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Isolation and chromosomal localization of the human En-2 gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S J Poole  M L Law  F T Kao  Y F Lau 《Genomics》1989,4(3):225-231
By low stringency hybridization we have isolated from a human cosmid genomic library sequences homologous with a probe from the Drosophila engrailed gene. Partial nucleotide sequence analysis shows a consensus splice acceptor site followed by an open reading frame (ORF) that can encode 104 amino acids; the first 94 amino acids have 71% identity with the Drosophila engrailed protein. The shared region contains a homeo domain and is within the region of engrailed shared with the Drosophila invected gene and the mouse En-1 and En-2 genes. At the amino acid level, the human sequence is 85% identical with the mouse En-1 gene and 100% identical with the mouse En-2 gene. Hybridization against a panel of human-hamster somatic cell hybrids maps this human En-2 gene to chromosome 7, and regional mapping by in situ hybridization to human chromosomes localizes it to region 7q36 at the end of the long arm.  相似文献   
Previous results from our laboratory employing the phospholipid-selective cytochemical stain iodoplatinate (IP) suggest that surfactant-like phospholipids (SLPL) are intracellularly contained within rodent gastric mucous cells and are occasionally seen extracellularly within the mucous gel layer. This hydrophobic lipid coating may provide the stomach with a protective water-repellent lining against the corrosive gastric juice in the lumen. Extracellular SLPL are frequently removed during tissue processing for electron microscopy. In this study, we developed a simple method employing an agarose-embedding technique to retain these extracellular SLPL in gastric mucosa excised from rats pre-treated with prostaglandin (to stimulate gastric surfactant/mucus secretion). With the help of polypropylene supporting screens and cassette carriers, thin slices of agarose-embedded gastric mucosa were well preserved and uniformly stained with IP. Extracellular myelin figures were well retained over the interfoveolar surface as well as in the pit region. The IP-reactive substances were seen within or coating the surface of the mucous gel. Our results also indicate that agarose is useful not only for supporting soft tissue while preparing sections with a microslicer but also for preservation of extracellular lipoidal material for electron microscopic observation.  相似文献   
Summary Allozyme variation as detected by starch gel electrophoresis was used to assess the extent and spatial organization of genetic variation across the entire range of Glycine canescens sensu lato. Eleven enzyme systems were assayed in 116 accessions of this taxon and 102 alleles were detected at a total of 31 loci. Eighty-one percent of loci were polymorphic. Most of this variation occurred between and very little within accessions. Three major groupings were detected. These groupings (groups 1, 2, and 3) also differed with respect to mean seed size and their geographic distribution. A further ten accessions stood out from these distinct groups. These accessions were most closely related to group 3 but were variable among themselves. In general, they were collected from highly dissected terrain, often in the remote interior of the continent. A final group of 18 problematic accessions (group X), originally tentatively identified as G. canescens on morphological grounds, was shown to be isozymically distinct from this species and was reclassified as one form of the polytypic species G. clandestina.  相似文献   
Plant community structure in an oligohaline tidal marsh   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An oligohaline tidal marsh on the northern shore of Lake Pontchartrain, LA was characterized with respect to the distributions and abundances of plant species over spatial and temporal gradients using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). In addition, the species distributions were correlated to several physical environmental factors using Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA). The distributions of species were best correlated with distance from Lake Pontchartrain, and to a lesser extent with elevation and substrate organic matter. They were least correlated with mean soil salinity (referred to here as background salinity). Of the three mid-seasonal dominant species, the perennial grass, Spartina patens, is the most salt tolerant and was found closest to the lake. Further inland the dominant perennial was Sagittaria lancifolia, which has a salt tolerance less than that of Spartina patens. The perennial sedge, Cladium jamaicense, which is the least salt tolerant of the three, was dominant furthest inland. Background salinity levels were generally low (<5 ppt.) and did not explain species distributions. We hypothesize that the distribution of species is regulated by occasional storm-generated salt pulses that generate strong, short-lived salinity gradients as a function of distance from the lake. Biotic interactions likely also play a role in structuring the plant community. The distributions of several annuals depended on the size and life history of the mid-seasonal dominant perennials. Most of the annuals frequently co-occurred with Sagittaria lancifolia, which was the shortest in stature and had the least persistent canopy of the three mid-seasonal dominant perennials.Abbreviations DCA Detrended Correspondence Analysis - DCCA Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis  相似文献   
A leaf disc method for measuring cuticular conductance   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This paper describes a new method for the measurement of cuticularconductance (go;) using a leaf disc sealed in a specially-designedenvelope. Conductances for astomatous (adaxial) and stomatous(abaxial) surfaces of beech {Fagus sylvatica L.) were determinedfrom measurements of water flux. Leaf discs were punched outfrom attached leaves and placed inside individual envelopesthat provided a water supply. Water flux from an exposed epidermalsurface of the leaf discs was measured gravimetrically. Allmeasurements were made under darkness. Conductance of the adaxialsurface was referred to as gc, whereas conductance of the abaxialsurface was considered as a minimum leaf surface conductance()- The main advantage of this method is that it enables measurement of gc and from leaf samples with intact cuticles and a highrelative water content [RWC) for periods of up to 12 d. Conductancesof leaf discs in envelopes were compared with those of wholeleaves and leaf discs without envelopes. Data demonstratinga strong positive relationship between conductance and RWC ispresented. Key words: Cuticular conductance, leaf disc, relative water content  相似文献   
C C Kao  J H Sun 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):6826-6830
Various DNA- and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases have been reported to use oligoribonucleotide primers to initiate nucleic acid synthesis. For the brome mosaic virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), we determined that in reactions performed with limited GTP concentrations, minus-strand RNA synthesis can be stimulated by the inclusion of guanosine monophosphate or specific oligoribonucleotides. Furthermore, guanylyl-3',5'-guanosine (GpG) was incorporated into minus-strand RNA and increased the rate of minus-strand RNA synthesis. In the presence of GpG, RdRp's Km for GTP decreased from 50 microM to approximately 3 microM while the Kms for other nucleotides were unaffected. These results have implications for the mechanism of initiation by RdRp.  相似文献   
X Zhao  S Nadji  J L Kao    J S Taylor 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(8):1554-1560
Irradiation of the dinucleotide TpdA and TA-containing oligonucleotides and DNA produces the TA* photoproduct which was proposed to be the [2+2] cyclo-addition adduct between the C5-C6 double bonds of the T and the A [Bose,S.N., Kumar,S., Davies,R.J.H., Sethi,S.K. and McCloskey,J.A. (1984) Nucleic Acids Res. 12, 7929-7947]. The proposed structure was based on a variety of spectroscopic and chemical degradation studies, and the assignment of a trans-syn-I stereochemistry was based on an extensive 1H-NMR and molecular modeling study of the dinucleotide adduct [Koning,T.M.G., Davies,R.J.H. and Kaptein,R. (1990) Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 277-284]. However, a number of properties of TA* are not in accord with the originally proposed structure, and prompted a re-evaluation of the structure. To assign the 13C spectrum and establish the bond connectivities of the TA* photoproduct of TpdA [d(TpA)*], 1H-13C heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence (HMQC) and heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) spectra were obtained. The 13C shifts and connectivities were found to be inconsistent with the originally proposed cyclobutane ring fusion between the thymine and adenine, but could be explained by a subsequent ring-expansion reaction to give an eight-membered ring valence isomer. The new structure for the d(TpA)* resolves the inconsistencies with the originally proposed structure, and could have a stereochemistry that arises from the anti, anti glycosyl conformation found in B form DNA.  相似文献   
We present a novel optical technique for three-dimensional tracking of single fluorescent particles using a modified epifluorescence microscope containing a weak cylindrical lens in the detection optics and a microstepper-controlled fine focus. Images of small, fluorescent particles were circular in focus but ellipsoidal above and below focus; the major axis of the ellipsoid shifted by 90 degrees in going through focus. Particle z position was determined from the image shape and orientation by applying a peak detection algorithm to image projections along the x and y axes; x, y position was determined from the centroid of the particle image. Typical spatial resolution was 12 nm along the optical axis and 5 nm in the image plane with a maximum sampling rate of 3-4 Hz. The method was applied to track fluorescent particles in artificial solutions and living cells. In a solution of viscosity 30 cP, the mean squared distance (MSD) traveled by a 264 nm diameter rhodamine-labeled bead was linear with time to 20 s. The measured diffusion coefficient, 0.0558 +/- 0.001 micron2/s (SE, n = 4), agreed with the theoretical value of 0.0556 micron2/s. Statistical variability of MSD curves for a freely diffusing bead was in quantitative agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of three-dimensional random walks. In a porous glass matrix, the MSD data was curvilinear and showed reduced bead diffusion. In cytoplasm of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, bead diffusion was restricted. The water permeability in individual Chinese Hamster Ovary cells was measured from the z movement of a fluorescent bead fixed at the cell surface in response osmotic gradients; water permeability was increased by > threefold in cells expressing CHIP28 water channels. The simplicity and precision of this tracking method may be useful to quantify the complex trajectories of fluorescent particles in living cells.  相似文献   
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