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Concerns about the impact of species diversity loss has heightened the importance of determining what limits local diversity and the relative roles of the available species pool and local interactions. Recent theory suggests that local diversity may exhibit linear or asymptotic responses to regional variation in species pools depending resource supply rates. We tested this idea by augmenting species pools in three sites along a natural productivity gradient (a surrogate for resource supply) in a mid-successional old-field. Augmentation of the species pool, enhanced local diversity more at medium than low productivity sites in this field and seed addition had no effect at high productivity, suggesting that diversity was saturated in high resource areas of this field. These results suggest that resource supply rates may mediate species pool-richness relationships. Species additions into cleared plots demonstrated that the observed differences in species recruitment along this gradient were largely driven by abiotic filtering at low and competitive filtering at high productivity. Furthermore, we observed that augmentation of the species pool shifted the productivity–diversity relationship from a negative linear to unimodal suggesting that species pools may influence reported productivity–diversity patterns.  相似文献   
Muscular hydrostats, such as tongues, trunks or tentacles, have fewer constraints on their degrees of freedom than musculoskeletal systems, so changes in a structure’s shape may alter the positions and lengths of other components (i.e., induce mechanical reconfiguration). We studied mechanical reconfiguration during rejection and swallowing in the marine mollusk Aplysia californica. During rejection, inedible material is pushed out of an animal’s buccal cavity. The grasper (radula/odontophore) closes on inedible material, and then a posterior muscle, I2, pushes the grasper toward the jaws (protracts it). After the material is released, an anterior muscle complex (the I1/I3/jaw complex) pushes the grasper toward the esophagus (retracts it). During swallowing, the grasper is protracted open, and then retracts closed, pulling in food. Grasper closure changes its shape. Magnetic resonance images show that grasper closure lengthens I2. A kinetic model quantified the changes in the ability of I2 and I1/I3 to exert force as grasper shape changed. Grasper closure increases I2’s ability to protract during rejection, and increases I1/I3’s ability to retract during swallowing. Motor neurons controlling radular closure may therefore affect the behavioral outputs of I2’s and I1/I3’s motor neurons. Thus, motor neurons may modulate the outputs of other motor neurons through mechanical reconfiguration.Valerie A. Novakovic and Gregory P. Sutton contributed equally to the paper.  相似文献   
The recent shift of Rhagoletis pomonella from its native host hawthorn to introduced, domestic apple has been implicated as an example of sympatric speciation. Recent studies suggest that host volatile preference might play a fundamental role in host shifts and subsequent speciation in this group. Single sensillum electrophysiology was used to test a proposed hypothesis that differences in R. pomonella olfactory preference are due to changes in the number or odor specificity of olfactory receptor neurons. Individuals were analyzed from apple, hawthorn, and flowering dogwood-origin populations, as well as from the blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran (an outgroup). Eleven compounds were selected as biologically relevant stimuli from previous electroantennographic/behavioral studies of the three R. pomonella populations to host fruit volatiles. Cluster analysis of 99 neuron responses showed that cells from all tested populations could be grouped into the same five classes, ranging from those responding to one or two volatiles to those responding to several host volatiles. Topographical mapping also indicated that antennal neuron locations did not differ by class or fly taxa. Our results do not support the hypothesis that differences in host preference among Rhagoletis populations are a result of alterations in the number or class of receptor neurons responding to host volatiles.  相似文献   
Several mass strandings of beaked whales have recently been correlated with military exercises involving mid-frequency sonar highlighting unknowns regarding hearing sensitivity in these species. We report the hearing abilities of a stranded juvenile beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus) measured with auditory evoked potentials. The beaked whale’s modulation rate transfer function (MRTF) measured with a 40-kHz carrier showed responses up to an 1,800 Hz amplitude modulation (AM) rate. The MRTF was strongest at the 1,000 and 1,200 Hz AM rates. The envelope following response (EFR) input–output functions were non-linear. The beaked whale was most sensitive to high frequency signals between 40 and 80 kHz, but produced smaller evoked potentials to 5 kHz, the lowest frequency tested. The beaked whale hearing range and sensitivity are similar to other odontocetes that have been measured.  相似文献   
The sea stars Granaster nutrix and Neosmilaster georgianus are conspicuous members of benthic communities along the Antarctic Peninsula. An analysis of the proximate composition of somatic body components of nonreproductive adults indicates the nutrient storage organs (pyloric caeca) are rich in both protein (60.7 and 60.6% mean dry wt, respectively) and lipid (25.4 and 29.8% mean dry wt, respectively). Body-wall tissues, while containing small inconspicuous skeletal ossicles, are also comprised of significant levels of organic matter (33.5 and 55.7% mean dry wt, respectively), attributable primarily to protein. Both the pyloric caeca and body-wall tissues are relatively rich in energy (mean energy levels=24.8 and 26.5 kJ g−1 dry wt; 8.4 and 14.1 kJ g−1 dry wt, respectively). Despite the availability of these nutrients and energy neither sea star is preyed upon by the sympatric omnivorous sea star Odontaster validus, a common predator of other Antarctic sea stars. Laboratory feeding bioassays indicate that O. validus rejects live intact individuals and body-wall tissues of both sea star species while readily consuming dried krill. Alginate food pellets containing a krill powder and tissue level concentrations of organic methanol extracts of body-wall tissues were also rejected by O. validus. Moreover, the copious mucus released from the body wall of N. georgianus was deterrent in O. validus food pellet bioassays. Thus, both sea stars evidently possess defensive secondary metabolites that defend against predation and are likely to play a role in mediating materials and energy transfer in the Antarctic benthos.  相似文献   
This review focuses on two gaseous cellular messenger molecules, CO and H2S, that are involved in cerebrovascular flow regulation. CO is a dilatory mediator in active hyperemia, autoregulation, hypoxic dilation, and counteracting vasoconstriction. It is produced from heme by a constitutively expressed enzyme [heme oxygenase (HO)-2] expressed highly in the brain and by an inducible enzyme (HO-1). CO production is regulated by controlling substrate availability, HO-2 catalytic activity, and HO-1 expression. CO dilates arterioles by binding to heme that is bound to large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels. This binding elevates channel Ca2+ sensitivity, that increases coupling of Ca2+ sparks to large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel openings and, thereby, hyperpolarizes the vascular smooth muscle. In addition to dilating blood vessels, CO can either inhibit or accentuate vascular cell proliferation and apoptosis, depending on conditions. H2S may also function as a cerebrovascular dilator. It is produced in vascular smooth muscle cells by hydrolysis of l-cysteine catalyzed by cystathione gamma-lyase (CSE). H2S dilates arterioles at physiologically relevant concentrations via activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. In addition to dilating blood vessels, H2S promotes apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells and inhibits proliferation-associated vascular remodeling. Thus both CO and H2S modulate the function and the structure of circulatory system. Both the HO-CO and CSE-H2S systems have potential to interact with NO and prostanoids in the cerebral circulation. Much of the physiology and biochemistry of HO-CO and CSE-H2S in the cerebral circulation remains open for exploration.  相似文献   
Hydrobiologia - Potamogeton illinoensis is a North American macrophyte, commonly the focus of management, but limited knowledge of its life history hampers conservation and restoration efforts. We...  相似文献   
Maintenance of genetic and phenotypic diversity is widely recognized as an important conservation priority, yet managers often lack basic information about spatial patterns of population structure and its relationship with habitat heterogeneity and species movement within it. To address this knowledge gap, we focused on the economically and ecologically prominent yellow perch (Perca flavescens). In the Lake Michigan basin, yellow perch reside in nearshore Lake Michigan, including drowned river mouths (DRMs)—protected, lake‐like habitats that link tributaries to Lake Michigan. The goal of this study was to examine the extent that population structure is associated with Great Lakes connected habitats (i.e., DRMs) in a mobile fish species using yellow perch as a model. Specifically, we tested whether DRMs and eastern Lake Michigan constitute distinct genetic stocks of yellow perch, and if so, whether those stocks migrate between the two connected habitats throughout the year. To do so, we genotyped yellow perch at 14 microsatellite loci collected from 10 DRMs in both deep and littoral habitats during spring, summer, and autumn and two nearshore sites in Lake Michigan (spring and autumn) during 2015–2016 and supplemented our sampling with fish collected in 2013. We found that yellow perch from littoral‐DRM habitats were genetically distinct from fish captured in nearshore Lake Michigan. Our data also suggested that Lake Michigan yellow perch likely use deep‐DRM habitats during autumn. Further, we found genetic structuring among DRMs. These patterns support hypotheses of fishery managers that yellow perch seasonally migrate to and from Lake Michigan, yet, interestingly, these fish do not appear to interbreed with littoral fish despite occupying the same DRM. We recommend that fisheries managers account for this complex population structure and movement when setting fishing regulations and assessing the effects of harvest in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   
Kri people in central Laos traditionally engage in ‘heavy’ practices, including a stipulation that houses must be relocated and the flooring discarded upon a death in the family. Such ‘heavy’ practices are considered ‘real Kri’, and they are not adhered to by those who identify as Kri Phòòngq. This article examines the adoption of more enduring housing construction among the Kri, and the dynamics of ethnic identity implied by the dilemmas raised for individuals and families who must choose between (a) maintaining the heavy life of real Kri, (b) innovating new and less heavy solutions, or (c) changing identity entirely.  相似文献   
Human developments have detrimental effects on wildlife populations globally with carnivores being particularly sensitive. The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is often considered an adaptable mesocarnivore that occurs throughout varied landcover types within its wide distribution and may be less susceptible to the negative effects of development. Our objectives were to investigate the landscape occupancy dynamics of bobcats in a highly developed and densely populated region of the northeastern United States to evaluate the sensitivity of bobcat occurrence to natural and anthropogenic landscape features. We established a large-scale camera trapping survey throughout Rhode Island, USA, sampling from 2018 to 2020. Using dynamic occupancy models, we found initial site occupancy was positively influenced by the amount of forested wetland habitat, while increasing road density and shrub cover negatively influenced the probability of site colonization. Surprisingly, we found no hypothesized variables to influence site-level extirpation probability, or any seasonal effects on dynamic parameters. Lastly, we found that forest cover and road density negatively influenced the probability of detection. The probability of occupancy was high, >0.8, throughout much of the study area (49%), but we also found relatively high site transients, with the probability a site would change occurrence status from season to season at ≈0.27 in the majority of the study area (70%). Our results show that although bobcats can persist in human-dominated landscapes, they require contiguous natural areas to do so. Future expansion of road infrastructure may reduce habitat connectivity and increase road mortalities, thus jeopardizing the population.  相似文献   
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