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We present an optimized probe design for copy number variation (CNV) and SNP genotyping in the Plasmodium falciparum genome. We demonstrate that variable length and isothermal probes are superior to static length probes. We show that sample preparation and hybridization conditions mitigate the effects of host DNA contamination in field samples. The microarray and workflow presented can be used to identify CNVs and SNPs with 95% accuracy in a single hybridization, in field samples containing up to 92% human DNA contamination.  相似文献   
Structure and organization of the bovine beta-globin genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic clones spanning the entire cow beta-globin gene locus have been isolated and characterized. These clones demonstrate that the linkage of embryonic-like (epsilon) genes and pseudogenes (psi) to the previously described fetal (gamma) and adult (beta) genes is as follows: 5'-epsilon 3-epsilon 4-psi 3-beta-epsilon 1-epsilon 2-psi 1- psi 2-gamma-3'. Present data indicate that, like that of the goat, the fetal and adult genes arose via block duplication of an ancestral four- gene set: epsilon-epsilon-psi-beta. This duplication event preceded the divergence of cows and goats, which occurred greater than or equal to 18-20 Myr ago. However, cows do not have the additional four-gene block containing a preadult/stress globin gene (beta C). Furthermore, the cow fetal cluster contains an extra beta-like pseudogene, which apparently arose by a small-scale duplication. The fixation of this duplication may indicate a possible evolutionary role for pseudogenes.   相似文献   
The silkmoth chorion has provided a stimulating model for the study of evolution and developmental regulation of gene families. Previous attempts at inferring relationships among chorion sequences have been based on pairwise comparisons of overall similarity, a potentially problematic approach. To remedy this, we identified the alignable regions of low sequence variability and then analyzed this restricted database by parsimony and neighbor-joining methods. At the deepest level, the chorion sequence tree is split into two branches, called "alpha" and "beta." Within each branch, early- and late-expressing genes each constitute monophyletic groups, while the situation with middle-expressing genes remains uncertain. The HcB gene family appears to be the most basal beta-branch group, but this conclusion is qualified because the effect of gene conversion on branching order is unknown. Previous studies by Eickbush and colleagues have strongly suggested that ErA, HcA, and HcB families undergo gene conversion within a gene family, whereas the ErB family does not. The occurrence of conversion correlates with a particular tree structure; namely, branch lengths are much greater at the base of the family than at higher internodes and terminal branches. These observations raise the possibility that chorion gene families are defined by gene conversion events (reticulate evolution) rather than by descent with modification (synapomorphy).   相似文献   


Evolutionary theory suggests that the selection pressure on parasites to maximize their transmission determines their optimal host exploitation strategies and thus their virulence. Establishing the adaptive basis to parasite life history traits has important consequences for predicting parasite responses to public health interventions. In this study we examine the extent to which malaria parasites conform to the predicted adaptive trade-off between transmission and virulence, as defined by mortality. The majority of natural infections, however, result in sub-lethal virulent effects (e.g. anaemia) and are often composed of many strains. Both sub-lethal effects and pathogen population structure have been theoretically shown to have important consequences for virulence evolution. Thus, we additionally examine the relationship between anaemia and transmission in single and mixed clone infections.  相似文献   
The Glutaraldehyde test (GT), a rapid and inexpensive test, has been utilized empirically for many years in bovine practice for diagnosing inflammatory diseases. GT is used primarily to demonstrate increased serum concentrations of fibrinogen and globulin. Glutaraldehyde binds with free amino groups in fibrinogen and immunoglobulin to create a clot in a first degree chemical reaction. The clotting time of the GT estimates the content of proteins produced in response to inflammation. The applicability of GT for diagnosing inflammation in the horse has never been investigated. The objective of this study was to determine the ability of GT to distinguish between acute and chronic inflammatory disease in horses. Thirty-seven horses with suspected inflammatory diseases were evaluated using the GT, history, complete clinical examination and routine blood analysis. GT-times, laboratory results and clinical outcome were compared statistically. Horses that were determined to be acutely affected (based on history, clinical examination and routine blood analysis) tended to have a negative GT (75%). Results of the GT did not correlate with blood fibrinogen concentration. Positive GT also predicted a fatal outcome in 69% of the clinical cases. The results of this trial indicate that GT can be a useful screening test to distinguish between acute and chronic inflammatory disease in horses.  相似文献   
The distributions of allele sizes at eight simple-sequence repeat (SSR) ormicrosatellite loci in chimpanzees are found and compared with thedistributions previously obtained from several human populations. Atseveral loci, the differences in average allele size between chimpanzeesand humans are sufficiently small that there might be a constraint on theevolution of average allele size. Furthermore, a model that allows for abias in the mutation process shows that for some loci a weak bias canaccount for the observations. Several alleles at one of the loci (Mfd 59)were sequenced. Differences between alleles of different lengths were foundto be more complex than previously assumed. An 8-base-pair deletion waspresent in the nonvariable region of the chimpanzee locus. This locuscontains a previously unrecognized repeated region, which is imperfect inhumans and perfect in chimpanzees. The apparently greater opportunity formutation conferred by the two perfect repeat regions in chimpanzees isreflected in the higher variance in repeat number at Mfd 59 in chimpanzeesthan in humans. These data indicate that interspecific differences inallele length are not always attributable to simple changes in the numberof repeats.  相似文献   


Thoracic hyperkyphosis is a frequent problem and can impact greatly on patient's quality of life during adolescence. This condition can be idiopathic or secondary to Scheuermann disease, a disease disturbing vertebral growth. To date, there is no sound scientific data available on the management of this condition. Some studies discuss the effects of bracing, however no guidelines, protocols or indication's of treatment for this condition were found. The aim of this paper was to develop and verify the consensus on managing thoracic hyperkyphosis patients treated with braces and/or physiotherapy.


The Delphi process was utilised in four steps gradually modified according to the results of a set of recommendations: we involved the SOSORT Board twice, then all SOSORT members twice, with a Pre-Meeting Questionnaire (PMQ), and during a Consensus Session at the SOSORT Lyon Meeting with a Meeting Questionnaire (MQ).


There was an unanimous agreement on the general efficacy of bracing and physiotherapy for this condition. Most experts suggested the use of 4-5 point bracing systems, however there was some controversy with regards to physiotherapeutic aims and modalities.


The SOSORT panel of experts suggest the use of rigid braces and physiotherapy to correct thoracic hyperkyphosis during adolescence. The evaluation of specific braces and physiotherapy techniques has been recommended.  相似文献   
Despite its growing popularity, few studies have investigated specific physiological demands for elite female futsal. The aim of this study was to determine aerobic fitness in elite female futsal players using laboratory and field testing. Fourteen female futsal players from the Venezuelan National team (age =21.2±4.0 years; body mass =58.6±5.6 kg; height =161±5.0 cm) performed a progressive maximal treadmill test under laboratory conditions. Players also performed a progressive intermittent futsal-specific field test for endurance, the Futsal Intermittent Endurance Test (FIET), until volitional fatigue. Outcome variables were exercise heart rate (HR), VO2, post-exercise blood lactate concentrations ([La]b) and running speeds (km · h-1). During the treadmill test, VO2max, maximal aerobic speed (MAS), HR and peak [La]b were 45.3±5.6 ml · kg-1 · min-1, 12.5±1.77 km · h-1, 197±8 beats · min-1 and 11.3±1.4 mmol · l-1, respectively. The FIET total distance, peak running velocity, peak HR and [La]b were 1125.0±121.0 m, 15.2±0.5 km · h-1, 199±8 beats · min-1 and 12.5±2.2 mmol · l-1, respectively. The FIET distance and peak speed were strongly associated (r= 0.85-87, p < 0.0001) with VO2max and MAS, respectively. Peak HR and [La]b were not significantly different between tests. Elite female futsal players possess moderate aerobic fitness. Furthermore, the FIET can be considered as a valid field test to determine aerobic fitness in elite level female futsal players.  相似文献   
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