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In Gram-negative bacteria, most surface-associated proteins are present as integral outer-membrane proteins. Exceptions include the Haemophilus influenzae HMW1 and HMW2 adhesins and a subset of other proteins secreted by the two-partner secretion system. In the present study we sought to determine the mechanism by which HMW1 is anchored to the bacterial surface. In initial experiments we found that HMW1 forms hair-like fibres on the bacterial surface and is usually present as pairs that appear to be joined together at one end. Further analysis established that HMW1 is anchored to the multimeric HMW1B outer membrane translocator, resulting in a direct correlation between the level of surface-associated HMW1 and the quantity of HMW1B in the outer membrane. Mutagenesis and polyethylene glycol maleimide labelling revealed that anchoring of HMW1 requires the C-terminal 20 amino acids of the protein and is dependent upon disulphide bond formation between two conserved cysteine residues in this region. Immunolabelling studies demonstrated that the immediate C-terminus of HMW1 is inaccessible to surface labelling, suggesting that it remains in the periplasm or is buried in HMW1B. Coexpression of HMW1 lacking the C-terminal 20 amino acids and wild-type HMW1 supported the conclusion that the C-terminus of HMW1 occupies the HMW1B pore. These observations may have broad relevance to proteins secreted by the two-partner secretion system, especially given the conservation of C-terminal cysteine residues among surface-associated proteins in this family.  相似文献   
Gregor Grass 《Biometals》2006,19(2):159-172
During recent years new systems involved in iron transport were identified in the old workhorse Escherichia coli (and in other enterobacteria). This came as a bit of a surprise because one might think transport of this essential trace element was already thoroughly studied. Moreover, it appears that iron homeostasis consists not only of uptake but also of efflux of this potentially toxic redox-active metal. New findings in E. coli will be discussed and compared to the situation in other bacteria.  相似文献   
Metallic copper alloys have recently attracted attention as a new antimicrobial weapon for areas where surface hygiene is paramount. Currently it is not understood on a molecular level how metallic copper kills microbes, but previous studies have demonstrated that a wide variety of bacteria, including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Clostridium difficile, are inactivated within minutes or a few hours of exposure. In this study, we show that bacteria isolated from copper alloy coins comprise strains that are especially resistant against the toxic properties exerted by dry metallic copper surfaces. The most resistant of 294 isolates were Gram-positive staphylococci and micrococci, Kocuria palustris, and Brachybacterium conglomeratum but also included the proteobacterial species Sphingomonas panni and Pseudomonas oleovorans. Cells of some of these bacterial strains survived on copper surfaces for 48 h or more. Remarkably, when these dry-surface-resistant strains were exposed to moist copper surfaces, resistance levels were close to those of control strains and MICs for copper ions were at or below control strain levels. This suggests that mechanisms conferring resistance against dry metallic copper surfaces in these newly isolated bacterial strains are different from well-characterized copper ion detoxification systems. Furthermore, staphylococci on coins did not exhibit increased levels of resistance to antibiotics, arguing against coselection with copper surface resistance traits.Copper in its ionic form is a required trace element for most pro- and eukaryotic organisms, including humans. While needed in small amounts, copper can easily become toxic when in surplus. This toxicity is caused mainly by the intrinsic properties of copper, as free copper ions undergo redox cycling reactions alternating between Cu(I) and Cu(II). This also results in the transfer of electrons to hydrogen peroxide and the concomitant generation of hydroxyl radicals that readily attack and damage cellular biomolecules. Recently, it was found that the majority of copper stress in Escherichia coli, as indicated by hydroxyl radical formation, occurs within the periplasm, away from the cytoplasmic DNA, and is thus copper-mediated oxidative stress (25). The cytoplasm might thus be better protected from copper-mediated oxidative stress, and indeed cells usually prevent accumulation of significant intracellular concentrations of free copper ions either by producing copper-binding chaperones (26, 36) or unspecific chelators such as glutathione (20, 30) or by efflux (14, 35). Nevertheless, copper ions within the cytoplasm also cause damage. Surprisingly, this damage is not related to oxidative stress but is exerted directly by the metal ions. It seems that copper ions attack and displace iron atoms from enzymes with solvent-exposed iron sulfur clusters such as those of hydratases (24). Thus, the presence of oxygen is not needed for this reaction, and there is no copper-mediated oxidative stress involved in this damage (24).While we are now gaining a more detailed picture of why copper ions are toxic to cells, we do not understand why metallic copper surfaces kill single-celled organisms such as bacteria and yeasts. Earlier studies have demonstrated that metallic copper surfaces efficiently inactivate microbes upon contact (9, 11, 32), especially when exposed to dry surfaces (10). These beneficial properties led to the official registration of copper alloys as antimicrobials through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2008. There is now great hope that metallic copper surfaces will be able to help control hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections. Indeed, there are ongoing trials in which dry touch surfaces in hospitals around the world are replaced by copper alloys. Results from a German hospital trial indicate that copper surfaces such as door knobs, light switches, and push plates diminished the bacterial load by up to 30% compared to stainless steel control surfaces (A. Mikolay et al., unpublished data). Similar studies in Great Britain and South Africa found that the numbers of bacteria on the surfaces of copper-containing items such as trolleys, desks, toilet seats, tap handles, or push plates were 71% (28) or 90% to 100% (5) lower than those on their stainless steel, wood, or tile control equivalents.A potential challenge when applying metallic copper might be the probable emergence and spread of resistant bacteria, similar to what was observed after the introduction of antibiotics. The goal of this study was to investigate if bacteria that can withstand dry metallic copper surfaces can be isolated and if there is a link to multiple drug resistance. Where can potentially pathogenic bacteria that are in contact with both humans and metallic copper surfaces be found? Actually, people handle copper surfaces every day. Most coins around the world are made from copper or copper alloys. This includes the U.S. penny, which is composed of copper plated over a zinc core, and the nickel, dime, and quarter, which are cupronickel alloys (www.usmint.gov/). Coins of the European Union, such as the 50-cent coin, are made from an 89% copper alloy, as are the bicolored one- and two-Euro coins, which consist of different copper alloys (http://www.copperinfo.co.uk/coins/).In the present study we isolated and initiated characterization of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria from copper alloy coins as an example of heavily used copper surfaces and person-to-person vectors. We believe that knowledge of the physiology and resistance mechanisms of these microbes will help us to adapt our strategies for using metallic copper surfaces in hygiene-sensitive areas. This might not only diminish total bacterial numbers but also prevent the emergence and spread of multiple-drug-resistant strains in hospitals equipped with copper surfaces.  相似文献   
Basic chemistry of copper is responsible for its Janus-faced feature: on one hand, copper is an essential trace element required to interact efficiently with molecular oxygen. On the other hand, interaction with reactive oxygen species in undesired Fenton-like reactions leads to the production of hydroxyl radicals, which rapidly damage cellular macromolecules. Moreover, copper cations strongly bind to thiol compounds disturbing redox-homeostasis and may also remove cations of other transition metals from their native binding sites in enzymes. Nature has learned during evolution to deal with the dangerous yet important copper cations. Bacterial cells use different efflux systems to detoxify the metal from the cytoplasm or periplasm. Despite this ability, bacteria are rapidly killed on dry metallic copper surfaces. The mode of killing likely involves copper cations being released from the metallic copper and reactive oxygen species. With all this knowledge about the interaction of copper and its cations with cellular macromolecules in mind, experiments were moved to the next level, and the antimicrobial properties of copper-containing alloys in an “everyday” hospital setting were investigated. The alloys tested decreased the number of colony-forming units on metallic copper-containing surfaces by one third compared to control aluminum or plastic surfaces. Moreover, after disinfection, repopulation of the surfaces was delayed on copper alloys. This study bridges a gap between basic research concerning cellular copper homeostasis and application of this knowledge. It demonstrates that the use of copper-containing alloys may limit the spread of multiple drug-resistant bacteria in hospitals.  相似文献   


The mosquito A. aegypti is vector of dengue and other viruses. New methods of vector control are needed and can be achieved by a better understanding of the life cycle of this insect. Embryogenesis is a part of A. aegypty life cycle that is poorly understood. In insects in general and in mosquitoes in particular energetic metabolism is well studied during oogenesis, when the oocyte exhibits fast growth, accumulating carbohydrates, lipids and proteins that will meet the regulatory and metabolic needs of the developing embryo. On the other hand, events related with energetic metabolism during A. aegypti embryogenesis are unknown.  相似文献   
目的 制备一种新型的心肌急性缺血再灌注损伤模型,以探讨一种更符合临床实际需求的实验方法.方法 将20只雌性SD(Sprague-Dawley)大鼠随机分成2组(对照组、实验组),采用结扎主动脉根部引起心肌缺血5min再灌注30 min建立心肌急性缺血再灌注模型;通过应用透射电镜观察心肌细胞超微结构的改变,同时检测心肌组织匀浆丙二醛(Maleic Dialdehyde,MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)活力.结果 透射电镜下超微结构显示实验组较对照组明显加重了心肌组织结构和线粒体的损害;实验组心肌组织MDA明显高于对照组(P<0.01),而SOD明显低于对照组(P<0.01).结论 本实验成功建立了方法简便、易于操作、取材范围广泛的心肌缺血再灌注损伤模型,为心肌缺血再灌注损伤研究提供了一种更为可行的模型.  相似文献   
Genomic sequencing of the beta-proteobacterium Wautersia (previously Ralstonia) metallidurans CH34 revealed the presence of three genes encoding proteins of the cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) family. One, CzcD, was previously found to be part of the high-level metal resistance system Czc that mediates the efflux of Co(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II) ions catalyzed by the CzcCBA cation-proton antiporter. The second CDF protein, FieF, is probably mainly a ferrous iron detoxifying protein but also mediated some resistance against other divalent metal cations such as Zn(II), Co(II), Cd(II), and Ni(II) in W. metallidurans or Escherichia coli. The third CDF protein, DmeF, showed the same substrate spectrum as FieF, but with different preferences. DmeF plays the central role in cobalt homeostasis in W. metallidurans, and a disruption of dmeF rendered the high-level metal cation resistance systems Czc and Cnr ineffective against Co(II). This is evidence for the periplasmic detoxification of substrates by RND transporters of the heavy metal efflux family subgroup.  相似文献   
Synaptotagmin is a multifunctional membrane protein that may regulate exo-endocytic cycling of synaptic vesicles at the presynaptic plasmalemma. Its C2B domain has been postulated to interact with a variety of effector molecules including acidic phospholipids, phosphoinositides, SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors), calcium channels, and the clathrin adaptor complex AP-2. Here we report that a basic motif within the C2B domain is required and sufficient for binding to AP-2 via its mu2 subunit and that this interaction is dependent on multimerization of the AP-2 binding site. Moreover, we show that upon fusion to a plasma membrane reporter protein this sequence is sufficient to target the chimeric molecule for internalization. We hypothesize that basic motifs within multimeric membrane proteins may represent a novel type of clathrin/AP-2-dependent endocytosis signal.  相似文献   
Cadmium and zinc are removed from cells of Ralstonia metallidurans by the CzcCBA efflux pump and by two soft-metal-transporting P-type ATPases, CadA and ZntA. The czcCBA genes are located on plasmid pMOL30, and the cadA and zntA genes are on the bacterial chromosome. Expression of zntA from R. metallidurans in Escherichia coli predominantly mediated resistance to zinc, and expression of cadA predominantly mediated resistance to cadmium. Both transporters decreased the cellular content of zinc or cadmium in this host. In the plasmid-free R. metallidurans strain AE104, single gene deletions of cadA or zntA had only a moderate effect on cadmium and zinc resistance, but zinc resistance decreased 6-fold and cadmium resistance decreased 350-fold in double deletion strains. Neither single nor double gene deletions affected zinc resistance in the presence of czcCBA. In contrast, cadmium resistance of the cadA zntA double mutant could be elevated only partially by the presence of CzcCBA. lacZ reporter gene fusions indicated that expression of cadA was induced by cadmium but not by zinc in R. metallidurans strain AE104. In the absence of the zntA gene, expression of cadA occurred at lower cadmium concentrations and zinc now served as an inducer. In contrast, expression of zntA was induced by both zinc and cadmium, and the induction pattern did not change in the presence or absence of CadA. However, expression of both genes, zntA and cadA, was diminished in the presence of CzcCBA. This indicated that CzcCBA efficiently decreased cytoplasmic cadmium and zinc concentrations. It is discussed whether these data favor a model in which the cations are removed either from the cytoplasm or the periplasm by CzcCBA.  相似文献   
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