth, leaf size, and lateral root number. This work illustrates a function for SINA E3 ligases in a broad spectrum of plant developmental processes, including nodulation.  相似文献   
Alpha T-catenin is a novel member of the alpha-catenin family, which shows most abundant expression in cardiomyocytes and in peritubular myoid cells of the testis, pointing to a specific function for alpha T-catenin in particular muscle tissues. Like other alpha-catenins, alpha T-catenin provides an indispensable link between the cadherin-based cell-cell adhesion complex and the cytoskeleton, to mediate cell-cell adhesion. By isolating genomic clones, combined with database sequence analysis, we have been able to determine the structure of the CTNNA3 and Ctnna3 genes, encoding human and mouse alpha T-catenin, respectively. The positions of the exon-exon boundaries are completely conserved in CTNNA3, Ctnna3, and the alpha N-catenin encoding CTNNA2 gene. They overlap largely with the boundaries of the CTNNA1 and CTNNAL1 genes encoding alpha E-catenin and alpha-catulin, respectively. This emphasizes that these alpha-catenin genes evolved from the same ancestor gene. Nevertheless, the introns of CTNNA3 and Ctnna3 are remarkably large (often more than 100 kb) compared with introns of other CTNNA genes. The CTNNA3 gene was mapped to chromosome band 10q21 by both fluorescence in situ hybridization and polymerase-chain-reaction-based hybrid mapping. This region encodes a gene for autosomal dominant familial dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a common cause of morbidity and mortality. As alpha T-catenin is highly expressed in healthy heart tissue, we have considered CTNNA3 as a candidate disease gene in a family showing DCM linkage to the 10q21-q23 locus. Mutation screening of all 18 exons of the CTNNA3 gene in this family has, however, not detected any DCM-linked CTNNA3 mutations.  相似文献   
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