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The reproductive biology of Seseli farrenyi (Apiaceae), a very narrow endemic to Cape Creus (Catalonia, Spain), including flowering timing patterns, quantity and quality of pollination services (type and frequency of pollinators, pollen carryover, pollen deposition on stigmas and reproductive success measured as fruit set), and breeding system was studied. Given the decline of population size detected in the last twenty years, we also analyzed the effects of fragmentation on pollination mechanisms. Protandry along with strong synchrony of floral development within umbels and sequential inflorescence emission within individual stalks, produces sexual phase alternation that promotes a strong outcrossing despite its non-specific pollination system and its (at least partial) self-compatibility. This pronounced xenogamy is supported by results of the insect exclusion test, hand-pollination experiments, and high P/O ratio. S. farrenyi flowers received visits from at least 28 species of insects, including wasps, small bees, ants, flies, syrphid flies, beetles and stink bugs, with different pollen carry-overs. Heterospecific pollen on stigmas decreased notably during the season (50% to 2.5%), averaging 12%. In the small population the stigmatic pollen loads and seed set decreased, but there was no effect of pollinator visitation rates. It was more affected by the composition of pollinators and their efficiency. The wind had a considerable effect on the plant. Some conservation measures are proposed.  相似文献   
A nonisotopic, double fluorescence technique was developed to study myogenic satellite cell proliferation in posthatch turkey skeletal muscle. Labeled satellite cell nuclei were identified on enzymatically isolated myofiber segments using a mouse monoclonal antibody (anti-BrdU) followed by fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG secondary antibody. Myofiber nuclei (myonuclei + satellite cell nuclei) were counterstained with propidium iodide (PI). The myofiber segment length, myofiber segment diameter, and the number of PI and FITC labeled nuclei contained in each segment was determined using a Nikon fluorescence microscope, a SIT video camera and Image-1 software. Data collected by three different operators of the image analysis system revealed 5.0 ± 1.4 satellite cell nuclei per 1000 myofiber nuclei and 5284 ± 462 μm3 of cytoplasm surrounding each myofiber nucleus in the pectoralis thoracicus of 9-week-old tom turkeys. BrdU immunohistochemistry coupled with the new approach of PI staining of whole myofiber mounts is an effective combination to allow the use of an efficient semi-automated image analysis protocol.  相似文献   
Intermediate filaments in nervous tissues   总被引:59,自引:30,他引:29  
Intermediate filaments have been isolated from rabbit intradural spinal nerve roots by the axonal flotation method. This method was modified to avoid exposure of axons to low ionic strength medium. The purified filaments are morphologically 75-80 percent pure. The gel electrophoretogram shows four major bands migrating at 200,000, 145,000, 68,000, and 60,000 daltons, respectively. A similar preparation from rabbit brain shows four major polypeptides with mol wt of 200,000 145,000, 68,000, and 51,000 daltons. These results indicate that the neurofilament is composed of a triplet of polypepetides with mol wt of 200,000, 145,000, and 68,000 daltons. The 51,000-dalton band that appears in brain filament preparations as the major polypeptide seems to be of glial origin. The significance of the 60,000- dalton band in the nerve root filament preparation is unclear at this time. Antibodies raised against two of the triplet proteins isolated from calf brain localize by immunofluorescence to neurons in central and peripheral nerve. On the other hand, an antibody to the 51,000-dalton polypeptide gives only glial staining in the brain, and very weak peripheral nerve staining. Prolonged exposure of axons to low ionic strength medium solubilizes almost all of the triplet polypeptides, leaving behind only the 51,000- dalton component. This would indicate that the neurofilament is soluble at low ionic strength, whereas the glial filament is not. These results indicate that neurofilaments and glial filaments are composed of different polypeptides and have different solubility characteristics.  相似文献   
The three major components of bovine cardiac troponin were separated by successive chromatography on sulfopropyl-Sephadex and DEAE-Sephadex columns in the presence of 6 M urea. All three of the bovine cardiac troponin subunits were necessary to restore full troponin activity in both skeletal and cardiac actomyosin ATPase assay systems. The 38,000-dalton subunit bound tropomyosin, and the 20,000-dalton subunit bound calcium, like skeletal TN-T and TN-C, respectively. The 28,000 component, although presumably analogous to skeletal TN-I, gave very little inhibition of actomyosin ATPase activity. Differences between cardiac and skeletal troponin subunits were also found in the elution patterns from ion exchange columns and in amino acid composition, thus demonstrating a significant muscle-type specificity.  相似文献   
A human malignant continuous cell line, named NG97, was recently established in our laboratory. This cell line has been serially subcultured over 100 times in standard culture media presenting no sign of cell senescence. The NG97 cell line has a doubling time of about 24 h. Immunocytochemical analysis of glial markers demonstrated that cells are positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S-100 protein, and negative for vimentin. Under phase-contrast microscope, cultures of NG97 showed cells with variable morphological features, such as small rounded cells, fusiform cells (fibroblastic-like cells), and dendritic-like cells. However, at confluence just small rounded and fusiform cells can be observed. At scanning electron microscopy (SEM) small rounded cells showed heterogeneous microextentions, including blebs and filopodia. Dendritic-like cells were flat and presented extensive prolongations, making several contacts with small rounded cells, while fusiform cells presented their surfaces dominated by microvilli.  相似文献   
The kinetics of nucleotide turnover vary considerably among isoforms of vertebrate type II myosin, possibly due to differences in the rate of ADP release from the nucleotide binding pocket. Current ideas about likely mechanisms by which ADP release is regulated have focused on the hyperflexible surface loops of myosin, i.e. loop 1 (ATPase loop) and loop 2 (actin binding loop). In the present study, we investigated the kinetic properties of rat and pig beta-myosin heavy chains (beta-MHC) in which we have found the sequences of loop 1 (residues 204-216) to be virtually identical, i.e. DQSKKDSQTPKG, with a single conservative substitution (rat E210D pig). Pig myocardium normally expresses 100% beta-MHC, whereas rat myocardium was induced to express 100% beta-MHC by surgical thyroidectomy and subsequent treatment with propylthiouracil. Slack test measurements at 15 degrees C yielded unloaded shortening velocities of 1.1 +/- 0.8 muscle lengths/s in rat skinned ventricular myocytes and 0.35 +/- 0.05 muscle lengths/s in pig skinned myocytes. Similarly, solution measurements at the same temperature showed that actin-activated ATPase activity was 2.9-fold greater for rat beta-myosin than for pig beta-myosin. Stopped-flow methods were then used to assess the rates of acto-myosin dissociation by MgATP both in the presence and absence of MgADP. Although the rates of MgATP-induced dissociation of acto-heavy meromyosin (acto-HMM) were virtually identical for the two myosins, the rate of ADP dissociation was approximately 3.8-fold faster for rat beta-myosin (135 s(-)(1)) than for pig beta-myosin (35 s(-)(1)). ATP cleavage rates were nearly 30% faster for rat beta-myosin. Thus, whereas loop 1 appears from other studies to be involved in nucleotide turnover in the pocket, our results show that loop 1 does not account for large differences in turnover kinetics in these two myosin isoforms. Instead, the differences appear to be due to sequence differences in other parts of the MHC backbone.  相似文献   
We have developed a new method that provides enhanced resolution of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms by sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The key feature of this protocol involves the application of current to slab SDS gels in a pulsatile, repetitive manner rather than continuously as in standard gel systems. This protocol, designated pulse electrophoresis, was achieved by means of a device that intermittently gates the output of a conventional power supply. When used in long (32 cm) separating gels, pulse electrophoresis not only significantly improves the resolution of MHC isoforms compared to conventional systems, but also reduces common artifacts associated with long running times, such as blurred bands and comingling of closely spaced bands. In addition to the increased resolution of protein bands, pulse electrophoresis also allows detection of bands corresponding to previously unidentified MHC isoforms in mammalian and avian tissue. In rat myocardium, for example, pulse electrophoresis revealed three MHC isoform bands, two of which appeared to correspond to two alpha-MHC subspecies. Alternative splicing of the rat alpha-MHC gene is known to generate two isoform species differing by inclusion (or exclusion) of a single glutamine residue, whose relative levels of expression correspond nicely with the amounts of each band identified in this study. Therefore, we cannot rule out that the system presented here may be sufficiently sensitive to differentiate between high molecular weight proteins differing in a single amino acid.  相似文献   
The discovery of formaldehyde for preserving tissue structures produced a new dimension in microscopy. Preserving structure and morphology became important; therefore, identifying a proper fixing agent for particular structures, chemical entities, and tissues, also became important. The methods for demonstrating tissue structures evolved and were implemented with careful observation and documentation of the results and outcomes. Formalin was incorporated into many techniques, and provided helpful results in many cases and hindrances in others. The effects of formalin on the outcomes of routine and special staining techniques are reported here.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) has been reported to act both as a destructive and a protective agent in the pathogenesis of the injuries that occur during hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R). It has been suggested that this dual role of NO depends directly on the isoform of NO synthase (NOS) involved. In this work, we investigate the role that NO derived from endothelial NOS (eNOS) plays in cardiac H/R-induced injury. Wistar rats were submitted to H/R (hypoxia for 30 min; reoxygenation of 0 h, 12 h and 5 days), with or without prior treatment using the selective eNOS inhibitor l-NIO (20 mg/kg). Lipid peroxidation, apoptosis and protein nitration, as well as NO production (NOx), were analysed. The results showed that l-NIO administration lowered NOx levels in all the experimental groups. However, no change was found in the lipid peroxidation level, the percentage of apoptotic cells or nitrated protein expression, implying that eNOS-derived NO may not be involved in the injuries occurring during H/R in the heart. We conclude that l-NIO would not be useful in alleviating the adverse effects of cardiac H/R.  相似文献   
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