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In the experiment with 18 winter varieties the genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations were estimated in all combinations between the pairs of 11 quantitative characters. Both yield of grain with its components and further characters were evaluated, of which flag leaf size and leaf angle of the last but one leaf are of importance for the utilization of light energy and consequently for receiving maximum rates of photosynthesis. In simple genotypic and phenotypic correlations their different stability with regard to mineral nutrition, eventually to the date of sowing was proved. In the discussion the limited signification of simple correlation for the statement of complicated processes in plants caused by multiplied associations of characters was pointed out. In the example of yield components of the plant at the application of 60 kg N per hectare it was shown that also further unknown variable factors might participate in the genotypic correlation. It may be concluded that the inclusion of them when constructing the selection indexes will give further foundations for handling yield as a breeding or genetic character, and for the causal analysis of yield formation in wheat.  相似文献   
Ethionine at concentrations of 10−3M, 5×10−3M and 10−2M inhibits growth, both of β-galactosidase inducible ML-30 and constitutive ML-308Escherichia coli strains. The protein synthesis (measured by the incorporation of l-leucine-14C and l-aspartic-14C acid into proteins) of these strains is inhibited to the same extent as their growth. The synthesis of inducible and constitutive β-galactosidase produced by the strains ML-30 and ML-308, respectively, is considerably inhibited by ethionine.  相似文献   
Byl sledován vliv 6-benzylaminopurinu na dýchání pupen? jabloně odr?dy Boskooaké v pr?běhu 5 dn? po pod7#x00E1;ní kininu. Bylo zji?těno, ?e spot?eba kyslíku stanovovaná p?ímou metodou Warburgovou je vy??í ji? prvního dne po podání 6-benzylaminopurmu a stoupá stále výrazněji a? do pátého dne, kdy je spot?eba kyslíku u pupen? stimulovaných o 75% vy??í, ne? u pupen? kontrolních.  相似文献   
Была высказана гипотеза, что биосинтез гризеофульвине, цитромицетина, фульвиновой кислоты, фусаeубине, руброфусарина и родствеооых им вешеств протекаеР не путем конденсации линейнон цепочки, а из двух более коротких цепочек, которые возникают конденсацией 4 и 3 ацетатных единп. реакции, осушествляющиеся на уровне этих цапочек (илн прнмежувочных структур) метиляция, редукция, и, возможно, последующая дегидратация или только эноэизация— определяют направление дальнeйшeй кондeнсации в такой стeпeни, что конeчныe продуктыотдичаются своeй структурой.  相似文献   
Было установлено, что актиномицет Str. noursei образует амиды некоторых разветвленных алифатических кислот: изобутирамид, метилэтилацетамид, изовалерамид, а, вероятно, и более сложные гомологи, как изокапронамид, изоэнантамид и 4-метилкапронамид. Обсуждается биогенез этих веществ.  相似文献   
For three types of self-sucking impellers (fourand six-pipe and disk impellers) mixing power, initial point, amount of gas leaving the impeller and mass transfer coefficient were determined experimentally. Investigations were performed for two systems: water and biomass solution.From the point of view of a minimum mixing power and maximum mass transfer coefficient the best impeller has been chosen. Fuzzy multiobjective optimization for determination of optimum operating conditions is proposed.List of Symbols c concentration of oxygen - D tank diameter - d impeller diameter - g acceleration of gravity - H height of liquid in the tank - H height of liquid above impeller, H=H-y - k consistency coefficient - k L a volumetric mass transfer coefficient - N rotational speed of impeller - n flow behaviour index - P mixing power for pure liquid - P G mixing power for aerated liquid - V G volumetric air flow rate - y distance of impeller from the tank bottom - v a apparent kinematic viscosity of liquid - density of liquid - time - gas hold-up - Eu=P/N 3 d 5 or EuG=P G /N 3 d 5 Euler Number for non-gassed or aerated liquid - Fr=N 2 d/g Froude Number - Fr*=N 2 d 2 /g(H -y) modified Froude Number - KG=V G /N d 3 gas flow number - Re=N d 2 /v a Reynolds Number - Sh=k K a/(g 2 /v a )1/3 Sherwood Number  相似文献   
Summary Photosynthetic oxygen evolution from Antarctic macroalgaAdenocystis utricularis, collected from littoral zone of Admiralty Bay of King George Island (South Shetland), was measured under standard laboratory conditions during a 9-month study period. During autumn and winter the photosynthetic apparatus of the alga revealed an increased capacity to use low irradiance. This coincided with increasing concentrations of chlorophyll a+c. In parallel respiration rates measured at the average monthly water temperature were lower in winter than in summer.  相似文献   
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