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Taurine/alpha-ketoglutarate (alphaKG) dioxygenase (TauD), an archetype alphaKG-dependent hydroxylase, is a non-heme mononuclear Fe(II) enzyme that couples the oxidative decarboxylation of alphaKG with the conversion of taurine to aminoacetaldehyde and sulfite. The crystal structure of taurine-alphaKG-Fe(II)TauD is known, and spectroscopic studies have kinetically defined the early steps in catalysis and identified a high-spin Fe(IV)-oxo reaction intermediate. The present analysis extends our understanding of TauD catalysis by investigating the steady-state and transient kinetics of wild-type and variant forms of the enzyme with taurine and alternative sulfonates. TauD proteins substituted at residues surrounding the active site were shown to fold properly based on their abilities to form a diagnostic chromophore associated with the anaerobic Fe(II)-alphaKG chelate complex and to generate a tyrosyl radical upon subsequent reaction with oxygen. Steady-state studies of mutant proteins confirmed the importance of His 70 and Arg 270 in binding the sulfonate moiety of taurine and indicated the participation of Asn 95 in recognizing the substrate amine group. The N97A and S158A variants are likely to undergo an increase in hydrophobicity and expansion of the substrate-binding pocket, thus accounting for their decreased K(m) toward pentanesulfonic acid compared to wild-type TauD. Stopped-flow UV-visible spectroscopic examination of the reaction of oxygen with taurine-alphaKG-Fe(II)TauD confirmed a minimal three-step sequence of reactions attributed to Fe(IV)-oxo formation (k(1)), bleaching to the Fe(II) state upon substrate hydroxylation (k(2)), rebinding of excess substrates (k(3)), and indicated that none of the steps exhibit detectable solvent k(H)/k(D) isotope effects. This demonstrates that no protons are involved in the rate-determining step of Fe(IV)-oxo formation, in contrast to heme iron oxygenases. The Fe(IV)-oxo species is likely to be utilized in conversion of the alternative substrates pentanesulfonic acid and 3-N-morpholinopropanesulfonic acid; however, this spectroscopic intermediate was not detected because of the decreased k(1)/k(2) ratio. With taurine, k(1) was shown to depend on the oxygen concentration allowing calculation of a second-order rate constant of 1.58 x 10(5) M(-)(1) s(-)(1) for this irreversible reaction. Stopped-flow analyses of TauD variants provided several insights into how the protein environment influences the rates of Fe(IV)-oxo formation and decay. The Fe(IV)-oxo species was not detected in the N95D or N95A variants because of a reduced k(1)/k(2) ratio, likely related to a decreased substrate-dependent conversion of the six-coordinate to five-coordinate metal site.  相似文献   
Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDACs) -4, -5, -7 and -9 undergo signal-dependent nuclear export upon phosphorylation of conserved serine residues that are targets for 14-3-3 binding. Little is known of other mechanisms for regulating the subcellular distribution of class IIa HDACs. Using a biochemical purification strategy, we identified protein kinase C-related kinase-2 (PRK2) as an HDAC5-interacting protein. PRK2 and the related kinase, PRK1, phosphorylate HDAC5 at a threonine residue (Thr-292) positioned within the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of the protein. HDAC7 and HDAC9 contain analogous sites that are phosphorylated by PRK, while HDAC4 harbors a non-phosphorylatable alanine residue at this position. We provide evidence to suggest that the unique phospho-acceptor cooperates with the 14-3-3 target sites to impair HDAC nuclear import.

Structured summary

MINT-7710106:HDAC5 (uniprotkb:Q9UQL6) physically interacts (MI:0915) with PRK2 (uniprotkb:Q16513) by pull down (MI:0096)  相似文献   
Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes proliferation via its high affinity receptor (TrkA). Its precursor proNGF promotes apoptosis via the pan-neurotrophin-receptor p75. Recently, we have identified NGF and p75 as important hair growth terminators. However, if proNGF is involved or if NGF can also promote hair growth via TrkA is unclear. By RT-PCR we found that NGF/proNGF mRNA levels peak during early anagen in murine back skin, whereas NGF/proNGF protein levels peak during catagen, indicating high turnover in early anagen and protein accumulation in catagen. By immunohistochemistry, NGF and TrkA are found in the proliferating compartments of the epidermis and hair follicle throughout the cycle. In contrast, strong proNGF is found in the highly differentiated inner root sheath and adjacent to the p75+ regressing epithelial strand in catagen. Commercial 7S NGF, which contains both NGF and proNGF, promotes anagen development in organ-cultured early anagen mouse skin, whereas it promotes catagen development in late anagen skin. Together, our findings suggest an anagen-promoting or anagen-supporting role for NGF/TrkA, and a catagen-promoting role for proNGF/p75 interactions. This has important implications for the future design of specific neurotrophin receptor ligands as novel pharmaceuticals in the modification of tissue remodeling processes such as hair growth or wound healing.  相似文献   
Testosterone promotes male-typical neural and behavioral development in non-human mammals. There is growing evidence that testosterone exerts similar influences on human development, although the range of behaviors affected is not completely known. This study examined the hypothesis that autistic traits are increased following prenatal exposure to abnormally high levels of testosterone caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Sixty individuals with CAH (34 female, 26 male) and 49 unaffected relatives (24 female, 25 male) completed the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Females with CAH scored significantly higher than unaffected females on total AQ score, largely due to enhanced scores on subscales measuring social skills and imagination. These results suggest that prenatal exposure to high levels of testosterone influences some autistic traits and that hormonal factors may be involved in vulnerability to autism.  相似文献   
In this study, three different rat hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recognizing the spores from Alternaria alternata, a plant pathogenic fungus, contaminant of food products and important cause of both allergic rhinitis and asthma, have been characterized. These three mAbs are all of IgM isotype. Two antibodies, A1 and F10, were cross-reactive antibodies recognizing spores from Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Stachybotrys genera, but not the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Candida albicans. Competitive and sandwich assays demonstrated that these two mAbs were directed against the same or very close repetitive(s) epitope(s). A1-based sandwich ELISA efficiently detected this epitope in various mould (but not yeast)-soluble extracts prepared from strains grown in the laboratory. Moreover, this A1-based sandwich ELISA detected its cognate epitope in air and dust samples obtained from dwellings. The third antibody, E5, recognized only the spores of Alternaria and the phylogenetically very close Ulocladium botrytis. This E5 antibody is directed against a repetitive epitope found in Alternaria and Ulocladium laboratory extracts and can be used in a sandwich assay for the quantification of these moulds. Therefore, E5 antibody is a promising tool for the development of Alternaria-Ulocladium-specific immunoassays, while A1 and F10 could be interesting tools for the quantification of the total mould biomass.  相似文献   
In the marine environment, the persistence and abundance of Vibrio are related to a number of environmental parameters. The influence of the different environmental variables in determining the Vibrio occurrence could be different in the specific geographic areas around the world. Moreover, oceanographic parameters are generally interdependent and should not be considered separately when their influence on bacterial presence and concentration is tested. In this study, an integrated approach was used to identify key parameters determining the abundance of Vibrio spp in marine samples from the Venetian Lagoon in Italy, which is an important area for fish farming and tourism. Multivariate techniques have been adopted to analyze the dataset: using PCA, it was shown that a relatively high proportion of the total variance in this area was mainly due to two independent variables, namely salinity and temperature. Using cluster analysis, it was possible to categorize different groups with homogeneous features as regards space (“stations”) and time (“seasons”) distribution, as well as to quantify the values of environmental variables and the Vibrio abundances in each category. Furthermore, integrating key environmental factors and bacterial concentration values, it was possible to identify levels of salinity and sea surface temperature which were optimal for Vibrio concentration in water, plankton, and sediment samples. The identification of key environmental variables conditioning Vibrio occurrence should facilitate ocean monitoring, making it possible to predict unexpected variations in marine microflora which determine possible public health risks in coastal areas.  相似文献   
Tyrosinases with different physico-chemical properties have been identified from various bacterial phyla such as Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria and their production is often inducible by environmental stresses. Tyrosinases are enzymes catalysing the oxidation of mono- and di-phenolic compounds to corresponding quinones with the concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water. Since the quinone produced can further react non-enzymatically with other nucleophiles, e.g. amino groups, many tyrosinases have a recorded cross-linking activity on proteins. Various bacterial tyrosinases oxidise tyrosine, catechol, l/d-DOPA, caffeic acid and polyphenolic substrates such as catechins. This substrate specificity has been exploited to engineer biosensors able to detect even minimal amounts of different phenolic compounds. The physiological role of tyrosinases in the biosynthesis of melanins has been used for the production of coloured and dyeing agents. Moreover, the cross-linking activity of tyrosinases has found application in food processing and in the functionalisation of materials. Numerous tyrosinases with varying substrate specificities and stability features have been isolated from bacteria and they can constitute valuable alternatives to the well-studied tyrosinase from common mushroom.  相似文献   
The three extant potoroo species of the marsupial genus Potorous -Potorous tridactylus, P. longipes and P. gilbertii - are all of conservation concern due to introduced predators and habitat loss associated with the European settlement of Australia. Robust phylogenies can be useful to inform conservation management, but past phylogenetic studies on potoroos have been unable to fully resolve relationships within the genus. Here, a multi-locus approach was employed, using three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and 12S rRNA and four nuclear DNA (nuDNA) gene regions: breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene, recombination activating gene-1, apolipoprotein B and omega globin. This was coupled with widespread geographic sampling of the broadly distributed P. tridactylus, to investigate the phylogenetic relationships within this genus. Analyses of the mtDNA identified five distinct and highly divergent lineages including, P. longipes, P. gilbertii and three distinct lineages within P. tridactylus (northern mainland, southern mainland and Tasmanian). P. tridactylus was paraphyletic with the P. gilbertii lineage, suggesting that cryptic taxa may exist within P. tridactylus. NuDNA sequences lacked the resolution of mtDNA. Although they resolved the three currently recognised species, they were unable to differentiate lineages within P. tridactylus. Current management of P. tridactylus as two sub-species (mainland and Tasmania) does not recognise the full scope of genetic diversity within this species, especially that of the mainland populations. Until data from more informative nuDNA markers are available, we recommend this species be managed as the following three subspecies: Potorous tridactylus tridactylus (southern Queensland and northern New South Wales); Potorous tridactylus trisulcatus (southern New South Wales and Victoria) Potorous tridactylus apicalis (Tasmania). Molecular dating estimated that divergences within Potorous occurred in the late Miocene through to the early Pliocene.  相似文献   


Anxiety is common, with significant morbidity, but little is known about presentations and recording of anxiety diagnoses and symptoms in primary care. This study aimed to determine trends in incidence and socio-demographic variation in General Practitioner (GP) recorded diagnoses of anxiety, mixed anxiety/depression, panic and anxiety symptoms.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Annual incidence rates of anxiety diagnoses and symptoms were calculated from 361 UK general practices contributing to The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database between 1998 and 2008, adjusted for year of diagnosis, gender, age, and deprivation. Incidence of GP recorded anxiety diagnosis fell from 7.9 to 4.9/1000PYAR from 1998 to 2008, while incidence of anxiety symptoms rose from 3.9 to 5.8/1000PYAR. Incidence of mixed anxiety/depression fell from 4.0 to 2.2/1000PYAR, and incidence of panic disorder fell from 0.9/1000PYAR in 1998 to 0.5/1000PYAR in 2008. All these entries were approximately twice as common in women and more common in deprived areas. GP-recorded anxiety diagnoses, symptoms and mixed anxiety/depression were commonest aged 45–64 years, whilst panic disorder/attacks were more common in those 16–44 years. GPs predominately use broad non-specific codes to record anxiety problems in the UK.


GP recording of anxiety diagnoses has fallen whilst recording of anxiety symptoms has increased over time. The incidence of GP recorded diagnoses of anxiety diagnoses was lower than in screened populations in primary care. The reasons for this apparent under-recording and whether it represents under-detection in those being seen, a reluctance to report anxiety to their GP, or a reluctance amongst GPs to label people with anxiety requires investigation.  相似文献   
We report herein the viability of a novel nanoparticles (NPs) conjugated system, namely the attachment, based on ionic and hydrophobic interactions, of different sulfonated organic salts to positively charged poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)-based core-shell nanoparticles (EA0) having an high density of ammonium groups on their shells. In this context three different applications of the sulfonates@EA0 systems have been described. In detail, their ability as cytotoxic drugs and pro-drugs carriers was evaluated in vitro on NCI-H460 cell line and in vivo against human ovarian carcinoma IGROV-1 cells. Besides, 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt (HPTS) was chosen for NPs loading, and its internalization as bioimaging probe was evaluated on Hep G2 cells. Overall, the available data support the interest for these PMMA NPs@sulfonates systems as a promising formulation for theranostic applications. In vivo biological data strongly support the potential value of these core-shell NPs as delivery system for negatively charged drugs or biologically active molecules. Additionally, we have demonstrated the ability of these PMMA core-shell nanoparticles to act as efficient carriers of fluorophores. In principle, thanks to the high PMMA NPs external charge density, sequential and very easy post-loading of different sulfonates is achievable, thus allowing the preparation of nanocarriers either with bi-modal drug delivery behaviour or as theranostic systems.  相似文献   
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