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We examine the relation between population size and geographic range size for British breeding birds and mammals. As for most other assemblages studied, a strong positive interspecific correlation is found in both taxa. The relation is also recovered once the phylogenetic relatedness of species has been controlled for using an evolutionary comparative method. The slope of the relation is steeper for birds than for mammals, but this is due in large part to two species of mammals that have much higher population sizes than expected from their small geographic ranges. These outlying mammal species are the only ones in Britain to be found only on small offshore islands, and so may be exhibiting density compensation effects. With them excluded, the slope of the abundance–range size relation for mammals is not significantly different to that for birds. However, the elevation of the relation is higher for mammals than for birds, indicating that mammals are approximately 30 times more abundant than birds of equivalent geographic range size. An earlier study of these assemblages showed that, for a given body mass, bats had abundances more similar to birds than to non-volant mammals, suggesting that the difference in abundance between mammals and birds might be due to constraints of flight. Our analyses show that the abundance–range size relation for bats is not different for that from other mammals, and that the anomalously low abundance of bats for their body mass may result because they have smaller than expected geographic extents for their size. Other reasons why birds and mammals might have different elevations for the relation between population size and geographic range size are discussed, together with possible reasons for why the slopes of these relations might be similar.  相似文献   
cpts530, a candidate live-virus vaccine, is an attenuated strain of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It was derived by subjecting a cold-passaged (cp) strain of RSV to a single round of chemical mutagenesis. cpts530 is a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant that is attenuated in mice and chimpanzees, and its ts phenotype exhibits a high level of stability during replication in both species. In the present study, the complete nucleotide sequence of cpts530 RSV was determined. The five mutations known to be present in the parent cpRSV were retained in its cpts530 derivative, and one additional nucleotide change was identified at nucleotide (nt) 10060, which resulted in a phenylalanine-to-leucine change at amino acid 521 in the large polymerase (L) protein. To determine if this single amino acid substitution was indeed responsible for the ts phenotype of cpts530, it was introduced alone or in combination with the cp mutations into the full-length cDNA clone of the wild-type A2 RSV. Analysis of infectious viruses recovered from mutant cDNAs indicated that this single mutation specified complete restriction of plaque formation of recombinant cp530 in HEp-2 cell monolayer cultures at 40 degrees C, and the level of temperature sensitivity was not influenced by the presence of the five cpRSV mutations. These findings identify the phenylalanine-to-leucine change at amino acid 521 in the L protein as the mutation that specifies the ts phenotype of cpts530. Furthermore, these findings illustrate the feasibility of using the cDNA-based recovery system to analyze and construct defined attenuated vaccine viruses.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity in the introduced diploids Tragopogon dubius, T. porrifolius, and T. pratensis and their neoallotetraploid derivatives T. mirus and T. miscellus was estimated to assess the numbers of recurrent, independent origins of the two tetraploid species in the Palouse region of eastern Washington and adjacent Idaho. These tetraploid species arose in this region, probably within the past 50–60 yr, and provide one of the best models for the study of polyploidy in plants. The parental species of both T. mirus and T. miscellus have been well documented, and each tetraploid species has apparently formed multiple times. However, a recent survey of the distributions of these allotetraploids revealed that both tetraploid species have expanded their ranges considerably during the past 50 yr, and several new populations of each species were discovered. Therefore, to evaluate the possibility that these recently discovered populations are of recent independent origin, a broad analysis of genetic diversity in T. mirus, T. miscellus, and their diploid progenitors was conducted. Analyses of allozymic and DNA restriction site variation in all known populations of T. mirus and T. miscellus in the Palouse and several populations of each parental diploid species revealed several distinct genotypes in each tetraploid species. Four isozymic multilocus genotypes were observed in T. mirus, and seven were detected in T. miscellus. Tragopogon mirus possesses a single chloroplast genome, that of T. porrifolius, and two distinct repeat types of the 18S-26S ribosomal RNA genes. Populations of T. miscellus from Pullman, Washington, have the chloroplast genome of T. dubius; all other populations of T. miscellus have the chloroplast DNA of T. pratensis. All populations of T. miscellus combine the ribosomal RNA repeat types of T. dubius and T. pratensis, as demonstrated previously. When all current and previously published data are considered, both T. mirus and T. miscellus appear to have formed numerous times even within the small geographic confines of the Palouse, with estimates of five to nine and two to 21 independent origins, respectively. Such recurrent polyploidization appears to characterize most polyploid plant species investigated to date (although this number is small) and may contribute to the genetic diversity and ultimate success of polyploid species.  相似文献   
The pectate lyases, PelC and PelE, have an unusual folding motif, known as a parallel β-helix, in which the polypeptide chain is coiled into a larger helix composed of three parallel β-sheets connected by loops having variable lengths and conformations. Since the regular secondary structure consists almost entirely of parallel β-sheets these proteins provide a unique opportunity to study the effect of parallel β-helical structure on circular dichroism (CD). We report here the CD spectra of PelC and PelE in the presence and absence of Ca2+, derive the parallel β-helical components of the spectra, and compare these results with previous CD studies of parallel β-sheet structure. The shape and intensity of the parallel β-sheet spectrum is distinctive and may be useful in identifying other proteins that contain the parallel β-helical folding motif. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary While both 31P and 113Cd are present at locations of interest in many different macromolecular systems, heteronuclear-detected relaxation measurements on these nuclei have been restrained by limitations in either resolution or signal-to-noise ratio. We have developed hetero TOCSY-based methods to overcome both of these problems. Two-dimensional versions of these experiments were utilized to measure 31P T1 and T2 values in DNA oligonucleotides; the additional resolution offered by a second dimension allowed determination of these values for most of the 31P resonances in a DNA dodecamer. The results from the experiments indicated that there was little significant variation in T1 values for the different phosphates in the DNA dodecamer; however, the T2 values showed a clear pattern, with lower values in the interior of the sequence than at the ends of the helix. Furthermore, a significant correlation between 31P chemical shifts and T2 values was observed. One-dimensional, frequency-selective versions of these experiments were also developed for use on systems containing a smaller number of heteronuclear spins. These methods were applied to investigate the heteronuclear relaxation properties of 113Cd in 113Cd2LAC9(61), a Cys6Zn2 DNA-binding domain. Data from the experiments confirm biochemical evidence that more significant differences occur in the metal-protein interactions between the two metal-binding sites than has been previously identified for proteins containing this motif.  相似文献   
A series of substituted 2,2′-bipyridine derivatives was prepared using the Kröhnke reaction and alkylation of 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine. These compounds were screened for fungicidal activity against 9 plant diseases. 5-Phenyl-2,2′-bipyridine exhibited strong preventative and curative fungicidal activity against wheat powdery mildew (Erisyphe graminis) and wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita).  相似文献   
A simple and versatile procedure has been developed for the isolation of both large helper/Ti plasmids and binary vectors fromAgrobacterium tumefaciens. Using a slightly modified alkaline lysis protocol, intact plasmid can be recovered from cultures grown in standard micro-centrifuge tubes or culture tubes in sufficient yield and purity to allow for restriction analysis on ethidium bromide stained gels of the >200 kb Ti plasmid DNA. Contamination by chromosomal DNA is minimal and there is thus no need for isopycnic gradient purification. This same procedure can be combined with a high temperature treatment (37°C) and antibiotic selection to generate preparations containing binary vector DNA that are virtually free of interfering Ti plasmid DNA. Restriction patterns produced from these binary vector DNA preparations are unambiguous and therefore preliminary screening by Southern hybridization can be eliminated.  相似文献   
Extracellular digestion in marine dinoflagellates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Individuals of the common coastal marine dinoflageilate genusProtoperidinium have been found to perform extracellular digestionof chain-forming diatoms by means of a pseudopodial ‘feedingveil’. This mechanism of feeding explains the absenceof food particles in these non-photosynthetic, thecate organisms,and seems to be an adaptation for opportunistic feeding *Current address: Department of Oceanography, University ofBritish Columbia, 6270 University Blvd., Vancouver. BC V6T 1W5,Canada  相似文献   
Infrared spectroscopy was used to investigate the changes in bands assigned to phospholipids and proteins in dehydrated and rehydrated sarcoplasmic reticulum. The changes in CH2 and CH3 stretching bands, amide bands, and phosphate stretching bands are similar to shifts in frequency seen for those bands in phospholipid and protein preparations during thermotropic phase transitions and hydration. IR studies on dry trehalose-sarcoplasmic reticulum mixtures show similar results; with increasing trehalose concentration in the dry mixtures, amide and phosphate bands shift to frequencies characteristic of hydrated samples. Changes in bands assigned to OH deformations in the trehalose suggest that the interaction between the carbohydrate and membrane is by means of hydrogen bonding between these OH groups and membrane components.  相似文献   
The immunological examination of the glycocalyces ofStaphylococcus aureus has been concerned with capsular elements while essentially neglecting slime layers. We have found bacterial slime layers to be prevalent in many natural bacterial environments and, in particular, in recently isolatedS. aureus strains Wiley and Smith [1]. Growth in modified staphylococcus 110 medium induces slime layer production in these strains, and investigation of this material has revealed the two slime layers to be immunogenically and antigenically identical. The slime layer of the Smith strain is immunologically distinct from the tight, integral capsule that also comprises the glycocalyx of this strain. The Wiley strain glycocalyx is composed of only a slime layer.  相似文献   
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