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Repeated clone-to-clone (genetic bottleneck) passages of an RNA phage and vesicular stomatitis virus have been shown previously to result in loss of fitness due to Muller's ratchet. We now demonstrate that Muller's ratchet also operates when genetic bottleneck passages are carried out at 37 rather than 32 degrees C. Thus, these fitness losses do not depend on growth of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants at lowered temperatures. We also demonstrate that during repeated genetic bottleneck passages, accumulation of deleterious mutations does occur in a stepwise (ratchet-like) manner as originally proposed by Muller. One selected clone which had undergone significant loss of fitness after only 20 genetic bottleneck passages was passaged again in clone-to-clone series. Additional large losses of fitness were observed in five of nine independent bottleneck series; the relative fitnesses of the other four series remained close to the starting fitness. In sharp contrast, when the same selected clone was transferred 20 more times as large populations (10(5) to 10(6) PFU transferred at each passage), significant increases in fitness were observed in all eight passage series. Finally, we selected several clones which had undergone extreme losses of fitness during 20 bottleneck passages. When these low-fitness clones were passaged many times as large virus populations, they always regained very high relative fitness. We conclude that transfer of large populations of RNA viruses regularly selects those genomes within the quasispecies population which have the highest relative fitness, whereas bottleneck transfers have a high probability of leading to loss of fitness by random isolation of genomes carrying debilitating mutations. Both phenomena arise from, and underscore, the extreme mutability and variability of RNA viruses.  相似文献   
Five populations ofDrosophila melanogaster that had been selected for postponed aging were compared with five control populations using two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis. The goals of the study were to identify specific proteins associated with postponed aging and to survey the population genetics of the response to selection. A total of 321 proteins were resolvable per population; these proteins were scored according to their intensity. The resulting data were analyzed using resampling, combinatoric, and maximum parsimony methods. The analysis indicated that the populations with postponed aging were different from their controls with respect to specific proteins and with respect to the variation between populations. The populations selected for postponed aging were more heterogeneous between populations than were the control populations. Maximum parsimony trees separate the selected populations, as a group, from their controls, thereby exhibiting a homoplastic pattern.  相似文献   
Evidence suggests that the boundaries between rivers, floodplain wetlands, and adjacent upland communities are among the most important components of landscapes. In a landscape context, floodplain wetlands and their ecotones are important transition zones between uplands and aquatic ecosystems. Management of wetland patches and ecotones to achieve sustainable ecosystems requires action on a broad scale, giving consideration to all factors affecting wetlands and the drainage basins of which they are a part. In northeastern United States, a struggle to identify new sources of water has focussed attention on the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
The COL6A1 and COL6A2 (collagen VI) gene cluster on chromosome 21 is a candidate region for defects leading to congenital heart anomalies in Down's syndrome. We report a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) and a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in this gene region, detected using a COL6A1 cDNA probe. Linkage disequilibrium relationships were studied among the RFLPs of this gene cluster. The RFLP reported here shows no significant linkage disequilibrium with any others in the region. It has a polymorphism information content value of 0.27, raising the informativity of the locus.  相似文献   
Microsites are created by abiotic and biotic features of the landscape and may provide essential habitats for the persistence of biota. Forest canopies and understorey plants may moderate wind and solar radiation to create microclimatic conditions that differ considerably from regional climates. Skirt-forming plants, where senescent leaves create hut-like cavities around the stem, create microsites that are sheltered from ambient conditions and extreme weather events, constituting potential refuges for wildlife. We investigate day and night temperatures and humidity for four locations (grass tree cavities, soil, 20 cm above-ground, 1 m above-ground) in a South Australian forest with relatively open canopy of stringybark eucalypts (Eucalyptus baxteri, E. obliqua) and an understorey of skirt-forming grass trees (Xanthorrhoea semiplana) at 5, 10, 20, and 40 m from the forest edge. We also measured the percentage of canopy and understorey covers. Generally, temperature and humidity differed significantly between more sheltered (grass tree cavities, soil) and open-air microsites, with the former being cooler during the day and warmer and more humid during the night. Furthermore, our results suggest that canopy cover tends to decrease, and understorey cover tends to increase, the temperature of microsites. Distance to the edge was not significantly related to temperature for any microsite, suggesting that the edge effect did not extend beyond 10 m from the edge. Overall, grass trees influenced microclimatic conditions by forming a dense understorey and providing cavities that are relatively insulated. The capacity of grass tree cavities to buffer external conditions increased linearly with ambient temperatures, by 0.46°C per degree increase in maximum and 0.25°C per degree decrease in minimum temperatures, potentially offsetting climate warming and enabling persistence of fauna within their thermal limits. These climate moderation properties will make grass trees increasingly important refuges as extreme weather events become more common under anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   
A Soluble sialidase that can degrade recombinant glycoproteinsexpressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells has been isolatedand purified to near homogeneity from the cell culture fluidof this host. Purification of  相似文献   
In a national survey of adult dental health conducted in the Republic of Ireland in 1989/90 a total of 1,527 subjects aged 25 and older were examined for root surface caries. It was found that the prevalence of root surface caries was highest in older age groups and also amongst males, residents of non-fluoridated communities and those earning low incomes. Tooth loss masked the potential prevalence of root surface caries. With more persons retaining their natural teeth into middle and old age the prevalence of root surface caries is likely to increase in the future.  相似文献   
Specimens of Holopus rangii (order Cyrtocrinida) were collected by submersible at depths of several hundred meters in the Caribbean and fixed for light and electron microscopy. The presence of an anus is confirmed. However, the chambered organ and glandular axial organ peculiar to crinoids are lacking. The gut lumen sometimes includes partially digested prey items up to several hundred micrometers in diameter, and we propose that Holopus may feed raptorially by rapidly closing its arms over demersal zooplankton. Electron microscopy of the arm reveals a radial nerve and a radial haemal channel, which light microscopy previously failed to demonstrate. The cuticle includes bacteria that are probably symbiotic. The ten brachial nerves of the aboral nervous system unite pairwise to form five calyx nerves. The calyx nerves, one in each radial position, are connected by a pentagonal, interradial commissure and then continue to the attached end of the body where they end blindly without forming an aboral nerve center. The absence of the aboral nerve center and related internal organs strengthens the argument that no basal ossicles are included in the skeleton of the calyx and suggests that Holopus may have evolved from stalked cyrtocrinid ancestors by saltatory loss of major body parts.  相似文献   
The lower limits of cerebral blood flow autoregulation shift toward high pressures in aged compared with young rats. Intraluminal pressure stimulates contractile mechanisms in cerebral arteries that might, in part, cause an age-dependent shift in autoregulation. The present project tested two hypotheses. First, cerebral artery tone is greater in isolated arteries from aged compared with mature adult rats. Second, aging decreases the modulatory effect of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) and increases vascular smooth muscle Ca2+ sensitivity. Isolated segments of middle cerebral arteries from male 6-, 12-, 20-, and 24-mo-old Fischer 344 rats were cannulated and loaded with fura-2. Diameter and Ca2+ responses to increasing pressure were measured in HEPES, during NO synthase inhibition [NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME)], and after removal of the endothelium. Cerebral artery tone (with endothelium) increased with age. Only at the lowest pressure (20 and 40 mmHg) was intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) greater in arteries from 24-mo-old rats compared with the other age groups. l-NAME-sensitive constriction increased significantly in arteries from 6- to 20-mo-old rats but declined significantly thereafter in arteries from 24-mo-old rats. [Ca2+]i was less in arteries from 24-mo-old rats compared with the other groups after treatment with l-NAME. Another endothelial-derived factor, insensitive to l-NAME, also decreased significantly with age. For example, at 60 mmHg, the l-NAME-insensitive constriction decreased from 47 +/- 10, 42 +/- 5, 21 +/- 2, and 3 +/- 1 microm in 6-, 12-, 20-, and 24-mo-old rats, respectively. Our data suggest that aging alters cerebral artery tone and [Ca2+]i responses through endothelial-derived NO synthase-sensitive and -insensitive mechanisms. The combined effect of greater cerebral artery tone with less endothelium-dependent modulation may in part contribute to the age-dependent shift in cerebral blood flow autoregulation.  相似文献   
Cultures of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris , originally derived from mixed cheese starter cultures, were assessed as pure following single colony selection and subculturing, yet nevertheless gave rise, under stress conditions, to an isolate with the ability to ferment citrate. The isolate was characterized with respect to its citrate enzymology and lactose fermentation and was identified as Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum and assigned the strain number 663. The extracellular material (ECM) from Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum 663 was characterized and found to contain carbohydrate, protein and phosphate (30.9, 50.7 and 18.4%, by weight, respectively). Glucose was the most prominent sugar (39% by weight of total carbohydrate) with mannose, galactose and rhamnose being the other major monosaccharides. The ECM protein resolved into a large number of bands on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the most prominent having molecular masses of 40 and 49 kDa. The ECM from Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum 663 caused aggregation of suspensions of lactococcal cells and may facilitate intergeneric interactions and/or co-culture during cheese starter strain isolation.  相似文献   
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