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Stromal cells such as fibroblasts play an important role in defining tissue-specific responses during the resolution of inflammation. We hypothesized that this involves tissue-specific regulation of glucocorticoids, mediated via differential regulation of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1). Expression, activity and function of 11β-HSD1 was assessed in matched fibroblasts derived from various tissues (synovium, bone marrow and skin) obtained from patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. 11β-HSD1 was expressed in fibroblasts from all tissues but mRNA levels and enzyme activity were higher in synovial fibroblasts (2-fold and 13-fold higher mRNA levels in dermal and synovial fibroblasts, respectively, relative to bone marrow). Expression and activity of the enzyme increased in all fibroblasts following treatment with tumour necrosis factor-α or IL-1β (bone marrow: 8-fold and 37-fold, respectively, compared to vehicle; dermal fibroblasts: 4-fold and 14-fold; synovial fibroblasts: 7-fold and 31-fold; all P < 0.01 compared with vehicle). Treatment with IL-4 or interferon-γ was without effect, and there was no difference in 11β-HSD1 expression between fibroblasts (from any site) obtained from patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. In the presence of 100 nmol/l cortisone, IL-6 production – a characteristic feature of synovial derived fibroblasts – was significantly reduced in synovial but not dermal or bone marrow fibroblasts. This was prevented by co-treatment with an 11β-HSD inhibitor, emphasizing the potential for autocrine activation of glucocorticoids in synovial fibroblasts. These data indicate that differences in fibroblast-derived glucocorticoid production (via the enzyme 11β-HSD1) between cells from distinct anatomical locations may play a key role in the predeliction of certain tissues to develop persistent inflammation.  相似文献   
Many aspects of hedonic behavior, including self-administration of natural and drug rewards, as well as human positive affect, follow a diurnal cycle that peaks during the species-specific active period. This variation has been linked to circadian modulation of the mesolimbic dopamine system, and is hypothesized to serve an adaptive function by driving an organism to engage with the environment during times where the opportunity for obtaining rewards is high. However, relatively little is known about whether more complex facets of hedonic behavior – in particular, reward learning – follow the same diurnal cycle. The current study aimed to address this gap by examining evidence for diurnal variation in reward learning on a well-validated probabilistic reward learning task (PRT). PRT data from a large normative sample (= 516) of non-clinical individuals, recruited across eight studies, were examined for the current study. The PRT uses an asymmetrical reinforcement ratio to induce a behavioral response bias, and reward learning was operationalized as the strength of this response bias across blocks of the task. Results revealed significant diurnal variation in reward learning, however in contrast to patterns previously observed in other aspects of hedonic behavior, reward learning was lowest in the middle of the day. Although a diurnal pattern was also observed on a measure of more general task performance (discriminability), this did not account for the variation observed in reward learning. Taken together, these findings point to a distinct diurnal pattern in reward learning that differs from that observed in other aspects of hedonic behavior. The results of this study have important implications for our understanding of clinical disorders characterized by both circadian and reward learning disturbances, and future research is needed to confirm whether this diurnal variation has a truly circadian origin.  相似文献   
In 1900, Adami speculated that a sequence of context‐independent energetic and structural changes governed the reversion of differentiated cells to a proliferative, regenerative state. Accordingly, we show here that differentiated cells in diverse organs become proliferative via a shared program. Metaplasia‐inducing injury caused both gastric chief and pancreatic acinar cells to decrease mTORC1 activity and massively upregulate lysosomes/autophagosomes; then increase damage associated metaplastic genes such as Sox9; and finally reactivate mTORC1 and re‐enter the cell cycle. Blocking mTORC1 permitted autophagy and metaplastic gene induction but blocked cell cycle re‐entry at S‐phase. In kidney and liver regeneration and in human gastric metaplasia, mTORC1 also correlated with proliferation. In lysosome‐defective Gnptab?/? mice, both metaplasia‐associated gene expression changes and mTORC1‐mediated proliferation were deficient in pancreas and stomach. Our findings indicate differentiated cells become proliferative using a sequential program with intervening checkpoints: (i) differentiated cell structure degradation; (ii) metaplasia‐ or progenitor‐associated gene induction; (iii) cell cycle re‐entry. We propose this program, which we term “paligenosis”, is a fundamental process, like apoptosis, available to differentiated cells to fuel regeneration following injury.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity at variable-number-tandem-repeat (VNTR) loci was examined in the common cattail, Typha latifolia (Typhaceae), using three synthetic DNA probes composed of tandemly repeated “core” sequences (GACA, GATA, and GCAC). The principal objectives of this investigation were to determine whether: (1) the previously reported almost complete lack of polymorphism at allozyme loci in this species was indicative of a reduced amount of genetic diversity at VNTR loci as well; (2) VNTR markers were informative about possible clonal propagation; and (3) significant differences in genetic structure of sampling sites were associated with differences in environmental levels of pollutants at those sites. Previously, widespread sampling across the eastern United States, surveying across ten allozyme loci, has detected only two genotypes, involving a difference at a single locus, among 104 populations. In this study, the amount of genetic diversity detected at VNTR loci: (1) among ramets (N = 40; 40 genotypes detected) collected at ∼8-km intervals along a 320-km transect; (2) among ramets (N = 220; 117 genotypes detected) from five study sites separated by 50–3000 m; and (3) even among ramets within each study site [N = 44 per site; from 13 to 34 genotypes detected per site (270 m2)] exceeds that previously found in those more geographically widespread allozyme surveys. Among the 260 ramets analyzed here, the mean number of bands scored per individual was 48.61 (SD = 2.80). Mean genetic similarity among ramets collected along the 320-km transect was 0.91, which was within the range of mean genetic similarity within the five study sites (range: 0.89–0.95). Among the five study sites, 61% of the samples analyzed appeared to be clonal ramets, with up to 12 clones detected for 44 ramets sampled within a site. Clones grew intermingled and ranged up to 39 m in extent. Permutation tests of genetic similarity revealed significant genetic differentiation between each of the five study sites. Consistent with the previous allozyme studies, T. latifolia was characterized by extremely low genetic variation relative to levels of polymorphism detected at VNTR loci in other plant species. Estimated heterozygosity among ramets along the 320-km transect ranged from 0.11 to 0.13, while that within the five study sites ranged from 0.05 to 0.12. Estimates of Fst (0.32–0.41) also indicated considerable genetic subdivision among these stands. Significantly higher genetic diversity was detected at the two study sites that chemistry and toxicity data indicate to be the most severely impacted by pollutants. Although this correlation does not establish cause and effect, the results of this study indicate that the analysis of genetic diversity at VNTR loci may be a useful tool for monitoring anthropogenic-induced changes in the genetic structure of natural populations of plants.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is a diffusible messenger that conveys information based on its concentration dynamics, which is dictated by the interplay between its synthesis, inactivation and diffusion. Here, we characterized NO diffusion in the rat brain in vivo. By direct sub-second measurement of NO, we determined the diffusion coefficient of NO in the rat brain cortex. The value of 2.2 × 10−5 cm2/s obtained in vivo was only 14% lower than that obtained in agarose gel (used to evaluate NO free diffusion). These results reinforce the view of NO as a fast diffusing messenger but, noticeably, the data indicates that neither NO diffusion through the brain extracellular space nor homogeneous diffusion in the tissue through brain cells can account for the similarity between NO free diffusion coefficient and that obtained in the brain. Overall, the results support that NO diffusion in brain tissue is heterogeneous, pointing to the existence of a pathway that facilitates NO diffusion, such as cell membranes and other hydrophobic structures.  相似文献   


Neuronal hyperexcitability is a crucial phenomenon underlying spontaneous and evoked pain. In invertebrate nociceptors, the S-type leak K+ channel (analogous to TREK-1 in mammals) plays a critical role of in determining neuronal excitability following nerve injury. Few data are available on the role of leak K2P channels after peripheral axotomy in mammals.


Here we describe that rat sciatic nerve axotomy induces hyperexcitability of L4-L5 DRG sensory neurons and decreases TRESK (K2P18.1) expression, a channel with a major contribution to total leak current in DRGs. While the expression of other channels from the same family did not significantly change, injury markers ATF3 and Cacna2d1 were highly upregulated. Similarly, acute sensory neuron dissociation (in vitro axotomy) produced marked hyperexcitability and similar total background currents compared with neurons injured in vivo. In addition, the sanshool derivative IBA, which blocked TRESK currents in transfected HEK293 cells and DRGs, increased intracellular calcium in 49% of DRG neurons in culture. Most IBA-responding neurons (71%) also responded to the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin, indicating that they were nociceptors. Additional evidence of a biological role of TRESK channels was provided by behavioral evidence of pain (flinching and licking), in vivo electrophysiological evidence of C-nociceptor activation following IBA injection in the rat hindpaw, and increased sensitivity to painful pressure after TRESK knockdown in vivo.


In summary, our results clearly support an important role of TRESK channels in determining neuronal excitability in specific DRG neurons subpopulations, and show that axonal injury down-regulates TRESK channels, therefore contributing to neuronal hyperexcitability.  相似文献   
The tactile and thermal sensitivity of diverse regions of the human body have been documented extensively, with one exception being the scalp. Additionally, sensory changes may accompany the hair loss from the scalp in androgen-related alopecia (ARA), but formal quantitative sensory testing (QST) has not been reported in respect of this. Therefore, light touch detection thresholds were obtained at nine scalp sites and one forehead site, using Semmes-Weinstein filaments (Von Frey hairs), and for warming and cooling from skin baseline temperature, using 28 and 256 mm(2) thermodes. Affective, thermal, and nociceptive sensations experienced at thermal detection threshold were quantified. Thirty-two male participants were recruited, 10 of whom had normal hair coverage, 12 of whom had shaved scalp but with potentially normal hair coverage, and 10 of whom exhibited ARA to some extent. The scalp was relatively insensitive to tactile and thermal stimulation at all tested sites, especially so along the midline and near the apex of the skull. Threshold level warm stimuli were rated less pleasant, the less sensitive the test site. After correction for age-related changes in sensitivity, bald scalp sites were found more sensitive to cooling than the same sites when shaved, consistent with prior informal reports of increased sensitivity for some scalp sensations in ARA. QST on hair-covered sites was subject to methodological issues that render such testing non-ideal, such as bias in measurement of resting skin temperatures, and the near impossibility of delivering filament stimuli to the scalp skin without disturbing neighboring hairs.  相似文献   
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