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beta-Secretase is one of the prime targets for therapeutic intervention of Alzheimer's disease. For the development of a secretase inhibitor a steady supply of large quantities of a homogeneous and active recombinant beta-secretase is a prerequisite. Therefore various culture modes were investigated using HEK-293 cells stably transfected with soluble recombinant beta-secretase. The coupling of the Fc part of human IgG1 to the ectodomain of beta-secretase (residues 1-460) allowed a fast purification of the protein with rProtA expanded bed chromatography. Batch cultures of 5 to 50 L working volume run for 7 days showed reproducible cell growth and product yields of 3 mg/L purified protein. A 20 L perfusion culture was operated for 21 days, reaching a cell density of 30 x 10(6) cells/mL at a dilution rate of 2/d. The total product yield of the perfusion culture was 1.4 g of purified protein. The effect of different perfusion rates on cell growth, protein yield, and quality was investigated and compared to the results obtained in batch cultures. Protein quality was consistent as analyzed on 1D SDS-PAGE, and the final product contained both the mature and the pro form of beta-secretase. Although the cell specific protein expression was slightly reduced in perfusion culture, a substantial increase in specific activity of over 75% was achieved. Some of the increase in activity can be explained by an increase in the percentage of the mature form of the recombinant protein.  相似文献   
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H (LGMD2H) is a mild autosomal recessive myopathy that was first described in the Manitoba Hutterite population. Previous studies in our laboratory mapped the causative gene for this disease to a 6.5-Mb region in chromosomal region 9q31-33, flanked by D9S302 and D9S1850. We have now used additional families and a panel of 26 microsatellite markers to construct haplotypes. Twelve recombination events that reduced the size of the candidate region to 560 kb were identified or inferred. This region is flanked by D9S1126 and D9S737 and contains at least four genes. Exons of these genes were sequenced in one affected individual, and four sequence variations were identified. The families included in our study and 100 control individuals were tested for these variations. On the basis of our results, the mutation in the tripartite-motif-containing gene (TRIM32) that replaces aspartate with asparagine at position 487 appears to be the causative mutation of LGMD2H. All affected individuals were found to be homozygous for D487N, and this mutation was not found in any of the controls. This mutation occurs in an NHL (named after the proteins NCL1, HT2A, and LIN-41) domain at a position that is highly conserved. NHL domains are known to be involved in protein-protein interactions. Although the function of TRIM32 is unknown, current knowledge of the domain structure of this protein suggests that it may be an E3-ubiquitin ligase. If proven, this represents a new pathogenic mechanism leading to muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   
The new antigen receptor (IgNAR) family has been detected in all elasmobranch species so far studied and has several intriguing structural and functional features. IgNAR protein, found in both transmembrane and secretory forms, is a dimer of heavy chains with no associated light chains, with each chain of the dimer having a single free and flexible V region. Four rearrangement events (among 1V, 3D, and 1J germline genes) generate an expressed NAR V gene, resulting in long and diverse CDR3 regions that contain cysteine residues. IgNAR mutation frequency is very high and "selected" mutations are found only in genes encoding the secreted form, suggesting that the primary repertoire is entirely CDR3-based. Here we further analyzed the two IgNAR types, "type 1" having one cysteine in CDR3 and "type 2" with an even number (two or four) of CDR3 cysteines, and discovered that placement of the disulfide bridges in the IgNAR V domain differentially influences the selection of mutations in CDR1 and CDR2. Ontogenetic analyses showed that IgNAR sequences from young animals were infrequently mutated, consistent with the paradigm that the shark immune system must become mature before high levels of mutation accompanied with selection can occur. Nevertheless, also in agreement with the idea that the IgNAR repertoire is entirely CDR3-based, but unlike studies in most other vertebrates, N-region diversity is present in expressed IgNAR clones at birth. During the investigation of this early IgNAR repertoire we serendipitously detected a third type of IgNAR gene that is expressed in all neonatal tissues; later in life its expression is perpetuated only in the epigonal organ, a tissue recently shown to be a (the?) primary lymphoid tissue in elasmobranchs. This "type 3" IgNAR gene still undergoes three rearrangement events (two D regions are "germline-joined"), yet CDR3 sequences were exactly of the same length and very similar sequence, suggesting that "type 3" CDR3s are selected early in ontogeny, perhaps by a self-ligand.  相似文献   
Perilipin and ADRP, located on the surface of intracellular lipid droplets, are proposed to be involved in adipocyte lipid metabolism. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of PKA and PKC activities on the distribution of perilipin and ADRP in primary cultured adrenal cells, and the role of ERK in PMA- and calphostin C-induced steroidogenesis. Immunofluorescence staining indicated that in addition to p160, a capsular protein of steroidogenic lipid droplets, perilipin and ADRP were localized on the lipid droplet surface. Stimuli such as activation of PKA by db cAMP or inhibition of PKC by calphostin C, which increase corticosterone synthesis in various magnitudes, caused detachment of p160 and perilipin, but not ADRP, from the lipid droplet surface. Activation of PKC by PMA induced increase in corticosterone synthesis, however, it did not affect the distribution of perilipin, p160, or ADRP on the lipid droplet surface, suggesting the presence of mechanisms for promoting sterodiogensis other than causing detachment of lipid droplet surface proteins. We further demonstrated that ERK pathway was involved in PMA-induced steroidogenesis, since PD98059, specific inhibitor of MEK, blocked the increases in steroidogenesis and phosphorylation of ERK caused by PMA, but not by cAMP-PKA. These data indicate that p160, perilipin, and ADRP were all located on the lipid droplet surface in rat adrenal cells. On the basis of its non-responsiveness to lipolytic stimulation, ADRP may be a structural protein of the lipid droplet surface, whereas their immediate response to lipolytic stimuli suggest that perilipin and p160 are functional proteins. PKC regulates adrenal steroidogenesis through ERK cascade, whereas PKA pathway does not involve ERK.  相似文献   
Growth factor suppression of apoptosis correlates with the phosphorylation and inactivation of multiple proapoptotic proteins, including the BCL-2 family member BAD. However, the physiological events required for growth factors to block cell death are not well characterized. To assess the contribution of BAD inactivation to cell survival, we generated mice with point mutations in the BAD gene that abolish BAD phosphorylation at specific sites. We show that BAD phosphorylation protects cells from the deleterious effects of apoptotic stimuli and attenuates death pathway signaling by raising the threshold at which mitochondria release cytochrome c to induce cell death. These findings establish a function for endogenous BAD phosphorylation, and elucidate a mechanism by which survival kinases block apoptosis in vivo.  相似文献   
Research on the stress response in reptiles can provide a usefulcomparative perspective for understanding how the constituentelements of the response can be put into service of diversebehavioral adaptations. A summary of the neural and endocrinecauses and consequences of specific behavioral patterns seenin the small diurnal lizard, Anolis carolinensis, has provideda model for the exploration of the dynamics of autonomic andneurohormonal contributions to adaptive behavior. In this species,changes in body color provide indices of the flux of circulatingstress-relevant hormones, and are seen in situations from spontaneousexploration through agonistic behavior. Furthermore, captiveadult males spontaneously and consistently manifest social dominancerelationships that provide many of the elements of a stress-mediatedadaptive behavioral patterns. These patterns include suppressedreproduction and long-term coping apparently based more on stress-mediatedchanges in motivation than acquired changes in behavior.  相似文献   
T cells require TRAIL for optimal graft-versus-tumor activity   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a member of the TNF superfamily that exhibits specific tumoricidal activity against a variety of tumors. It is expressed on different cells of the immune system and plays a role in natural killer cell-mediated tumor surveillance. In allogeneic hematopoietic-cell transplantation, the reactivity of the donor T cell against malignant cells is essential for the graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effect. Cytolytic activity of T cells is primarily mediated through the Fas-Fas ligand and perforin-granzyme pathways. However, T cells deficient for both Fas ligand and perforin can still exert GVT activity in vivo in mouse models. To uncover a potential role for TRAIL in donor T cell-mediated GVT activity, we compared donor T cells from TRAIL-deficient and wild-type mice in clinically relevant mouse bone-marrow transplantation models. We found that alloreactive T cells can express TRAIL, but the absence of TRAIL had no effect on their proliferative and cytokine response to alloantigens. TRAIL-deficient T cells showed significantly lower GVT activity than did TRAIL-expressing T cells, but no important differences in graft-versus-host disease, a major complication of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, were observed. These data suggest that strategies to enhance TRAIL-mediated GVT activity could decrease relapse rates of malignancies after hematopoietic cell transplantation without exacerbation of graft-versus-host disease.  相似文献   
Stress involves real or perceived changes within an organismin the environment that activate an organism's attempts to copeby means of evolutionarily ancient neural and endocrine mechanisms.Responses to acute stressors involve catecholamines releasedin varying proportion at different sites in the sympatheticand central nervous systems. These responses may interact withand be complemented by intrinsic rythms and responses to chronicor intermittent stressors involving the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalaxis. Varying patterns of responses to stressors are also affectedby an animal's assessment of their prospects for successfulcoping. Subsequent central and systemic consequences of thestress response include apparent changes in affect, motivation,and cognition that can result in an altered relationship toenvironmental and social stimuli. This review will summarizerecent developments in our understanding of the causes and consequencesof stress. Special problems that need to be explored involvethe manner in which ensembles of adaptive responses are assembled,how autonomic and neurohormonal reflexes of the stress responsecome under the influence of environmental stimuli, and how somespecific aspects of the stress response may be integrated intothe life history of a species.  相似文献   
Oxidized abasic residues in DNA constitute a major class of radiation and oxidative damage. Free radical attack on the nucleotidyl C-1' carbon yields 2-deoxyribonolactone (dL) as a significant lesion. Although dL residues are efficiently incised by the main human abasic endonuclease enzyme Ape1, we show here that subsequent excision by human DNA polymerase beta is impaired at dL compared with unmodified abasic sites. This inhibition is accompanied by accumulation of a protein-DNA cross-link not observed in reactions of polymerase beta with unmodified abasic sites, although a similar form can be trapped by reduction with sodium borohydride. The formation of the stably cross-linked species with dL depends on the polymerase lysine 72 residue, which forms a Schiff base with the C-1 aldehyde during excision of an unmodified abasic site. In the case of a dL residue, attack on the lactone C-1 by lysine 72 proceeds more slowly and evidently produces an amide linkage, which resists further processing. Consequently dL residues may not be readily repaired by "short-patch" base excision repair but instead function as suicide substrates in the formation of protein-DNA cross-links that may require alternative modes of repair.  相似文献   
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