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In the event of an influenza pandemic, the majority of people infected will be nursed at home. It is therefore important to determine simple methods for limiting the spread of the virus within the home. The purpose of this work was to test a representative range of common household cleaning agents for their effectiveness at killing or reducing the viability of influenza A virus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Plaque assays provided a robust and reproducible method for determining virus viability after disinfection, while a National Standard influenza virus RT-PCR assay (VSOP 25, www.hpa-standardmethods.org.uk) was adapted to detect viral genome, and a British Standard (BS:EN 14476:2005) was modified to determine virus killing.


Active ingredients in a number of the cleaning agents, wipes, and tissues tested were able to rapidly render influenza virus nonviable, as determined by plaque assay. Commercially available wipes with a claimed antiviral or antibacterial effect killed or reduced virus infectivity, while nonmicrobiocidal wipes and those containing only low concentrations (<5%) of surfactants showed lower anti-influenza activity. Importantly, however, our findings indicate that it is possible to use common, low-technology agents such as 1% bleach, 10% malt vinegar, or 0.01% washing-up liquid to rapidly and completely inactivate influenza virus. Thus, in the context of the ongoing pandemic, and especially in low-resource settings, the public does not need to source specialized cleaning products, but can rapidly disinfect potentially contaminated surfaces with agents readily available in most homes.  相似文献   
zeta-Crystallin is a novel nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate:quinone reductase, present at enzymatic levels in various tissues of different species, which is highly expressed in the lens of some hystricomorph rodents and camelids. We report here the complementary DNA (cDNA) cloning of zeta-crystallin from liver libraries in guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), where zeta-crystallin is highly expressed in the lens, and in the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus), where expression in the lens occurs only at enzymatic levels. A 5' untranslated sequence different from the one previously reported for the guinea pig lens cDNA was found in these clones. We also report the isolation of genomic clones including the complete guinea pig zeta-crystallin gene and the 5' region of this gene in mouse. These results show the presence of two promoters in the guinea pig zeta-crystallin gene, one responsible for expression at enzymatic levels and the other responsible for the high expression in the lens. The guinea pig lens promoter is not present in the mouse gene. This is the first example in which the recruitment of an enzyme as a lens crystallin can be explained by the acquisition of an alternative lens- specific promoter.   相似文献   
Dimerization of retroviral genomic RNA is essential for efficient viral replication and is mediated by structural interactions between identical RNA motifs in the viral leader region. We have visualized, by electron microscopy, RNA dimers formed from the leader region of the prototype lentivirus, maedi visna virus. Characterization by in vitro assays of the domains responsible for this interaction has identified a 20 nucleotide sequence that functions as the core dimerization initiation site. This region is predicted to form a GACG tetraloop and therefore differs significantly from the kissing loop palindromes utilized to initiate dimerization in primate lentiviruses. The motif is strongly conserved across the ovine and caprine lentiviruses, implying a critical functional role. Furthermore, the proposed GACG tetraloop exhibits marked structural homology with similar structural motifs present in the leader regions of the alpha- and gamma-retroviruses, and the maedi visna virus dimer linkage region is capable of forming heterodimeric species with the Moloney murine leukemia virus Psi domain. This may be indicative of commonality of origin of the two viruses or convergent evolution.  相似文献   
Distichodus antonii is an endemic fish species of the Congo River basin in which the stocks of wild populations are threatened by overfishing pressure. Knowledge of its reproductive biology would be useful in consideration of conservation and management options for the species. Therefore, this study investigated changes in ovarian activity and levels of steroid profiles in wild populations in relation to variation in temperature and rainfall. Adult females (n = 101, body weight of 3 183 ± 14.75 g, SE) were captured monthly over one year (2013–2014). Apart from evaluation of oocyte diameters and gonad developmental stages, gonado-, hepato-, lipososomatic indices (GSI, HSI, LSI) and plasma levels of sex steroids (testosterone-T, estradiol-17β-E2) were determined. The results suggested a synchronous development of oocytes with two annual reproductive seasons over the one-year study. Plasma T and E2 levels peaked during spawning periods likely reflecting active oogenesis. The highest values of morphosomatic indices were observed during the longest rainfall period in September, and were associated with high steroidogenic activity evidenced by increased E2 production. In addition, more vitellogenic oocytes (September and October) were observed during the latter season than during the short rainy season (in May).  相似文献   


Large multigene sequence alignments have over recent years been increasingly employed for phylogenomic reconstruction of the eukaryote tree of life. Such supermatrices of sequence data are preferred over single gene alignments as they contain vastly more information about ancient sequence characteristics, and are thus more suitable for resolving deeply diverging relationships. However, as alignments are expanded, increasingly numbers of sites with misleading phylogenetic information are also added. Therefore, a major goal in phylogenomic analyses is to maximize the ratio of information to noise; this can be achieved by the reduction of fast evolving sites.  相似文献   
Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides are a popular North American angling species that was introduced into South Africa in 1928. To enhance the largemouth bass fisheries, Florida bass Micropterus floridanus were introduced into KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, in 1980. Knowledge on the status of M. floridanus in South Africa is required, because it lives longer and reaches larger sizes than M. salmoides, which may result in heightened impacts on native biota. Because M. floridanus are morphologically similar, but genetically distinct from M. salmoides, the distribution of this species was assessed by genetically screening 185 Micropterus sp. individuals sampled from 20 localities across South Africa using the mitochondrial ND2 gene. Individuals with mitochondrial DNA matching M. salmoides were recovered from 16 localities, whereas M. floridanus mitochondrial DNA was recovered from 13 localities. At nine localities (45%), the mitochondrial DNA of both species was detected. These results demonstrate M. floridanus dispersal to multiple sites across South Africa.  相似文献   
A characteristic feature of the sperm P1 protamines of eutherian mammals is the constant presence of six to nine cysteine residues per molecule. During spermiogenesis these residues become oxidized to form a three-dimensional network of disulfide bridges between, and within, protamine molecules in the sperm chromatin. This covalent cross linking strongly stabilizes eutherian sperm nuclei. In contrast, protamines sequenced from teleost fish, birds, monotremes, and marsupials all lack cysteine residues and their sperm nuclei, without the stabilizing cross links, are easily decondensed in vitro. We have now found that one genus of tiny, shrewlike dasyurid marsupials, the Planigales, possess P1 protamines containing five to six cysteine residues. These residues appear to have evolved since the divergence of Planigales from other members of the family Dasyuridae, such as the marsupial mouse, Sminthopsis crassicaudata. We believe this constitutes a case of convergent evolution in a subfamily of dasyurid marsupials toward the cysteine-rich eutherian form of sperm protamine P1.   相似文献   
Zeta-crystallin/quinone reductase (CRYZ) is an NADPH oxidoreductase expressed at very high levels in the lenses of two groups of mammals: camelids and some hystricomorph rodents. It is also expressed at very low levels in all other species tested. Comparative analysis of the mechanisms mediating the high expression of this enzyme/crystallin in the lens of the Ilama (Lama guanacoe) and the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) provided evidence for independent recruitment of this enzyme as a lens crystallin in both species and allowed us to elucidate for the first time the mechanism of lens recruitment of an enzyme- crystallin. The data presented here show that in both species such recruitment most likely occurred through the generation of new lens promoters from nonfunctional intron sequences by the accumulation of point mutations and/or small deletions and insertions. These results further support the idea that recruitment of CRYZ resulted from an adaptive process in which the high expression of CRYZ in the lens provides some selective advantage rather than from a purely neutral evolutionary process.   相似文献   
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