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Insulin receptor substrate p53/p58 (IRSp53) is involved in cytoskeletal dynamics and is a candidate disease sensor in polyglutamine expansion neurodegeneration. It is widely expressed throughout the body, but its levels are dramatically elevated in forebrain regions. IRSp53 functions as a signal transducing adaptor between activated Rho family GTPases and their effectors. There are four known alternatively spliced isoforms of IRSp53 that vary by the identity of the 3'-terminal exon. We report here that there is a fifth alternatively spliced isoform, IRSp53-B, which lacks 40 amino acids abutting the CRIB/SH3 (Cdc42/Rac-interactive binding/Src homology 3)-binding site. We speculate that the novel form has an altered function related to the mechanism of autoinactivation. IRSp53-B has an odd history in the mammalian lineage, which may complicate the use of rodent models to study cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   
To succeed on land rather than in water, crabs require a suite of physiological and morphological changes, and ultimately the ability to reproduce without access open water. Some species have modified gills to assist in gas exchange but accessory gas exchange organs, usually lungs, occur in many species. In accomplished air-breathers the lung becomes larger and more vascularised with pulmonary vessels directing oxygenated haemolymph to the heart. The relative abundance of O2 in air promotes relative hypoventilation and thus an internal hypercapnia to drive CO2 excretion. Land crabs have a dual circulation via either lungs or gills and shunting between the two may depend on respiratory media or exercise state. During their breeding migration on Christmas Island Gecarcoidea natalis maintained arterial Po2 by branchial O2 uptake, while pulmonary O2 pressure was reduced; partly because exercise doubled relative haemolymph flow through the gills. Related species rely on elevated haemocyanin concentration and affinity for O2 to assist uptake but this compromises unloading at the tissues and thus the aerobic scope of tissues. Aquatic crabs exchange salt and ammonia with water via the gills but in land crabs this is not possible. Birgus latro has adopted uricotelism but other species excrete ammonia in either the urine or as gas. Land crabs minimise urinary salt loss using a filtration-reabsorption system analogous to the kidney. Urine is redirected across the gills where salt reabsorption occurs in systems under hormonal control, although in G. natalis this is stimulatory and in B. latro inhibitory. While crabs occupy a range of habitats from aquatic to terrestrial, these species do not comprise a physiological continuum but across the crab taxa individual species possess appropriate and specific physiological features to survive in their individual habitat.  相似文献   
During conditions of nutrient deprivation, ribosomes are blocked by uncharged tRNA at the A site. The stringent factor RelA binds to blocked ribosomes and catalyzes synthesis of (p)ppGpp, a secondary messenger that induces the stringent response. We demonstrate that binding of RelA and (p)ppGpp synthesis are inversely coupled, i.e., (p)ppGpp synthesis decreases the affinity of RelA for the ribosome. RelA binding to ribosomes is governed primarily by mRNA, but independently of ribosomal protein L11, while (p)ppGpp synthesis strictly requires uncharged tRNA at the A site and the presence of L11. A model is proposed whereby RelA hops between blocked ribosomes, providing an explanation for how low intracellular concentrations of RelA (1/200 ribosomes) can synthesize (p)ppGpp at levels that accurately reflect the starved ribosome population.  相似文献   
We show here that co-expression of murine CAD with either ICAD-L or ICAD-S in Escherichia coli as well as mammalian cells leads to a functional DFF complex, which after caspase-3 activation releases a nucleolytically active DNase. The chaperone activity of ICAD-S is between one and two orders of magnitude less effective than that of ICAD-L, as deduced from cleavage experiments with different activated recombinant DFF complexes produced in E.coli. With nucleolytically active EGFP fusion proteins of CAD it is demonstrated that co-expression of ICAD-S, which lacks the C-terminal domain of ICAD-L, including the NLS, leads to a homogeneous intracellular distribution of the DNase in transfected cells, whereas co-expression of human or murine ICAD-L variants lacking the NLS leads to exclusion of EGFP–CAD from the nuclei in ~50% of cells. These results attribute a particular importance of the NLS in the long isoform of the inhibitor of CAD for nuclear accumulation of the DFF complex in living cells. It is concluded that ICAD-L and ICAD-S in vivo might function as tissue-specific modulators in the regulation of apoptotic DNA degradation by controlling not only the enzymatic activity but also the amount of CAD available in the nuclei of mammalian cells.  相似文献   
The interactions between the plasmid-borne copper resistance determinant, pco, and the main copper export system in Escherichia coli have been investigated and no direct interaction has been found. The PcoE and PcoC proteins are periplasmic and PcoC binds one Cu ion per protein molecule. PcoA is also periplasmic and can substitute for the chromosomally encoded CueO protein. The pco determinant is proposed to exert its effect through periplasmic handling of excess copper ions and to increase the level of resistance to copper ions above that conferred by copA alone.  相似文献   
During Drosophila development, the naked cuticle (nkd) gene attenuates wingless/Wnt signaling through a negative feedback loop mechanism. Fly and vertebrate Nkd proteins contain a putative calcium-binding EF-hand motif, the EFX domain, that interacts with the basic/PDZ region of the Wnt signal transducer, dishevelled (Dsh). Here we show that Dsh binding by Drosophila Nkd in vitro is mediated by the EFX domain as well as an adjacent C-terminal sequence. In vivo data suggest that both of these regions contribute to the ability of Nkd to antagonize Wnt signaling. Mutations in the Nkd EF-hand designed to eliminate potential ion binding affected Nkd-Dsh interactions in the yeast two-hybrid assay but not in the glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay. Addition of the chelating agent EDTA abolished the in vitro Nkd-Dsh interaction. Surprisingly zinc, but not calcium, was able to restore Nkd-Dsh binding, suggesting a zinc-mediated interaction. Calcium 45- and zinc 65-blotting experiments show that Nkd is a zinc-binding metalloprotein. The results further clarify how Nkd may antagonize Wnt signaling via interaction with Dsh, and identify a novel zinc-binding domain in Drosophila Nkd that collaborates with the conserved EFX domain to bind Dsh.  相似文献   
The SPINDLY (SPY) gene is a crucial component of the gibberellin signal transduction pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. In this study, the cloning of the SPINDLY-orthologous gene (LeSpy) from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and its characterization are reported. SPY and LeSpy show high sequence similarity along their entire lengths, which is reflected in the conservation of exon-intron structure and of all sequence motives previously identified. To analyse the relationship between the Arabidopsis spindly and the tomato procera mutant, which show similar phenotypes, the LeSpy gene was characterized in wild-type and procera tomato plants. These analyses as well as mapping of LeSpy revealed that LeSpy and Procera are different genes.  相似文献   
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