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Summary The evolutionary and phylogenetic relationships of sevenDrosophila species groups (represented byD. melanogaster, D. mulleri, D. mercatorum, D. robusta, D. virilis, D. immigrans, D. funebris, andD. melanica) were investigated by the use of two-dimensional electrophoresis. The resulting phylogeny is congruent with the current views of evolution among these groups based on morphological characters and immunological distances. Previous studies indicated that the ability of one-dimensional electrophoresis to resolve relationships between distantly related taxa extended to about the Miocene [25 million years (Myr) ago], but the present study demonstrates that two-dimensional electrophoresis is a useful indicator of phylogeny even back to the Paleocene (65 Myr ago). In addition, two-dimensional electrophoresis is shown to be a useful technique for detecting slowly evolving structural proteins such as actins and tropomyosins.  相似文献   
Immunotoxins, constructed by chemically cross-linking an antibody and protein toxin, do not possess the high efficacy of the native toxin. Decreases in toxicity are due in part to the steric constraints imposed on the two macromolecules, which result in both decreased antibody binding and toxin function. In examining the structural features that influence efficacy in holotoxin-antibody conjugates, it was found that the incorporation of a 29-residue polypeptide, derived from the insulin B chain between the antibody and ricin moiety, resulted in an increase in both potency and efficacy. In a murine model system, potency of the peptide spacer conjugate was increased nearly 10-fold; however, when examined by the procedure used to purge bone marrow, the peptide spacer conjugate was not demonstrably more toxic to nontarget cells than the nonspacer conjugate. Thus, in addition to increases of efficacy and potency, this novel immunotoxin demonstrated increased specificity by approximately 10-fold. To test the general utility of peptide spacer inclusion, a T101-ricin conjugate was constructed with the peptide spacer. It yielded a protein synthesis inhibition rate of -0.6 log/h on MOLT-3 cells, greater than 10-fold more efficacious than a previously constructed nonspacer T101-ricin conjugate examined under similar conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract— The recently published phylogeny of Braconidae by Quicke and van Achterberg is reassessed. Character-state definitions and character polarities are evaluated, and more rigorous methods are suggested. Our results indicate that there are many more parsimonious solutions to their data set, the consensus of which differs substantially from their results. Based on our reassessment, little can be said about the relationships among braconid subfamilies. Consensus trees show the cyclostomes as a largely unresolved basal grade. The two other major lineages which have been proposed, the helconoids and microgastroids, are somewhat better resolved, but not consistently so. Relationships among the helconoids vary considerably depending on the parameters used for parsimony analysis.  相似文献   
Every chemosensory structure has a boundary layer surroundingit through which chemical signals must pass before contactingreceptor cells. Fluid motion in this boundary layer is slowand odor movement is mainly by diffusion. The boundary layerstructure depends upon external fluid velocities and the morphologyof the appendage. High-speed (10–200 Hz) electrochemicalrecordings from microchemical electrodes were used to quantifychemical transport in the microscale environment of three morphologicallydifferent chemosensory appendages of the lobster, Homarus americanus:lateral antennule, medial antennule and walking legs. Controlledpulses of the odor tracer (dopamine) were delivered to the threeappendages at three different flow speeds (0, 3, 6 cm/s). Theamplitudes of the pulses increased with increasing flow speed,indicating that boundary layer thickness decreased with increasingflow speed. Larger pulse amplitudes were measured in the walkinglegs than in the lateral or medial antennules at all flow speeds.In addition, larger amplitudes were recorded in the medial antennulethan the lateral antennule. Changes in pulse amplitude withincreasing flow speed were larger than changes in pulse duration.These results demonstrate that pulse amplitude is affected morethan pulse duration by boundary layer thickness and that themorphology of the receptor strucure helps determine the structureof signals arriving at receptor cells. This may explain whyanimals have adopted sampling strategies that reduce boundarylayer thickness.  相似文献   
The behavior of dehydroergosterol in -α-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) unsonicated multilamellar liposomes was characterized by absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence measurements. Dehydroergosterol exhibited a lowered absorption coefficient in multilamellar liposomes whiel the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of dehydroergosterol in these membranes decreased significantly with increasing dehydroergosterol concentration, suggesting membrane sterol-sterol interactions. The comparative steady-state anisotropy of 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol in multilamellar liposomes was lower than in small unilamellar vesicles suggesting different sterol environments for dehydroergosterol. Dehydroergosterol fluorescence lifetime was relatively independent of membrane sterol content and yielded similar values in sonicated and unsonicated model membranes. In multilamellar liposomes containing 5 mole percent cholesterol, the gel-to-liqui crystalline phase transition of DMPC detected by 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol was significantly broadened when compared to the phase transition detected by dehydroergosterol in the absence of membrane cholesterol (Smutzer, G. et al. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 862, 361–371). In multilamellar liposomes containing 10 mole percent cholesterol, the major fluorescence lifetime of dehydroergosterol did not detect the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition of DMPC. Time-correlated fluorescence anisotropy decays of dehydroergosterol in DMPC multilamellar liposomes in the absence and presence of 5 mole percent cholesterol exhibited a single rotational correlation time near one nanosecond that was relatively independent of temperature and low concentrations of membrane cholesterol. The limiting anisotropy of 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol decreased above the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition in membranes without cholesterol and was not significantly affected by the phase transition in membranes containing 5 mole percent cholesterol. These results suggested hindered rotational diffusion of dehydroergosterol in multilamellar liposomes. Lifetime and time-correlated fluorescence measurements of 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol in multilamellar liposomes further suggested this fluorophore was detecting physical properties of the bulk membrane phospholipids in membranes devoid of cholesterol and was detecting sterol-rich regions in membranes of low sterol concentration.  相似文献   
Pertussis toxin as a probe of neutrophil activation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In reviewing our own and other work, it is clear that pertussis toxin treatment of neutrophils causes a time- and concentration-dependent inhibition of granule enzyme secretion induced by formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe), C5a, leukotriene (LT) B4 and platelet-activating factor (PAF). Chemotaxis, O2- generation, aggregation, and arachidonic acid production induced by fMet-Leu-Phe are also inhibited by pertussis toxin. Granule enzyme release caused by A23187 or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate is not inhibited. The inhibition of neutrophil function correlates closely with the NAD-ribosylation of a 41,000-dalton protein in the neutrophil plasma membrane, presumably the GTP-binding regulatory protein Ni. Pertussis toxin treatment prevents or obtunds the increased influx of Ca2+ induced by fMet-Leu-phe and LTB4, but not that caused by stimulation of neutrophils with PAF. Pertussis toxin prevents the receptor-induced breakdown of polyphosphoinositides in intact neutrophils and isolated membrane and prevents or decreases the production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol. The hypothesis advanced by us and others is that pertussis toxin interacts with a GTP-binding regulatory protein identical or similar to Ni, which couples receptor-chemotactic factor interaction to phospholipase C activation. Inhibition of the activation prevents the production of IP3 and the resulting release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores and of 1,2-diacylglycerol and thus, the activation of protein kinase C. The lack of these two mediators is the immediate cause of the depression of neutrophil activation resulting from pertussis toxin. Some of the limitations and uncertainties of our present knowledge with respect to this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   
The interaction of apocytochrome c with aqueous dispersions of phosphatidylserine from bovine spinal cord and with other negatively charged phospholipids has been studied as a function of pH and salt concentration by using spin-label electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and chemical binding assays. The ESR spectra of phospholipids spin-labeled at different positions on the sn-2 chain indicate a generalized decrease in mobility of the lipids, while the characteristic flexibility gradient toward the terminal methyl end of the chain is maintained, on binding of apocytochrome c to phosphatidylserine dispersions. This perturbation of the bulk lipid mobility or ordering is considerably greater than that observed on binding of cytochrome c. In addition, a second, more motionally restricted, lipid component is observed with lipids labeled close to the terminal methyl ends of the chains. This second component is not observed on binding of cytochrome c and can be taken as direct evidence for penetration of apocytochrome c into the lipid bilayer. It is less strongly motionally restricted than similar spectral components observed with integral membrane proteins and displays a steep flexibility gradient. The proportion of this second component increases with increasing protein-to-lipid ratio, but the stoichiometry per protein bound decreases from 4.5 lipids per 12 000-dalton protein at low protein contents to 2 lipids per protein at saturating amounts of protein. Apocytochrome c binding to phosphatidylserine dispersions decreases with increasing salt concentration from a saturation value corresponding to approximately 5 lipids per protein in the absence of salt to practically zero at 0.4 M NaCl.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary N2-fixing cyanobacteria occur in symbiotic associations with fungi (ascomycetes) as lichens and with a few green plants. The associated cyanobacterium is always a species ofNostoc orAnabaena. Only a small number of plant genera are involved but there is a remarkable range of host diversity. Associations occur with several bryophytes (e.g.Anthoceros, Blasia, Cavicularia), a pteridophyte (Azolla), cycads (nine genera includingMacrozamia andEncephalartos) and an angiosperm (Gunnera). Except forGunnera, where the cyanobacterium penetrates the plant cells, the cyanobacteria are extracellular with specialized morphological modifications and/or structures of the host plant organs providing an environment which facilitates interaction with the prokaryote.Salient aspects of current knowledge pertaining to the establishment, perpetuation, and functioning of the individual symbioses are summarized. Where possible this includes information concerning recognition and specificity, mode(s) of infection, morphological modifications/adaptations of the host plant and a synopsis of morphological, physiological and biochemical changes common to the symbiotic cyanobacteria. The latter encompasses heterocyst frequencies, enzymes involved in ammonia assimilation, photosynthetic capability and metabolic interaction with the host.TheAzolla-Anabaena symbioses, which have potential agronomic significance as an alternative nitrogen source and maintain continuity with the endophyte through the sexual cycle, are emphasized.  相似文献   
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