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The restriction enzyme TaqI digests 0.2% of the genomic DNA from the grasshopper Caledia captiva to a family of sequences 168 bp in length (length of consensus sequence). The sequence variation of this "Taq family" of repeat units was examined among four races from C. captiva to assay the pattern of evolution within this highly repeated DNA. The Taq-family repeats are located in C-banded heterochromatin on at least one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes; the locations range from centromeric to telomeric. Thirty-nine cloned repeats isolated from two population 1A individuals along with 11 clones from seven populations taken from three of the races demonstrated sequence variation at 72 positions. Pairwise comparisons of the cloned repeats, both within an individual and between different races, indicate that levels of intraspecific divergence, as measured by reproductive incompatibility, do not correlate with sequence divergence among the 168-bp repeats. A number of subsequences within the repeat remain unchanged among all 50 clones; the longest of these is 18 bp. That the same 18-bp subsequence is present in all clones examined is a finding that departs significantly (P less than 0.01) from what would be expected to occur at random. Two other cloned repeats, from a reproductively isolated race of C. captiva, have sequences that show 56% identity with this 18-bp conserved region. An analysis showed that the frequency of occurrence of an RsaI recognition site within the 168- bp repeat in the entire Taq family agreed with that found in the cloned sequences. These data, along with a partial sequence for the entire Taq family obtained by sequencing uncloned repeats, suggest that the consensus sequence from the cloned copies is representative of this highly repeated family and is not a biased sample resulting from the cloning procedure. The 18-bp conserved sequence is part of a 42-bp sequence that possesses dyad symmetry typical of protein-binding sites. We speculate that this may be significant in the evolution of the Taq family of sequences.   相似文献   
Titin is a giant protein with multiple functions in cardiac and skeletal muscles. Rat cardiac titin undergoes developmental isoform transition from the neonatal 3.7 MDa N2BA isoform to primarily the adult 2.97 MDa N2B isoform. An autosomal dominant mutation dramatically altered this transformation. Titins from eight skeletal muscles: Tibialis Anterior (TA), Longissimus Dorsi (LD) and Gastrocnemius (GA), Extensor Digitorum Longus (ED), Soleus (SO), Psoas (PS), Extensor Oblique (EO), and Diaphram (DI) were characterized in wild type and in homozygous mutant (Hm) rats with a titin splicing defect. Results showed that the developmental reduction in titin size is eliminated in the mutant rat so that the titins in all investigated skeletal muscles remain large in the adult. The alternative splicing of titin mRNA was found repressed by this mutation, a result consistent with the large titin isoform in the mutant. The developmental pattern of titin mRNA alternative splicing differs between heart and skeletal muscles. The retention of intron 49 reveals a possible mechanism for the absence of the N2B unique region in the expressed titin protein of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
The equilibria and kinetics of the interactions of proflavine (PR) and its platinum-containing derivative [PtCl(tmen)(2)HNC(13)H(7)(NHCH(2)CH(2))(2)](+) (PRPt) with double-stranded poly(A) have been investigated by spectrophotometry and Joule temperature-jump relaxation at ionic strength 0.1 M, 25 degrees C, and pH 5.2. Spectrophotometric measurements indicate that base-dye interactions are prevailing. T-jump experiments with polarized light showed that effects due to field-induced alignment could be neglected. Both of the investigated systems display two relaxation effects. The kinetic features of the reaction are discussed in terms of a two-step series mechanism in which a precursor complex DS(I) is formed in the fast step, which is then converted to a final complex in the slow step. The rate constants of the fast step are k(1) = (2.5 +/- 0.4) x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), k(-1) = (2.4 +/- 0.1) x 10(3) s(-1) for poly(A)-PR and k(1) = (2.3 +/- 0.1) x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), k(-1) = (1.6 +/- 0.2) x 10(3) s(-1) for poly(A)-PRPt. The rate constants for the slow step are k(2) = (4.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(2) s(-1), k(-2) = (1.7 +/- 0.1) x 10(2) s(-1) for poly(A)-PR and k(2) = 9.7 +/- 1.2 s(-1), k(-2) = 10.6 +/- 0.2 s(-1) for poly(A)-PRPt. Spectrophotometric measurements yield for the equilibrium constants and site size the values K = (4.5 +/- 0.1) x 10(3) M(-1), n = 1.3 +/- 0.5 for poly(A)-PR and K = (2.9 +/- 0.1) x 10(3) M(-1), n = 2.3 +/- 0.6 for poly(A)-PRPt. The values of k(1) are similar and lower than expected for diffusion-limited reactions. The values of k(-1) are similar as well. It is suggested that the formation of DS(I) involves only the proflavine residues in both systems. In contrast, the values of k(2) and k(-2) in poly(A)-PRPt are much lower than in poly(A)-PR. The results suggest that in the complex DS(II) of poly(A)-PRPt both proflavine and platinum residues are intercalated. In addition, a very slow process was detected and ascribed to the covalent binding of Pt(II) to the adenine.  相似文献   
Many Golgi glycosyltransferases are type II membrane proteins which are cleaved to produce soluble forms that are released from cells. Cho and Cummings recently reported that a soluble form of alpha1, 3- galactosyltransferase was comparable to its membrane bound counterpart in its ability to galactosylate newly synthesized glycoproteins (Cho,S.K. and Cummings,R.D. (1997) J. Biol. Chem., 272, 13622-13628). To test the generality of their findings, we compared the activities of the full length and soluble forms of two such glycosyltransferases, ss1,4 N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GM2/GD2/ GA2 synthase; GalNAcT) and beta galactoside alpha2,6 sialyltransferase (alpha2,6-ST; ST6Gal I), for production of their glycoconjugate products in vivo . Unlike the full length form of GalNAcT which produced ganglioside GM2 in transfected cells, soluble GalNAcT did not produce detectable GM2 in vivo even though it possessed in vitro GalNAcT activity comparable to that of full length GalNAcT. When compared with cells expressing full length alpha2,6-ST, cells expressing a soluble form of alpha2,6-ST contained 3-fold higher alpha2,6-ST mRNA levels and secreted 7-fold greater alpha2,6-ST activity as measured in vitro , but in striking contrast contained 2- to 4-fold less of the alpha2,6-linked sialic acid moiety in cellular glycoproteins in vivo . In summary these results suggest that unlike alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase the soluble forms of these two glycosyltransferases are less efficient at glycosylation of membrane proteins and lipids in vivo than their membrane bound counterparts.   相似文献   
The biological response of muscle to eccentric contractions (ECs) results in strengthening and protection from further injury. However, the cellular basis for this response remains unclear. Previous studies identified the muscle ankyrin repeat protein (MARP) family, consisting of cardiac ankyrin repeat protein (CARP), ankyrin repeat domain 2/ankyrin repeat protein with PEST and proline-rich region (Ankrd2/Arpp), and diabetes-associated ankyrin repeat protein (DARP), as rapidly and specifically upregulated in mice after a single bout of EC. To determine the role of these genes in skeletal muscle, a survey of skeletal muscle structural and functional characteristics was performed on mice lacking all three MARP family members (MKO). There was a slight trend toward MKO muscles having a slower fiber type distribution but no differences in muscle fiber size. Single MKO fibers were less stiff, tended to have longer resting sarcomere lengths, and expressed a longer isoform of titin than their wild-type counterparts, indicating that these proteins may play a role in the passive mechanical behavior of muscle. Finally, MKO mice showed a greater degree of torque loss after a bout of ECs compared with wild-type mice, although they recovered from the injury with the same or even improved time course. This recovery was associated with enhanced expression of the muscle regulatory genes MyoD and muscle LIM protein (MLP), suggesting that the MARP family may play both important structural and gene regulatory roles in skeletal muscle. CARP; Ankrd2; Arpp; DARP; eccentric contractions; titin  相似文献   
Troponin C (TnC) is the Ca(2+)-sensing subunit of troponin responsible for initiating the cascade of events resulting in contraction of striated muscle. This protein can be readily extracted from myofibrils with low-ionic-strength EDTA-containing buffers. The properties of TnC extraction have not been characterized at the structural level, nor have the interactions of TnC with the native myofibrillar thin filament been studied. To address these issues, fluorescein-labeled TnC, in conjunction with high-resolution digital fluorescence microscopy, was used to characterize TnC binding to myofibrils and to determine the randomness of TnC extraction. Fluorescein-5-maleimide TnC (F5M TnC) retained biological activity, as evidenced by reconstitution of Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase activity in extracted myofibrils and binding to TnI in a Ca(2+)-sensitive manner. The binding of F5M TnC to highly extracted myofibrils at low Ca2+ was restricted to the overlap region under rigor conditions, and the location of binding was not influenced by F5M TnC concentration. The addition of myosin subfragment 1 to occupy all actin sites resulted in F5M TnC being bound in both the overlap and nonoverlap regions. However, very little F5M TnC was bound to myofibrils under relaxing conditions. These results suggest that strong binding of myosin heads enhances TnC binding. At high Ca2+, the pattern of F5M TnC binding was concentration dependent: binding was restricted to the overlap region at low F5M TnC concentration, whereas the binding propagated into the nonoverlap region at higher levels. Analysis of fluorescence intensity showed the greatest binding of F5M TnC at high Ca2+ with S1, and these conditions were used to characterize partially TnC-extracted myofibrils. Comparison of partially extracted myofibrils showed that low levels of extraction were associated with greater F5M TnC being bound in the nonoverlap region than in the overlap region relative to higher levels of extraction. These results show that TnC extraction is not random along the length of the thin filament, but occurs more readily in the nonoverlap region. This observation, in conjunction with the influence of rigor heads on the pattern of F5M TnC binding, suggests that strong myosin binding to actin stabilizes TnC binding at low Ca2+.  相似文献   
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