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Nutritional and physical factors affecting the decomposition of [C]lignocellulose prepared from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) were examined by incubating the labeled substrate with homogenized surface wood scrapings obtained from a Douglas fir log in a Pacific Northwest stream. Incubations were conducted in distilled water, in stream water collected from four different sources, or in a defined mineral salts solution with or without supplemental N (KNO(3)). Decomposition rates of [C]lignocellulose, as measured by CO(2) evolution, were greater in each of the four filter-sterilized sources of stream water than in distilled water alone. Decomposition experiments conducted in stream water media with the addition of defined mineral salts demonstrated that [C]cellulose decomposition was stimulated 50% by the addition of either KNO(3) or KH(2)PO(4)/K(2)HPO(4) and further enhanced (167%) by a combination of both. In contrast, [C]lignin decomposition was stimulated (65%) only by the addition of both N and P. Decomposition of [C]lignocellulose was greatest when supplemental KNO(3) was supplied in concentrations of at least 10.0 mg of N liter but not increased further by higher concentrations. The decomposition of [C]lignocellulose increased as the incubation temperature was raised and NO(3)-N supplementation further increased these rates between three-and sevenfold over the range of temperatures examined (5 to 22 degrees C). Accumulation of NH(4) (2 to 4 mg of N liter) was always observed in culture filtrates of incubations which had been supplemented with KNO(3), the quantity being independent of NO(3) concentrations >/= 10 mg of N liter. The role of supplemental NO(3) in the decomposition of [C]lignocellulose is discussed in relation to wood decomposition and the low concentrations of N found in stream ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   
A chemical modification of the gene 5 DNA binding protein (G5BP) from bacteriophage fd was investigated using X-ray diffraction and difference Fourier analysis. The crystalline protein was reacted with pentaammineruthenium (III) trichloride, Ru(NH3)5Cl3, a reagent believed specific for histidine residues and useful in NMR and chemical modification studies of proteins. The major ruthenium site was found by difference Fourier analysis to be 4 Å from histidine 64, the only histidine residue in the molecule. A second bipartite site, believed to be a ruthenium-anion pair, appeared to be salt-bridged to glutamic acid 40 and arginine 16. Indications were present in the difference Fourier results to suggest that the loop containing tyrosine 41 had undergone a slight conformational rearrangement to accommodate this interaction.  相似文献   
Using hapten-reversible inhibition of plaque formation as an assay for auto-anti-idiotype antibody (anti-Id) and as a means for following idiotype (Id) expression, we have obtained evidence that following immunization with trinitrophenyl (TNP) conjugates (a) there are differences in Id expression in the anti-TNP antibody response to different TNP conjugates although there is some overlap; (b) different strains, although showing some differences in Id expression, tend to produce cross-reactive Ids, thus no obvious allotype linked inheritance of Id expression is observed in this heterogeneous immune response; (c) the auto-anti-Id produced following immunization with TNP-Brucella abortus or TNP-Ficoll tends to be of the IgG2a and IgG2b isotypes.  相似文献   
Summary Pelham has shown that theDrosophila hsp 70 gene is not transcribed under heat shock conditions unless a given upstream region is present. Davidson et al. have recently compiled a list of sequences homologous to this region in otherDrosophila heat shock genes. They proposed that a set of unlinked genes, such as the heat shock genes, could be coordinately induced through an interaction in cis with a common regulatory molecule. That this interaction involves structural elements is suggested by the fact that these upstream regions share inverted repeats as well as areas of Z-DNA potential. Furthermore, using the Calladine-Dickerson rules for local helical parameters, we show that these regions share structural homology. This is significant because the presence of regions homologous to a derived consensus sequence does not necessarily imply structural similarity. Therefore, we suggest that these structural features are at least as important as the sequence homologies in enabling the heat shock response.  相似文献   
Superoxide dismutase from the anaerobe Bacteroides fragilis has been purified to apparent homogeneity. The protein, Mr 42,000, is a dimer of equally sized subunits joined by noncovalent interactions. Metal analysis of the native enzyme revealed 1.8-1.9 g-atoms Fe, 0.2 g-atoms Zn, and less than 0.05 g-atoms Mn per mole dimer in a preparation whose specific activity was 1200 U/mg. Exposure of the enzyme to guanidinium chloride plus 8-hydroxyquinoline (T. Kirby, J. Blum, I. Kahane, and I. Fridovich, 1980, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 201, 551-555) resulted in complete loss of enzymatic activity. Activity could be restored by dialysis of the denatured apoprotein against Tris buffer containing either ferrous ammonium sulfate or manganous chloride. The Fe-reconstituted enzyme was inhibited by 1 mM azide and inactivated by H2O2 in a manner similar to the native enzyme. Mn-reconstituted enzyme was inhibited by azide but resisted inactivation by H2O2 comparable to other purified manganese-containing superoxide dismutases. The manganese reconstituted protein contained approximately 1 gm-atom Mn/mol dimer. Zn ion potently inhibited reconstitution of the denatured apoprotein by either Mn or Fe and bound to the protein with a stoichiometry of 2-3 g-atoms/mol dimer.  相似文献   
A rapid method for obtaining large quantities of developing groats suitable for the isolation of highly intact polysomes has been developed. Developing spikelets were harvested directly from oat panicles into liquid nitrogen and then quickly passed through a dehuller. Chaff was removed by air aspiration and the resultant groats were collected directly back into liquid nitrogen. Approximately 250 g of groats could be isolated each man-hour by the above method. In comparison, only 10 g of endosperm could be collected by squeezing it out of spikelets using an endosperm mangle. Membrane-bound polysomes extracted from the immature groats were compared to those extracted from endosperm. The largest polysomes discernable as unique peaks on sucrose gradients were ten-mers and nine-mers for groats and endosperm, respectively. Polysomes isolated from both starting materials stimulated similar incorporations of [35S]methionine into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble products during in vitro translations in wheat germ extract. Both polysome preparations directed the synthesis of similar high-molecular-weight proteins. Based on these criteria, polysomes from both preparations were found to be of similar intactness, although the groat starting material was much more readily obtained. The polysome classes having the maximum absorbance peak for endosperm and groat polysomes were six-mers and eight-mers, respectively.  相似文献   
Thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme has been demonstrated in cell-free extracts of the marine, thiosulfate-oxidizing pseudomonad strain 16B. The enzyme, partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography and calcium phosphate gel treatment, catalyzed the oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate with the concomitant reduction of ferricyanide. Native but not mammalian cytochrome c was also reduced by the enzyme in the presence of thiosulfate. The enzyme was located exclusively in the supernatant of ultracentrifuged cell extracts. The most purified enzyme preparation, like intact cells, exhibited a temperature optimum of 30 to 31°C. However, it exhibited no definite pH optimum. At pH 6.1 to 6.3 and 30°C, the Km for thiosulfate was 1.57 mM. At lower temperatures, the apparent Km for thiosulfate increased, but the apparent maximum velocity remained virtually unchanged. Thiosulfate oxidation in intact cells exhibited an increase in the pH optimum at lower temperatures. The thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme of marine heterotroph 16B is compared with thiosulfate-oxidizing enzymes from other bacteria, and the effect of temperature on the relationship between pH and thiosulfate oxidation is discussed with reference to the natural habitat of the bacterium.  相似文献   
We molecularly cloned unintegrated viral DNA of the BALB/c endogenous N-tropic and B-tropic murine leukemia retroviruses and in vitro passaged N-tropic Gross (passage A) murine leukemia retroviruses. Recombinant genomes were constructed in vitro by exchanging homologous restriction enzyme fragments from N- or B-tropic parents and subsequent recloning. Infectious virus was recovered after transfection of these recombinant genomes into NIH-3T3 cells and cocultivation with the Fv-1 nonrestrictive SC-1 cells. XC plaque assays of recombinant virus progeny on Fv-ln and Fv-lb cells indicated that the Fv-l host range was determined by sequences located between the BamHI site in the p30 region of the gag gene (1.6 kilobase pairs from the left end of the map) and the HindIII site located in the pol gene (2.9 kilobase pairs from the left end of the map).  相似文献   
Previous research has indicated that dietary fiber may affect the absorption and utilization of certain nutrients. To determine the effect of certain fiber materials on the absorption of B-6 vitamers, jejunal segments from young male adult rats were perfused in situ with a control solution containing 0.02 mM pyridoxine (PN), 0.02 mM pyridoxal (PL), and 0.02 mM pyridoxamine (PM), followed by a test solution containing the same vitamin B-6 mixture and one of five fiber-rich test materials (cellulose, pectin, lignin, homogenized fresh carrot, or carrot homogenized after 10 min boiling) added at a concentration of 1-3%. The mean absorption rates of PL, PN, and PM from the control solution were, respectively, 3.66 +/- 0.23, 2.06 +/- 0.23, and 1.74 +/- 0.37 nmole/min/20 cm jejunal segment. There were no significant differences between the absorption rates of B-6 vitamers from control and test solutions containing cellulose, pectin, and lignin. The absorption rates of PM and PL were significantly depressed (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01, respectively) by the presence of fresh or cooked carrot. The absorption rate of PN in presence of cooked carrot was also decreased relative to the control value but the difference was only marginally significant (P less than 0.10). When the concentration of fresh carrot in the test solution was increased to 10% by weight and the perfusion rate was decreased from 1.91 to 0.49 ml/min in a second perfusion experiment, there was a significant increase in variability and the differences between absorption rates of the B-6 vitamers in control and test solutions were not statistically significant. The limited evidence of adverse effect of carrot on absorption of vitamin B-6 suggested the need for further clarification of the influence of dietary fiber in an unrefined state on the bioavailability of vitamin B-6.  相似文献   
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