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Laboratory-hatched larvae of this estuarine crab were rearedat 25°C in seawater of 25 salinity for 18 days coveringzoeal Stages I to IV and a megalops. Three-day periods betweenzoeal stages represent intermolt stages of circadean metecdysis,diecdysis, and proecdysis.Larvae were exposed to either a seriesof seawater salinities from 5-40 in 5 increments or of 10-40in 10 increments for one hour during each day of their development.The osmoconcentrations of 20-80 nanoliter hemolymph samplesfrom each of four larvae were measured separately by determinationsof freezing point depression. Eyestalkless larvae in metecdysis of zoeal Stage II were exposedto the same osmoconcentrations as unoperated controls to testfor osmoregulation by eyestalk nerve tissue. Larvae tend to be isosmotic with seawater of 30-40 salinity(S) and to hyperregulate in more dilute media except for larvaein their first diecdysis which remain isosmotic. Larvae in thelast few hours of proecdysis hyperregulate against 40 S as well,presumably to insure inflow of water to establish a greaterbody volume during hardening of the exoskeleton. They are consequentlyisosmotic in the very early metecdysis. The presence of eyestalks at the first metecdysis (Stage II)keeps zoeas hyperosmotic to 5-30 S, but prevents them from hyperregulationagainst 40 S. Eyestalkless zoeas become isosmotic with 5-30S and hyperregulate against 40 S like late proecdysal larvae.Lack of eyestalks makes diecdysal animals hyperregulate againsta medium with which normal animals are isosmotic. The eyestalkinfluence affects second metecdysal (Stage III) larvae in away similar to those in first metecdysis except that it apparentlyalso prevents a curious tendency to hyporegulate in 5-30 S.Similarly, in this stage, the eyestalks prevent hyperosmosityin 40 S seawater as they do during the first day of zoeal StageII. Eyestalk nerve tissue reduces the degree to which diecdysallarvae of this stage remain hyperosmotic to media of 10 S and20 S and apparently causes larvae to be hypoosmotic at 40 S. Preliminary data indicate that removal of eyestalks has littleeffect on proecdysal larval osmoregulation or on regulationof Stage IV zoeas. In other experiments ablation of eyestalks caused Stage II larvaeto lose the ability to osmoregulate against 10-30 S seawaterwithin two hours after the operation. The same zoeas did nothyperregulate against 40 seawater until four hours after removalof eyestalks.  相似文献   
Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-72) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Bragg), which have been reported to differ in acclimation to elevated CO2, were grown for a season in sunlight at ambient and twice-ambient [CO2], and under daytime temperature regimes ranging from 28 to 40°C. The objectives of the study were to test whether CO2 enrichment could compensate for adverse effects of high growth temperatures on photosynthesis, and whether these two C3 species differed in this regard. Leaf photosynthetic assimilation rates (A) of both species, when measured at the growth [CO2], were increased by CO2 enrichment, but decreased by supraoptimal temperatures. However, CO2 enrichment more than compensated for the temperature-induced decline in A. For soybean, this CO2 enhancement of A increased in a linear manner by 32–95% with increasing growth temperatures from 28 to 40°C, whereas with rice the degree of enhancement was relatively constant at about 60%, from 32 to 38°C. Both elevated CO2 and temperature exerted coarse control on the Rubisco protein content, but the two species differed in the degree of responsiveness. CO2 enrichment and high growth temperatures reduced the Rubisco content of rice by 22 and 23%, respectively, but only by 8 and 17% for soybean. The maximum degree of Rubisco down-regulation appeared to be limited, as in rice the substantial individual effects of these two variables, when combined, were less than additive. Fine control of Rubisco activation was also influenced by both elevated [CO2] and temperature. In rice, total activity and activation were reduced, but in soybean only activation was lowered. The apparent catalytic turnover rate (Kcat) of rice Rubisco was unaffected by these variables, but in soybean elevated [CO2] and temperature increased the apparent Kcat by 8 and 22%, respectively. Post-sunset declines in Rubisco activities were accelerated by elevated [CO2] in rice, but by high temperature in soybean, suggesting that [CO2] and growth temperature influenced the metabolism of 2-carboxyarabinitol-1-phosphate, and that the effects might be species-specific. The greater capacity of soybean for CO2 enhancement of A at supraoptimal temperatures was probably not due to changes in stomatal conductance, but may be partially attributed to less down-regulation of Rubisco by elevated [CO2] in soybean than in rice. However, unidentified species differences in the temperature optimum for photosynthesis also appeared to be important. The responses of photosynthesis and Rubisco in rice and soybean suggest that among C3 plants species-specific differences will be encountered as a result of future increases in global [CO2] and air temperatures.  相似文献   
Detailed action spectra for photoinduction and photoinactivationof germination of the crucifer, Arabidopsis thaliana, have beendetermined. The photoresponse has a typical red, far-red sensitivitywith a peak susceptivity for induction at 660 mµ and twomaxima at 720 and 740 mµ for inactivation. The responsecurve for induction is a logarithmic function of dose and forinactivation a linear function of dose. The close similarity of the action spectra with other photomorphogenicaction spectra in diverse plant tissues indicates that thereis little attenuation by screening pigments or scattering beforethe photoreceptor is reached. The low dark germination percentageand the reproducible light sensitivity make the system advantageousfor the study of photoimetic substances. (Received October 1, 1960; )  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We have devised a two step method for the synchronous induction of telotrochs in the peritrich ciliate, Vorticella convallaria. The method is easy, reliable, and allows us to study the earliest events of telotroch formation at the ultrastructural, biochemical, and molecular levels. The steps involved are: (1) excising the cell body from the stalk in a large population (7.4 times 104 cells) of EDTA-treated, attached cells by the application of monocalcium phosphate monohydrate solution at pH 3.2, (2) rinsing and suspending the isolated cell bodies in inorganic medium. Within 90 min, 80% of the population forms telotrochs. Analysis of factors that are important for maximum stalk excision and transformation shows that the population must not be older than 2 d and the most effective concentration of monocalcium phosphate is 4.8 mM for a 20 min exposure. The most effective monocalcium phosphate is in the monohydrated form. A pH value of 3.2, produced by the addition of hydrochloric acid in the presence or absence of calcium is not sufficient to initiate stalk excision and telotroch formation. This observation leads us to conclude that stalk excision is dependent on monocalcium phosphate or its hydrolysis products.  相似文献   
Summary Chick embryo fibroblasts in vitro have been studied with the scanning electron microscope. It has been found that when an advancing ruffled membrane reaches and crosses another cell, it retains contact with the substrate upon which it is moving. It is concluded that failure of contact inhibition is not explicable in terms of any hypothesis suggesting that advancing ruffled membranes adhere preferentially to the free (i. e. facing the nutrient medium) aspects of cells they encounter, rather than to their substrate.The Cambridge Scientific Instruments Stereoscan scanning electron microscope was provided by the Science Research Council (U. K.).  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Only well fed Paramecium aurelia , grown either monoflorally or on a mixture of 2 species of bacteria, are adequate to maintain optimal fission rates and encystment rates for Didinium nasutum. Progressive starvation of paramecia prior to their being fed to didinia leads to decreased fission rates, the appearance of abnormal cells and a loss of ability to encyst by the didinia. This depression can be fully overcome by allowing the didinia to feed again upon well nourished paramecia. A minimum of 45 well-fed paramecia is required daily for each Didinium if maximal fission rates are to be maintained. Encystment and fission appear to be mutually exclusive processes, but encystment rates are related to fission rates and seem to be exclusive of the density of the didinial culture.  相似文献   
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